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Mistletoe Kisses (Warming Up To Love Book 3)

Page 2

by Shaw Hart

  Noel is just sitting down to eat then and I grab some leftovers that my housekeeper left and sit down on the couch. I like to pretend that we’re eating together. I pace myself with her so that we finish at the same time and I get up to put my empty dishes in the sink at the same time as her.

  Noel heads into her bedroom and I know that she’ll be there for the rest of the night. She likes to shower and read before she goes to bed. I didn’t put cameras in her bedroom, just the living room and kitchen. I might be obsessed but I know that there are boundaries that I shouldn’t cross.

  I turn off the TV and head into my bedroom, crossing to the bathroom and stripping off my clothes. I turn the water on, cranking it so that it’s almost scalding before I step under the spray.

  Noel is probably showering right now too and I fantasize that she’s in here with me instead of her own shower. I take my cock in hand, stroking the hot length as the water rushes over me.

  I fist myself, gripping tightly as I set up a punishing rhythm. My head tips back and my eyes fall closed as I picture Noel before me. Her skin is wet and soapy, and her hands cup her heavy tits, rolling the nipples as she leans back against the shower wall.

  She beckons me closer, spreading her creamy thighs open in invitation and I picture pinning her against the wall. I’ll thrust into her slick channel, forcing her up onto her tiptoes as I pummel into her. Her cries would echo off the walls, driving me wild.

  I come then, thick ropes of semen shooting out and landing on the shower floor. I watch as it swirls down the drain as I catch my breath. I shower and rinse off quickly before I head into my shower to get ready for bed. I pull on a pair of pajama pants and grab my phone as I fall back into bed.

  I pull up my emails, smiling when I see the new one from one of my investment managers. The hot chocolate company that Noel loves so much is about to go out of business so I bought it instead. I don’t know shit about hot chocolate but if it makes Noel happy, I would gladly spend all of my money making sure that she has it.

  I plug my phone in and crawl under the covers, letting dreams of Noel and I together lull me to sleep.



  * * *

  I COULD BARELY SLEEP last night. I don’t know what’s changed between us but I can’t stop thinking about Mason. I’ve always had a thing for him, been attracted to him, but I’ve always been able to push him from my mind and concentrate on other things when I needed to. All day yesterday though, it was like he was all I could think about, all I could see.

  It apparently isn’t going to be better today.

  I’m waiting in the lobby for Mason, my coat and hat on as I stare outside at the snow gently falling. It’s only 8:30 so I know that I’m early but I was too excited to see him to stay in my apartment for another minute. When the elevator doors open a minute later and Mason steps out, I realize that maybe I wasn’t the only one over excited to see the other.

  “Morning!” I say cheerily as Mason joins me and together, we head toward the front door.

  His car is already waiting out front and he opens the door, letting me slide in first before he joins me. Traffic is bad with the snow starting to cover the roads and it takes over half an hour for us to get to work. We go over a few of the things on his schedule for this week on the ride and I bring up that we still need to hire some to do the annual Christmas party and to decorate around the office.

  Mason leads me up to the top floor of our building and leaves me at my desk. I get situated and am just about to go get him his coffee when he appears beside me.

  “Here, you can use this to get the decorations,” he says as he hands me a black credit card and then disappears back into his office.

  I practically skip to the break room and grab Mason his coffee. I’m about to leave when a familiar red and green logo catches my eyes. I pause and reach into the cabinet with the coffee pods, pulling out the box of hot chocolate. This wasn’t here yesterday and I wonder how Mason was able to find a box when I’ve scoured the city and come up empty handed.

  I turn back to the office and see Mason pacing in his office. He’s on his phone, arguing with whoever he is talking to about something. I smile and make myself a cup of hot chocolate before I head back to my desk. I set my cup down and push into Mason’s office with his cup of coffee.

  His old assistant had warned me to never enter his office without knocking. Apparently, he yelled at her a time or two over that. I had been terrified when I first walked in without knocking, bracing for him to rip into me but it never came. When I had apologized, he had said that I am welcome anywhere, at any time.

  I smile at him, setting his coffee on his desk as he ends his phone call.

  “Thanks for the hot chocolate,” I say as he takes a seat behind his desk.

  “You’re welcome,” he says like it was no big deal but I know that he must have had to search the entire state for it.

  “Anything that I can help with?” I ask, motioning to the phone.

  “No, it’s a business thing. One of the project managers will handle it.”

  I watch as he picks up his coffee and takes a sip.

  “Anything that you wanted in particular for the decorations?” I ask, trying to strike up a conversation.

  My days are pretty slow here, especially over the holidays. It can get boring just sitting at my desk all day.

  “Whatever you like. I’m sure you have a better eye for it than me.” He says and I turn to head out before I remember to ask about his lunch order.

  I spin back around and I could swear that his eyes are checking out my ass. His blue ones meet my green before I can be sure though and I stumble slightly in my heels.

  “Did you want your regular lunch order? Or did you want to join me for lunch again?” I ask, crossing my fingers behind my back as I wait for him to answer.

