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The Concubine Contract

Page 16

by Eden Redd

  Treyana twisted her body again as both swords clanged into her shield. Drubella turned her head and released another stream of fire. Luci spun away but Nero was caught between the kitmori moving and the princess with her shield up. Left hand holding the scepter, the shadowmancer channeled forty dark mana points into it. Shadows leapt up to form a black shield in midair. Drubella’s flames slammed into it and a breath later, shattered it. Nero was already moving away when the remainder of flames slammed into his shoulder and sent him spiraling to the floor.

  You have taken 73 damage! HP: 181/254

  You have used 40 Dark Mana! DM: 180/220

  Nero registered the damage and noticed that for every dark mana point he spent, it was equal to the amount of protection or damage he could summon with the scepter. Mind working, he pushed off the floor and back to his feet.

  Luci spun and pushed off a wall, again soaring through the air toward the armored princess. Treyana laughed as she swung her heavy sword around with one hand. Blades clashed as Luci tried to edge closer. Treyana became a powerhouse, wielding a sword like it was made of air. The kitmori parried and stabbed, only to hit solid armor. Treyana threw her weight around, knocking the kitmori back with the shield and slashing at her legs. Luci grunted as a slash landed, draining hit points.

  Rikk finished his spell and twisted his fingers. The book shelf vibrated before book after book shot out like a rapid fire machinegun. Treyana brought up her shield; books deflecting off the metal but keeping her occupied long enough for the mage to whisper another spell.

  Stone curled up around the princess’s armored boots. Treyana glanced down, bent her knees and launched into the air before they clamped down on her. Rikk’s eyes widened as a fully armored princess launched into the air as if she lighter than air. The princess spun and landed on her bed, sword arm swinging in a wide arc. Fingers letting go, the sword launched from her hand.

  Rikk poured mana into his mana shield when the blade tip struck it. The mana shield shattered and the mage turned away just as the sword stabbed into his arm. Rikk grunted as the blade sunk deep, hit points draining. The mage lifted a hand and grabbed the blade only for energy to arc and surge along his arm and into his chest. The mage let go and fell to his knees, eyes dazed.

  Treyana snapped her fingers and the sword pulled from the dazed mage and shot back into her hand. Dulla continued to summon wraiths, sending them each to their death as Drubella blasted them with flames. Nero and Luci regrouped before rushing the armored princess.

  “You fools! I have the best protection and weapons gold can buy,” Treyana shouted as she charged the troll and kitmori.

  Luci leapt into the air and Nero bent low. The princess swung her sword at the flying fox. Luci put up a hand and the air sparkled before a light burst forth. Treyana’s eyes closed and sharp pain stabbed into her shoulder. Chasing away the afterimage of the light, the princess saw that the kitmori’s blade penetrate a kink in her armor. Boots landed on the princess’s chest and pushed.

  Treyana was thrown back from the force, Nero following her. The shadowmancer watched as she stayed close, the princess hanging in the air, powerless to do anything. Short sword flashing, he stabbed the tip under the armor over her thigh. A grunt rose up the floating princess’s throat as she slammed into the edge of the bed and clanked to the floor. Nero jumped, hands over his head and blade pointed down. Treyana recovered by swiping her shield sideways and crashing into the prone troll.

  You have taken 24 damage! HP: 157/254

  Nero lost his balance and crashed onto the floor, sliding to Drubella’s clawed feet. The dragon kin lifted a foot and tried to stomp the downed shadowmancer. Nero rolled away as the foot came down and cracked stone.

  The shadowmancer could see that at this rate, they were going to be taken down one by one. Needing an edge, he glanced at Drubella and then Treyana. An idea formed and the shadowmancer charged the princess as she stood up, heaving. Luci pressed her attack, swords at her side. Nero came at another direction. The two converged on the princess as she swung her sword and bashed with her shield. Nero fell to his knees and slid across the floor while Luci jumped. Treyana slashed hard across at the kitmori. Luci’s blades came up and parried the blow but the force was too much. Luci was thrown back, arms shaking from the impact.

