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The Concubine Contract

Page 20

by Eden Redd

  Blight stood over the fallen troll, blade up. Nero turned his gaze to see Luci crying out as Jasper drove a dagger into her back. Drubella stomped toward the Blight but she was too far away to do anything just yet. Rikk called down lightning, pinning the enemy and reducing their numbers.

  Nero turned his attention back to Blight as he held the sword up, point down over his chest. The player knew he did his best but they were still out matched. He would carry on with his purpose, knowing death was not the end. He promised to himself to uncover Terence and his secret cabal. He would never rest until he was satisfied that the fake gamers were brought to righteous justice.

  “Have a nice nap, loser,” Blight hissed as he brought the blade down.

  Black lightning flared and struck the blade in mid downward thrust. The black energy coiled around the sword, launching it from Blight’s hands as it stabbed into the mud. Blight and Nero looked over as Dulla charged forward, determination in her beautiful dark elf features and another black lightning bolt surging forward.

  Blight reached for the sword as a black bolt slammed into his shoulder and spun him around. The knight’s eyes widened as Drubella charged, mouth opening and a stream of flames pouring forth. The dead surged to Nero, bony hands reaching out to pull him away while others attacked the dazed knight. Blight put his arms up and flames washed over him as the dead clawed at his prone back.

  “Thank you,” Nero whispered to the dead as they pulled him to his feet.

  A fiery blade appeared in Blight’s armored hand and he spun around, cutting the undead to pieces. Dragon flame licked at his body as hit points drained. A dagger appeared in Luci’s hand as she drove it into Jasper’s stomach and wretched the blade upwards. The rogue screamed as he tried to get away.

  Blight fell to one knee as flames surged through the crack. Dulla’s black lightning slammed into the knight’s back over and over again. Blight cried out for his fellow guildies but they were fighting for their lives, in full retreat. Rikk called down lightning, blasting a cleric to pieces as the other one stumbled off into the forest, clutching at his wounds.

  Drubella stopped the flow of fire and stalked closer. The dead halted their attack, forming a circle around the down knight. Luci knocked Jasper to the ground and pressed a dagger to his throat. Dulla stepped to Nero’s side as he pulled the Soul Bleeder sword from the mud and weakly walked over to Blight.

  “You fuckers can’t stop us. You will never stop us,” Blight foamed at the mouth.

  Nero moved to him and gripped the edge of the helmet. Ripping it off, he threw it aside. Blight looked up, a handsome face with scorch marks along his neck. He was blonde hair and blue eyed like some prince in a fairy tale. Only Nero knew the depths of slime he really was.

  Blight looked away, “You won. Get it over with.”

  The shadowmancer reached down and cupped the knight’s chin so he could look up. The player took a snap shot of the knight’s face and filed it away in his picture folder.

  “That’s right, we won. Rest up, because we are going to destroy the Shadow Guild and all those who are allied with you,” Nero huffed.

  “You can try….” Blight was stopped short when the soul bleeder sword cut across his throat in one clean swipe.

  The head toppled over and both head and body cracked into greenish light before shattering to pieces.

  A primal satisfaction flowed over Nero’s heart. The player savored the moment before he turned and walked to Luci and Jasper. The rogue was very still as he looked to the troll stalking closer.

  “Nathan, this is just a game. I’m sure we can talk it….” Jasper gurgled a grunt.

  Nero stabbed the sword into the rogue’s heart and gave the blade a twist for good measure. Jasper’s eyes stared up at the falling rain before his body cracked and burst into shards of light.

  The shadowmancer let out a crazy chuckle as he fell to his knees. Luci fell to his side, holding him close as he laughed in the falling rain.


  The clouds melted from the sky and sunlight bathed the ruins. The dead retreated to their resting places and a small group of companions stood, basking in the day.

  Nero sat on a large stone, the weakness dissipating and his regeneration kicking in. Luci was to his side as Dulla, Rikk and Drubella stood before the shadowmancer. The healing potions had taken away most of their wounds but not all. It meant little difference as they all beamed from the victory.

  “Thank you, everyone,” Nero said simply.

  “That was fun. I could do that again,” Rikk said with a gruff smile.

  “That was more excitement then I’m used to. I agree with the mage, we should do that again,” Drubella said with a serpent grin.

  Dulla kneeled before the shadowmancer, her hands on his, “You have given me purpose. I will follow you until all of Lukken knows of Nyras and his teachings.”

  “Sounds like a big job,” Nero smiled.

  “You are his high priest, it is your duty as it is mine,” Dulla smiled.

  “Then we must make time for it,” Nero said in character.

  The troll looked to the kitmori and his heart ached. Luci batted her eyelashes, a whimsical smile on her lips.

  “Do you all mind if I speak to Luci, alone.”

  The mage, dragon kin and dark elf looked to the kitmori, smiled and turned away.

  “Come on, let’s give the love birds some privacy,” Rikk said as the three of them walked off.

