She Belongs to Me

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She Belongs to Me Page 13

by Carmen DeSousa

  “Please…” was all she could murmur before his lips returned to hers.

  “Jaynee,” he whispered her name again, his breathing as ragged as hers. “I want to make love to you, more than anything I’ve ever wanted.”

  He unzipped her dress completely, pulling it off her shoulders and over her waist. She wriggled out the rest of the way. His hand trailed over her waist, tracing a pattern across her stomach, leaving a track of fire everywhere he touched.

  She reached up and began unbuttoning his shirt; he didn’t stop her this time. Instead, when she finished, he returned her to her back as he freed his arms from his shirt and tossed it on the floor.

  Jordan crawled over top of her, carefully suspending his body over hers. “God, you’re beautiful, Jaynee.”

  She shied her eyes away and took the opportunity to outline his chest with her fingers, following a path to his abs. She looked back up and searched his eyes, a silent request. He plunged his mouth back on hers, an affirmation. She moved her hands to his belt, removing all restraints.

  It seemed as if it would never end, and she didn’t know if she ever wanted it to, but when it finally did, the room spun, her mind exploded, a pleasure she never knew possible washed over her entire body, and a groan of undiluted gratification escaped her lips.

  “Wow!” was all she could manage to utter when they finished making love.

  “That’s an understatement!” He bent his head down once more to kiss her under her jaw then fell back down alongside her and scooped her up into an embrace.

  They lay there without moving for an immeasurable length of time.

  “So how are you feeling, my love?” His tone was blissful.

  She looked up at him. “You have to ask?” Her face flushed so heavily she could feel the warmth in her cheeks.

  “Not really. Not if it was half as good for you as it was for me.” He nuzzled the side of her face as his arms pulled her closer so he could reach her neck.

  “Probably twice as good is more accurate,” she countered. “You are amazing.” He pulled back to look at her as if what she’d said shocked him. She thought he might have blushed also, or it could have been from the lovemaking.

  He huffed lightly, but she could see the hint of a smile. She’d embarrassed him? “So, it’s early…what else would you like to do? Do you want dessert?”

  “No,” she sulked. “Because then we’d have to get dressed, and I don’t want to move.” Her lower lip jutted out, the pout southern girls learn early in life. He must have noticed, because he touched his fingertips to her lower lip effectively pushing it back, causing her to smile instead.

  “Room service then?” he suggested. “I worked up quite an appetite and need to build my energy back up for later.” His smile was devious; a low growl escaping his lips made her body shiver in pleasant ways.

  “In that case, order up whatever you want.” She kissed him on the forehead then bounded from the bed, wrapping herself in an afghan. Aware of his ever-watching eyes, she sauntered her way around the edge of the bed. She rounded the corner to the bathroom then poked her head back around to see if he was still watching. He was. “I am going to take a bubble bath.” She closed the door but then opened it slightly, calling out, “You’re welcome to join me.”

  “I’ll be there in two minutes. Make it hot!” His laugh came out in an exuberant burst.


  Carmen DeSousa

  Chapter Twelve

  Jaynee awoke with Jordan’s arms still wrapped around her. She slowly raised her head, expecting him to be asleep.

  He pressed his lips to her forehead. “Good morning, Mrs. Monroe.” His eyes sparkled in the dim light filtering through the edges of the drawn curtains.

  “Good morning,” she crooned. “Are you sure you sleep?”

  He grinned devilishly as he moved her to her back. “Yes, but I had an incredible dream that woke me. I’d complain but I know reality is even better.” His eyes smoldered as his fingers traced her lips.

  She blinked at his penetrating gaze. “What was your dream about?” The events of their wedding night pelted her senses, and her body yearned with anticipation, hoping his dream involved her.

  “Shall I show you?” His words dripped with seduction.

  The question was obviously rhetorical; he didn’t give her an opportunity to answer. Once again he took her to a place she’d be happy if she never returned. She wondered how any woman could ever tire of this; she couldn’t see herself ever not wanting him. Desire burned through her entire body. When their lovemaking ended, a triumphant smile spread across his face.

