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Champion Page 12

by Marie Higgins

  Payton bit her tongue. She wanted to remind him she started being rude to him when she caught him cheating on her, but she refrained from showing her temper. Instead, she turned her focus to Archer. Looking upon this gorgeous man always made her feel better.

  “I can’t help it,” she told Calvin. “Archer is absolutely the best looking man I’ve worked with. Not only that,” she quickly continued, especially after he snapped his head around to glare at her, “but he is the nicest model I’ve ever known. In this day and age, it’s refreshing to find such a gentleman.

  Gentleman?” Calvin snorted. “Are you kidding me?

  And it’s also nice,” Payton continued as if she didn’t hear his snide remark, “to have someone who treats me like a lady instead of a used door mat.” She aimed her hard stare at Calvin.

  He rolled his eyes. “Once again, you’ve got your head in the clouds. You’ve been reading too many romance novels, I guess.

  I won’t deny how much I enjoy reading romance novels. If not for those stories, I wouldn’t know for certain what kind of man I really want in my life.” She turned her attention back to Archer. “And right now, I don’t mind having my own modern-day Robin Hood hero.

  Eh?” Calvin’s grimaced. “Robin Hood isn’t a hero.”

  She gasped. “He is too. He’s the best kind of hero.

  Pay, I’m really starting to worry about you.


  Because now you’re creating imaginary people just to make me upset.”

  She didn’t know whether to laugh or scream at him. What was he talking about? “You think I’m making him up? Have you never read a book about Robin Hood or seen one of the movies about him?

  Payton, there are no books or movies about him. Obviously, he’s just a figment of your psycho imagination.

  Seriously?” She touched his arm, even though she hated to touch him. “You have never heard of Robin Hood?


  What about Maid Marion and the Sheriff of Nottingham?”

  Both of his eyebrows rose. “Nope.”

  Confusion whirled through her mind once more. Had she really removed all traces of the fictitious Robin Hood just because she wished him into her world? The idea was so far-fetched, it was laughable. And yet, she wasn’t laughing. Evidence of his disappearance on the internet proved the point.

  The legend of Robin Hood was gone forever.


  “Mary is doing quite well. Do you not agree?” Archer looked at Payton as they walked toward the spot in the park where he’d planned the contest would take place.

  Payton had been quiet today, and her silence worried him. Did she not trust he would help her and Mary? He hoped not. He wanted Payton to trust him completely.

  “Yes, Mary is doing great.” She offered a paltry smile.

  As they passed under a tree, he stopped her by taking hold of her shoulders. Looking deep into her eyes, he could see something was bothering her. The expression she wore this afternoon was too emotional. She was saddened about something, and it broke his heart seeing her this way.

  “Will you tell me what is bothering you?”

  She heaved a heavy sigh and shook her head. “I’d rather not.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “No? Do you have a reason not to tell me?

  Because...” She swallowed hard as tears gathered in her eyes. “I’m beginning to think it was wrong bringing you here to my world.

  What makes you think such a thing?

  It’s hard to explain only because you don’t know the way my world works. But, plain and simple, I think your stories as Robin Hood are being erased from my existence because I brought you here before your adventures had begun.”

  Confusion swept through him once again. It had been doing that a lot since he met Payton. “What do you mean?”

  “Do you remember that book I let you read about Robin Hood?

  Aye. I found it quite fascinating.

  Well, that story has somehow disappeared. I can’t find it, I mean in bookstores any longer. It’s like your legend has just disappeared.”

  He swept his fingers across her cheek. “But I am still here.

  You are, but your history—or whatever it was that caused people to write about Robin Hood—is gone.”

  She appeared so disheartened. She really believed this, so perhaps he’d better take it a little more serious as well. He’d never wondered until now, but would he ever return home or would he stay in this time forever? If he was assured Payton would be with him, it wouldn’t be too difficult to live in this world. However, if he had his choice, he’d rather return back to Sherwood Forest and his own time. Things were much simpler then.

