Besting Brady (Hearts of Hollis Book 2)

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Besting Brady (Hearts of Hollis Book 2) Page 14

by Nicole Dykes

  Lilly looks up at me, realizing then what she said. “Oh my God, Brady, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t even thinking.” She loops her arms around my waist and hugs me to her.

  “It’s fine, Lilly. My dad died a long time ago.”

  Just because it hasn’t gotten any easier for my mom, doesn’t mean it hasn’t gotten easier for me. I can function just fine during holidays. I don’t think about him dressing up as Santa Claus and waking me up at the crack of dawn to deliver my presents. I don’t reminisce about him sneaking one of my mom’s pecan pies out to the garage so we could share it before everyone else came over for dinner. I sure as hell don’t think about his last Christmas with us when he could barely tear the wrapping paper of his gifts. Nope, I don’t think about that. Much.

  “You know, you’re right. I think I’ll just order their gifts or pick my mom something out from Amelia’s collection. Plus, I still have to decide if I’m buying my brothers gifts or not.”

  I look at her with surprise. It’s still shocking to hear that the Steele brothers are her brothers. “Maybe you should tell them they are your brothers before you spring Christmas gifts on them.”

  “Probably a good idea. Get that out of the way first.” Lilly says as we slowly start walking away from the jewelry display. “Why don’t we get lunch so we can head back to Hollis. I don’t want to be late for work.”

  I agree, plus I want to work on the hardware store display while she works tonight. I’m almost finished with it and I’m sure the three brothers will be pleased with what I’ve come up with.

  Lilly and I wind up choosing Applebee’s. It’s pretty crowded, but that’s typical for a Saturday. Even for a larger town like Redbud, there still aren’t that many places to eat. Applebee’s is popular.

  We take a seat and place our orders. I opt for chicken tenders instead of my usual bacon cheeseburger and Lilly orders a grilled chicken ceasar salad.

  “Now don’t throw a hissy fit if they bring it with fried chicken.” I tease and she laughs.

  We’re still laughing when two women approach our table. “You might be a manwhore, but you can still call me.”

  I stare dumbfounded at one of the women, both total strangers to me, as she slides her number across the table and walks off. Lilly sits back in the booth and crosses her arms, she has an annoyed look on her face.

  “What the hell was that all about?” she asks.

  “I have no fucking idea. She called me a manwhore.” I answer, equally annoyed and more pissed off by the situation.

  Before I can say anything else, my phone buzzes in my pocket. I pull my phone out and see that it’s my mom. I hold my finger up to Lilly and answer my phone.

  “Hey, mom. What’s up?”

  “Brady Cole Thompson! What in the world have you gotten yourself into, son?” she questions. “Did you take that picture?”

  “Mom, I’m not sure what you’re talking about.” I tell her.

  “That damn picture, boy! The one of you naked as a jaybird! It’s all over town! I heard someone say it was on Facesnap and Instabook. All those social media things I don’t get into!” She answers and I feel the blood drain from my face.


  “What in the world are you doing holding yourself like that?” Oh my God. “What were you thinking?”

  “Mom, it wasn’t taken for the whole fucking town to see.” I explain, running my hand through my hair.

  “And did you put the hateful word on there? Why would you call yourself that? Is that supposed to be funny?” She asks me.

  “No, mom, I haven’t even seen it.” I look to Lilly and she’s looking at her phone, her eyes wide. Shit. “I need to go. I’m sorry.”

  When I hang up, a message comes through from Kelly. Looks like I’m not the only one who thinks you’re a manwhore.

  The picture I sent her of myself, fresh out of the shower, and holding my junk is on my screen. The word “manwhore” is on it, scribbled across the photo in red.

  “Is she seriously trying to pretend she didn’t do this?” I grumble, slamming my phone down on the table.

  I know from my mom’s incorrect use of Facesnap and Instabook that a naked photo of me is all over the internet and only God knows who has it. I’d taken it months ago and sent it to Kelly, asking her to come over and relieve the hard-on I was holding. I never sent it to anyone else.