  “Showoff,” she murmured.

  He pulled her face to his for a quick kiss. “Just taking care of my husbandly duties.”

  “Well, you’re doing a marvelous job. Not that I have much experience in this area, but I cannot imagine it getting any better.”

  “A challenge…” he mused, drawing the word out with a southern version of a French accent.

  Self-conscious, she buried her head in his chest. “And just how did you get so experienced?” He’d said he’d been with women, but had never made love. He never elaborated on how many women though. She hoped that she’d been good enough, hoped he couldn’t tell how inexperienced she was.

  He sighed. “I’m not experienced, Jaynee.” He rolled his eyes at her comment; clearly he didn’t want to talk about it. “You’re embarrassing me.” Jordan pushed her up gently. “I’m hungry. Get dressed before I attack you again.” He shooed her off with a swat on her butt. “Dress in jeans and a long sleeve t-shirt today,” he added as she walked away. “We’ll be outdoors all day.”

  Traffic on the road was light, and they were already off the main strip heading for the highway.

  They drove in silence for about fifteen minutes when Jordan leaned over and brushed her cheek. “What are you thinking about?”

  She turned in her seat and faced him. “I wasn’t thinking about anything really. Just wondering where we’re going but didn’t want to ask in case it was a surprise.”

  He lifted her hand from her lap and laced his fingers with hers. “It’s not really a surprise, just a place I looked up online that was fairly close. I told you outdoors. Do you like being outdoors?”

  “I love it! My dad took me to the White Mountains in New Hampshire a few times when I was young along with my stepbrothers and stepsister. It was his favorite place in the world,” she babbled on, happy to share a happier part of her life with Jordan.

  He smiled, and his eyes were bright with fresh enthusiasm, evidently thankful to hear everything in her life wasn’t tragic, and perhaps he was happy they shared a passion for the outdoors.

  They made one stop, an outdoor store. Jordan wanted to pick up a daypack, hiking boots for both of them and a jacket for her. She noticed he also grabbed some type of blanket. He tossed in a few snacks from the counter and a couple of water bottles, and they were back on the road in minutes.

  “This is a rather strenuous hike,” Jordan warned lightly. “But from what I read, it is worth the climb. It will take six hours round trip at a regular pace. But if you get tired, I could always carry you,” he added with a grin.

  Jaynee smacked him on the arm and gestured that they should be on their way. “I assure you I am not a sissy. I am plenty used to exercise.”

  The hike was difficult at first. It climbed steeply, and with the sudden rise in altitude, the scenery changed drastically from where they’d started. As they climbed higher, the trail weaved its way through an Alpine forest, something Jaynee didn’t expect in the middle of the desert. It was cool too, about fifty degrees, so she was thankful for the long-sleeve shirt and jacket.

  Jordan pointed out different trees they passed, Juniper, White Fir, Ponderosa, Limber and Bristlecone Pines. They traveled through what looked to be a meadow, but the flowers had all gone to sleep for the fall. She wondered what it would be like in the spring.

  Lost in daydreams of coming back over the y
ears to visit their honeymoon spot, she smiled. Not sure what she was thinking, but obviously content with her happiness, Jordan smiled too and squeezed her hand lightly in his.

  They walked onto several expansive vistas to take in the surrounding peaks. Jordan pointed in the direction of the tallest. “That’s Mount Charleston and over there is McFarland Peak.”

  “They’re beautiful, Jordan.” Both of the peaks were snowcapped, and Jaynee couldn’t help but marvel at the majesty.

  Because of the strenuous hike, the trail was secluded, and they saw only one other hiker who trekked by them swiftly with his dog—a chow-chow—following obediently by his side. She was certain there was a leash law, but it didn’t bother her. She could see he looked to be a skilled hiker and was sure it wasn’t the man’s first time either.