  Nero slid under the low shield, coiled his body forward like a scorpion and drove his sword point into the space between the straps to the breastplate. The sword sank deep and blood streamed down the blade.

  Treyana reared her shield back and slammed it full force into Nero’s face. The troll was thrown backwards, hit points draining.

  You have taken 58 damage! HP: 103/254

  You are stunned!

  Nero slid along the floor, the room taking of flashes of haziness. Still clutching his scepter, he managed to look up as Drubella stood over him, flames leaking from the sides of her small snout.

  Luci held her swords up, body heaving.

  Treyana kept her sword and shield up, also heaving, “HA! You would need a dozen more strikes like that before you can weaken me! Even with the slow healing effect, I’ll outlast all of you!”

  Nero gazed up at the beautiful dragon kin as she prepared to breathe a stream of fire. The moment was fascinating as he waited for the small timer to finish. The stun effect was only for a few seconds but Nero hoped it was enough let the princess’s guard down. The status effect blinked away and Nero poured all of his dark mana into the scepter.

  Shadows shifted all around him and stabbed upwards. Treyana smiled behind her face plate until she saw the shadows form into points and stab at Drubella’s collar.

  “No!” Treyana screamed.

  The shadows crashed into the rune covered collar, magical energies surging and exploding. Time slowed down as Drubella pulled back, the collar around her neck cracking and shattering form the impact. Freedom touched the dragon and she turned her snout to the princess.

  “Fuuuuucccckkkkkk Yeeeeaaaaaaa!” Nero said in slow motion.

  Treyana took one step forward when a lightning blast hit the inner side of her shield. The arcane shield flew off and Treyana’s digital heart stopped. Dulla unleashed soul draining black lightning bolts as Rikk slowly stood up and unleashed lightning cannon spells. Drubella roared a thick stream of fire at the armored princess. Luci’s hands became a blur as her swords disappeared and she flung throwing blades. Nero lifted his head up and watched the carnage unfold.

  Treyana swung her sword around to block the incoming attacks but it wasn’t enough. Fire, magic and blades struck her from all sides. Energy burned while the princess’s soul was drained. A throwing blade stabbed into an eye hole, followed by another to the neck. Treyana screamed as her body burned in dragon fire. The princess’s sword flung from her hand and sank into the solid stone wall.

  Nero rolled onto his feet. The flames died down and the magical attacks stopped. The charred remains of Princess Treyana fell to her blackened armored knees, a defeated moan filling the room alongside the smell of burnt flesh. Nero stalked closer, sheathing his sword and drawing his dagger.

  “Goodnight princess,” the troll smiled before jamming the dagger into the side of her neck.

  The princess let out a weak whimper as her body cracked with light. Nero pulled his dagger and stepped back as the moans continued until her body shattered into hundreds of pieces, scattering across the floor as the cool night air caressed the assassins in lantern light.


  The sound of Nero’s heavy breathing drifted on the cool air. The troll stared at the scorched floor where the princess had shattered and a satisfaction coiled around his heart. Taking in a deep breath, he savored the win, drinking it in like a fine wine on a cold winter’s night. Excitement pumped as he sheathed his dagger. Thoughts slipped to Lord Blight and his lot, ideas forming in the blissful cloud.

  Rikk was barely standing, watching the troll. Dulla stepped closer, the dark elf eyeing the troll with stars in her eyes. Drubella stood
, tail writhing from side to side, her shackles finally broken and freedom filling her digital heart. Luci stepped closer, eyes on the troll’s heaving shoulders and a manic need clawing at her nerves. She couldn’t deny the cloud forming in the room and a wanting confusion colored her senses in red. It reared up like a serpent and stabbed its fangs deep in her heart.

  The sword gleamed in the lantern light, imbedded in the stone wall. Nero looked to it for a moment before turning, some of his sanity returning as he collected his thoughts.

  “It seems like we’re splitting the reward,” Rikk said simply.

  “This goes beyond the reward,” Nero stated.

  Rikk and Luci looked to one another while Dulla and Drubella looked on indifferently.