  I want him to say that he’ll eat with me. Yesterday was incredible, getting to spend time with him, getting to talk to him. This city can be lonely. I mean I live alone now and I work up here on this floor where it’s just Mason and me.

  “I’ll eat with you. Did you want to go out again or order in?” He asks as his phone starts to ring. He ignores it and I smile. I like having his attention focused solely on me.

  “Can we go out? I can pick up some of the decorations then too.”

  “Whatever you want,” Mason says and I try to contain my grin.

  “Alright, let me know if you need anything,” I say as I head back to my desk.

  I answer the phone and emails for the next few hours, counting down the seconds until it’s lunch time. When 11:55 am rolls around, I go to the bathroom to freshen up before I meet Mason by the elevators and a shiver rolls through me when he places his hand on my lower back for just a second as we enter the elevator and start to head down to the first floor.

  “Do you mind if we walk? The department store isn’t far and we can just find someplace close by to grab lunch?” I ask him and he frowns down at my coat.

  “Are you sure you’re not going to be too cold?”

  “I’ll be fine,” I tell him, pushing out the front door.

  Snow is still falling lightly and I wrap my arms around my waist, bracing against the chill.

  “Come here,” Mason says, sounding grumpy but when he wraps his arm around me and tugs me into his side, he’s gentle.

  I lean against him, breathing in his cologne. I smile when I realize it’s the one that I bought him for his birthday last month.

  We head down the sidewalk, walking the two blocks to the department store. About half a block away, I freeze and Mason comes up short next to me.

  “What?” He asks, looking around for what could have caught my attention.

  “The Christmas trees! Aren’t they so pretty with the snow covering their branches like that?” I ask as I step out of the way of the sidewalk traffic and into the little Christmas tree lot.

  An older man approaches us, his cheeks a bright red from the cold. H
e smiles as he makes his way over to us and extends his hand.

  “Hey there, I’m Frank Ocher. Are you two looking for a tree?”

  “I am. I need one for my apartment,” I say when Mason gives me a surprised look.

  “Well you’re in luck! I’ve got a couple of different types.”

  Mason humors me and we follow Frank around the lot as he shows us some Douglas Firs and a few pine trees.

  “This is actually my last Christmas season. I’m retiring and moving down south to be closer to my grandkids.”

  “What’s going to happen to the Christmas tree farm?” I ask as we head back to the front of the lot.

  “I’m not sure. I hope I can find someone to buy it and continue to run it but that’s been tough,” he says with a sigh.

  I frown, looking around the lot. It makes me sad to see this place disappear. I’ve always loved Christmas and I wish that I had the money to buy the lot and save the trees. It’s got to be a cool job selling trees and getting to spread Christmas cheer every year.

  “I’ll buy it,” Mason blurts out and I jerk in his hold.

  “Really?” Frank asks, looking just as shocked as I feel.

  “Yeah. It seems a shame to have to shut down something that makes people happy.”

  Frank is all excited now, thanking Mason, but all I can think about is the way he had looked right at me when he said that it makes people happy.



  * * *

  WHAT THE HELL am I going to do with a Christmas tree farm?

  I don’t know the first thing about trees or selling them but I couldn’t stand to see that sad look in Noel’s eyes. She was so happy when I said I would buy it. I’ll never forget the smile she gave me when I promised Frank that I would take good care of his farm. That smile was worth whatever headache this Christmas tree farm will bring me.

  Before I know it, I’m shaking the man’s hand and he’s promising to drop off a tree to Noel tonight on his way home. I text our doorman to let him know to expect a tree tonight as I lead Noel to the department store.

  We head to customer service and pick up the decorations that Noel had ordered this morning. I take the bags from her and wrap my arm around her shoulder as we head back out into the cold.

  We swing by a deli on the way back to the office and grab some soup and sandwiches before we head back to the office. I hate to stop touching her but I know that once we’re inside, I don’t have the cold as an excuse anymore.

  I dump the food and decorations on the little coffee table in my office and motion for Noel to take a seat on the sofa. She starts to unpackage our food and I hang up our coats before I join her.

  I try to keep some distance between us so that Noel can’t tell that the thing that I want to be eating is her. I take a bite of my sandwich, grabbing a napkin. I pass one to Noel and she thanks me. We eat in silence for a few minutes and I tense for a second when Noel tucks her leg underneath her. The move brings her closer to me on the sofa and also hikes her skirt up another inch.

  Her knee presses against mine and I swear my heart tries to beat out of my chest. I look to her, trying to see if she’s aware that she’s touching me but she’s busy eating her lunch.

  “Want to help me set up the decorations after lunch?” She asks me and even though I have four new business investments to look through, I find myself nodding.

  Noel smiles, her green eyes twinkling, at my answer and I feel lighter. Noel talks about the party planner that she hired for the other floors. When I found out that it was a man, I had demanded that he not do our floor.

  We finish up our lunch and Noel reaches over, taking my empty soup cup from my hands. Her fingers brush against mine and seem to linger. I look up into her face but she’s busy humming under her breath as she cleans up.

  Is she trying to drive me crazy?

