Besting Brady (Hearts of Hollis Book 2)

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Besting Brady (Hearts of Hollis Book 2) Page 13

by Nicole Dykes

  He’s working out of town today so unfortunately, I know he won’t be stopping by the bar for dinner. Casey is working with me tonight and she’s been lost in her own little world all day. I wonder if she’s missing Caleb.

  Brady doesn’t talk about it much, but I can tell he misses his friend like crazy. He’s called once since he left on Thanksgiving, but Brady said he seems to be doing better. Christmas is only a couple of weeks away, but I don’t know that he will be home in time.

  People will be filling up the bar soon, but right now it’s fairly dead with only a few customers. Casey is manning the bar and playing with her phone while I tend to them.

  The bell on the door clanks and I smile when I see Madden walk into the bar. His walk is confident as he makes his way to the usual table, which looks odd with only one person at it. I walk over to join him, “Hey, Madden, all alone tonight?”

  He nods, “Yup. Jade’s at school and the guys are all out of town.”

  I nod, already knowing that information. “Well, what can I get ya?”

  He looks at the menu and then orders. “Sounds good. I’ll get it right out.” I motion around the bar, “As you can see it’s dead in here so it shouldn’t be long.”

  He laughs, “No rush.”

  I smile and go to put his order in. Maybe this would be a good time to get to know him one on one. I’m not ready to tell him who I am just yet, but most of my information has been through Jade at this point. It would be nice to sit down and talk to Madden.

  My thoughts are interrupted as the door chimes again and Kelly walks in. She’s alone, but looks furious as she glares at me and plops down at the booth closest to the door. Damn. After what she did to Brady’s truck this morning, she’s the last person I want to see.

  I hear Casey’s voice behind me at the bar, “You want me to handle this bitch?”

  I turn my head to face her, smiling. I really love her abrasiveness. “No, that’s okay. I can handle it.”

  She nods her head, “Okay, Jade said you were pretty tough. Just don’t take her shit.”

  I square my shoulders and walk over to Kelly’s booth trying to be the bigger person. I don’t want to make things worse for Brady. “Good afternoon, Kelly. What can I get for you today?”

  She glares at me and something tells me she isn’t here to get an early dinner. “You can stay the hell away from my man.”

  Here we go. I give her a confused look. I know exactly who she is talking about, but I ask, “And who would that be?”

  She looks ready to lunge at me, “Brady. The guy that loved to fuck me senseless until you came along.”

  I try not to flinch, the thought of them together drives me crazy, I have to admit. “Look, Kelly, I’m not sure why you think that, but there is nothing going on between Brady and me. I’m sorry he ended things with you, but it has nothing to do with me.”

  Not necessarily a lie, he could have had other reasons. What he saw in her in the first place I’m not sure. She folds her arms across her chest, “Bullshit.” She seethes. “Brady was totally content with me and then all of the sudden you show up in town and he dumps my ass. That’s no coincidence. Besides, I’ve seen you.”

  I gulp, actually gulp, when she says that. She’s seen me what? “What are you talking about.”

  Her eyes narrow, “I’ve seen him sneaking upstairs to your place, I’ve seen you at his house.” Her voice gets louder, a wide almost proud smile slips across her face, “And I saw his truck parked outside of the bar at five this morning. Bar doesn’t open till ten.”

  I look over and see Madden who is reading the newspaper that Jack supplies in the bar. I pray he didn’t hear her outburst. I look to see if Casey is watching, she glances over, but is currently on the phone. I turn back to Kelly and stand firm, I’m not going to let her get to me. “Careful, Kelly.” I lower my voice, “That sounds an awful lot like a confession to vandalism.”

  She raises an eyebrow, “I have no idea what you are talking about.”

  I see Madden stand up and then he comes to stand next to me, but addresses Kelly, “Hey, Kelly. You know Brady isn’t here. You must have gotten your stalking schedule messed up somehow.”

  If being called a stalker bothered her, she sure doesn’t show it. She just bats her eyelashes at him, “Now, Madden, don’t you think I come here for other things than just Brady.”