  Nero gazed on the golden eyed beauty, “The contract is over. You don’t have to stay.”

  Luci let out a giggle, “Too late for all of that. You belong to me now.” The kitmori reached for his robes and began pulling at them.

  Nero raised an eyebrow, “Here, now?”

  “Free use. I can take you anytime I want and any way I want,” Luci winked as she pulled his cock from his robes.

  The troll looked down as the fox woman kissed his hardening member and then closed her lips around the tip. Inches pushed against warm lips as she took him down to the base. Head bobbing, ears flickered and the troll ran a hand through her silky hair.

  “This seems like the beginning to a complicated relationship,” Nero sighed as he leaned back and looked up to the blue sky, wet sounds filling the air around him and a peace cascading over his scarred heart.


  Nathan pulled off the MEG helmet and placed it on the bed. Standing up, he began to pull off the MEG suit and love box. When he was completely naked, he threw the suit on the bed and walked from his bed room to the main room of the basement.

  Shelly came out of her shell and looked to her owner. Nathan stepped over to her tank, picked up a small net and scooped out two feeder goldfish from the nearby tank. Serenity filled the young man as he dropped the fish into the water bowl and watched as the turtle slid toward them. Beak snapping, she grabbed one fish and devoured it in one gulp. The young man watched as she went for the other one.

  Nathan’s mind swam with the images of taking off Terence’s head. He wondered if his ex-boss was fuming and going to take it out on his employees. Those thoughts soon faded to the background as he thought of his new friends. They all had their quirks but it was fun to fight alongside one another. With the Shadow Guild in hiding, it was going to be fun to root them out, one by one.

  Thoughts swirled to Luci and the young man’s heart fluttered. He couldn’t remember the last time he felt like this for another person. It caused his heart to swell when he thought of their last conversation. She invited him to the mid-west to stay with her a week and gave him her number. The young man said he was going to call but there was something else he had to do first.

  Nathan moved to his dresser and began pulling out clothes, warmth in his heart.


  “Thank you son for taking me out, I can’t remember the last time we sat down for a real dinner.”

  Nathan sipped on a soda as they waited for their meal, “I came into a little money. I thought we enjoy it.”
br />   Robert looked to his son kindly, “Son, I know it’s been a rough couple of years but we will get through this. I’m sorry if I’ve been a bear lately but I don’t want you to waste your life.”

  Nathan nodded, “I know, Dad.”

  Robert sighed, “You know you can stay as long as you like, until you’re ready to be on your own.”

  Nathan stared at his soda, the words forming in his mind, “I didn’t want to just take you out. I wanted to let you know that I applied for a few graphic design positions. I don’t know if they will pan out but it’s a start.”

  Robert smiled, “That’s real good son. I’ll put out the feelers on my end and see if some of my old buddies can help you out.”

  Nathan looked to his father, “Thank you, Dad.”

  Robert took in deep breath, “Well, let’s talk about that later. Right now I could go for that steak.”

  Nathan gave a small nod, his gaze dropping to the table, “Dad….I miss mom.”

  Robert’s face drooped into a knowing sadness, “I know….me too.”

  “We should visit her grave tomorrow, just to say hi and let her know we’re okay.”

  Robert nodded, a tear in his eye, “I think that will be good for all three of us.”

  The table became silent for a long moment before two waiters brought over steaming plates of steaks, mashed potatoes and greens. The silence was broken as Nathan and Robert began cutting into the meat, knives clinking against the plates.

  Nathan looked up to his father. Thoughts flowed to pleasant memories of all three of them together. The young man pictured his mother’s smile and calm filled his entire being. As the steaks were consumed, the conversation turned lighter. Wine was served and both men began to laugh about happier times.

  Nathan let the laughter play on his heart strings. Purpose, guidance and a little crazy digital life was more than enough to chase away the darkness haunting his spirit. As the wine glasses drained, the young man called over the waiter for another bottle, knowing life would only soar to greater heights amid a sea of possibilities. A fox woman lingered in his mind and a drunken smile warmed the coldest points of his soul in a basking, hopeful light.



  A special thank you to two individuals who helped make this book possible and a big thank you to everyone who supported me! You all hold a special place in my heart!

  A Loyal minion of the Lewd Empress


  Branden Platt

  Acknowledgements and Friends

  Working to bring this book to the light of day is a labor of love. Part of that love is acknowledging the special people who helped inspire, give advice and incredible moral support to work and laugh through the hard and good times. Below is a list of incredible authors who I have had the pleasure to know and wish to share them with you. Please explore their magnificent works. Tell them Eden sent ya. ;)

  Daniel Schinhofen, you are a great writer and friend.

  Scottie Futch, you make me laugh. :)

  George Fisher, mentor and friend to so many struggling authors.

  Dawn Chapman, for being awesome!

  William D. Arand, for taking the time to give wonderful advice.

  Dave Willmarth, an author with an amazing talent and knows how to brighten my day.

