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Champion Page 13

by Marie Higgins

  Archer chuckled. He enjoyed seeing the other man so frustrated. Served him right for trying to remove Archer from the game.

  Phillip stormed back to his place on the field and raised his arrow. Archer watched it closely. It sailed through the air and nearly hit the exact middle, but thanks to the lead Archer had stuffed in the target, the point of the arrow landed away from the middle. From up in the tree, he could hear the curses from that man.

  Archer skimmed his gaze across the crowd, searching for Calvin. When he spotted the other model, he sighed. At least Archer didn’t have to worry about the other man trying to stop him again.

  Mary took her turn on the field and raised her bow and arrow. This time, her hands didn’t shake. Archer grinned. Knowing he was here to watch her back gave her confidence. Still, he wouldn’t leave the game to chance. He raised his bow and arrow, aimed, and shot. The arrow zipped through the air and landed right next to the other shot he’d made.

  Just as Mary had done before, she quickly pushed the arrow inside her sleeve so nobody would notice. And just like before, Phillip grumbled up a storm, shaking his head and calling her a cheat. Thankfully, the crowd sided with her and began throwing insults back at Phillip, calling him a sore loser. Which, of course, he was.

  Phillip took his stance and shot the arrow, but it didn’t even make it close to the middle of the target. Archer laughed, knowing the lead had nothing to do with it that time.

  The group of people cheered loudly and circled Mary to congratulate her for winning. Archer took this moment to quickly shinny down the tree and head back to where Phillip and Calvin had him tied up. He didn’t want to make them think he’d been there helping her.

  He found the spot easy enough and went to work wrapping the rope around his ankles. By the time Calvin or Phillip come to check on Archer, he wanted them to see he was almost out of his bindings.

  As he waited, he couldn’t help but smile. Thankfully, things had worked out for Mary and Payton. He shuddered to think what would have happened if he’d not been there to help. But he had to admit, Mary had done quite well without him. True, he wasn’t fully honest in the contest, but then neither was Phillip. And at least Archer hadn’t harmed another person in the process...unless it was Phillip’s ego, which of course, didn’t count.

  Grumbling noises sounded in the near distance. Someone was coming, and he was willing to bet it was Phillip. When the bushes rustled and Phillip appeared in the thicket, he stopped dead in his tracks and glared at Archer. He quickly threw down the rope from his wrists and kicked it off his ankles before jumping to his feet.

  “What is the meaning of this?” Archer asked with an angry voice, keeping up the pretenses. “Are you aware that you are an uncouth man to do such a thing?”

  Phillip flipped his hand through the air and scowled. “It doesn’t matter anymore since Mary won the contest.”

  Archer slowly grinned. “She did, did she? Well, she was catching on to my lessons pretty quickly.”

  The shrubbery rustled again, but this time Calvin stumbled through before swiping the leaves off his clothes. When he met Archer’s stare, Calvin gaped and his eyes widened.

  “You were here the whole time?” he gasped.

  Archer lifted an eyebrow. “What do you think? I’m standing here, aren’t I?” He rubbed his wrists that were still sore.

  Phillip shook his head. “I still cannot believe Mary beat me. It’s impossible.

  Apparently not.” Archer shrugged. “But since she won and I’m here, I hope you know she won fair and square. You did sign the contract, did you not?

  Yes,” Phillip snapped, “but this won’t be the last you’ll hear from me. I’ll have my lawyer look into this because I’m sure something is illegal.”

  Archer didn’t want to rub salt into Phillip’s wound, but Mary previously had her own lawyer write up the contract, so he was certain Phillip wouldn’t be able to get out of this one. “I wish you luck, then.” He grinned.

  “What is going on?” Payton asked, her voice raised in shock as she pushed her way through the bushes. Her gaze moved from Phillip back to Calvin before finally resting on Archer. “Have you been here the whole time?”

  Archer continued to rub his sore wrists. “Aye. Phillip and his right-hand-man tied me up and gagged me after knocking me out first.”