  “My lovely Payton,” he cupped her face tenderly, “let us not worry about that now. Let us enjoy the time we have here and now.”

  Longing shone in the depths of her eyes, wrenching at his heart. He followed his first instinct, which was to press his lips against hers. At first, she hitched a breath, and then it was followed by a low groan in her throat as she wrapped her arms around his and snuggled up against him.

  Her kiss ignited desire and passion inside of him quickly. He took her in his embrace and satisfied his urges with their kiss. She clung so tightly to him, it made his heart ache. Her mouth slanted across his as she partook of all of his emotions, sharing those she had with him, as well.

  He supped from her nectar, enjoying himself to the fullest. But when they finally pulled apart, he felt empty. Tears swam in her eyes, but at least a smile had touched her swollen lips.

  “That kiss was magical,” she murmured.

  Nodding, he dropped a kiss on the tip of her nose. “Indeed, that is the perfect way to describe it.”

  She pulled out of his arms, and then slipped her hand into his. “We’d better get to the spot we want to set up. There is so much that needs to be done before the contest.

  I agree.” He winked. “And working together, I’m certain we can accomplish anything.”

  PAYTON PHYSICALLY ACHED for the next two days. She spent as much time as she could with Archer, but that only made her heart hurt more. She had come to a decision, even as hard as it was. After the contest, she would try to send him home. She’d watch for a falling star and make another wish. It could kill her to do it, but it must be done.

  She’d miss the way he looked at her as if he’d never seen anything so lovely in his life. She’d long for the memories of being in his arms and kissing him until her toes curled. She knew there would never be another man like him. But she must send him back. She couldn’t deprive the world of Robin Hood stories. She couldn’t be that selfish!

  An hour before the contest between Archer and Phillip, she was a bucket of nerves. Both she and Mary paced the house, and then went to the spot in the park where the contest would be, and paced there. Archer had set up two separate targets—one for him and one for Phillip. Archer had roped off the spot just so nobody would disturb it. The bow and several arrows were ready for him as well. He’d asked Mary to dress similar to him, tan trousers, a white billowy shirt, with a black hooded cape tied around them, along with black gloves and knee boots.

  Word had got out to the other models and some of their friends, and soon a crowd began to form. Payton had never seen Mary so jittery, because she didn’t even converse with her friends in the crowd. Payton was nervous as well, but she must put her trust in Archer. He said he would win this contest, and she must believe him. Of course, thinking of the alternative wasn’t good for either her or Mary. If by some chance Phillip won, she and Mary would have to find someplace else to live. The mere idea was unsettling.

  Phillip finally arrived, appearing much too cocky. Then again, he always looked self-assured. But this time, there was a twinkle in his eyes that made Payton leery. He was up to something. She could feel it in her bones, and it wasn’t good.

  He strutted past her and went right to Mary. Payton rolled her eyes. She loathed that man. She prayed Archer would bring P
hillip’s ego down a peg or two.

  “This is exciting, isn’t it?”

  The man’s voice coming from behind, startled her and she jumped. Calvin stood with his arms crossed over his chest. The light wind slightly teased his long hair. He, too, looked almost too happy. Then again, he seemed to always be in good spirits lately.

  “Yes, I suppose you could say it was exciting.” She wrung her hands against her middle. “But personally, I can’t wait until it’s over. The anxiety is killing my nerves.

  Where are you going to live if Phillip wins?”

  She gritted her teeth, wanting to spit at him. How dare he even think that way! She forced a laugh. “What makes you think Phillip is going to win?

  Phillip is successful in almost everything he does.”

  She shrugged. “Apparently, you didn’t hear about the time Archer beat Phillip in an archery contest during the Renaissance Fair not too long ago.

  I’d heard.” He moved his gaze out over the crowd. “Phillip also said you and Archer had tricked him.”

  A laugh sprang from her throat. “Tricked him? If Phillip told you that, then he was lying. There was no way we tricked him. He’s just a sore loser.