  Madden shakes his head, clearly not amused and then turns to me. “Not to rush you, but I think my food may be ready.”

  I nod my head at him. He doesn’t care about his order, he came over to save me. I don’t need saving, but I’m conflicted because it’s my brother. My brother trying to save me. That’s something I never thought I would have.

  “Thank you, Madden. I’ll be right over.”

  He walks back to his table and I look at Kelly. “I’ll give you more time.”

  “You’re going to end up just like me you know. He will get bored with you too and then you will turn into me.”

  I shudder. That’s my fear over this whole arrangement. I hope I don’t appear as shaken as I feel, “I won’t be here long, Kelly. I’m not interested in any relationship with Brady Thompson.”

  Okay, that may be a lie. With that I walk over to pick up Madden’s order and hear the door slam behind me. I turn to see Kelly is gone. Whew.

  Casey nods to me approvingly as I take Madden’s food to him and sit it down. He looks it over, “Thanks. You want to join me?”

  I smile, “I’m working.”

  He scans the bar, “I’m your only customer right now. Besides I’m not used to eating alone. Come on, don’t you get a dinner break?”

  I laugh, his invitation is of course totally innocent and I love that he’s not sure what to do without Jade. “I’ll be right back.”

  I’m not very hungry, but I make a quick side salad and join Madden, my brother, at the table.

  He looks pleased and I say, “You know I think that would be nice. Not to be used to eating alone.”

  My parents were incredible, but they were also busy, both of them being on a doctor’s schedule. I spent a lot of meals by myself.

  He bites into his burger, “Yeah, that woman totally ruined me.” His grin totally says it all. “So, you used to eat alone a lot?” I ask him.

  He nods, “Not all of the time, but yeah I was usually too busy to stop for a meal and would just grab whatever on the go. Jade has a thing about sitting down for dinner and talking. She’s old-school.”

  I smile, so happy for him. “That’s great.”

  I’m not sure how deep I should pry, but who knows when we will get to talk alone again. “What about your parents?”

  He laughs, “Unless it was a dinner party, we all just spread out and ate wherever we wanted to. If I ate with anyone else growing up it was Keegan, but most of the time we were all too busy. I’ve had more dinners with my brothers since I met Jade than the entire time I lived at home.”

  They weren’t a close family, although the brothers do have a strong bond. It doesn’t seem like our parents were there much. I use my fork to chase a cherry tomato on my plate and he asks, “So what about you? I’m guessing no family dinners either.”

  I shake my head, “Occasionally, but both of my parents,” it seems odd to say when we actually share parents, “are doctors. Even if we planned dinner usually one or both of them would get paged.”

  He nods and continues to eat. I take a drink of water and he says, “So you and Brady huh?”

  I look over my glass at him. “I, um.”

  He chuckles, “It’s not a big deal, Lillian.”

  Damn Kelly and her big mouth. “It’s complicated. Well, simple actually. It’s not a relationship.”

  He laughs again and shakes his head. “Yeah, I know all about that. It’s your life and Brady’s a good guy. A good friend of mine, unbelievable as it is. I don’t want to see him get hurt.”

  This surprises me. He’s worried about Brady? Jade and Casey have spent a month try
ing to tell me how dangerous a relationship with him would be, but Madden seems to think he’s capable of getting hurt.

  “I don’t think that’s possible. Brady Thompson is the definition of casual.”

  Madden looks deep in thought, “Just trust me on this one. Be careful. I don’t want to see either of you get hurt.” he says and then adds, “And your secret is safe with me.”

  I nod, heeding his advice, but I still think he is crazy. I wonder if he knew I was his sister, if we grew up together, how he would feel about the situation? Maybe his advice would be completely different then.

  Chapter 33


  It’s getting late by the time I make it to Jack’s. I hadn’t planned on working the crew as long as I did, but Tate fucked up some of the flooring and we had to pull it up and fix it in order to stay on schedule with the job. I won’t risk having an unsatisfied customer or pissed off contractors when I know the carpet is due in tomorrow. Now everything should be ready for its installation.

