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Book 7 of The traveler.

Page 4

by Robin Miller

  Kitty, "are the Twins helping with that?"

  I said, "yes, and they’re loving it, making friends with the other engineers." Kitty, "it's good that they are making friends. How about you, are you making any new friends?"

  I said, "not really. I'm friendly with my employees, but there is no one new l would want to go fishing with, or have over for supper. Except maybe Ranger or lunatic, I would like to get to know them better."

  Kitty, "well feel free to bring them home anytime."

  I said, "we should plan a barbecue with Gripper and Nursa one day." Kitty, "yes, that would be fun."

  I then went onto the porch and sat down next to Owsee.

  I said, "did you show Stony my contract the sites for the new radio stations today?"

  Owsee, "yes, got that done. He put a marker in the center of each one." I said, "you said there is room for a club and a hotel at each site?" Owsee, "yes, and we could have the land for the cost of the crystals under it, if you build. Thinking about it are you?"

  I said, "past thinking, planning. Talked to the earwood man about how long it would take to get enough for all the clubs. He said he could have 30,000 feet ready in a month. But he needs the 300,000 credits upfront, and I don't blame him. Told him I would have my banker give him a call with a contract." Owsee, "your past thinking, you're buying. I'll take care of it tomorrow. Then I need to confirm the land deals, I can do half of them tonight, as it is day there now. I'll take it Stony don't know yet."

  I said, "just made my mind up as I was getting the earwood today. Don't want to say anything until the land is a done deal."

  Owsee, "I can have a contract for each one by day's end tomorrow." I said, "I'll start working on contracts with the other suppliers."

  Owsee, "take a contract recorder, and try to get 20 to 40% off. I'll download the contracts at the bank."

  I said, "I'm building supply them all the same as the first one."

  Owsee, "the man that did the light panels may have a heart attack." I said, "I need to break the news to him gently. I would not want anyone else doing the job, the ceiling is half the club."

  Owsee, "and as I recall it was 225,000."

  I said, "yes, but well worth it. Being able to turn on and off five different colors to each of the panels in any pattern that is on the computer, truly makes for a great light show."

  Owsee, "together with the mirror floor, it's a class act all right. Will you reproduce a solid glass stage for all the clubs?"

  I said, "I'm not sure. I have a lot of good ideas about how to make a stage. I may leave central city as the home of the glass stage, and for capital city a thin layer of gold over the stage."

  Owsee, "even if it's thin, that's going to be a lot of gold. If you like, I could sell you gold that you still need to mine for half-price."

  I said, "that could be fun, I like digging. I don't know why, I just do." Owsee, "it helps if you digging for something, like gold or ice."

  Kitty appeared at the doorway and said, "what are you two planning now?" Owsee, "just talking about digging up some gold."

  Kitty, "isn't that dangerous?"

  I said, "not if you shore up every few feet."

  Kitty, "well I don't like tunnels of any kind, not even the one to Grippers wine room."

  I said, "did something happen to you when you were young?"

  Kitty, "not that I can remember, I just don't like to be under the ground that's all." I said, "well it's a good thing the children don't share your fear, or they would not of had such a great time when we went to the Crystal caves by the seashore." Kitty, "the video you brought back showed it to be a wonderful place, but you would never of got me down there."

  I said, "I must admit to a little fear when I was deep into the caves, but I tried not to show it for the sake of the children."

  Owsee, "you when a lot deeper than I did when I was there. Most never go that deep, it's too easy to get lost."

  I said, "that's why I hired a guide, he was well worth it, even if it was a lot of walking."

  Owsee, "some things are meant to be a once-in-a-lifetime thing."

  I said, "for some things once is enough, for others it's too many. War is something I could do without, it unleashes a madness I rather not see from myself. Even though I know it's there."

  Owsee, "my people do not like war either, and we are not good at it." Kitty, "your people did just fine against the swarm."

  Owsee, "they had good leadership and the power of the space station, and its fighters. Without that we would of been done for."

  I said, "let's hope we do as well with our next war."

  Owsee, "why? What have you heard?"

  I said, "nothing yet, except that something is coming. I don't know what or when yet, only that something is coming."

  Owsee, "now I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight."

  I said, "well as long as you're up, you can make those land deals."

  Owsee, "that's what I love about this guy, you can find the good in anything." I said, "we have a saying back on Earth, "anything that don't kill you just makes you stronger, I'm not sure I believe in it, but I try."

  Owsee, "and this coming from a man that’s already been dead ones." I said, "and hope not to repeat that for a very long time, thank you." Kitty, "you're lucky they were able to put your head back together." I said, "sometimes I'm still not sure they got it right, so if I make a mistake I can blame it on that."

  Owsee, "see, still finding the good in things."

  Kitty went in to check on supper while Owsee and I smoked our pipes, and went silent for a bit.

  Then I said, "looked over the local news for 20 areas today. Newsy found something to say about each of them, and the storyteller's start tonight. The first one should be about over by now, but there will be five others."

  Owsee, "is it being recorded for broadcast on the other stations?" I said, "yes, and we have a website for people to call in to, and let us know what they think about each one."

