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Stalkers: A Dark Romance Anthology

Page 44

by Ally Vance

  I had followed in his footsteps with the hope of one day working alongside him. High school hadn’t been fun and games for me. I busted my ass to graduate with a high enough grade-point average to be accepted into the University of Michigan. Still, the scholarships weren’t enough. My mother had some money saved, but the money mostly came from a generous “uncle.” I hadn’t wanted anything more than to graduate from the same school as him … aside from him.

  With the photograph still in my hand, I reached for the tattered page that had been torn from his graduation program. I had tossed the rest of the program that day but saved this page. In a navy cursive font, and just to the right of the University of Michigan’s “M” logo, it read “Class of 2004.” Using the top of the photo as a guide, I slid it down the page until I found his name.

  For nearly twenty years, I idolized and wanted to be like him. I ached to be his friend and run in his inner circle. During the last ten years, my … interest, in him morphed into a yearning. I desired him in ways that I probably shouldn’t. He had been everything to me ever since I could remember, yet I meant next to nothing to him. And in a few short hours, I would be just like him.

  Soon, he would see me for me, and he’d appreciate me.

  Alone, I made my way to the graduation ceremony and donned my cap and gown before I took my seat. The venue was filled with the University of Michigan flags and banners, acknowledging the Class of 2020, and our Wolverine mascot roamed around wearing a cap as well. Blue and yellow balloons adorned tables and served as arches to walk under. The stage had tall navy vases that overflowed with yellow flowers. Everything was perfect and just as spectacular as I remembered it had been for him. I had been eight years old when he had graduated, and I sat between my mom and his uncle at the graduation ceremony. And now all of this was for me.

  As if part of my rite of passage, I sat through several self-indulgent speeches. If that wasn’t enough, nearby were some assholes blowing up beach balls and then punching them into the air. Hushed voices encouraged their fellow classmen to keep the ball in the air. I narrowed my eyes as the guy two seats to my right stood to smack the beach ball across the aisle of students. I was sure his parents must be thrilled. I wondered how long it would be before they realized they had wasted their money sending him to college. He was probably a future politician.

  Anxiously, my knee bounced up and down as I glanced at my watch; 11:15 a.m. Unlike most of these graduates, I had somewhere very important to be this afternoon. Unfortunately, I had a long wait ahead of me since my last name appeared later in the alphabet. A grueling hour had passed, and it was finally time for my row to stand.

  I followed the girl ahead of me with purpose as we were ushered to the small set of stairs that led to the stage. I shook my hands nervously at my side when the girl in front of me moved into the next name position. This was it! I had waited so long for this! The girl’s name was called, and she bounced onto stage giddily to accept her degree. I put my foot on the bottom step as they paused to take her photograph as she gleefully smiled for the photographer.

  “Riley Thomas Tucker, Master of Business Administration,” the dean called out.

  I did it! Proudly, I skipped two steps at a time and climbed to the stage. I strode across the wood platform to shake hands with the president of our school. As soon as I firmly shook his hand, I took hold of the blue diploma holder with the bright yellow “M” on it. It was exactly like his.

  “Congratulations, Riley,” the president said as he looked me in the eye.

  “Thank you, sir,” I replied respectfully.

  The photographer did a quick picture of me with the school president before I stepped to the side for my solo picture. I put the diploma holder in my left hand, just like he had. I took my diploma to my seat and waited for the traditional moving of the tassel from one side of the cap to the other, followed by throwing the cap in the air. After I collected my cap, I went through a long line of people to turn in the blue gown and then made my way outside. I had one last thing that I needed to do before leaving campus.

  I hurried over to the same tree that he had posed in front of for a picture sixteen years ago. The difference was that no one was here for my graduation. I wouldn’t let it deter me from getting my picture, though. I saw a family approaching with their graduate and knew it was my only opportunity.

  “Excuse me,” I called out as they walked closer. I looked at whom I presumed was their son and nodded at him. “Congratulations on your degree,” I said. “I was wondering if I could trouble you to take a picture of me with my diploma by this tree?” I asked the family.

  They were more than happy to, and I produced my cell phone and handed it to the graduate. I knew he wouldn’t fuck up the picture and mistakenly get a picture of my feet. I stood precisely how he had and allowed the same cocky grin to appear on my face.

  “Alright, got it,” the graduate said and handed me back my phone.

  I quickly looked at it … perfect. I was thrilled and offered to return the favor by taking a picture of him and his family together. They quickly gathered together by the tree, and I took a couple of them before giving him back his phone.

  On the way to my car, I couldn’t keep the huge grin off my face. I stared at the picture the entire way and was astounded at how identical the picture had been to his. Once in my car, I quickly used a drugstore pharmacy app to order a few of these pictures. I placed the order for the closest location by my apartment and would pick them up on the way home tonight. Now, I was on my way to Evans Financial to collect my other prize.