  Well, Phillip definitely doesn’t plan on losing this time.”

  Cocking her head, she studied Calvin. As she prepared to ask him how he knew all of this, a disturbing idea struck her. When had Calvin talked to Phillip? Were they friends? Suddenly, something Archer had told her the other day returned to her memory, hitting her like a diesel truck. When Archer had spied Mary’s ex going into the bar that one night, Archer had mentioned another man with long hair had been with Phillip.

  Realization slapped her and she sucked in a quick breath. Not too long ago, Mary and Payton had wondered how Phillip had known so much about what was going on inside their house. Could Calvin have been the spy all this time? Knowing Phillip, he’d be low enough to hire someone to watch his ex-wife just so he could plan her downfall.

  She muttered a curse and shook her head, giving Calvin a glare. “I can’t believe I never figured it out before now.”

  His eyes widened. “Figured what out?

  You have been the leak all along.”

  He forced a laugh. “What are you talking about?”

  Growling, she pushed Calvin’s shoulders, making him stumble backwards. “You have gone behind our backs and told things to Phillip, haven’t you?”

  Another thought struck her, making her hold her breath. If Calvin was the leak, had he heard Archer discussing his plans to her and Mary? Payton’s mind scrambled to remember if Calvin had been around during those times. He had surprised her when they were in the backyard while Archer was teaching Mary how to shoot. Payton recalled at that time wondering why he was there.

  “Pay, you have an overactive imagination—

  Oh, don’t feed me any more bull. If I remember correctly, you had told me you were staying at the house because you had another photo shoot to go New York!” She scratched her chin. “If that were true, you’d be there by now, but you’re not. You decided to come to this contest instead. I wonder why you changed your mind. Then again, I already know why.”

  He pierced her with a scowl. “Not that it’s any of your business, but the photo shoot in New York was cancelled.”

  Twin spots of color reddened his cheeks. She’d known him well enough by now to tell when he was lying. He was doing so now.

  “Well, I hope you find another gig soon, because you will never model for us again!” Angrily, she pushed past him and marched toward Mary. Her friend would be very shocked to hear this very interesting turn of events. Thankfully, Phillip wasn’t near Mary, however, the woman’s wide eyes searched frantically through the crowd.

  Mary grasped Payton’s hands and squeezed. “Where is Archer?” she asked.

  Payton shrugged. “He’s around here somewhere. He went to check the surrounding area once more before we start. Why?

  I don’t know what Phillip has planned, but just now when he was talking to me, he made it sound like the contest would be between him and me.” She shook her head as color disappeared from her face. “He made it sound like Archer would not be participating in the contest.”

  Payton’s heart dropped to her knees. Now she knew why both he and Calvin had worn the same self-assured smiles. “I’ll go find Archer, now.”

  She tore away from her friend and weaved her way through the crowd. As seconds passed with her not being able to see him, her worry escalated. He wasn’t a hard man to spot. Taller than most men, he also had long hair...and of course, he looked like a warrior. And yet, she couldn’t see him.

  Dread rooted itself inside her, and she knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Phillip had done something with Archer. She stopped beside a tree to catch her breath. Her chest tightened with pain and her stomach churned. What were she and Mary going to do? They could not lose the house, which meant, they could not lose this contest!

  Phillip’s voice boomed through the grove and a hush fell across the crowd. He welcomed everyone to the contest in a cheerful voice. But when he introduced Archer and her hero didn’t step forward, Phillip acted shocked. Yet his tone of voice didn’t betray his deceit when he announced that Mary would take Archer’s place.

  They were doomed!


  Archer struggled against the ropes secured around his ankles and wrists, and at the same time tried to use his shoulder to work the gag around his mouth so that it would slip down his face. Phillip and Calvin were responsible for this. They reminded Archer so much of the Sheriff of Nottingham and his right hand man, Guy Gisborne.