  She gasped and glared at Phillip with her hands on her hips. “I should have known you’d do something lowdown and dirty. I have half a mind to call the cops.”

  Phillip rolled his eyes. “Does it matter now since Mary won the contest?”

  Payton remained silent as she chewed on her bottom lip. Finally, a smile broke out on her face and she shook her head. “I don’t know. If Archer wants to press charges, then I’ll get in touch with the police.”

  Once again, she said something confusing. Would he ever figure out their way of talking? “Press charges?”

  She nodded. “Yes. Do you want Phillip and Calvin arrested and put in jail for what they did to you?”

  Archer gingerly touched the lump on the back of his head and winced. He’d been worse off and he lived. “No. I will recover.”

  She gave him a genuine smile before returning her glare back on Phillip. “So then I suggest you take your trusted henchman and get out of here before I convince Archer to change his mind.”

  Phillip spouted curses as he stomped out of the bushes. “You’ll be hearing from my lawyer,” he shouted, shaking his fist.

  When both men were away from them, Payton threw herself in Archer’s arms. “Oh, Archer. I was so worried about you.” She gazed up into his eyes, and gently pushed some hair off his forehead. “I had a feeling Phillip would do something deceitful, but I never thought he’d go as far as to bring bodily harm to someone.

  I’m almost certain it was Calvin who hit me.”

  She shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. The order came from Phillip, so he is to blame.” She ran the pad of her fingers around his mouth. “Why is your skin raw here as well?

  I had to use my teeth to loosen the knots on the rope.”

  Frowning, she released a sigh. “This is all my fault.

  What are you talking about, my love? You are not to blame for any of this.”

  Tears spiked her eyes and she rested her head against his chest. “I was the one who brought you here, remember? I was the one who wished for a hero to come into my life.”

  He couldn’t help but smile. At times he didn’t want to believe in the miracle of time-travel, and yet how else could he suddenly go from one realm to another in the blink of an eye?

  He kissed her forehead before lifting her chin with his knuckles. “My dear Payton, how do you know I didn’t wish for you? How do you know I wasn’t looking for a woman to give my heart to who would cherish me as much as I cherish her? It was my wish to find a woman just like you.”

  More tears streaked down her face, but instead of burying her head in his chest, she reached up and captured his mouth with her own. Kissing her always made his heart sing, but this time a different emotion rushed through him. He couldn’t quite put a name to it, only because he’d never felt this way before. Yet he knew, he never wanted to be away from her. She completed him. Fulfilled his every dream. He wanted to have children with her and grow old together. Nothing else would make him happier.

  Yet, the longer he kissed her, another emotion crept inside of him. Because of the almost desperate way she responded to him, it felt as if she was saying goodbye. He hoped he was wrong.

  PAYTON HAD REALIZED during the contest that Archer could not stay in this world. The type of man he was—that Robin Hood was—would not blend well with the people of this world. People like Phillip who always had to win. There would be more men like Phillip who’d come up against Archer. She couldn’t protect him all the time. She hadn’t even protected him this time. Yet, he’d been fine...and still managed to help them win the contest.

  When Mary had shot that arrow dead center in the target the
first time, Payton wondered if Archer had come back. But it was the look of pure joy on Mary’s face that let Payton know her guess had been correct. And still after the contest, Archer had managed to look like he’d never left so as to let Phillip and Calvin think he’d been in the bushes the whole time.

  Archer was a very clever man, and yet, men like him in her time could be dangerous. Men like Archer—or Robin Hood—had used their wits and intelligence to trick the rich. Men like Archer had gotten out of scrapes and came out the hero each time. Payton feared that this world was so very different that it would end up destroying Archer instead of praising him and building him up to be a hero.

  Indeed, he must leave. He must return to his time. She’d miss him more than life itself, but it was something she knew in her heart that must be done. Tonight would be her last night with this wonderful man, because once the stars came out, she’d wish him back home.

