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My Lady Highlande

Page 11

by Nancy Lee Badger

  He ignored the newcomer’s question, and joined Niall by the ale wagon. “Why have ye brought wagons, food, and so many men, brother?”

  Niall ignored him and spoke to Bull, who had followed on his heels. His brother never missed a chance to make him look small and unimportant to their clan. “What be your query, Bull?”

  “Can you tell me why those men are playing games?”

  Niall chuckled, but Gavin answered. “Where do ye think yer New England Highland Games got their ideas? Warriors practice fighting and weapon use in various ways. Wrestling is a primary tactic. Bows and swords are tools, such as the stones and hammers I witnessed yer friends throwing at the games.”

  “I turn the caber. Don’t see anyone doing that around here.”

  Gavin chuckled. “When we come across a ravine too deep to traverse, we cut down a tree and men compete for the chance to show their prowess, and place it perfectly across the empty air. Instant walkway.”

  Bull scratched his head, then drank from a tankard the ale master shoved into his chest. Gavin accepted one, and drained it. The ale was smooth and satisfying. When Jenny looked at him, and licked her lips, he filled another tankard with the foamy brew and passed it to her.

  “I am very confused. Are we in a dream, where warriors ride horses and attack strangers?”

  “Something like that. Ye be safe, with us.” Should he explain that they had traveled through time to 1603 Scotland? Gavin assumed the time was correct. His brother looked no different, but he realized he was unsure.

  “Niall. What be the year?”

  His brother glared at him.

  “Jenny would like to know. My brain is…muddled.”

  “1603, as best I recall.”

  Jenny’s face paled, and she collapsed to her knees. Isobel ran over and knelt beside her. She rubbed Jenny’s arms and muttered soothing words, making Gavin envious. His fingers itched to touch her back, shoulders, and cheeks.

  Not Isobel’s.

  Dear Lord! His lust flared for Jenny Morgan.


  “Walk with me?” Izzy asked Bull. She had calmed Jenny with a brief explanation of where they had landed, then shared her personal history. To her credit, Jenny did not faint, but her cheeks had turned pale as she nodded.

  Izzy urged her to remain seated beside a nearby oak tree, Jenny did as she was asked. She had closed her eyes, lifting her face to an errant sunbeam that pierced the branches above her. Her peaceful countenance soothed Izzy.

  Wrapped inside Gavin’s large cloak, Jenny appeared small and fragile, but she was a strong woman. She wrestled unruly animals at the clinic where she worked, and cared for Jake’s large beasties. She owned a small car for her daily travels, but the pickup she and Bull had wrecked was the conveyance Jenny used to travel through the wilds of New England. If Izzy survived this trip to the past, she swore she would see Jenny safely home.

  “Why walk, when we can ride?” Bull trotted toward the tree where Balfour waited quietly. One of the warriors had tied Balfour to a branch, where he rested on three legs. The fourth was bent at a jaunty angle. Bull mounted him, then walked the aged animal to her.

  “I canna’ in good conscience add to this poor garron’s burden.”

  “Garron? Right, I read somewhere it’s what the people of your time call a horse.”

  Izzy stomped her foot. The man was talking nonsense, when all she wanted, was to get him alone.

  To talk.

  “Where is it ye mean to ride to? Staying safe among the Sinclairs seems prudent.”

  “So, you’re calling yourself a prude?” Bull asked.

  “Nay!” The man could antagonize a saint.

  “Listen. This guy’s a brute, and has more muscles than smarts. Unlike me.”

  She glared up at him.

  “I’m brilliant. I teach college. Give me your hand.”

  Izzy wanted to curse at his command, but she lifted her hand, and he swung her to Balfour’s back. Without a saddle, she put her arms around Bull’s waist to keep from slipping off.

  “Much better than walking side-by-side, don’t you agree?”

  “Yer method has its strong points, but where are we headed?”

  Without answering, he kicked Balfour’s side. When the animal trotted away, she leaned into Bull, and the heat of his naked back seeped through her. He was heavily muscled, and so large that she could not see over his wide shoulders. The scent of him wafted over her, and when she relaxed enough to stretch in order to peek around Bull’s shoulder, a branch slapped her cheek.