  Owsee, "good, I'll check out their stories later. I have two much on my mind, right now, to enjoy a story."

  I said, "talking about stories, I don't suppose you found your tree yet?" Owsee, "never made it past the parking lot. Looks like they did a good job by the way, and I see the main building is up. How is the inside of the park coming?" I said, "it's a getting there, the pluming and the power is done, I'll be looking for people to run the place soon. How is your mining crew coming along?" Owsee, "they know what they're doing. It's just amatter of moving them from site to site now, and both my ships will be ready tomorrow. So things should go faster now."

  I said, "that's the trick, to keep them working, not waiting for a ride to the next site."

  Owsee, "that's the key all right, keeping them working, and I only need to take containers from land you own to the station. The rest go to the nearest site the government is mining at, and they are worked in three different sites around the planet right now. Before long they will probably ask to buy more robot miners. Right now they need more ships to take their cargo to the station. That's why they are up to 200 containers a day that Gripper brings up, but that is costing them a good price."

  I said, "yeah, well owning and maintaining large ships are not cheap, if the government wants to try to save credits they can buy their own ships. I've already given them enough breaks."

  Owsee, "yes, they could of kept all three of the swarm ships, but didn't want to spend the credits to fix them. They'd rather just keep one and not pay for the repairs, than three and a repair bill. I on the other hand am thinking down the road."

  I said, "your government has never had so much money. It's a public service world, they just don't think like the bank."

  Owsee, "the truth is, that makes it easier for me. The bank is all about giving now and making the credits later. Making money work for you is the whole point." I said, "and the government is all about making people work for them, and spending money. I’m kind of doing both."

ee, "yes, but all the things you put your credits in to make money for you, even if it is a slow return. And the space station where you keep nearly a thousand workers, on public service, as part of the planet's defense is where you make hundreds of millions a day in the crystal trade. Just like the government, it's your own small city."

  I said, "yes, but unlike the government, I toss the workers some extra credits from time to time to keep them more than happy. As a matter of fact, I'm planning to take 10 credits, out of every extra 15, per unit of water I sell to the CM, and give it to the station workers. This way the workers can feel happy about the sale of water to the corporate mining company."

  Owsee, "and knowing they are screwing the CM helps."

  I said, "yes, I call it my pissed off tax, and tell the CM it’s the only way to keep the crew from mutiny or blowing them out of the sky."

  Owsee, "you may be saying it as if it was a joke, but it's not. There are a lot of people that rather push that button than take their credits. It's only out of respect for you that they hold back."

  I said, "and it's only because of the alliance of off world dock workers, of which I'm the president of, that I sell to the CM ships that take water to the stations and their dock workers.

  Owsee, "the alliance was a good way to keep the peace, and still see to it the workers have their rights, even if we don't make any credits out of it." I said, "it's not always about the credits. Sometimes you got to do something just because it's the right thing to do."

  Owsee, "as the president of the alliance of off-world dockworkers you can call for a strike that can shut down two dozen space stations or more. That's a powerful place to negotiate from."

  I said, "true, it's a power I hope I never need to use."

  "Supper is on the table," Kitty said from the doorway. Neither of us hesitated to get there. What Kitty called a duck was more like a goose, it was large to say the least. It was a golden brown, half carved and ready to serve. There was a platter of roasted potato wedges, turnips, parsnips and something else white that tasted like asparagus; I liked them all. I got a bottle of white fruit wine, from my collection of 300 in 10 different flavors, that I bought a while back. It went well with the duck, as did the biscuits Kitty made and the gravy that went fast. She said leave room for dessert, which was hard to do as it was also good, then she brought out a sweet nut pie. I had a small slice with a scoop of ice cream. By this time we were all very full and sat around listening to the storytellers on the radio. Before long Owsee said he was going to his place to make some calls before he went to bed. The rest of us stayed up to listen to stories until an hour before midnight, then went to bed, and it was not hard to fall asleep that night.

  Day 90

  Come morning I took a shower while Kitty made waffles. Owsee was on time for breakfast and told me he reached nine of the landowners, and it was a done deal, the other 10 he would talk to later today. I said not to forget to call the earwood man so he can start to cut and dry what I need. He said it was on his to-do list. I told Kitty the waffles were good but I didn't know we had a waffle iron. She said, "we don't, I got these from the freezer at the market. I wanted to see if you like them before I spend the money for a waffleiron."

  Owsee, "hey, you two have enough credits to buy gold ones and throw them away because they are dirty, and she is still frugal with the money. Being rich has not changed you."

  Kitty, "you should talk, you have more credits than just about anyone on the planet, and yet you still show up for a free meal."

  Owsee, "I don't believe in wasting my money either. Besides, you're a good cook and I enjoy your company."

  Kitty, "and we enjoyed having you."