  Nero turned his attention to the mage and kitmori, “We have been doing all this work so Lord Blight can reap the rewards. I think we turn this around and take what is ours.”

  Rikk raised an eyebrow, “Who’s Lord Blight?”

  “The one who set the contract in motion, Nero knows him in real life and calls him that to put a name to the character,” Luci informed.

  Rikk’s brow returned to normal, “I see. I didn’t bother to ask for a name, not that one would be provided.”

  Nero continued, “Lord Blight and his Shadow Guild are fake gamers, buying their way into power instead of earning it like the rest of us. We are to meet tomorrow to hand over Drubella but I have another idea.”

  The troll turned his dark gaze on the mage, “If you’re interested?”

  Rikk leaned on his staff, “The contract wasn’t that important to me. I needed distractions of the assassins so I could find Nyras’s tomb. Now that he is awakened, everything has changed. He promised to reward me with the Star Fall Staff and that has become my priority.”

  The mage gave Nero a sardonic grin, “And to travel and protect you along the way, of course.”

  Nero smirked, “Then I can count on you?”

  The mage nodded, “We are going to be together for a while so yes, you can count on me.”

  Nero turned to the kitmori.

  “Someone has to watch your back,” Luci winked.

  The troll nodded and turned to Drubella. Stepping closer, he stood before the beautiful dragon kin, head tilted forward and shadows covering his eyes.

  “We know you’re free now but I have one thing to ask of you before you leave us,” Nero said in a low tone.

  Drubella eyed the shadowmancer before hinting at a smile, “Did my father send you? Did you rescue me because of him?”

  Nero thought the truth would be best, “Your father sent us but I wanted to free you because no one should be a slave to those in power…for any reason.”

  Drubella kept her gaze as her mind worked behind those powerful dragon eyes, “The contract, tell me about the contract.”

  Nero informed the dragon kin of the contract to assassinate Princess Treyana, steal Drubella and return her to those who set up the contract. The dragon kin’s face was neutral as Nero explained what the quest entailed. When Nero was finished, the room was silent for a few moments before Drubella’s eyes dipped.

  “You say I’m free but am I free to be a slave to a new master?”

  Nero gave her a kind smile, “In my eyes, you serve no one. If you wish to leave and we never see each other again, I’m okay with that. But I am asking, if you stay with us a little longer, I will be able to punish those who have wronged me and maybe bring a little karma to those bad people.”

  Drubella eyed the troll before she returned his smile, “My father taught me to place honor above all else. You have freed me and I am in your debt. The catacombs below are not a place I wish to spend my days and nights. I wish to travel and explore Lukken like I have always dreamed of. You have given me that chance but a dragon kin on her own would lead to swift imprisonment, a prize to be locked up. If I travel with you, can we see all of Lukken…..together?”

  Nero nodded, “I would be honored if we travelled together.”

  “Then I choose to be one of your companions,” Drubella gave an awkward grin.

  Nero returned the smile, wondering if this was the first time she smiled in a long time. Her beauty was captivating as she seemed to glow before his eyes. Trying not to look down at her nude body, the shadowmancer turned his attention to Dulla. The dark elf was close, red eyes adoring the troll.

  “Dulla….” Nero managed before the dark elf cut him off.

  “I have been searching for meaning in my life for a long time. I thought I found it in a handsome rogue once but it was all a lie. I searched Lukken for my true place. When I witnessed Nyras the Death Lover bestow you the rank of High Priest, I knew I must be at your side, spreading his dark knowledge and catering to your every command and desire.”

  Dulla knelt down before the shadowmancer, “I live to serve.”

  Nero eyed the dark elf as he knelt down and took her hand into his. Raising her up, his hand let go of hers and cupped her chin so she could look him in the eye.

  “You serve by choice but know that anytime you wish to leave, you may do so.”

  The dark elf stared with bright red eyes, “High priest, I….”

  “Nero. My name is Nero.”

  Shyness cascaded down the dark elf’s eyes as she looked away, warmth touching her dark skinned cheeks.

  Rikk cleared his throat, “Okay wannabe troll master, what’s this plan of yours?”

