She Belongs to Me

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She Belongs to Me Page 14

by Carmen DeSousa

  “That’s polite to offer, young man, but my son handles all my upkeep.” She smiled sweetly, just like his grandmother.

  “How ’bout the lady ’cross the street? The Johnsons mentioned she was single and may need help around her house?”

  “Oh, that’s Caycee, she was only renting. No, she won’t need any help. She left yesterday…she’s getting married and moving away.” Her face looked a little concerned, but she smiled anyway.

  Kenny worked to control the distress that surged up inside him.

  “Wow, that’s something…where’d she move to?” he asked offhanded, as if it weren’t important, just making conversation. Surely, this old woman didn’t get much company and would love to talk about her granddaughter.

  The expression on Caycee’s grandmother’s face changed. She may be old, but she wasn’t ignorant. Just like his grandma.

  “I couldn’t tell you even if I knew. She asked me not to tell anyone. Goodbye, son, have a good day.” She shut the door in his face. Just like his family.

  Crap! Brian is gonna be furious. Kenny drove to the jail, fearful the entire trip. Would Brian give him up? Would he break his end of the bargain because he’d failed?

  Kenny waited in silence in the pale-grey slathered room. Claustrophobia washed over him; his eyes darted around the concrete-block visiting area that had no windows and only a single exit leading to freedom. He could never come here. He could never let them incarcerate him. It would kill him. The thought of being in a cell was no different from what his father did to him growing up—the beatings, the darkness, and worse, the screams from his sister. He could never handle it.

  He sat stock-still as Brian stepped to the window and picked up the phone. “So, what do ya got for me? Who is he? Did you talk to her?” He wasted no time in chitchat.

  “Not quite, but I did what you said. I waited for her to leave work then asked her if she read the letter. She acted as if she didn’t know what I was talking about, so I got a little persuasive, roughed her up a bit.”

  “You did what?” Brian lurched to his feet, pressing his fists to his temples as if he were able to come through the glass but then regained his composure. His mouth twisted. “Don’t you ever put a hand on her again, do you hear me?” He was calmer, but his words still came out in a rush of anger. “No one touches Caycee but me. Do you understand? That’s all you were supposed to get across.” Brian continued to seethe, but he managed to pull himself together, sinking down in his chair before officers intervened on Kenny’s behalf.

  Kenny wasn’t sure what to do. If he told Brian Caycee was getting married, would he forget about her and move on with his life? Not much of a life it was behind bars. If he didn’t tell him, he wouldn’t know…at least until they released him, then he’d come after Kenny.

  “Brian,” Kenny started with trepidation. “I’m sorry, man…it’s over…it’s too late.”

  “What do mean?” He bristled. “What’s over? What’s too late?” His tone was demanding… frightening, even behind the glass separating them.

  “Her…Caycee, she’s gone. She’s moving away and,” Kenny gulped, “look, man, don’t shoot the messenger. I’ve kept tabs on her for almost six months. She hasn’t done anything but go to college and work. All of the sudden, she’s having coffee with some schmo, and then he’s with her every minute for four days and now—”

  “Now what?” Brian’s voice barked into the mouthpiece. “Now what!” he repeated, enraged. “Say it! What happened to Caycee?” Brian slammed the phone against the partition separating him from freedom. The guards started toward him, clubs drawn, ready to inflict pain.

  Kenny winced at the scene, deciding to assuage Brian’s concerns. “Nothing happened to Caycee, Brian, she’s okay, but…she’s married, dude.”

  The conversation halted as Brian slammed the phone against the glass again. The waiting guards had had enough and dragged Brian from the room, each latching onto one of his arms.

  “No!” He heard Brian’s tortured peal. His scream pierced the air as if Kenny had thrust a knife into his heart.

  Kenny knew without a doubt Brian would call tonight, tell him he would turn him over as his accomplice. He should leave town. But where would he go? He left the jailhouse distraught, his head lowered, hoping no one recognized him. All he wanted was to seep into the ground, disappear and start a new life.