  My appointment at Evans Financial was at 4:00 this afternoon, and though time shouldn’t be an issue, I wasn’t going to test it. Evans Financial was all the way up in Grand Rapids, which was two hours from where I was in Ann Arbor. It was shortly after 1:00 now, and I’d have just enough time to grab some food to eat in the car on the drive. I opted to just get some french fries and a Sprite. I only needed something to hold me over for a few more hours and didn’t want to risk getting anything on my shirt or pants. French fries posed little or no threat to my clothes.

  Adrenaline began pumping through my veins as I approached the incredible campus of Evans Financial. Behind the building was a huge grassy field surrounding a man-made lake. There were three subtle fountains in the lake that each had water spilling out at approximately the same height. Ducks and geese floated around and would sometimes wander around the grass. Benches and gazebos were spaced perfectly along the grounds and provided a peaceful backdrop for anyone on their lunch break. Soon, I would be out there enjoying my lunch.

  It was 3:40 when I got out of my old Honda Civic. I casually walked to the path that was lined with trees and benches that led to the front doors of Evans Financial. Twenty minutes was too early to go inside. I walked the length of the path from the parking lot to the front doors a few times before I finally sat down on one of the benches. I pulled out my cell phone and gazed at the image of me that mirrored my picture of him.

  While I marveled at how much I looked like him in the picture, the front door scraping over the doormat, followed by clicking heels on the concrete, pulled my attention away from my phone. Looking up, three women and two men had just exited the building wearing their bespoke suits, designer dresses, and Gucci shoes. The attire, combined with the briefcases and Prada handbags, told me that these were people who held prominent positions within Evans Financial.

  I sat up a little straighter on the wood bench in case they were to look at me. I’d be working with these folks soon, and it was best to make an excellent impression. The five of them chatted as they walked closer, and two of the ladies looked in my direction and smiled. Without moving from my seat, I politely smiled back and then nodded at one of the men who nodded at me.

  “Nice, Riley. Nice,” I complimented myself under my breath on how I played it casually cool with the high ups.

  The five of them remained at the end of the path before it emptied into the parking lot. One
of the women looked back at the building while one of the men looked at their watch. I was sure it was a nice watch too. I looked down at my cell phone at the graduation picture while keeping the high ups voices in the background. Metal from the bottom of the door to Evans Financial quickly brushed over the doormat, causing me to look up again.

  Holy fucking shit!

  There he was. Griffin Miles Evans.

  I couldn’t move.

  His long strides in the expensive dress shoes carried him swiftly down the walkway to where the other high ups stood. Griffin stretched his arm forward, naturally drawing back his crisp white sleeves to expose his lavish watch. The six of them stood for a few moments together and then separated to walk to their cars. Griffin stood at the back of his black sedan while he spoke loudly to one of the other men about directions to a bar.

  A thrill of excitement rolled down my spine when I heard his voice. I remembered that deep, confident voice so well.

  He hadn’t even bothered to look in my direction.

  But that was alright. Soon I’d be working with him. He’d see me and recognize me. Then we could be friends … and more. I stood up and straightened my tie as it was less than ten minutes before my appointment.

  Pulling the door open to drag over the noisy doormat, I turned to glance at the parking lot just in time to see six very expensive vehicles pull out. With only one of the cars being black, I knew that one was Griffin’s. I smirked when I saw it had been a brand new Mercedes S-Class. Very fitting for a man like Griffin Evans.

  I made my way into the posh lobby and walked across the white and gray marble floor to the reception desk. The gorgeous brunette behind the desk smiled at me and held her index finger up for me to give her a moment to finish the call. I nodded and took a few steps back and glanced around. On the wall behind the woman in gold lettering was the company logo. It was a masculine font, and the “E” in Evans and the “F” in Financial were quite a bit larger than the rest of the letters. Underneath the Evans Financial logo was the company’s tag line, “A Family Company.”

  Not much had changed in the lobby since I had last been here six years ago. Right after graduating from high school, I came to Evans Financial to try to get an internship. I wanted to work here so badly. I wanted to be closer to Griffin. I needed to be closer to him. I about lost my mind when human resources told me that the internship program at Evans Financial was extremely competitive and that they wouldn’t consider anyone without at least a bachelor’s degree. Devastation didn’t describe what I had felt for a while after that. Simply put, my sanity was gone.

  But I stayed in contact with the human resources department at Evans Financial. At the completion of each semester, I sent the director of human resources a card thanking her for keeping me in mind, along with my college transcripts up to that point. Persistence paid off, and at the start of my last semester, she sent me an offer letter for a paid internship upon graduation.

  And here I was.

  When the lady behind the desk hung the phone up, I pulled my eyes away from the gold logo and gave her my attention.

  “Are you Riley Tucker?” she asked in a playful tone.

  I took a few steps forward, setting my forearms on the counter. She glanced at my gold “M” cufflinks. They’re Griffin Evans’ University of Michigan cufflinks.

  “Yes, ma’am,” I said with a smile.

  The woman smiled and said that Amy, the director of human resources, was expecting me. Proudly carrying the blue diploma holder in my hand, I followed the receptionist to the elevator and entered the lift after she did. She pressed the button with the number two on it and began making idle chitchat.