  “What do you want to do, Brady?” Lilly asks, her green eyes now filled with concern.

  I sigh. “What can I do?”

  Lilly shrugs and reaches for my hand across the table. “I don’t know, but we shouldn’t let her get away with this.”

  “It’s not that I disagree with you, but I can’t exactly prove that she leaked the picture. I am the one who took it.”

  “Do not blame yourself for this! People take pictures of themselves all the time and it doesn’t mean they’re meant for the public to see.” she tells me. “What she’s done is wrong, Brady.”

  “Oh? How many nudey pics have you taken, Lilly Benson?” I joke, trying to lighten the situation.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know.” she counters. “Besides, this isn’t about me. It’s about you and the fact that your manly parts are now plastered all over the place for everyone to see. You should do something about it.”

  I slide my hand out of hers and pick up a chicken tender. “Let’s just eat and head back to Hollis.”

  I ignore the look she gives me, knowing that she isn’t happy that I’m ignoring the situation right now. I take a bite of my food and try to get rid of the feeling that everyone is staring at me. That all of the people in the restaurant are whispering about me and calling me “manwhore”. Or worse, that they’re talking about Lilly for being with someone like me.

  Chapter 36


  I walk into the bar that evening and immediately see Jade and Casey giggling at the bar. Casey is holding her phone and as I walk over I hear Jade say, “Casey, I seriously can’t believe you are looking at that again.”

  Casey just brushes her off laughing, “Hey, you’ve seen it before. I haven’t, thank God, but still not bad.”

  Jade just rolls her eyes, but is laughing at her best friend. They are clearly looking at the picture of Brady on the internet.

  When I reach them, Casey holds the phone up and confirms my beliefs, “Hey girl, have you seen this shit yet?”

  I briefly see Brady’s totally naked, wet body on the screen of her phone and look away quickly. I’m sure I’m blushing. Without thinking I say, “Yes. I saw it at lunch. Marlene is pissed. She gave him quite the earful earlier.”

  Jade’s eyes snap to mine and Casey smirks at me. “You were at lunch with Brady today?” Jade asks.

  Shit. Did that really just come out of my mouth like that? I must still be distracted by the fact that Kelly is not letting this obsession with Brady go and there is a picture of his erect junk out there for the entire world to see.

  “I uh…” I struggle to make an actual sentence.

  Casey just laughs at my bumbling, “So you’ve caught the live version too, huh?”

  I know my cheeks are bright red now and Jade’s eyes widen. “Are you sleeping with Brady?”

  I know it’s strange, but I’ve grown very close to these two girls in the short time I’ve been here and feel like they are the best friends I’ve ever had. “Yes.”

  Casey slips her phone in her back pocket, “I knew it. You two are so obvious.”

  Jade nudges her with her hip, “You did not know that.”

  “I knew they were totally hot for each other since day one.” She fires back and then waggles her eyebrows at me. “So, how was it? I got several details back in the day, but surely his technique has changed a bit.”

  Jade and I both blush at that and I shake my head. Jade looks over at me, “You don’t have to answer that, but since you had lunch today I’m guessing it wasn’t just one time?”

  I shake my head and tie my apron on my waist. “No. We
’ve kind of been hooking up since Thanksgiving weekend.”

  Casey’s eyes briefly darken when I mention the weekend Caleb left and then she says, “Damn. You keep surprising me city girl.”

  I study her, “Wait. That’s it? No lecture on how dangerous it is to get involved with Brady?”

  “Honestly, the damage is already done. You might as well enjoy the ride now.” She winks at me.

  She busies herself behind the bar and Jade pats my hand that is resting on the bar, “Don’t listen to her. It may not have to end badly or at all for that matter. Brady is a great guy. He just wasn’t the one for me.”

  A surge of unexpected pain rushes through me. “He is a great guy, but it will definitely end. I’m leaving and this is just a short time arrangement.”

  This gets Casey’s attention and her and Jade share a look at that.