  I help Noel unbox all of the decorations and we spend the next two hours hanging up tinsel and wreaths. I insist on climbing up on the chair to hang everything. I’m not going to let my girl get hurt while I just stand by.

  Noel keeps touching me. At first, I thought she was trying to steady me but her hands would linger, or she would hold onto my leg when I wasn’t in any danger of wobbling. With each press of her hand against my body, my cock grows harder. By the time that we’re done hanging up everything, my cock has the zipper of my pants imprinted on it.

  Noel helps me pick up the trash and I move to throw it out. I’m headed back to my desk when I catch Noel standing on the chair in my office. She’s hanging something up on the ceiling over the door and I rush forward to make sure that she doesn’t fall.

  “I would have gotten that,” I tell her as I hold onto her curvy hips.

  I look up to see what she’s hanging up and my mouth dries up when I see the small sprig of Mistletoe hanging between us. My whole body heats and I lock eyes with Noel.

  “Noel, are you flirting with me?”

  “So what if I am?” She whispers, her own eyes heating as she steps closer to me.

  “Do you know what you’re doing? You’re playing a dangerous game,” I whisper, my hands tightening on her hips.

  “I think you might be worth it,” she whispers and those words seal her fate.

  I’ve got her off the chair and in my arms in the next second. There’s still a chance that someone could come up to our floor and catch us so I back her up against my desk and hit the button for the frosted glass and the automatic locks.

  “Last chance, Noel. You can walk out now and I’ll let you go. But if you stay… If you stay, I’m never letting you leave. You’ll be mine forever. My obsession, my future, my fucking everything. So, what’s it going to be?”

  My breath stalls in my lungs as she looks up into my eyes.

  “I’m yours.”

  My lips are on hers a heartbeat later.



  * * *

  HIS LIPS MOLD to mine in a possessing brand. He tastes like warmth and I moan as his mouth goes to battle with mine. It feels like he’s trying to mold to me, to conquer me, and I gladly bend to his will.

  My hands cling to his shoulders, holding on tight so that I don’t get swept away in the storm that is Mason Roth. His hands tangle in my hair, jerking my head back so that he can shove his tongue farther into my mouth.

  He tongues me thoroughly, tracing every recess of my mouth as if he’s trying to memorize everything about me. His other hand traces down my spine, pressing me closer against him as he starts to walk me backwards.

  I bump into the wall near the bathroom and I pull away, gasping as Mason’s hand dips lower and he grips my ass tightly. He presses against me, rocking me against the hard ridge in his pants. My own hips start to rock against him, grinding hard along his cock, and he presses me harder against the doorframe.

  His tongue traces a path down my neck and he bites down lightly where my neck and shoulder meet. Explosions start to go off all over my body and I rub my hands over his chest, trying to touch all of him at once.

  I want to come so bad–– No. I need to come so bad.

  My breasts feel heavy and achy inside my bra and I shift, rubbing them shamelessly against his chest.

  “Does my girl need something more?” He asks, his voice husky.

  “Yes,” I gasp out, my blood heating as I look into Mason’s eyes and see the fire burning in their depths. A fire that is all for me.

  His lips claim mine once more and he pulls me away from the doorframe and pushes me into the bathroom. I’m not sure when he turned the lights on or when he pushed me over to the bathroom counter but soon his lips are gone and I’m being spun around.

  I look up into the mirror, my eyes meeting Mason’s. His hips pin mine to the bathroom counter and I whine low in my throat as his thigh works its way between my legs. I’m so wet that I’d be surprised if there wasn’t already a wet spot on his pants.

  “You need me?” He purrs, his hand wrapping around my throat
and forcing me to meet his eyes in the mirror. “You walk around driving me crazy in these tight skirts. You keep taunting me and teasing me. Well, I can’t take it any longer.”

  I gasp as his hand leaves my throat and trails roughly over my breasts. He pulls at the fabric of my shirt, ripping it out from where it was tucked into my skirt and pulling it in one motion over my head. I’ve barely blinked my eyes open before he’s got my skirt in a puddle at my feet.

  His eyes blaze, a fire igniting deep within their depths as he takes me in. I can feel the hard ridge of him swell against my ass and I moan, grinding myself back against him. His fingers tangle in my hair, wrapping around his fist and he jerks my head back.

  “None of that. I’m in charge here. You’ll take what I give you.”

  My mouth opens on a soundless cry, my eyes going blank as his words cause a fire to start deep in my womb.

  “I need ––”

  “I know what you need,” he says, cutting me off.

  My nipples tighten painfully against the fabric of my bra and I reach up, needing to touch them, to ease the ache.

  “Tsk, tsk,” he whispers in my ear, dragging my hands back.

  He undoes my bra in one smooth motion and drags the straps down my arms before he binds my wrists behind my back with it. The new position causes my back to arch, thrusting my pointed nipples high into the air. My body heats more when I see the way that his eyes are devouring me.

  “So pretty,” he murmurs as he drags his hands down my shoulders to cup my breasts.

  I whimper at the feather light contact, needing more. I’m afraid if I say anything though, that he’ll stop.

  I shift in my heels, my eyes begging his and he grins back at me in the mirror.


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