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Besting Brady (Hearts of Hollis Book 2)

Page 15

by Nicole Dykes

  “Brady Thompson!” She shrieks and takes off.

  Of course, she isn’t fast enough and I catch her on the other side of the counter, pinning her in the corner.

  “We can’t.” she says, breathlessly. “The cameras.”

  “Won’t see us.” I explain, pointing above us to show her we won’t get caught.

  I turn her to face the counter and let her prop her elbows on the surface. She stands perfectly still as I unbutton her pants and shove them down her thighs, letting them rest around her ankles. The thin scrap of lace of her thong follows.

  I slip my calloused hand between her legs and tease her clit, realizing she’s already drenched. “Damn, baby, you’re soaked.”

  Lilly’s response is a moan and I damn near come undone. I glance up once more to the camera. I don’t want to add voyeurism to the list of shitty things that’s happened to me lately. I scoot us a little closer to the wall before pushing my finger inside Lilly. Her hands grip the counter, ass pushes back against me.

  “Brady, please. Don’t make me wait.”

  I push my pants down…again…and line my cock up with her entrance. I’m so caught up in the moment that a condom doesn’t even cross my mind. I just need to be inside Lilly. I need to have this with her so I can be reassured that we’re fine. That no matter what Kelly does, I still have this. At least for a little while.

  I sink in deep, letting her warmth and tightness wash everything away. Nothing else matters while we’re together. Not losing my dad too soon. Not my stupid past mistakes. Not the fact that this shit is temporary. None of that fucking matters.

  I slam into Lilly, taking everything she’s willing to give and giving her everything I have. I fist my hand into her hair and she cries out my name as she climaxes. I chase my release right after, pouring myself deep inside her. Together, we lean against the counter, breathing heavily and enjoying the aftermath. I ease out of Lilly and look down, closing my eyes and cursing myself for what I’ve done.


  She turns around and looks down at my bare cock. I can see the apprehension on her face. The worry. The “oh shit” look. She pulls her clothes up and then cups my face, pressing a soft kiss to my lips.

  “It’ll be okay, Brady.” she whispers. “It has to be. I mean, you’re clean, right? And I’m on the pill.”

  It takes a moment for me to register what she’s said. The fact that she trusts me like this means a lot. I’ve never been stupid enough not to use a condom. Never wanted to take that risk.

  “Brady? You are clean, right? My God, please tell me you’re clean.” She mumbles and I can hear the worry in her voice.

  I cup her face with my hands and gently kiss her lips. “I’m clean, Lilly.” I assure her. “You’re the only woman I’ve been with like this.” I kiss her again. “And the only woman I want to be with.”

  Chapter 38


  Later that night I’m wrapped in Brady’s arms while we lay in my bed in total silence. After our tryst in the hardware store, he joined me here. I can’t believe we lost control like that. I’m oddly not freaking out about it. I’ve been on the birth control shot for years so the odds of getting pregnant are low and even though I know he’s been with several women, I trust Brady. I don’t think he would ever purposely put me in harm’s way.

  Once he told me he’d never been with anyone without a condom before, I knew everything would be okay. I also knew he was losing control just like I am.

  I can feel things between us shifting and I’m trying to deny it. I need to deny it, but when I’m not with him, I want to be. I’ve gotten myself into quite the mess and I’m starting to understand what Casey meant by us being in trouble.

  “What are you thinking about?” Brady asks me, his voice raspy and low.

  “How much I trust you and we just met.” I answer honestly.

  He pulls me closer and kisses my temple before we both drift off to sleep.

  In the morning, we both dress and make our way down to the bar where everyone is waiting at a table. Marlene is working the lunch shift so Jade, Casey and I are free to enjoy lunch with everyone.

  Brady grabs my hand as we walk down the stairs and I catch Madden smirking at me as we descend and walk over to join everyone. Casey shakes her head, smiling and Jade leans her head happily on Madden’s shoulder.