  “What?” I ask.

  Casey clears her throat, like she is trying to stall and then answers. “No offense, you just don’t seem like a short-term sort of girl.”

  I shrug. “I’m not usually, but it’s not like he is ever going to leave and I can’t stay. I need to go back to Dallas eventually and figure out my life. What we have is special, but it does have an end date.” I haven’t been so honest about the situation with Brady before and it’s freeing, despite the slight pain in causes in my chest.

  They both still look worried and then Jade gives me that kind Jade smile. “Well, I’m sure it will all work out for the best. Life’s funny that way.”

  I ponder her words and then hear the familiar bell of the door to the bar and turn to see all three of my brothers accompanied by Brady and Amelia.

  The bar isn’t busy yet and they all take a seat at their usual table. Jade immediately walks over to greet Madden, taking a place on his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck. Casey hooks her arm around mine and pulls me in that direction.

  She grins over at Brady, “Well, well, well. If it isn’t Brady Thompson. Internet sensation.”

  Everyone cracks up except for Brady who just gives her that trademark smirk. “Get an eyeful, Case? I knew you always wanted to see it.”

  She laughs at that and says sarcastically. “Oh, you caught me and how nice of you to display it so proudly.”

  Landon shakes his head, “Seriously man, you really put it all out there.”

  Jade peers at him from across the table, being a little kinder than the rest. “What exactly were you thinking when you took that?”

  Brady runs his hands through his hair, clearly tired of talking about it. “Obviously I wasn’t thinking clearly.”

  Landon scoffs at that. “You were just thinkin’ with that magic cock.”

  Brady shoots him a coy look. “Like you don’t understand thinkin’ with your dick.”

  “Hey, I’ve never sent a dick pic in my life. Now that would cause an internet sensation.”

  He winks at Casey and she rolls her eyes at him, not taking the bait.

  I decide to try my best to take the heat off of Brady and look over at Keegan who has been fairly quiet. “What are you all doing here?”

  Amelia pipes up. “You know they just can’t stay away from their baby brother.” She laughs, “and we had to check out Brady’s display.” She blushes. “I mean at the hardware store. Not the picture of his um...”

  Keegan laughs and pulls her into him, silencing her sweetly. I smile over at Brady and he just shakes his head, smiling back.

  Casey catches us, “Oh lord. You both are in so much trouble.”

  I look over at her, my eyes wide. Brady looks over at her, “What are you talking about?”

  Jade give Casey a warning look. “Casey. Don’t.”

  Casey just shrugs, “Nothing.” She walks over to the bar and I realize I’m going to have to tell Brady that Casey and Jade know soon. The secret is pretty much out, we might as well tell everyone else. I don’t think Casey is going to keep it to herself much longer.

  And what does she mean by we are in so much trouble?

  Chapter 37


  I can tell by the way Jade and Casey are acting that they know about me and Lilly. So much for trying to keep things quiet. Hell, if my junk is out there for the world to see, everyone in Hollis might as well know I’m screwing Lilly too. I give Lilly a wink just as my phone pings with yet another notification.

  I groan and pull it from my pocket. Since the picture went virile, my phone has done this nonstop. I’m rarely even on my Facebook page, but I have more friend requests than I can count. People I don’t even know suddenly wanting to know me. People I haven’t spoken to in years, that moved away from Hollis, are now commenting on my page and messaging me. Distant relatives are sending me the pic and asking if it’s really me. Gross.

  “Like I said, internet sensation.” Casey grins, walking back to our table.

  I do what I should have already done. Deactivate my account. No more notifications.

  I want to be angry with Kelly. Lash out at her for fucking me over with what was supposed to be private, but I can’t seem to get pissed off enough to do that. I guess all my anger with her came out when I paid to have my truck repainted. Now I just feel sorry for her.

  Before my dad died, he treated my mom like she was gold. I know he was doing his best to raise me to treat women the same way. At the time, I just thought girls were girls. Pretty, but nothing spectacular. I’d kissed a few by then, but I’d rather go ride four-wheelers with Caleb than hang out with a girl.