  Alara Branwen, spectacular author whose books and friendship showed that I could be a writer too.

  Nicola C. Matthews, amazing writer and friend!

  Angel Ramon, your talent, friendship and strong heart can overcome any disaster.

  Neil Herndon, I love when we throw around ideas.

  R. M. Mulder, your strength inspires me.

  Paul Bellow, for creating a place for LitRPG and Gamelit authors to be themselves and all around amazing!

  Special thanks to Brandon M, Blaise Corvin, Clarence M, Jeffery B, Jay T, Jim B, Jack M, Stuart G and Skully. Loving thanks and a special place in my heart to any I missed.

  A Note from Eden Redd

  I wanted to take this moment to thank you for reading!

  I hope you enjoyed the stories. If you have a moment, please leave a review. If leaving a review is not your cup of tea, then please e-mail me. I try to answer all e-mails as fast as I can but I would love to hear your feedback.

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  I am also on twitter! I tend to put sexy monster pics and quirky thoughts/ideas.

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  I also run a sexy Facebook group, Eden’s Lewd Fantasy and Sci-Fi Garden (NSFW).

  Please check out my author page and some of my other works you may like.

  Eden Redd Author page

  Eden’s Mega-Bundles

  The Redd Monster Collection (18 Stories of Monsters, Maidens and Taboo Desire.)

  The Redd Fantasy Collection (6 Stories of High Adventure, Romance and Taboo Fantasy.)

  The Redd Horror Collection (11 Stories of Witches, Demons, Ghosts and Dark Taboo Desire.)

  The Redd Strange Collection (10 Tales of Strange Romance, Weird Science and Taboo Fantasy

  Lewd Saga Omnibus: 7 Book Collection

  Lewd Saga Adventures

  Lewd Knights

  Lewd Knight 2.0: Middle Kingdoms

  Lewd Paladin: Shadow of Fate

  Lewd Necromancer: Raiding Hearts

  Lewd Rogue: Golden Desires

  Lewd Dragon: Bright Storm

  Lewd Knights 3.0: Serpent Horizon

  Lewd Paladin: Dread of Night

  Eden's Books

  Blue Nymph

  Knight of Desire

  Tainted Demons: An Erotic Horror Novel

  Cream for Master

  Ghostly Needs

  The Hot Wife and the Incubus

  Tentacle Affair

  The Lust Games: Alien Prison

  Tentacle Squad

  Sleeping Beauty's Desire

  Werebear Vs Werecow

  Ruby and the 3 Werebears

  Psychic Raptors in Lust

  The Lusty Mermaid

  Creatures from the Blue Lagoon

  Shades of Greys

  Witch Lover

  Sin Sally

  Dirty Witch Angel

  Sea Serpent Sexy

  Hotel Cali

  Oni Lover

  Demonic Daughter

  Moo Girl!

  Maid of Temptation

  Cougar Class

  Sleeping with the Sandman

  Monster Sitter

  Rise of the Succubus

  Succubus Society

  Fang Bang

  Blue Riding Hood

  Dead Taboo

  Tentacle Relations: Cindy's Dark Secret

  Blue Mage Series

  Blue Mage

  Blue Mage: The Dead Heart

  Blue Mage: The Witch Trial

  Blue Mage: Dark Seduction

  Blue Mage: City of Night

  Blue Mage: Apprentice Omnibus (Book 1 through 3)

  Blue Mage: Adept Omnibus (Book 4, 4 Side Quests, Book 5)

  Blue Mage Side Quest Adventures

  Sylk’s Song

  Jenny’s Tale

  Vanessa’s Heart

  Aznara’s Gifts

  Blue Mage Quest Collection

  Teddy Bare Series

  Teddy Bare

  Teddy Bare 2 Stuffed

  Teddy Bare 3 Plush Party

  Shadow Elf Series

  A Lover's Rite

  A Lover's Tide

  A Lover's War

  Sexy Monster Wives Series

  Bridget's Intruder

  Cassie's Private Party

  Val's Blue Room

  Bridget's Lesson

  Cassie's Surrender

  Val's Monster Masquerade

  Kaiju Seduction Series

  Kaiju Seduction

  Kaiju Seduction 2

  Kaiju Seduction 3

  Kaiju Seduction 4
  Erotic Collections

  Lustful Hearts

  Kaiju Seduction Bundle Series 1

  Strange Seduction

  Sexy Monster Wives Collection

  Taken by Shadows

  Shadow Elves A Lover's Trilogy

  LitRPG means Literary Role-Playing Game.

  LitRPG is the new up and coming genre in the literary world. I have enjoyed writing it and happy to be a part of this new type of fiction. In my research, I came across several helpful groups filled with people loving these kinds of works. I wanted to share them so you too can find many wonderful authors and books to lose yourself in. Check out the web and Facebook links below.

  LitRPG Forum

  LitRPG Society

  LitRPG Books

  Lusty Realms of Fantasy

  Have fun my darling monsters.





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