  Landon quirks an eyebrow at Brady, “Aw, isn’t this cute? Brady, are you cheatin’ on me?”

  Brady laughs and pulls a chair out for me, “Don’t worry, you’ll always have a special place in my heart.”

  Landon laughs and looks at me, “You poor girl.”

  He’s joking though, Brady and Landon have formed a quick bond. “I think I can handle it.”

  Casey laughs at that, but it isn’t cruel. I’m so used to fake friends with backhanded comments. Everyone here is so genuine.

  Landon smiles over at both of us, his phone firmly in his right hand, “Well, you guys can go as an official couple to the annual Steele’s Christmas Party then. I’m sure my parents would love to know who we’ve been spending time with in Hollis.”

  Amelia squeals in delight, “Oh yeah, that would be so much fun!”

  My heart is racing. I’ve attended that party before when I was younger. My parents were invited every year, but I only went with them a handful of times. It’s the social event of the year in Dallas. My parents are likely going this year.

  I can feel Landon’s eyes on me, studying me intently. For some reason, I get the feeling that he’s waiting on me to say something. Anything. Brady must sense my panic also because I feel his hand gently squeeze my thigh as he says, “Now as fun as a stuffy city party sounds, Landon, Lilly and I already have plans.”

  I look over at him as if to ask, “we do?”. He just stands firm and Landon asks, “Now what the hell would be better than chillin’ with the social elite in my parent’s over the top mansion?” Landon asks in a sarcastic tone.

  Brady smiles over at his mom as she sets down our drink orders. “My mom’s cookin’.”

  Marlene smiles over at Landon, “Best in the state.”

  Landon nods, “Ah, I don’t doubt that ma’am.”

  Her attention turns to Brady, “So you are bringing this sweet girl this year?” She seems pleased which makes my heart clench and do crazy things. Thoughts of being a part of their family rush through my head and I try to quickly shake them away.

  Brady turns to me, “If she’d like to go.”

  I nod my head and smile, but I’m still whirling from my troubling thoughts. “I would love that.” I turn back to Marlene, “Are you sure you have room for me?”

  She laughs, “It’ll just be Jack and his wife and us. You are more than welcome my dear.”

  Marlene takes our drink orders and then leaves and Madden looks over to Brady and says, “Ugh. Can we join you instead?”

  He’s half kidding, but I think he’s very reluctant to go home. Landon answers for Brady, “Hell no, you pussy. You are going home for Christmas. You’ve been hiding out in Hollis too damn long. It seems to be the perfect town to do that in.”

  Keegan nods his head in agreement, although he’s not as stern, “Our mother misses you.”

  Madden grumbles, “I’m sure she does.”

  Jade kisses his cheek and holds onto his arm, trying to reassure him.

  Thank God I dodged that bullet, but it’s only a matter of time. I really need to figure out a way to tell my brothers who I actually am, but in the meantime, I’m grateful to Brady for bailing me out of this one.

  How awkward would it be to be in a room with my birth parents and my adoptive parents when I finally know the truth about their lies?

  Chapter 39


  I decide Sunday will be the easiest day to get the display painted for Amelia. The hardware store is closed and I don’t have to work with the crew. I even recruited help, although it was more for me to admire while I work.

lly, you’re going to have to tell them.” I eye Lilly over my shoulder and then turn my attention back to painting Amelia’s display.

  I don’t necessarily agree with her color choice, but it’s her display so she can paint it puce if she chooses. I would never paint anything this awful color.

  “I know, Brady, and I will. Eventually.” She agrees. “I just haven’t found the right moment.”

  I dip the brush into the paint can that I have hanging on my arm and then finish the strip I’m painting on the shelf. “Lilly, they’re going to get suspicious if you don’t come clean soon.” I warn her. “I mean, you have to go back home at some point. You do live in Dallas.”

  “Who lives in Dallas?” Landon walks in and I see Lilly’s cheeks heat red at the realization that he heard what I said, especially since we weren’t expecting anyone to come in. “Lilly, you live in Dallas?”

