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Stalkers: A Dark Romance Anthology

Page 77

by Ally Vance

  “Oh we’re watching,” I drooled.

  With one deft movement, Victor plunged his cock into Thomas’s gaping eye sockets, his mouth forming a delightful ‘O’ that had me dripping once more. Even after multiple orgasms, it didn’t take more than two or three minutes for Victor to pull out of the second brother's skull and turn to face me. I lowered my hands just as Victor's cock shot out his salty, thick, cream all over the offending balls cradled in my palms.

  Picking up each one, I sucked Victor’s cum off of them before depositing them on the deep freezer with Justin’s leg.

  My revenge on the second brother was complete.

  Chapter Seven

  Of all the brothers, the third one was probably the one I despised the most. Like Thomas, Jerry never spoke ill towards me, and he never joined in on the tricks his younger brothers liked to play on Leon and me. My issue with him was more psychological.

  Killing him was going to be symbolic in ways that only Jerry, Victor and I would understand. My blood boiled with the thought as I walked over to the third brother and sat down in front of him.

  “You already know, don’t you?” I asked.

  The gag prevented him from verbally answering, but shocking me entirely, Jerry nodded. Of all the brothers, he seemed to be taking this the best, at least for now.

  I smiled and wiped a single tear from his eye and put it to my lips. The salt in his tears, hardened my resolve, and I grabbed at Jerry’s boxers and pulled them down to his feet.

  “I was only eight when you came into Leon’s room and kicked him out, locking the door behind him. You were sixteen, captain of the varsity football team, and you had girls fawning all over you. Why in the hell would you come after me?”

  Jerry dipped his head down, shame radiating all over his face. Luckily for him, he wouldn’t have to live with the shame for long.

  Reaching down, I grabbed Jerry’s soft cock and began stroking. I didn’t care if it took me all night to get him hard. Surprisingly enough, after just a few pumps, Jerry’s dick rose to the occasion.

  “This is what you wanted, right Jerry?” I asked bending down and swallowing his cock down my throat.

  Jerry groaned in pleasure as I pumped his dick with my fist and choked on his sizable erection, over and over again. I could feel his balls tighten as I increased my tempo and squeezed him such a bit harder.

  Behind me, Victor watched in delight as he lazily stroked his own cock.

  Jerry grunted, and as I swallowed his entire dick, hot liquid hitting the back of my throat, I bit down as hard as I could, tearing through the sensitive flesh like a shark ripping a fish in two. I yanked my head back, pulling his attached penis with me, before spitting it on the floor at Victor’s feet. I opened my bloody mouth once more, sticking my tongue out to accept my lovers hard rod.

  Victor plowed into my throat like a man on a mission as Jerry screamed and cried behind me. His fingers found purchase in my hair and he fucked my mouth like a crazed man, desperate to cum, and when he did, I swallowed every drop, his seed giving me a power I had never known before.

  When Victor stepped back, collecting the dismembered cock of the third brother from the floor and placing it with the other severed body parts, I turned around to face Jerry.

  “How was that?” I asked seductively as the blood pooled around me.

  For two hours I watched in fascination as blood slowly poured out of Jerry’s groin, and when he took his last breath, I stood up and smiled, kissing Victor squarely on the lips.

  My revenge on the third brother was complete.

  Chapter Eight

  It was three in the morning and while my body begged for sleep, my mind was more awake than it had ever been.

  “Are you tired, my love?” I asked Victor but he just smiled back and shook his head.

  Giddily, I turned back around to face my next victims.

  Frank, John, and Phillip were the bullies of the Walker family. Plain and simple, and while it would have been easy to dispose of them individually like I had done with Justin, Thomas, and Jerry, I had bigger plans for these three.

  “Now what am I going to do about you three? Hmmm?” I asked sarcastically. “For almost ten years, you bullied me, and you bullied Leon, and you bullied half the elementary school and junior high. Did you ever get your asses kicked?” I screamed in Frank’s face. “Did you?” I yelled in John’s face. “DID YOU?” I bellowed in Phillip’s face.

  “No. Not once did you ever have your asses handed to you. But today, all of that is going to change.”

  I grabbed the handsaw discarded at Justin’s stump and handed it to Victor.

  “Frank’s leg. John’s left arm, and Phillip’s right.” I directed him. While Victor carried out the brothers sentence, I sat on the steps with my eyes closed and listened to the harmonious screams of brothers four, five, and six.

  “Go ahead and scream, boys. No one can hear you,” I laughed.

  A plop sounded at my feet and I opened my weary eyes. Three bloody appendages sat on the cold basement floor and I smiled at Victor.

  “Ready to have some fun?”

  Just as Victor had done to me in the hotel, he grabbed each of the brothers and flipped them over, their asses exposed for the both of us to see. Handing the two arms to Victor, I grabbed Frank’s leg.

  “You want to be a bully?” I yelled out, “Let’s see how well you can take it.”

  I smeared the severed stump onto Franks asshole, blood coating his outer ring, and I shoved one toe in, followed by two, and then three, and then the entire top of his foot. Looking over, Victor was hard at work doing the same thing with John and Phillip’s fingers.