  Bull chuckled. His back muscles quivered, and her breasts tingled in response. If she could sit far enough back, so as not to touch him, she might stop lusting after Bryce Buchanan.

  “Careful, sweetheart, more branches ahead.” Bull said.

  Izzy curled low, hiding behind him, and brushed his back again. Sensations flowed through her, unbidden, but delicious. What would it feel like to gaze into his eyes, as he lowered his body to hers? If Jenny’s scream had not interrupted them at her apartment, would they have gone too far?

  “Here’s the clearing Niall told me about.”

  Balfour whinnied as they broke through the dense forest, onto a grassy riverbank. The stream was wide and roiling, and its waves sprayed over partially submerged rocks and stumps.

  “This must be where Gavin took Jenny. She was thirsty.”

  “Right. Is there something going on between them?”

  She could not answer. Now that they had escaped the dense woods, a roar thundered from around a bend. Bull kicked Balfour, and they trotted north toward the din. When he raised his arm and pointed upstream, Izzy’s gaze followed.

  Her breath caught in her throat, at the sight of a waterfall. It was not very high, but it spread wide, across the face of the rocky cliff. Brambles and vines covered the sides of the cliff, and when they rode closer, the spray dampened her cheeks.

  Bull pulled Balfour to a stop and pointed toward the opposite bank. She missed his voice, until she realized that the thunder of the falls would have drowned him out. Poised delicately on the riverbank, a doe drank her fill.

  Motionless, they watched, until Balfour pulled at the reins. The doe skittered away.

  “Ye scared her away, ye beast.” She yelled over the relentless din.

  Bull laughed loudly, then sobered as he leaned back. “Izzy, do you think that doe I hit with the truck wasn’t just a deer?”

  “Aye. Ever since our unfortunate meeting with the brownie, I remembered how strange it seemed. You hit the tiny beast with a heavy, metal vehicle, yet dinna’ kill it,” she said, her lips nearly brushing his ear.

  “More reason to figure this out, and go home. How do we get home?”

  “I be home,” she laughed, “and I have wanted to return, since leaving long ago. However, the reason I left has followed me here. To return unshackled to New England, and my little apartment, will be a problem for me as well.”

  “This is your home? You should stay,” he shouted over the din.

  “I canna’. Gavin will no’ stop until we are wed.”

  “Right. He wants to marry you. I understand why he would--”

  “I will no’ have him,” she shouted, then slid off the animal’s back.

  Bull dismounted, hobbling Balfour to keep him from straying.

  Izzy smiled at the Highland skill. “Did ye learn that from Jake?”

  “Actually, from a scary warrior named Marcus Mackenzie. I think Jake called him their laird? Don’t change the subject.” Cupping her hands in his, Bull pulled her closer.

  The scent of grass and male musk invaded her, filled her, and she reveled in the heady aroma. Nearly dizzy with a sudden desire to lie down, and beg him to touch her, she pulled away.

  A possible way to thwart the man following her, Gavin, came to mind. If Bull kissed her in front of the others, would Gavin nullify their agreement?

  “Follow me?” she asked, then turned and headed up
stream. The fragrance of thick grass and blossoming chamomile were nothing, compared to Bull’s musky scent. She wanted more than kisses. With the upheaval in her life, and the possibility of Gavin winning, she wanted to savor a few hours of bliss. She deserved to enjoy the moment, and she was sure Bull was the man who could give her that pleasure.

  He just doona’ know it, yet.

  The waterfall plunged into a small pool that emptied into the river. Heading away, she stepped into a small glade. It was near the falls, but so secluded, that they no longer needed to shout. Bull had followed behind her, and stopped. She lifted her head to listen.

  “We are verra’ much alone,” she whispered.

  When he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, she gasped. Bull was warm, large, and all encompassing. Standing behind her, he peppered gentle kisses along her shoulder, but she wanted more.

  “I like it when you wear your hair loose, but this works.”

  She had retied her hair into a tail with a scrap of cloth, which in turn, bared her neck and shoulders. His kisses were as warm as his hands, and just as sensuous. Her skin prickled as his tongue traced a sensitive trail along her collarbone, and delved inside the edge of her blouse.