  Landon stares at her, outright questioning her. I want to speak up and rescue her, but I also want to see how she answers. Give her the opportunity to break the ice with him, so to speak.

  “Um, yeah I did, before I came here.” She answers honestly, sounding terrified.

  “Really?” Landon quirks an eyebrow. “Where did you go to school? Maybe our parents know each other.”

  Fucking hell. Lilly glances at me, her eyes pleading. I give her an encouraging look, almost begging her to be honest with him. This is her chance and she should take it.

  “I went to Smith High School.” She replies, but doesn’t mention her parents.

  Landon frowns a little and crosses his arms. “Smith? That’s where Keegan and Madden went to school. You probably knew them.”

  His tone is accusatory. Almost angry. I know it’s because she’s been in Hollis and hanging around with them, all the while pretending that she didn’t know any of them. I imagine telling them they’re actually her brothers has to be the hardest thing in the world to do.

  “No, actually I didn’t. Smith is a pretty big school and I guess we just didn’t hang out with the same crowds.” She explains. Lies.

  With the tone Landon has and the look he’s giving her, I don’t blame her. It’ll probably be best to tell all the Steele brothers together. They may take it easier that way. I’m sure it won’t be easy to hear that their parents gave up their sister. Their brother’s twin.

  “Hey, Landon, where the hell did Amelia come up with this color?” I ask, breaking the tension between the two of them.

  He laughs and walks over to the display. He shakes his head and looks at the can of paint on my arm. “It’s ugly as shit.”

  “I know, but she assured me it’s the color she wants. Puce. I’ve never even heard of it.” I tell him. “It’ll definitely stand out.”

  We both have a laugh and the conversation between him and Lilly is forgotten. I let him know once it’s dry, she can put her items on it and it will be ready to go.

  “Sounds good. I gotta go grab some files from the office and then I’ll see you guys later. I have to head back to Dallas to get some work done before Christmas.” Landon says. “Can’t believe you two are going to miss out on the Steele family Christmas dinner.”

  “Can’t believe you aren’t ditching it for my mom’s cooking.” I grin.

  “I wish I was.” He laughs and walks to the back of the store.

  The moment he leaves, I sit the can of paint down and head over to Lilly. I know she’s upset and I don’t want her to be. I stand between her legs and let my arms slip around her waist.

  “I don’t think he believes me. Did you see how he looked at me, Brady?”

  “I think he was just surprised to find out you’re from Dallas. I mean, you’ve known that they are all from Dallas and you haven’t said anything. Lilly, the longer you wait to tell them, the harder this is going to be.” I tell her. “You need to do it soon. Maybe before Christmas.”

  “I don’t even know what to say.” She admits. “I thought I wanted to tell them. I really did, but maybe I shouldn’t say anything at all. They have their lives and I have mine. What if it’s better that I don’t tell them?”

  She leans back and looks at me as though I have the answer for her. I shake my head. “I can’t make that decision for you.” She sighs and I brush my lips across hers. “But whatever decision you make, I will support you.”

  “Thank you. I needed to hear that.” She smiles and deepens the kiss.

  I linger there, tasting her and enjoying the softness of her lips. I can still taste the watermelon candy she ate earlier. The sweetness it left on her tongue. No matter how much I get of Lilly, I want more. It’s just not enough.

  “What time do you have to be at work?” I mumble against her lips.

  “In an hour.”

  “Good. That’s enough time to make a detour up to your apartment first.” I grin. “Let’s get out of here.”

  She nods in agreement. I clean up the paint and supplies and then we head out. It occurs to me that we still haven’t discussed how much longer she will be in Hollis. If she’s only here until right after Christmas or if she will be staying past New Year’s. I have no idea. If she decides to tell the Steeles they are her brothers, how will that effect everything? Will we lose what we have?

  Will we lose it anyway?