  She broke the kiss and stepped out of his arms. Wiping the tears from her eyes, she tried to smile. “Although I’d love nothing better than to continue kissing you, I think we’d better find Mary.”

  He nodded. “Aye. I have to congratulate her for winning.”

  He picked her up in his arms and carried her across the bushes before setting her down again. Once again, her heart melted. She’d never find another one like him as long as she lived.

  “Archer,” she asked as she slipped her hand into his large one, “you were helping Mary, right?”

  He glanced at her and smiled, but one side of his mouth lifted higher than the other. She’d seen this look on his face before, and she knew he was teasing. “What makes you think that when I was tied up in the bushes?”

  She chuckled. “Because I know you, my dear man. I also know Mary couldn’t have possibly made those last two shots.”

  He threw back his head and laughed. Closing her eyes, she willed herself to brand the sound of his laughter to her memory. She never wanted to forget how much she loved hearing his voice.

  When they finally reached Mary, she was elated and threw her arms around Archer. She kissed his cheek and thanked him continuously. He just chuckled and acted as if she had won this contest by herself. Payton knew she hadn’t, but it was nice of Archer to make her friend feel as though she had won without his help. Although, Payton suspected Mary knew the truth.

  As they cleared up the field and made their way home, Payton’s heart dropped lower with each step closer to home. Tonight she’d be with Archer under the night sky. And when she saw a shooting star, she’d make a wish, and send him home.

  The rest of the day passed as if in a dream. Payton couldn’t eat dinner tonight, especially knowing what she had to do. All during the meal, Archer and Mary joked about Phillip and his temper tantrum. Payton had told the other two about Calvin’s betrayal, and even though it hurt Mary to think the model could do that, it certainly answered their questions on how Phillip had known in the first place.

  Instead of helping Mary with the dishes, she shooed Payton and Archer out of the kitchen and told them to go outside and spend some time together. Payton wasn’t going to argue. Yet at the same time, she didn’t want the night to end. It was already going too fast as it was.

  Archer took hold of Payton’s hand and they walked outside in the moonlight. She’d been quiet most of the night, and she wasn’t foolish enough to believe Archer didn’t see it and wonder what was going on in her head.

  He led them to the wooden two-seated swing in the corner of the yard and sat, pulling her beside him. The first few minutes were quiet, all except for the crickets chirping their soulful songs. She hesitated to look at Archer, only because she knew she’d cry if she did. However, there was no way she wanted to go the whole night without looking at him and memorizing every line in his face or the way his azure eyes sparkled when he gazed at her and made her all mushy inside.

  She finally turned to look at him, and realized he’d been looking at her this whole time. Her heart leapt, but then sank lower with the realization that their love was not meant to be.

  “Do I dare ask what you are thinking, my love?” he asked softly.

  She blinked rapidly, trying to dry the moisture threatening to fill her eyes again. “No, you don’t dare ask.”

  One corner of his mouth lifted, but the smile wasn’t full, and it certainly didn’t make his eyes twinkle.

  Frowning, he leaned closer and caressed her cheek. “I suppose I already know what you are thinking.

  You do?

  Aye. You want me to return home.”

  Tears filled her eyes and she couldn’t stop them this time. “Yes. Not that I want you to go, but it’s because you need to go home. My world just isn’t for you. I wish it was. Heaven knows I have been wishing that since you arrived, but today’s events made me realize you cannot stay.

  I don’t want to leave,” he whispered. “But I do understand what you are saying.”

  She laid her head on his shoulder, continuing to look into his eyes. So dreamy. The love she felt for him expanded inside of her, making their last moments together more precious.

  And more painful.

  He continued to stroke her cheek as he gazed at her. “Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me.”

  Her smile wavered. “Are you sure?

  I’m very certain, my love. I shall keep you in my mind—and heart—forever.”

  She licked her dry lips. “Maybe you’d better not do it forever. After all, you will eventually meet Maid Marion, and the two of you will live happily ever after.