  I push the door open, happy Lilly left it unlocked for me. I figure she’s still cleaning up the bar. When I walk in, I find her and Madden laughing and in the middle of a game of pool. My insides immediately knot with jealousy. This is our thing.

  “Hey, Brady!” Lilly calls out. “You want winner?”

  “No, I’m good. Just wanted a beer before heading home.”

  I know I sound rude and short with her, but I don’t have the energy to try and figure out what’s going on between these two. Jade is probably headed home from school and Madden is here playing pool alone with Lilly. I don’t know that she would feel much different than I do about it.

  “Don’t be a chicken shit, Brady. Chances are, you’ll be playing Lilly. She’s kicking my ass.” Madden jokes.

  “Good for her.”

  I take a sip of my beer and try to let the cold liquid simmer the anger boiling inside me. Lilly stands with her hand on her hip, her blond hair tucked behind one ear as she gives me an annoyed look.

  This story just sounds too familiar and I don’t want to relive it. Madden wins again. Don’t rich, city boys always win?

  “Eight ball, corner pocket.” Lilly tells Madden before taking her shot. I hear him grumble and I know she sunk it.

  “Alright, I’m heading out. I’ll catch you two later.” Madden says. “How’s the display coming?”

  “I do have a fucking full-time job, Madden.” I snap.

  “No, shit. That’s why we didn’t give you a deadline.” he shoots back. “Just wondering how it was coming.”

  “Should be ready by Christmas.” I answer and he nods. He doesn’t say another word before walking out and I’m sure it’s because he doesn’t want to get his head bit off again.

  “Okay, clearly something is wrong.” Lilly states as she approaches.

  “Other than another man getting cozy with my girlfriend, nothing.” I answer and she looks stunned. Okay, maybe I do have the energy.

  “Girlfriend? Brady, I am not your girlfriend.”

  “Yeah, clearly you would rather be someone else’s.” I bite out.

  “No, I’m not your girlfriend because we are just together while I’m here and I won’t be here much longer.” she clarifies.

  I slam my bottle down on the counter and ignore Lilly’s flinch. “You keep saying that, but you don’t give me any indication of how long that will be! Am I going to wake up one morning and find you gone? Fucking hell, I don’t even know where you really live, other than somewhere in Dallas!”

  “Brady, we agreed…”

  “Fine. I get it, Lilly.” I cut her off. “You know, if you want me to be the only one making changes for whatever this is, then I’ll do it. You can continue being who you are, hiding things, and doing whatever the fuck you want with whoever you want.” I shout.

  “What are you talking about, Brady? Where is all this coming from?” Lilly asks, tears welling in her eyes.

  “I’m talking about Madden, damn it! I see the way you two are around each other and I’m not blind!”

  “Madden? Oh my God.” she sighs, almost horrified, shaking her head.

  “Like I said, I get it, Lilly. He’s probably what’s expected of you where you’re from. You can go back to Dallas and be around your rich friends and brag to them about how you bested the country boy and got him wrapped around your finger.”

  I realize I’m telling her way more than I should. I’ve let my anger get the best of me and now I’m spouting off all kinds of shit like I have diarrhea of the mouth. She doesn’t need to know she’s bested me or that I’m wrapped around her finger. She doesn’t need to know how much I’ve changed for her. That I’ve never really been a one-woman man until now. Until her.

  Before I keep my confession going, I shut up and start towards the door. If she wants to be with Madden and wreck what him and Jade have, so be it. She’ll have one hell of a fight on her hands.

  “I’m not interested in Madden that way!” Lilly calls after me.

  “Save it!” I say over my shoulder.

  “Brady, he’s my brother!”

  Chapter 34


  My heart is about to pound out of my chest and I think I may be holding my breath. The words just tumbled out of my mouth. I had no intention of telling him that way.

  Brady turns back around to stare at me, his eyes full of uncertainty. “Your what?”

  I sit down at the table closest to the door and let out the air I was definitely holding. “Madden is my brother and obviously so are Landon and Keegan.”