  Chapter 40


  On Christmas Eve, I spend a lot of time getting ready. I’m not sure why I’m so nervous to have dinner with Brady and his mom, it’s not like I haven’t been around them both a lot over the last couple of months. Tonight feels different somehow. Spending a holiday with the guy you are sleeping with in most people’s lives would mean a real relationship. Commitment.

  Although we are committed to each other, it always ends with “for right now”. I shake it off and grab my suede black jacket to cover the beautiful red dress I chose for dinner.

  Brady picks me up outside of the bar and I hop in, the butterflies in my stomach an indication of how nervous I am, but also how he makes me feel every time I’m around him.

  “You look beautiful, Lilly.” He says as he kisses my left hand with his full lips and then pulls out of the parking lot. We ride in silence and I wonder if he’s thinking the same thing I am. How this is something people in a committed relationship do and not something people in a short-term relationship do. If he is, he doesn’t say a word.

  When he pulls up at his mom’s house, he looks over at me and gives me his signature smile before getting out of his truck and coming around to open my door. This move reminds me of how he said his mom raised him to be a gentleman.

  When we get to the door, Marlene greets us both with a big hug and then invites us in. The house is simple and homey. I love it. When she pulls out of the hug with Brady she holds his shoulders and looks into his eyes. “You look so much more like him the older you get.”

  I know she’s talking about Brady’s father and I see him shift the weight from each foot, clearly uncomfortable. It’s no secret that Brady has a hard time talking about his father. I imagine the holidays are the worst for both of them. He clears his throat and takes my hand, “I’m starving.”

  I give Marlene a kind smile, who pats my shoulder and then leads us into the beautifully decorated dining room where Jack and his wife are already seated. After greeting them, Brady pulls out a chair for me and I sit down.

  “How you doing, Loraine?” Jack asks and I stifle a smile when I hear Brady chuckle.

  “I’m doing good, Jack.” I answer, still not correcting him on the whole Loraine business.

  “Jack, you do know her name is not Loraine, right?” Brady pipes in and I swear Jack blushes a little.

  “I know. I’ve just been waiting on her to get brave enough to correct me.” Jack says, solemnly.

  I open my mouth to say something, but Brady and Jack just start laughing with Jack’s wife shaking her head in embarrassment. Brady leans over and kisses my cheek, still laughing.

  “Should you go check on your mom? She seemed a little upset.” I le
an over and ask Brady, noticing how Marlene seemed to be on the verge of tears when she walked into the kitchen.

  “She gets like this during the holidays.” He explains. “She’ll be okay.”

  Before he can stand to go help her, Marlene brings out a delicious looking turkey, all tears gone and just a big smile left on her face. “All right everyone, dig in!”

  Brady wasn’t wrong, his mom’s cooking is incredible. I’m so used to catered dinners on the holidays, but I would take this any day. That thought makes my heart pang. Where will I be this time next year? I know Brady will be here, but me? Probably back in Dallas with my family. Back to the Christmas traditions I’m used to there and I won’t have this again. Right?

  Or will I be at the Steele’s annual Christmas Eve Party? Brady and I have talked a lot about me coming clean with my brothers lately. I know that was the goal at the beginning, but now I’m just not so sure. They are happy. Honestly, I’m happy. I love my parents and from what I’ve found out about the Steeles, I definitely dodged a bullet.

  So maybe it’s just a secret I should keep to myself. I have my brothers in my life. I’ve been able to get to know them without ruining everything. Do I really think they are just going to embrace me with open arms when I tear their world apart?

  Chapter 41


  We finish up supper and Jack finally starts calling Lilly by her name. No more Lorraine. Him and his wife, Ruthanne, call it a night after she and Lilly help my mom with the dishes. I settle onto the couch and pull Lilly down beside me. I flip the television on and It’s A Wonderful Life is playing.

  “This was definitely better than a snooty party at the Steeles, don’t you think?” I comment and Lilly nods.

  “I’m stuffed.”

  My mom walks in the living room and I hear her sigh. “You two are just like me and Daniel were. So in love, we just couldn’t get enough of each other.”


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