  When he finally loosened the gag and it fell from his mouth, he brought his wrists to his mouth and used his teeth to try and untie the knots. During the Turk War, he’d been in more dangerous situations than this, but he realized what would happen if he wasn’t there to win the contest. The women would lose their house. They would hate him. What kind of hero would he be in Payton’s eyes if he allowed that to happen?

  Anger swelled inside of him, and he tried harder to loosen the knots at his wrists. The rope rubbed on his face, and he was sure there would be scratches, and he might even draw blood. But it was nothing compared to what he was going to do to Phillip and Calvin for taking him away.

  It had happened so suddenly, Archer didn’t know what was going on at first. He’d been scoping out the area, double-checking to make sure all was secure, but the next thing he knew, pain exploded in his head and he lost consciousness. When he finally came alert, he was tied up in a cluster of shrubs. He figured he was still in the park somewhere, but right now, he couldn’t see where he was.

  He knew it was Phillip and Calvin. Just before Archer blacked out, he heard Phillip’s voice commanding Calvin to grab Archer’s legs. Those two men were idiots, and he could not let them win. Good men always won, not the bad ones.

  When he felt the knot loosen at his wrists, he tugged at the ropes harder with his teeth. Finally, the rope loosened enough for him to pull his hands free. Immediately, he grabbed the rope at his ankles, and within seconds, had that untied as well.

  He jumped to his feet, and then quickly steadied himself as dizziness washed over him. The spot on the back of his head where Phillip had wacked him, pounded with pain. Tenderly, he touched the lump and grimaced. Blood coated his fingers, but thankfully, he wasn’t losing a lot of blood.

  He climbed out of the shrubbery and looked at his surroundings. Listening closely, he tried to hear for any cheering noises. That would tell him in what direction the contest was. After a few frustrating minutes, he finally heard cheering. Relief washed over him and he took off running in that direction.

  The throbbing in his head worsened, but he ignored it and forged onward. Soon he was able to see people through the trees. Almost there.

  The closer he came, he slowed down his steps so he could get a good look on how far the contest had proceeded. The rules of the game were simple. Each participa
nt would shoot five arrows at the target. The contender’s arrows who were closest to the red target would win. But what nobody knew was how Archer rigged Phillip’s target. Archer had previously had a sneaky suspicion Phillip was up to no good, so he rigged the target with lead points to make the arrows miss the middle target by a few degrees. As he focused on the targets, he realized everything was working the way he’d wanted it. True, Phillip had more arrows closer to the target, but none of them were directly on the red target. Archer was happy to see Mary was doing splendidly, for only having a few lessons from him. Still, if he didn’t do something soon, Phillip would win, and he couldn’t have that.

  He snuck to the back of the crowd where Archer had kept an extra bow and arrow, just in case. He’d done this for years and most of the time, he was glad he did. Today was one of those days.

  Without a second thought, he climbed the tree and scooted out on a strong limb and then adjusted his bow and arrow, aiming it at Mary’s target. He waited for Phillip to take his turn, which he did. When the arrow hit closer to the middle target, the crowd cheered.

  Mary took her spot, and with shaky hands, pointed her arrow at her target. Archer quickly let his arrow fly through the air, striking the exact middle of the target. Mary jumped, but just as they’d planned the other day, she quickly pushed the arrow she’d been holding up into her baggy sleeve so that nobody would realize she didn’t shoot it.

  When the crowd roared with excitement, she turned and faced them. Her cheeks were bright red and her sparkling wide-eye gaze bounced around to everyone before lifting to the trees. Archer grinned. She was looking for him, which meant she knew he was here to help.

  Phillip grumbled and marched to her. Archer could tell by the other man’s expression, he was very displeased. Thankfully, Mary kept herself calm and didn’t give away the little secret. Soon Payton was beside them, waving her hands as she talked. Apparently, Phillip didn’t believe Mary had shot that arrow. He checked her remaining arrows. One left.


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