  That is what your books say, but I can tell you now, you are the woman who will always have my heart.”

  Agony washed over her. She was thrilled that he felt the same, yet she wished he hadn’t. Having him leave was now that much harder, and the pain was ripping her apart.

  “I have fallen in love with you, Archer. We’ve been together only a short time, but it’s meant the world to me. I shall always love you.”

  He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her so tenderly. The pain inside of her heart was too much to bear, but she couldn’t break the kiss. His lips moved passionately over hers, and the way he wound her in his arms made her feel like he didn’t want to let go. She didn’t want to let go of him, either. She could do nothing but stay right here and kiss him endlessly.

  When he ended the kiss, she noticed his eyes were also watery. Her chest clenched. Why was life so hard? Why did loving someone like this have to hurt?

  She couldn’t look into his eyes anymore, and she snuggled against his chest again. Shifting her gaze to the star-filled sky, she waited for when she’d see a shooting star. Being in his arms was so very cozy, and a few times her exhausted mind and body wanted to shut down so she could sleep. But she couldn’t. Not yet.

  There was no way of telling how much time passed. Neither of them moved from each other’s arms. His hands slowly moved circles over her back and up and down her arms, while she familiarized herself with his muscular chest. She’d said it before, and she’d say it again...he was one superbly built man.

  Every so often, he kissed her forehead, but nothing beyond doing that. When he did kiss her, she placed a kiss on his chest where her head rested. Being like this with him was pure torture. Not knowing how much longer he’d be with her was killing her. But it was something she had to sit through, anyway.

  The night grew darker, and they still sat together entwined in each other’s arms. Finally, in the sky a star started falling. Her heart leapt as tears filled her eyes again.

  I wish Archer, the hero of my heart, to return to his time where he can live the life he was meant to have.

  She hadn’t said anything out loud, but Archer’s body stiffened, as if he knew what was going to happen. Holding her breath, she closed her eyes and waited...

  Within seconds, she fell against empty space. Gasping for air, she opened her eyes.

  Archer was gone.


  The closed space nearly suf
focated Archer. He couldn’t move. Coming awake as if he’d been in a dream, he blinked to gain his bearings. Everything around him was dark, and smelled like...a tree.

  Slowly, he moved his hand around as he tried to figure out what he’d been enclosed in. When he reached his hand in front of him to the barrier there, he realized they were tree branches. Suddenly, the fog in his mind cleared and recalled hiding in the hollow of a tree to hide from the soldiers.

  Being as quiet as he could, he moved the branches away and peeked out. The moon was high in the sky, much higher than it had been when he’d left this world and entered Payton’s. Just remembering their last moments together caused his chest to ache. Loneliness swelled inside of him, bringing a lump to his throat. How was he going to get through life without her?

  He moved out of the tree and stretched, and then realized he wasn’t wearing his armor. He would have to find another mail armor, along with a bow and arrow, if he was to make it in his own world. These were troublesome times, but he was used to the people and the way they thought. He knew how to get out of scrapes here. Payton had been correct in assuming that he was not made for her world.

  He stayed in the woods, not wanting to return to Nottingham. For certain, the sheriff would be looking for Archer. He could never go back there, and unfortunately, he could never return to Loxley, either. By now he was certain the sheriff had taken over Archer’s home.

  In the moonlight, something shined from underneath some brush. He sneaked closer to get a better look. One of the sheriff’s soldiers lay dead. Archer grinned. As luck would have it, he now found a sword to use. Hopefully, he’d find a bow and arrow shortly, as well.

  He’d thought about wearing the soldier’s armor, but then quickly dismissed the idea. He didn’t want anyone thinking he was one of the sheriff’s men. Not out here in the forest where bandits lived. Indeed, he was better off pretending he was one of them. Then again, he was one of them now. No longer did he have a place to call home, and he’d killed some of the sheriff’s men. Archer Robert of Loxley was now considered an outlaw.


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