  Carmen DeSousa

  Chapter Thirteen

  After returning from their hike, Jaynee decided to take a nap before dinner but awoke to a dark and quiet hotel room. Only the soft blue lights of the Venetian’s gardens shone through the cracks in the curtains. Her hand patted the space next to her, searching for her husband, but came up empty. Instead, she heard crinkling as her hand stumbled on a piece of paper. She flicked on the lamp, her heart skipping fearfully. Had he left her? Had he decided it was too much? Oh, God, please no. Her breath caught in her throat as she unfolded the hotel stationary.

  My Beautiful Wife,

  I made reservations for seven at Emeril’s, which I hear is quite delicious. I anxiously await your presence downstairs. I thought of waiting, but I knew we would never make it out of the suite. I hope you don’t mind; I purchased you a gift. I couldn’t resist. The dress will look fabulous on you. It will bring out the green in your eyes, and oh how I anticipate removing each individual button to reveal what’s underneath afterward. My heart longs for your arrival. Please hurry!

  Yours forever,


  Instantaneous relief melted through her. How could she have considered for a second that he’d left her?

  She saw the dress hanging on the back of the door. When did he get it? How had he had time to shop? She must have slept longer than she thought, or maybe yesterday…the woman at the boutique.

  The evening gown was an elegant, deep-emerald green. It had a plunging neckline with delicate gold buttons all the way down where they met the bottom of the dress which was cut in an upside down V, and then the rest of the gown angled to floor length. Next to the dress were other accompaniments. A box she assumed held shoes and another she wasn’t certain of its contents. She reached for the package and lifted the top. It contained an entire ensemble of what she could only imagine she was to wear under the dress, also in deep green.

  Blood coursed through her veins; she felt as if her heart would crash through her chest. Everything seemed surreal, but beautiful. She thought of Jordan waiting, and her mind soared.

  Her hands shook in anticipation, making it difficult to apply her makeup. She really didn’t need any; her face was still glowing from the facial and the sun today. She applied a little eye shadow, just enough to bring out the green…as he suggested. She opted for a neutral peach slightly brighter than her skin tone then lined the rims of her eyes with a darker bronze color and lastly applied a layer of mascara.

  The lingerie fit flawlessly, which somehow she never doubted. The dress followed every curve of her body without clinging. The V-neck plunged enough to be sexy without showing excess cleavage, and the cut at the bottom opened high enough to see the front outline of the lower half of her legs. The shoes were black velvet with straps around the ankles and an attractive high heel.

  She looked in the mirror and wondered if it was too much. She sucked in a breath and wondered if her new husband found her as sexy as she felt.

  When she arrived at the restaurant, Jordan was leaning against a wall, arms folded over his chest, legs crossed at the ankles. She couldn’t help but imagine he looked like a 007 agent and anticipated an English accent to emerge from his lips, with a little country twang, naturally.

  He was dressed in a dark suit with a crisp white shirt and a tie clearly selected to complement her gown. His smile lit up his entire face when he saw her. She wondered how many women had already attempted to proposition him, but his smile was for her, and it was apparent he liked what he saw.

  “Wow…” he drew out the word. Warmth filled her cheeks
, no longer an unusual occurrence. He reached his hand out to brush it across her cheek. “You look amazing. Not that you don’t always, but I was correct, that green on you is breathtaking, and your skin is radiant, my little Florida girl.”

  Over dinner, Jaynee learned more about Jordan, more than she ever knew about her previous boyfriend in their three years together.

  She knew any minute her alarm would detonate, and it would be time for college and then work and that cycle would repeat daily. But for now, she was inside a gondola, traversing the waters around the hotel. What a magical place he had chosen.