  Nero turned from Dulla to the mage, “I can give the details as we travel. My question to you is, can you call upon the weather?”

  Rikk’s jaw clenched, “What type of third rate mage do you think I am? Of course I can influence the weather. I’m offended that you would even ask that.”

  Nero grinned at the mage, “Had to be sure.”

  The troll turned to Dulla, “I do have something to ask of you but we can talk on the way.”

  The kitmori bit her lip as she stepped closed to the troll, hand reaching up and touching his stomach, “What’s the hurry. The night is still young.”

  Nero’s dark eyes looked to the Luci’s golden eyes, a need growing louder in her gaze, “We should be leaving. Who knows when the guards may come to check on Treyana.”

  Drubella let out a small laugh, gout of flame stabbing out from her mouth before her hands moved to cover it. All eyes turned to the dragon kin as she composed herself, letting her hands drop to her sides.

  “The guards and servants will not check on her until mid-morning. She has been known to entertain and had warned the staff not to interrupt until much later in the morning. For all of us, we are safe until then.”

  Luci pressed her chest to the troll’s chest, “I have been listening and the only thing I can hear is the sounds of ecstasy in the orgy room. No guards are coming.”

  Rikk rolled his eyes and stepped around the small group to the sword stuck in the wall. Taking a hold of it, the mage wretched it free and gave it a swing in hand before keeping the blade at his side, point down.

  “I see where this is going. I will take the sword and disenchant it to discover its abilities, keeping it as payment for sleeping in the forest tonight. I’ll check out our escape tunnel and set up camp at the other end until you’re all done. Try to be out before first light.”

  “Don’t take all the treasure at the end of the tunnel,” Nero said to Rikk while his eyes stayed on Luci.

  Rikk gave a gruff chuckle, “I promise to try not to.”

  The mage moved to the bookcase and pulled it open. Rikk looked back to Nero and Luci as they stood, Drubella and Dulla close by.

  “Save some energy for tomorrow. I doubt whatever plan you have will cover all unexpected surprises,” And without waiting, the mage slipped through the secret passage and closed the bookcase behind him.

  The room grew silent as the books case closed. Lantern light flickered and the four remaining felt a current in the air. Nero gazed upon Luci, drinking in her beauty. The kitmori looked to him, admiring his handsome features, a wet feeli
ng sliding over her sensual frame.

  “You wanted to know what my last kink was,” Nero said with a faint smile.

  Luci simply stared, transfixed on him.

  Nero continued, “I can be hyper sexual. Once you get me going, I can’t stop until I’m exhausted.”

  Luci smirked, “I saw some of that the other night. You were holding back.”

  The troll returned her smirk, “You did say I could do anything.”

  “I meant it,” Luci said in a heated whisper.

  Blood rushed to Nero’s ears as he looked from Luci, to Drubella and to Dulla. The three beautiful women could not contain their desires as they eyed him. The player did often hold back, trying to concentrate on attaining his goals instead of satisfying his baser desires. The feeling was always there, in the back of his mind but with the recent win and a plan forming to take down Lord Blight, blood rushed, pushing out from his entire body and a frightful need taking hold. The beast rattled at the cage and Nero mentally stepped over and unlocked it.

  A craving madness took hold and dark eyes cast down on the kitmori. Luci looked up, the desire filling the troll’s face. She trembled against him, not out of fear but out of anticipation. She wanted nothing more than to let the troll have his way with her, when he wanted and how he wanted. Despite the cool night breeze flowing in, the heat in the room began to rise.

  “I want you all on the bed,” Nero commanded.

  Luci and Dulla moved to the edge of the bed and sat down, a wet heat rolling through them. Luci watched as Nero turned to face them, about eight feet away and it felt like he was on the other side of the world.

  Drubella was the only one who hesitated, a flame in her heart, “I have never lain with anyone before.”

  Nero looked to her, drinking in her sensual curves and noticing a drop of wetness rolling down her inner thigh, “Lord Blight wants you unspoiled. I don’t believe we should give him what he wants.”


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