  When we were done with our breakfast Owsee went to his bank to get some work done, and the rest of us helped kitty with her morning orders in a scarf factory. Then the Twins and I went to story land Park to see what we could get done. The earwood was there, so we worked with the carpenter to make the letters that would go up. With each one being 10 feet tall and made of pure earwood he was happy to have the help. Prowler kept me feed with wood, I cut it, Kitten gave it to the carpenter and he put it up. Outside of one break, we worked up to lunch to get it done, and I think it came out well. The carpenter asked for the scrap wood, and I told him to be my guest. Wethen called kittens music teacher to see which was best for him, now or afterlunch. He said after lunch would be fine, so we went to the club. We were all hungry so we ordered a steak. Moments later the chef came out and asked if he could make for us his stuffed steak that came with cheese, truffles and smoked oysters. We all said that sounds good, and he said, “three stuffed steaks coming up.”

  The bartender brought over a bowl of what looked like cherries, and said, "we just got these in today if you would you like to try them? But please be careful of the pit sir."

  I tried one, it was sweet but I couldn't put a name to the flavor, it was as if it kept changing.

  The bartender said, "they tend to change flavor as you eat them. Their sweetness is the only thing that stays the same."

  I nodded my head and took the bow from him, then offer the children some, saying be careful of the pit. They both agreed they were sweet, but could not pin down a flavor. We ate the bow of them while waiting for our steaks, which did not take long. The steaks were the most tender I had ever eaten, and the filling was delicious. The Twins said so as well.

  Kitten said, "I want to learn how to make this so I can teach mother." I laughed and said, "I don't know sweetheart, it may be a chef secret, but you can ask."

  So after we ate, Kitty went into the kitchen to talk to the chef while Prowler and I ate ice cream. She was in there a good 15 minutes, then came out and said, "it's a bit more complicated than it looks, but I think I can make it now."

  I said, "it was nice of him to teach you, but let's not have it for supper tonight." She said she would surprise us one of these days. Then I took her to her music lesson. Then Prowler and I went to a store and some rope and hooks, to put on signs for each of the storyteller trees. We then went to the park and cut signs out of some extra earwood, to put names on latter. Then tied the rope around each of the 10 trees, I had picked out, about head high and hung the blank signs. Then we went over to the toilets, and I put one to use, it worked just fine. It was then that I realized we needed a place to wash hands. I thought to myself a fountain that did not re-circulate the water would always be fresh to drink from or wash hands at. I made a note to myself to go see the fountain man. We then went to the main building to check on the freezer. The walk-in cooler was good and cold and the freezer was ice cold. As a matter of fact the man had left a bucket of water in the middle of the room, and it was frozen clean through.

  I said to Prowler, "looks like we are ready to start ordering food now." Then we checked out the rest of the building. Thefloors were done, as was the stairs. Only then did I say to myself, probably could've used a elevator. They were still putting the windows in on the top floor, all facing the park. The light panels were in and the power was on, the place just needed some furniture, so we thought we would go buy some. But first we would go see the man that makes my fountains. When we got there he was out front chipping away at a large stone. He stopped, wiped the sweat from his brow and said, "here comes my best customer. Home many can I sell you today?"

  I said, "just one for now."

  "Just one?" he said, "I bet you don't leave with less than three."

  I said, "well I am planning on building 19 hotels, each with gardens on the roofs with fountains, and I sort of like the ones I have upfront that spit water at each other."

  He said, "I may as well pack my bags now. Because by the time I fill an order like that I'm going to need a vacation."

  I said, "for right now all I need is a non-recirculation fountain people can drink from and wash their hands at."

  He said, "how many people at a time?"

  I said, "I'm thinking three to five would be good."

  He said, "okay I'm thin
king plumbing for main water in and a drain to take it out. Three small stone, fish in the center that spits water when you are near them, and stops when you leave. The bowl should be about five feet across and low enough for a child to use but not walk in. And it will all be made out of blue and white stone with seashell reliefs sculptured on the lip of the bowl. How does that sound?"

  I said, "we don't need to get elaborate on the bowl, but the rest of it sounds fine, how long?"

  He said, "I already have the parts made, I just need to plum it and put in the censors, about an hour."

  I asked how much, and he said, "will I be making all the fountains for all your hotels?"

  I said, "if you're up to it. We are talking about a hundred or so in about a two month period."

  He said, "I have a lot you have not seen, in shops all over. There are just waiting for home."

  I said, "fine, then the job is yours, as long as the price is reasonable." He said, "toss in a lifetime pass to story land andthe fountain is yours free." I said, "it don't sound exactly free, but it's a deal. I'll send someone for the fountain later."

  He said he would get right on it and we left to pick up kitten. When we got there kitten and Muser were jamming together. They were swinging pretty good as we came in and didn't stop until they got to a natural pause, at which time a Muser said, “we were just jamming a bit until you got here."

  Kitten, "did you like it father?"

  I said, "good enough for the stage. Oh wait, you have already been there. Let's say good enough to get paid to play."

  Muser, "your daughter is a delight to teach, she picks up on everything so fast, she will soon have no need of me."

  I said, "well just let me know when you want me to stop paying for lessons." Muser, "yes, about that, apparently your bank was not told I was her new teacher. A oversight I’m sure you will take of?"

  I said, "I'll talk to my banker tonight, would you like me to pay you up to date?" Muser, "I don't wish to seem rude, but my landlord is pressing me and I'm still building my client list. Any help would be hot."


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