  “Is that your diploma?” she casually asked as she gestured to the holder in my hand.

  “Yes, ma’am. Today was graduation,” I replied excitedly.

  “Today was?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” I confirmed. I ran my hand down my tie and smoothed it against my torso.

  “Wow, you had your graduation and drove all the way up from Ann Arbor today?”

  “Yes, ma’am. This internship is significant to me. It was my priority.”

  “Our CEO also went to the University of Michigan,” she said in a friendly tone.

  I know.

  “He’s a huge Michigan fan. Especially in the fall for football season,” she added.

  I know.

  With a subtle bounce, the elevator came to a stop. I followed her down the hall and gave her my attention as she continued to talk about Griffin.

  “I don’t know when he graduated.” 2004. “And I’m not sure what he got his degree in.” Master of Business Administration. “What did you get your degree in?” she kindly asked as we turned a corner.

  “Master of Business Administration,” I eagerly replied.

  The same as Griffin.

  As we approached a corner office, Amy stood and walked around her desk. The receptionist didn’t enter the office with me but told me congratulations on my degree. I thanked her as she left and then shook Amy’s hand before taking the offered seat.

  “Well, Riley, congratulations,” Amy said and held out her hand for my diploma. “I just need to make a quick copy of this since it’ll probably be a few weeks before we can get it verified with the school.”

  “Thank you,” I said as I handed my diploma to her. Amy continued to talk while she stood a few feet away at the copier in her office as we went through some formalities and then forms.

  “Since you’ll be starting on Monday, let me show you where you’ll be sitting.”

  I followed Amy down the hall and past the elevators to the other side of the building. The five cubicles that were in this section were along the wall with the window that overlooked the lake and paths behind the building. The gray fabric cubicle walls were about three and a half feet tall and concealed about a foot above the desk space. Then there was about another foot and a half of glass on top of it. Each cubicle was spacious and had some privacy, but I thought when seated, you’d still be able to see the tops of the heads.

  “This middle one will be yours.” Amy tapped her manicured pink nails on the empty gold metal placket on the exterior cubicle wall. “Your nameplate will be on here Monday morning, and you’ll have a welcome pack on your desk when you arrive.”

  “This is great, thank you.”

  Amy rode the elevator down to the main lobby with me and told me the receptionist would have my key card ready Monday morning when I come in.

  “I have to tell you that you’ve made quite the impression already.”

  “I have?”

  The elevator door opened, and we exited. Amy guided us toward the exit and stopped just short of the doormat.

  “Oh, yes. Mr. Evans takes an active interest in the interns here. He feels strongly about dedicating time to help them grow. So you can expect a lot of time with Mr. Evans,” Amy said with a smile.

  “I’m looking forward to that,” I replied. I instantly felt my cock harden.

  Fuck, she had no clue as to how much I was looking forward to that.

  Chapter Two


  Over the weekend, I moved from my apartment in Ann Arbor to a new rental in Grand Rapids. My new place was a single-story one-bedroom townhouse that even had a small fenced-in yard. The rental management company was offering it for an unbelievably low price, so hopefully, it wouldn’t continually bring problems. I still had enough money in my college fund account to afford the first and last month’s rent on the new place before I would receive my first paycheck. Though small, it was still bigger than my apartment near campus.

  Moving from Ann Arbor to Grand Rapids wasn’t my only big change during the weekend. I decided that I needed a new car, or at least something new to me. My Civic had been awesome, and it had served its purpose, but it was time to move on. I looked online for used Mercedes S-Classes and found one at a used car dealership in Grand Rapids.

  Having grown up in Grand Rapids, I knew where everythin
g was located. I planned on picking up a few things for my new place each night after work, but until then, I had things to survive on. While the pump blew up my air mattress, I flipped through the owner’s manual for my Mercedes. Even though my model was ten years old, it was still a damn nice vehicle. Obviously, Griffin thought so.

  On Monday morning, I pulled into the parking lot and parked my car directly across the aisle from Griffin’s Mercedes. I looked at my cell phone while I walked into the building. It wasn’t even 8:00, and Griffin was already here. Impressive, Mr. CEO.

  I collected my key card from the receptionist and made my way to my desk. Just as Amy promised, my nameplate welcomed me to my new home by the window. When I stepped into my cubicle, I immediately noticed the welcome packet waiting for me on my desk. The guy from the furthest cubicle stood and made his way over to me.

  “Hi, Riley. Welcome to Evans Financial. I’m Chase, a fellow intern,” Chase introduced himself, and we shook hands and exchanged brief pleasantries. “I’ll let you get settled in. The other guys will be back soon. They went on the coffee and breakfast run.” Chase bumped his fist on top of my cubicle frame and headed back to his desk.

  My workspace was “L” shaped, and I began mentally mapping out where I would place things. I quickly emptied my messenger bag and selected the perfect spot for my diploma just to the right side of my main workspace. One of the welcome items was a black coffee mug that had the company logo in gold. I set the mug next to my diploma and admired the two items together. I had a twelve-inch tall University of Michigan flag and placed it in the Evans Financial mug.


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