  With no finesse I shoved Franks foot in deep, pushing and straining as the brother cried out from his gag. I didn’t stop. I couldn’t stop. I didn’t want to stop. Deeper and deeper I pushed and when I couldn’t push any further, I used both hands to pull the severed leg out as fast as I could. But I wasn’t done. They were not going to get off that easy.

  Victor copied my every move as I fucked the fourth brother with his own leg until his screams turned into meer sobs, and when he shot his load all over the ground in front of him, I pushed one last time as deep as I could get it, and yanked it back out.

  John and Phillip were right behind their older brother. Victor and I placed the detached limbs with the others and waited as each one drew their final breath.

  My revenge on the forth, fifth, and sixth brother was complete.

  Chapter Nine

  I didn’t know how it was possible, but when Victor and I looked over, Cory was fast asleep. Maybe it was because it was five in the morning. Maybe, he had passed out from the sheer exhaustion of screaming for six hours, or maybe he just knew what was coming, but either way, he wasn’t going to be in dreamland for much longer.

  “Wake up, you pathetic excuse for a human,” I screeched, kicking Cory in the leg.’

  His drowsy eyes opened, and for a moment I watched in delight as his disorientation told him everything he had witnessed had been a dream. When the fog lifted and he realized the dream was an actual living nightmare, the tears started rolling down his face, and I laughed.

  “Do you think tears are going to save you, Cory?” I chuckled. “You were Leon’s roommate. His closest brother in age. You were less than eighteen months apart, and yet, you committed the worst act of all of them. You poisoned Leon’s mind. Why?”

  It was more of a rhetorical question. I didn’t want to hear the answer.

  “You probably didn’t know this,” I laughed again. “But the night I killed my parents, and set the house on fire with Leon still inside, I heard you.”

  Cory’s eyes widened in shock.

  “Leon and I had walkie talkies. We talked to each other almost every night for years after you fell asleep. Do you remember what you said to him, Cory? Do you?”

  I watched as the younger brother scrunched up his face and then solemnly shook his head no.

  I lifted my ha
nds and made quotation marks. “Annie has been in love with you forever, Leon. You better do something quick or you’re going to end up marrying the chick. I will legit straight up vomit if you do,” I mimicked him.

  Those were in fact, his exact words. They had run through my mind for fourteen years.

  Cory looked up at me, sadness and guilt riddled behind his eyes. He opened his gagged mouth and mumbled, “ummm theory.”

  I nodded at Cory, a tear cascading down my own face. “Thank you for that,” I responded, “But it doesn’t change anything now. Leon’s not coming back, and neither are you.”

  Cory’s eyes opened up wide, and just as he was about to speak again, I took a step back and Victor revved the chainsaw he had, bringing it down harshly on both of Cory’s legs.

  Once they had both been detached, I grabbed them and threw them to the side. They weren’t needed. Victor cut off both of Cory’s arms as well, and I threw them into the pile of dismembered wreckage collecting to the side of us.

  We didn’t have to wait this time for death. It came swiftly.

  My revenge on the last brother was complete.

  Chapter Ten

  I didn’t remember walking up the stairs, or taking a shower, or climbing into bed. I didn’t remember Victor holding me as I cried myself to sleep, and I didn’t remember finally passing out after Victor slowly and passionately made love to me, but the letter Victor left on the pillow next to mine outlined exactly that.

  The room was dark when I finally opened my eyes. I wasn’t sure exactly what time it was, but it was clear I had slept the entire day away. After reading the beautiful letter Victor had written for me, I decided I needed another quick shower before I was ready to face the world.

  I had only been out of prison for less than five days, and already I had completed my revenge that I had been planning for fourteen years. What was next for Victor and I. Did he even still want me?

  I let the hot water cascade down my flesh as I thought back to each and every one of the brothers, and their demise. Did they deserve it? Yes, I wholeheartedly believed that. Was I ready for the next part of my fantasy? I didn’t know.

  Turning the water off, I stepped out and wiped the towel down my face. Even though I had slept for what was apparently close to twelve hours, I could still feel weariness deep in my bones. Grabbing my bag in the bedroom, I pulled on a t-shirt and jeans and made my way down to the kitchen. It was still absolutely mind blowing to me that Victor had been able to recreate my home with such vivid detail. Once everything was completed, I knew I had to ask him about that.

  I wasn’t sure if there was any food in the house, but my mind immediately forgot my hunger when my foot hit the last step. There, in the middle of the kitchen was Victor, sitting on a kitchen chair. His hands were behind him, restrained, and an unlit match between his teeth.

  “Victor? What the hell are you doi--,” my words stopped dead in their tracks as I looked around me.

  The walls were covered in paper, and in photos. From a glance, I could see pictures of me as a young child, all the way through my early teens when I was thrown behind bars. I could see mountains of paperwork strung up around us. My case file from the trial. Crime scene photos were stuck to the cabinets of the kitchen, and the floor was littered with letters I had written Victor while I had been locked up.

  My mouth dropped in absolute shock at the clothesline hung behind Victor and his chair and I gingerly moved forward to get a better look.