  After a couple hours of hiking, Jordan led them to an isolated piece of ground obscured by the trees from the trail they were just traversing but still overlooked the desert floor below. He spread out the blanket, allowing them both to sit and handed her one of the protein bars and a bottle of water. They ate in silence, absorbing the solitude of the surrounding Toiyabe National Forest. It was so serene and quiet.

  Jordan trailed his hand down her back. “I selected this trail because it was supposed to be the most private. Are you enjoying it?”

  “It’s beautiful, so serene and quiet,” she said, voicing the words she’d just contemplated.

  He lay back on the blanket, pulling her down beside him. Out of the breeze, the sun felt warmer as it caressed her face. She removed her jacket, making a pillow for under his head. She had his arm, which was perfectly comfortable.

  Birds chirped, and she heard a few squirrels scurry through the wood.

  Jordan pulled up on his side but secured her head with his arm. His other hand moved over her stomach and tenderly moved her t-shirt up just above her navel. He trailed his fingers with slow motions over the soft area there. Her body quivered under his touch as chills ran rampant down her arms.

  “Jaynee,” he started then stopped.

  She waited a second, but he didn’t continue. “Yes?”

  He ran a finger over his eyebrow, smoothing it, in what looked to be a nervous gesture. “Do you want children?”

  The question startled her; she wasn’t expecting this inquest. She shouldn’t want kids after everything she’d been through, but she knew someday she did. “Yes, I do,” was all she could think to say, wondering if he wanted to have children.

  “Do you think it’s possible you could be pregnant right now?”

  “What? No!” she blurted out a little too loud, sitting up immediately. “Why in the world would you assume that?” She definitely wasn’t expecting this conversation.

  “Well, we didn’t use protection, so wouldn’t it be possible?” His tone was suspicious at once.

  “You sound as if that would be a good thing.” She couldn’t keep the shock out of her voice. Would he really want her to be pregnant?

  “And you don’t?” He narrowed his brows, and a glint of anger flashed in his eyes. “But I’m confused, why do you think it wouldn’t be possible?” He sat up swiftly, his gaze now boring into hers.

  She was shocked; he did want that. What could he be thinking? She was still in college. Pregnant…was he insane?

  “Jordan, I am on the pill, that’s why. Do you honestly think I wouldn’t have taken precaution these last two days if there had been any chance of becoming pregnant?”

  “But why…why would you be taking birth control? I thought you didn’t date.” His eyes, narrowing in confusion again, quickly turned to black suspicion.

  Jaynee fought to control her emotions. She wanted to be furious at his conjecture, tell him it was none of his business why she was on the pill.

  “It’s not what you’re insinuating, Jordan. I had no intention on having sex anytime soon.” She huffed out a breath and shook her head. She didn’t really want to talk about her womanly issues. “My doctor prescribed the pill to regulate my periods. As it turns out, I’m glad he did.” His head lowered, and she inclined hers in response. “What are you thinking though? You would want me to be pregnant?” The last word came out as an oath.

  His eyes softened, and immediately his features were apologetic. “Oh, that makes sense. I apologize, that was rude for me to even insinuate.” His eyes were truly regretful and obliging as he pulled her back into his arms. “Yes, I would like that. I’m twenty-seven, and I’m ready for children. You’re right though; you’d want to continue your college. But I promise you, even if you didn’t, I’ll provide a good home for us and a family.

  Jaynee couldn’t help but relax at his comments. “We have time, Jordan. There’s no rush. Besides, I like the idea of having you all to myself for a while,” she murmured, touching his cheek with her fingertips.

  “I understand. I’m just excited about our life and ready to move ahead.” His hand soothed circles on her back.

  “You are the most wonderful man.” Jaynee leaned in to kiss him. “I guess I have to comprehend you long for what most men don’t. I always hear about men being afraid to make a commitment. How did I get so fortunate?”

  He huffed and shook his head. “I think you deserve a little good fortune, Jaynee. And I am happy to be your Prince Charming if that’s how you view me…even if I don’t always act as such.” He laughed at his comment then pulled her back into his arms.