  Brady, who was seconds from walking out of the bar, comes to where I’m sitting and pulls out a chair across from me, “Explain.” His tone isn’t as gruff now and he adds, “Please.”

  I can’t believe I blurted that out. He thought I had a thing for Madden though, what else could I do? I’ve never seen Brady so upset, which in the back of my mind registers as danger. He knows that this arrangement we have is just temporary.

  I look at him and decide that since it’s already out, I might as well tell him everything. “I found out a few months ago that I’m adopted. My parents gave me up for reasons that I have no idea about. No one told me, I just found documents.”

  “And those parents are the Steeles?”

  I nod my head, “Yes.”

  He rubs the scruff on his chin, mulling over that information. “So, that’s why you are in Hollis?”

  I nod again, robotically. This all feels like a dream. “Yes, I wanted to meet my brothers. I was going to tell them that first day I was here, but I chickened out. They seemed so happy and I don’t know what it would do to their lives.” He looks deep in thought and I slowly reach over and put my hands on top of his on the table. I’m relieved when he doesn’t pull away, “I know it’s a lot to take in. Believe me.”

  “So, what’s your plan now? Are you just not going to tell them?”

  “I am still trying to work up the courage to tell them. I know how big of a deal it is. They’ve gone their whole lives not knowing they have a sister. Their parents left them in the dark. Madden is so happy with Jade and Keegan is flying high on his new marriage. Landon has work and seems happy. If I tell them this, no matter what, it’s going to turn their lives upside down.”

  He nods his head, “I get that, but they have a right to know. I mean you guys were robbed of time together.”

  I smile. He gets it. “That’s why I’ve been spending time with them as much as I can. I figure if they get to know me, maybe they will be happier about it.”

  He chuckles at that, “They’ll be happy, Lilly. At least the part about you being their sister. They’ll probably be pissed at their parents, but I don’t think they are tight with them in the first place.”

  I pull my hands back slowly, “Yeah, I’ve gotten that impression too.”

  He leans back in his chair, stretching out his long legs. “Shit. This is seriously straight out of those soap operas my mom watches.”

  I can�
�t help, but to laugh at that and I’m grateful for the break in the tension. “I know. Leave it up to me to bring the drama.” I look over at him shyly, “So you aren’t mad at me?”

  He grins, “No. I’m just glad you don’t want to fuck Madden.”

  I cringe at that and shake my head. “Gross.”

  He laughs and then sits up a little straighter and looks me dead in the eye, “I was an asshole tonight. I’m sorry.”

  “You really were. What the hell was all of that about?” I ask.

  I can see he is thinking it over and then he finally answers, “I get that this is a temporary thing, Lilly, but we agreed that it was just going to be you and I while you are here. So, when I saw you and what I thought was flirting, I guess I got a little jealous.”

  I suppose I can understand that. I didn’t love seeing him with Kelly even before our little arrangement and so far, he has done really well at sticking to it being just him and I. “You have no reason to be jealous. I’m in this arrangement fully, just like you are.”

  He nods his head, “Good. Now how about we go upstairs and I make it up to you.” He winks at me and my stupid heart flutters.

  Things with Brady are easy somehow, even when they are complicated.

  Chapter 35


  I rest one hand on Lilly’s hip and the other on the jewelry case. She’s been looking in the same spot for fifteen minutes and still hasn’t decided what to get her mom for Christmas yet.

  “Nothing looks Europey.” she complains. “If that’s even a word.”

  I laugh. “You are limited to JC Penney. Maybe you should just order something online. You’ll have plenty of time to get it shipped to Hollis. You said you aren’t even going home for Christmas.”

  “I know, I just don’t feel right not having bought my parents gifts though.” she explains. “I already feel strange not seeing them. I mean, don’t you always buy your parents gifts?”

  I’m sure she doesn’t mean anything by this. She doesn’t even seem to realize what she has said, she’s so lost in thought looking at the jewelry. “I always buy my mom a gift, but as a kid, I never really bought my parents gifts when my dad was alive. Hell, they could barely afford to buy me gifts.”


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