  Her thoughts drifted while leaning back in Jordan’s embrace. She was nervous about meeting his family. What would they think? Would they accept her? Would they think she was crazy? That thought calmed her a bit. They couldn’t think her crazy without thinking Jordan insane as well. Luckily, they couldn’t accuse her of being pregnant after only a few days, even though she knew some would…why else would anyone marry so quickly? Love… she giggled to herself.

  Jordan glanced down. “What’s funny?” He smiled and pulled her tighter.

  “Nothing, I was just thinking how crazy this all feels.” She peered up at him. “Good crazy,” she amended.

  He nodded in understanding and rested his chin on her head, relaxing with her in his arms while the gondolier did the work.

  Her thoughts returned to their whirlwind romance. Did anyone believe in true love or love-at-first-sight? Jordan alleged it was something more powerful, and she had felt it too. The electricity that soared through her and still did every time he touched her, but would it be enough to make them last? Jordan had a dog and cat. What would they think? Okay, she had lost her senses…she was worrying about animals for Pete’s sake!

  She nestled into him further. She wouldn’t agonize over the inconsequential. She would just breathe in his affection, accepting he knew best.

  The next morning when she awoke in Jordan’s arms again, he was already awake as usual, just lying back staring at the ceiling.

  “What are you thinking about?” she asked when he looked down at her.

  He pulled her chin up to kiss her. “You, mostly, how fortunate I feel…but also how I’m going to get you to wakeup earlier?” His mouth turned up in a sideways grin.

  “What time is it?”


  Her eyes shot up. “That’s late?”

  “Seven…Pacific Time…and when you have to be ready by eight, it is. I am an early riser, Jaynee, usually between three and four.”

  She scowled at him. “So, you have just been lying here these mornings,” she paused, thinking through the days…had it been three mornings, no, four she thought, “waiting for me to wake?” She rather liked that, but it still embarrassed her.

  He tightened his grip around her. “Actually, yes, I enjoy you waking in my arms.” Once again, his charm curbed any frustration.

  She traced circles on his bare chest. “So, what are we doing today?” she asked, knowing he wouldn’t divulge his plans.

  He flashed an enormous smile. “Nope…It’s a surprise….you said surprises were acceptable.”

  “Okay then….what should I wear?”

  “Jeans and a shirt will be fine, but bring the jacket.”

  She attempted to roll out of his arms, and he stopped her. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “But you said…”

  “We have a few minutes to play around.” He rolled her over on her back and nuzzled her neck while moving his hands across her body. “Just a foreshadow of later…unless you could get ready in fifteen minutes.”

  “I think I can manage.” She shivered as his hand trailed down her neck and sides, not from cold, but from the goosebumps his fingers raised on her flesh.

  It was fifty-five minutes later. She’d finished her shower, had just pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and was stepping into her flip-flops as he pushed her out the door.

  “Hey, mister, it’s your fault we’re running late. Stop being so pushy.”

  He pulled the door closed behind them. “I didn’t hear any disagreements from you,” he teased.

  “How could you? You seemed completely, otherwise absorbed,” she offered, giggling.

  “I’ll rephrase. It didn’t feel as if you had any complaints.”

  “I didn’t.” She latched onto his arm and let him drag her down the hall.

  He grabbed the elevator door before it closed, pulled her in and pressed the button for the lobby. When it landed, he led her through the atrium to the entryway. Once outside, he spotted a limo and walked toward it, pulling her in his wake.

  “We’re taking a limo?” she asked, the shock in her voice apparent. Would he ever cease to amaze her? The night of their wedding she’d expected as much, but what could they be doing today that warranted a limousine.

  He scooted next to her in the backseat of the stretched Lincoln. “Yep, but that’s not the surprise.” He turned to the driver. “Don’t suppose you could run through a drive-through, could you? My wife gets irritable without her latte and muffin in the morning.”

  He reached his hand through the opening, handing the driver, which surely must have been a generous tip, because he smiled saying, “Whatever you want, sir. We have plenty of time.”