  They were quiet again. Was that their first argument? No, it was a misunderstanding. Children…she wasn’t even twenty-two. What was he thinking? Her mother had her when she was nineteen; of course, she wasn’t a good representation of what was normal. She would never be like her. Maybe that worried Jordan. No, he couldn’t possibly be thinking she’d be anything like her mother. But maybe he thought she wouldn’t want children after her experiences.

  She didn’t want to voice her concerns. It was too comfortable sitting there in silence. She realized one of the situations of marrying quickly—you discover secrets after it’s too late. All the quirks were hers though; she couldn’t find a fault in him. Not that she was trying, but there certainly must be something. She giggled at the notion, trying to find a fault in her husband. He was controlling...but in a good way, she amended.

  Jaynee heard a rustle in the trees and looked up at Jordan; his eyes were already there.

  “Shh, be very still. Maybe they’ll come closer.”

  Did she want whatever it was to come closer? If he wasn’t troubled, she surely had no reason to feel nervous. He pulled her further to his side of the blanket so she could see in the direction he was looking.

  “What is it?” she asked in a hushed tone.

  “I hoped we’d see some but didn’t want to mention it in the event we didn’t. They’re wild horses.”

  “Really?” she asked too loudly, excited by the prospect. She saw three heads spring up from the grass they were eating. Sure enough, wild horses stood in the small clearing. Their coats were brown and black, one with a very short mane cropped to his neck but the other two had longer manes that swayed down their necks.

  When the horses finally moved along, they were able to speak again. They didn’t try to make contact, instead, simply enjoyed the opportunity to watch them in their natural state.

  “Jordan, do you have horses?” she asked abruptly.

  He laughed. “No, but we can if you want; our property is plenty large enough.”

  “Really, we can?”

  “Whatever you wish, my love. Let’s start heading back; there’s something else I want to show you.”

  They descended the path faster than their ascent. Jaynee had to move fast to keep his tempo, but finally Jordan slowed his pace. Could they have made it back to the start already? That’s when she heard it—a waterfall.

  “Jordan!” she exclaimed. “I love waterfalls!”

  He stood behind her, his arms wrapped around her waist as they stared at the magnificence and splendor. Something about a waterfall en
tranced her, especially in the desert. The breeze created as the cascading falls pounded the river below as the sound of the crashing water drowned out all other noises as it beat the rocks below the waiting river’s surface. It was simply breathtaking.

  Her eyes glazed over just a tad at the thoughtfulness that Jordan had put into their week. “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He bent over her shoulder, kissing her neck. “I love them too,” he admitted.


  Kenny drove by Caycee’s house several times yesterday, throughout the night and again today. Neither her Focus nor the dude’s F-150 had moved. No wonder Brian was infatuated; she must be a nympho.

  He had stopped by Caycee’s work late Saturday, assuming she would be working on a weekend. She wasn’t. Although, that was all the information he got from the witch upfront. Amy, the girl’s nametag read, refused to tell him anything.

  Now, Kenny just stared at Caycee’s Grandmother’s house. Brian had told him she lived across the street. The older woman had come out a couple of times. Once to get the mail, another to pitter in her garden for a few minutes pulling weeds. Maybe he could offer his services, do some chores around the house. He could be pleasant when he wanted. Whatever he did, he needed to do it quickly. He had promised to meet Brian during visiting hours today, and Brian would be upset if he didn’t have information.

  Kenny pulled onto the driveway of her grandmother’s house. He saw her examine him through the blinds with concern, evidently not used to company as so many old folks. Maybe he should visit his grandma…she was the only one ever nice to him growing up. He noticed the woman opened the main door but kept the storm door closed between them. Sad, he thought. If he meant her harm, that certainly wouldn’t stop him.

  “Hello, ma’am, I was doing some work for the Johnsons,” he started. He had seen their name on their mailbox. How convenient, how stupid. All some people needed was association to make them feel comfortable. “And was wondering if you needed any odd jobs done around your house? I’m sure they would provide you a good reference.”


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