  Hundreds of photos of me from the last fourteen years in jail were clothespinned to the line. My mug shot, photos of me in the shower, pictures of me sleeping in my bunk, eating in the cafeteria, and everything in between.

  Confusion settled in my brow and I looked at Victor. His hands weren’t just behind the chair, they were zip tied to it, just as I had done to Leon. I pulled the match out of his mouth and stuck it in my pocket.

  “How?” I asked, completely in shock.

  “Annie. My love. My Queen. I have something to confess to you. When you went to jail, I was a wreck. I followed your case every single day that I was able to. I watched as they broadcasted it on the television, and I cried when they sentenced you.”

  “But, how did you do all of this?” I asked, waving my hands around the room.

  “When you were moved to the maximum security prison, I vowed to help you get revenge,” Victor said. “I knew I needed to help get you out of the mess I had put you in.”

  “You? What do you mean you got me into it?”

  “Open your eyes Annie. Look into mine. Do you really not know who I am? Who could have replicated the home you grew up in? Who could have known every single detail of how you tied Leon up. Who could have had enough money to pull something like this off?”

  “No. That’s not possible,” I bellowed. “I killed you.”

  I took a few steps back, unable to breathe and Victor shook his head.

  “You didn’t though, Annie. I didn’t die. It was touch and go for a few days, and I was burned pretty badly, but you didn’t kill me.”

  “But you don’t look the same?” I sputtered.

  “It’s been fourteen years, Annie. I’ve had a lot of work done to cover my scars, and like you, I’ve grown up.”

  “No. No, no, no, no. I--Wha--Ho--” The tears fell steadily from my eyes as my brain tried to process everything Vict-- Leon had just unloaded on me.

  The love of my life was alive, and he had just helped me murder his family.

  “Your brothers?” I sobbed.

  “What about them? You’re the only thing that matters to me, Annie. You always have been and you always will be. They deserved their fate.”

  I nodded, for the first time in my life, completely speechless. My head bowed, unable to move or speak, an array of emotions flooding my body and mind.

  “But what of mine?” Leon asked.

  My head snapped up, and for the first time, I really looked into the eyes of the man I loved.

  “What about yours?” I whispered.

  “What is to be my fate?”

  “I--I don’t understand.”

  “Fourteen years ago, you meant to kill me. You tied me to this chair, with these zip ties and you doused the house in gasoline and lit it on fire, but I didn’t die. Today,” he said, nodding towards my jeans pocket, “I give you the chance to finish what you started. To once and for all leave your past in the past and walk forward as a new woman.”

  I reached my hand into my pocket and pulled out the unlit match.

  “Before you make your decision, my Queen, I have one final thing for you. Open the pantry door.”

  With the matchstick still in hand, my body operating on autopilot, I walked over to the pantry and flung open the door. Inside sat my monster, my creation. Cory’s head and body sat on a chair with Frank and Justin’s legs attached at the knee, Philip and John’s arms attached at the shoulder. Cory’s blue eyes had been replaced with Thomas’s green ones, and when I leaned over and lifted the tea towel off of Cory’s lap, Jerry’s penis had been stitched on as well.

  The tears fell heavy, and I turned to face Leon.

  “It’s alive, my love. It’s alive.”

  I dropped the match and ran over to him straddling him where he sat.

  “Oh you stupid stupid man. I love you so much. How could you ever think I wanted to kill you?”

  “To be fair. You did try once,” he laughed, kissing my face.

  “That’s fair,” I commented back.

  Jumping off his lap, I freed him from the zip ties binding his hands, as well as the jeans covering up his dick.

  “Fuck me, Leon,’ I whispered in his ear.

  I crawled up in his lap once more and sank down onto him, taking in every inch. I wanted to crawl inside of his body and live there for the rest of my days.

  “Annie,” Leon panted, his hands grabbing my hips and slamming me down on to him. “Do you remember the last words you spoke to me?” He asked.

  I stopped mov
ing and looked him in the eye.

  “No one will ever love you like I do, Leon. No one.”

  About Shannon:

  Shannon Youngblood is a thirty something, foul mouthed, erotic romance writer, who loves telling a story full of broken pieces, and broken people. There is no subject too graphic, or too taboo, to grace the pages of her stories. Shannon believes that life is not always Happily Ever Afters and Flowers, and sometimes her stories might reflect that. (Non HEA's OH NO!) Shannon loves hearing from her amazing, dirty minded fans as well! Be sure to follow her on her social media sites!

  Books by Shannon:


  Chub Rub

  Just A Man

  Playing with Fyre

  Logan Fox


  Healing was my obsession...until Charlotte Ash walked into my classroom.

  She's bright, young, traumatized by her past...and my newest art therapy student.

  I've taught many people how to use art to cope with their demons, but she's different.

  From the moment we lock eyes, I can't stop watching her.

  I'm addicted to her darkness, I crave her pain...and I want her in the worst way.

  I know I'm a monster, and monsters belong in the dark, but I can't bear to stay in the shadows anymore when she's out there in the light.

  If she can't withstand my depraved needs...

  If I break her…

  She'll be just like me.

  Chapter One



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