  Jordan turned back to Jaynee with a Cheshire grin and a wink. Yep, he was accustomed to getting his way.

  Fifteen minutes later, they pulled into the parking lot of an airport. The chauffeur parked alongside other limos and cars, next to a metal building advertising Helicopter Flights over the Grand Canyon. Scores of people milled around awaiting instruction.

  “We’re going in a helicopter?” It was impossible to contain the excitement in her voice.

  His eyes brightened at her enthusiasm. “Yes, will you like that?”

  “Heck yeah, I will!” She practically jumped up and down. “My dad was a pilot, amongst other things. When I was fifteen, he taught me to fly his Cessna. But I always wanted to go up in a helicopter,” she shrieked, unable to contain her overwhelming delight.

  A gentleman approached, directing them to the front office where they needed to review their itinerary and supply copies of their drivers’ licenses. In no time, they were boarding a chopper. The pilot, Jonathan, went over safety information, putting everyone at ease—but mostly the other couples who looked as if they might get sick.

  Jonathan was comforting, assuring everyone the weather was perfect for a flight, and it should be smooth sailing.

  As the helicopter took flight, Jaynee squeezed Jordan’s hand. He rubbed small circles into the back of her hand, reassuring her of his presence. The sensual action soothed her, and soon she forgot about the flight. Heck, she almost forgot to look at the scenery.

  The pilot was entertaining and informative, taking every opportunity to break into the prerecorded information inserting his own personal anecdotes about Nevada’s history and his personal experiences of the region. He remembered everyone’s name, and when there was a point of interest on that person’s corresponding side, he would use their name as he pointed it out.

  Jonathan directed their attention to Lake Meade as they passed over the lake and all its tributaries, explaining how for a change of venue you could rent a houseboat and vacation there opposed to the typical hotel stay. Jaynee wondered if he was giving Jordan ideas…as if he needed any. He also pointed out the Hoover Dam named after President Herbert Hoover after years of politics and countless debates over naming the structure Boulder Dam or Hoover Dam.

  Forty-five minutes into flight, Jaynee felt them drop. She winced, and Jordan was quick to notice and explain. “We are descending into the canyon. It’s about a three thousand foot drop, and we’ll be able to get out, have lunch and look around.”

  She never thought for a second that she’d be able to walk on the canyon floor. But then again, everything Jordan did managed to surprise her.

  Lunch was delightful. They sat under Native American structures
evidently built just for such purpose and ate from individual picnic baskets. Each lunch included champagne to toast the adventure. Jordan took a sip of his then slid his glass in front of her.

  On their return flight, the pilot flew over the strip. What amazed Jaynee was how the surrounding desert seemed dead and desolate, and then Las Vegas appeared. It must be beautiful to fly into at night, she thought.


  Carmen DeSousa

  Chapter Fourteen

  Jaynee rested her hands on her hips. “Dare I ask?” she mused as they arrived back at the hotel four hours later.

  “What do you mean?” Jordan said innocently, wrapping his arms around her waist and leading her into the lobby.

  “What you have planned next,” she teased, “dining in Paris, skiing in the Swiss Alps?”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Would you like that? I’m sure that could be arranged.”

  She burst out in a laugh. “No, I would not! It was meant to be funny, Jordan. I just meant you are so chock-full of surprises as if you are going off some menu from a book, ‘how to make a girl fall in love with you in ten days or less’.”

  “Ah, but that was ‘How to Lose a Guy’.” He chuckled. “I won a girl, and I believe I did it in three.”

  “Uh—” she started to speak, but he held his finger up for her to hold that thought as he motioned for the valet to retrieve their car.

  Then, he continued before she had an opportunity to voice her opinion. “Actually it was instantaneous…it just took three days for you to acknowledge your feelings,” he said, a smile in his voice.

  She sighed, exasperated, it was no use. He was right; he was always right. “So…where are we going as you clearly just requested the car?” she asked again.


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