  My mom warned me as I got older that my playboy ways were going to come back and bite me in the ass. That my dad would be ashamed of how I was running around with all the girls in town. I would laugh at her and throw it in her face that my dad wasn’t there. I’d walk out before I could see her cry.

  But she was right. I treated Kelly like crap and now it’s coming back to bite me in the ass.

  I look over at Lilly, at how beautiful she is with her blonde curls and bright green eyes. In truth, she doesn’t know what she wants any more than I do. Maybe that’s why it’s easy for me to play the good guy for a little while. Pretend that I can be a one-woman man when I’ve never really done that for anyone. With Lilly, I feel that I can pretend anything and maybe it will eventually come true.

  “Are you daydreaming about taking another dick pic? What pose will you do next?” Madden laughs, breaking me from my thoughts.

  I smirk at him. “Maybe we’ll be twinsies and pose side by side. The ladies will love it.”

  “Watch it, country boy.” Madden scolds, half-smiling. “The internet can’t handle the two of us.”

  Everyone laughs and I’m grateful I was pulled from my thoughts. Shit was getting deep. The conversation turns towards the display and Landon asks when it will be ready.

  “I’m moving it in later tonight. You can all come by and look at it tomorrow.” I inform them and they seem happy about this. “I told you it would be ready by Christmas. Don’t doubt my skills.”

  “We would never.” Keegan smiles.

  “I gotta get back to work.” I tell them, not bothering to even finish my food. I give Lilly a look letting her know I’ll definitely see her later.

  I head out and finish up my day without the nuisance of my phone alerting me to ridiculous notifications. It’s nice and I don’t regret for one second deactivating my Facebook account.

  When I’m done with the crew, I head to my house and load up the display parts so I can assemble them at the hardware store. I send Lilly a text letting her know I’ll probably still be here by the time she gets off work.

  I use the key Madden loaned me to let myself in since I arrived at the store after business hours. Madden had offered to help me unload the display and assemble it, but I knew that was just code for him wanting to take charge. I don’t fucking think so. I’ve busted my ass with this thing and I’ll be damned if city boy comes in and takes over. Nope, I got it.

  It takes a while, but I get it assembled and take a step back to
admire my work. I adjust a couple shelves and then wipe it down so there’s no dust on it. I can just see Landon wiping it with a white glove to test for dust.

  “Wow, Brady, it’s amazing. You built this?”

  I turn around at Lilly’s voice. “Hey, I didn’t even hear you come in.”

  Lilly runs her hand over the smooth surface of the wood and looks back at me. “It’s gorgeous. Amelia is going to love it.”

  “I need to put these pegs on for the necklaces and then I’m finished.” I tell her.

  Lilly nods and takes a seat on a stool at the counter to watch me work. Out of the corner of my eye I can see her texting. She smiles and tells me her mom is up for some kind of award.

  “That’s great.” I tell her and attach the last peg. I walk over to her and position myself between her knees. “I know you miss your parents.”

  Her eyes glass over with tears and she nods. “I’ll see them soon.”

  I lean down and give her a light peck on the lips. “Lilly, I’m sorry I’ve dragged you into all this mess with Kelly. My truck…the picture…it was never my intention for this to turn out this way.”

  “I know.” She replies and I feel her unbuckling my jeans.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, a smile spreading across my face.

  “I think I need a better look. I’m sure that picture was photo-shopped.” She grins, pushing my jeans and boxer briefs over my ass.

  Lilly gives one of my bare cheeks a resounding slap and then pulls me to her, crushing her lips to mine.

  “You know there’s security cameras in here.” I inform her and she giggles nervously, blushing.

  “Holy shit!” Lilly scurries off the stool and does her best to right my jeans.

  Her cheeks are a deep shade of red, which I find damn adorable. “The damage is done now.” I tease. “Your brothers will know just what kind of woman you are.” I wiggle my eyebrows, giving her a look to let her know exactly how much trouble she’s in.


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