  A longing filled her. She wanted his lips arousing her breasts, and yearned for his wicked tongue to staunch the damp ache between her thighs. Such thoughts were so unlike her. Bryce Buchanan was not a man to toy with. She would never allow him such liberties.

  Would I?

  “What about your mount?” As desire washed over her, her voice wavered. Izzy tried to change the subject, by mentioning old Balfour. Anything to get him to slow down.

  “Best you worry, about how much I want to mount you.”

  Gasping, her attention locked on his hands, as they tugged her shirt lower. She let him. Why deny how much she wanted this? The cool breeze, slightly damp with the waterfall’s spray, made her shiver, while his thumb and forefinger teased her left nipple. She tingled everywhere.

  When her skirt slithered past her hips to puddle at her feet, a moan slipped out. Bull turned her to face him. His large fingers made quick work of her shirt, until she stood before him, naked. His midnight-blue eyes swept a heated gaze down to her toes, and back. While she contemplated why she allowed such liberties, she also asked herself when did I kick off my slippers?

  “You are a treasure.” His low, nearly imperceptible whisper sent pleasure darting down her spine. She pushed an errant thought from her head about how Gavin used to shower her with pretty words as well.

  Did Bull mention treasure because someone had told him about her holdings? Could he have found out how valuable her land was, to people of her time?

  Such as the Sinclairs?

  How could he know? They had not met until her tent caught fire, and she had slammed into his solid chest.

  Was that only this morning?

  “Izzy. You have tied me up in knots.”

  His statement made her stare at his naked chest, and the plaid wrapped around his thighs. “Ye be dressed. ‘Tis unkind to leave me standing naked. Alone.”

  “Your wish is my command.” Bull unbuckled his belt, and the colorful wool garment fell to the ground. His manhood had grown stiff and swollen. It jutted straight toward her, and bobbed in anticipation. With the plaid, and the belt he had worn low on his hips gone, he spread his feet. Massive thigh muscles grew as taut as the fists at his sides.

  As a cloud covered the sun, her eyes widened in order to drink in the spectacle of pure, magnificent male. He must have seen her staring. A muscle twitched in his jaw, and he smiled a smile filled with promise. He gazed at her, as if he meant to devour her like a haunch of roasted mutton.

  She stepped back, but he lunged.

  In a heartbeat, he pulled her to the ground. Nestled in the soft, tall grass, they rolled repeatedly, releasing the fragrance of heather and sunlight. It invaded her nose, until she inhaled the scent of musk and aroused male. Bull’s lips found her willing mouth, and it opened to him. He sipped and caressed her lips.

  His fingers tunneled through her hair, dislodging the short length of cloth. Her skin erupted in heat as his hands swept down her neck, and cupped her breasts. She encircled his neck with her arms, melting into his chest. When his bulk covered her, and pressed her to the ground, she moaned against his mouth.

  Bull broke away from her bruised lips, and rested on his elbow, slightly beside her, and kept the full brunt of his weight from crushing her small frame. He stared down at her, unsmiling.

  “What ‘tis wrong, my Highland warrior?”

  “Ha! I’m far from a warrior. If I was, I would have stayed with my friend, and not retreated from 1603 Scotland. But, I had one too many death threats.”

  She stared at his face, understanding dawning. “Ye doona’ want to be here. I have caused ye misery.”

  “Our journey back in time was not your fault. Besides, this feels unlike any misery I could imagine. Being with you is the only reason I’m sane, knowing what I know, of this time. With Gavin sniffing around, not to mention some kind of magical creature, I won’t let you out of my sight.”

  “Love me, Bull.” Izzy wiggled beneath him, to remind him she wanted him inside her. She did want this, did she not? She was no untried lass, and the man in her arms was special. She wanted him. Why had he hesitated? His kisses stirred her desires for heated human contact like no other, but why did he not continue?

  His brow rose, as if did not understand her words. Then she recalled his scars. When she lowered her hands to rub along his back, he cringed, and inhaled a quick breath. When he growled and pulled her hands away, she cupped his face, and gazed into his blue eyes.

  “Who hurt you?”

  “A horse barn.”

  She glanced toward where old Balfour munched on sweet grass. Had Bull made a joke? How could a barn injure him? “Explain.”

  “Bossy, aren’t you. Let’s talk later.”

  She nodded. “Please tell me if I hurt ye.”

  “You could never hurt me, love.”

  His endearment caused a rush of damp heat, as she anticipated their coupling. She wiggled, in an attempt to get even closer to his engorged manhood, while his strong hands caressed her curves. His fingers settled between her legs, and his touch awoke in her feelings she had carefully hidden away. The need to share such intimate desires with this man scared her, but she unconsciously spread her legs to urge him to continue.

  He stroked her special place, until she was wet and pulsed with need. She wanted him to fill her, and send her worries away. It still surprised her the moment the tip of his generous arousal probed her secret place. Gavin had been there before him. Would he care she was no innocent?

  Bull’s erection pressed forward, with a slow and seductive slide. Wet and eager, she relaxed and welcomed him inside. He filled her, settling deep inside her passage. Prickles of pleasure halted when he did. Bull gazed down at her.

  “Why did ye stop?” she asked.

  “Have I hurt you?”

  “Nay. Ye be a large man, I suspect, but I hope ye doona’ lower yer opinion of me. I am no maid.”

  “What? No, I just didn’t think my afternoon would turn out this way. We hardly know one another. I don’t usually throw myself at a woman and--”

  “I allowed yer interest to blossom into what I want. To a need I canna’ explain. Please, Bull. Move?”

  His erection twitched deep inside her, then slid nearly all the way out. She moaned her disapproval at his abandonment. When Bull surged forward, then pounded her over and over, she cried out. He suddenly stopped. Perspiration dampened his brow, as if he held back.

  “Take me. Doona’ hold back on my account. I am stronger than I appear.”

  Bull smiled, then bore into her, like a beast unleashed. His thrusts grew faster and deeper. When she wrapped her legs around him, and tilted her hips, she gasped. Sensations spread like wildfire through her extremities. Her legs threatened to cramp. Her fingers clutched his hair. Worried
that she might hurt him, she kept her nails away from his back.

  When she closed her eyes, stars sparkled beneath her lids. Her heartbeat grew to a rapid pace, and her lungs pleaded for more air. The pleasure intensified until she flew apart and shattered, like a bowl tossed onto a stone floor.

  “Dear Lord. I can’t….I must…” Bull surged forward and back, heading toward his own bliss, undoubtedly fueled by the way her muscles clamped around his manhood.

  Bull grabbed her hands from his hair, then tried to force her legs from where she had wrapped tightly around his thighs.

  “Let me go, love. I shouldn’t…” A guttural cry tore from him. He exploded deep within her, filling her with his seed.

  Joy filled her, and she cupped the back of his head, while he forced his mouth over hers. Their shared kiss deepened. When he caressed her breasts, he hardened inside her once more. He surged ahead, repeatedly, until their lovemaking released another volley of pleasurable tingling, and her body erupted with elation. The man was adept at how to pleasure a woman, and she accepted his offering. An afternoon filled with the two of them loving each other, was exactly what she needed to shove the darkness away.

  After they both hit their peak together, she relaxed beneath his bulk. Gasping for breath, sweaty from the passionate exertion, Izzy closed her eyes, and willed her heartbeat to slow.

  Bull slipped out of her sated body, and fell onto his back. She prayed his groan was in response to the pleasure she had shared with him. When he pulled her tight against his side, she drifted asleep, cradled in Bull’s warm arms.


  “Wake up, sweetheart.” Since the moment they met, Bull wanted nothing more than to lift his kilt, push his stiffening arousal inside her, and lose his wits. He had already made a grave mistake, and the outcome might force him to stay in this time. Hadn’t he made his choice when he told Jake he wanted to go home? Why had he let sex wrangle him into this mess?

  Her hands roamed up his bare chest, pausing over each nipple. He shuddered. The sensation caused an erection as rigid as a steel pike, and took him unaware. Was she still asleep? Struck speechless, he waited for her to open her eyes.


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