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Stalkers: A Dark Romance Anthology

Page 107

by Ally Vance

  “Tell me or I’ll take a finger.” He holds my gaze, full of defiance. “Fine, you had a choice.” I walk back to the office, grabbing the cigar clip as anger boils beneath the surface. He is still holding secrets. Those poisonous lips yelled my name earlier, and now they refuse me.

  I walk back into the cell to watch Romeo stiffen. “Last chance,” I snarl, that defiance doesn’t fall from his eyes, so whatever is in this box, it's worth protecting.

  “I said no,” he growls, standing.

  Before he has a chance to make a move, I swing my fist hitting his jaw, but he comes back with one just as hard, catching my lip, and I taste blood, only this time it's mine. Like a panther, I pounce, coming with a right before two strong ones from the left. Romeo meets me punch for punch, until we land on the floor, fighting like two feral animals. He gets on top, slamming his fist into my face twice before I lock my legs around him, swinging us around and pinning him. We are evenly matched, but I learnt to fight in the street. I slam my fist into his mouth before holding down his one arm with my leg, immobilizing him. Grabbing his right hand, I see his father’s signet on his ring finger, and the black diamonds and red rubies mock me. I slide the clip on, so it's pressed against the signet, hate for its meaning causing my stomach to burn. A yell pierces the air as I blink, looking down to see the blood trickling down Romeo’s hand, the signet baring the family crest soaked in blood.

  “Should have given me the number,” I hiss.

  Standing, I watch as Romeo cradles his hand to his chest, blood covering him.

  “You're making a mess, clean yourself up.” I chuck a few steri strips and bandages his way. “Or don’t.” I shrug, hiding the truth of what those words mean.

  Walking back to the office, I swipe the contents of the desk onto the floor, anger still clawing at my skin.

  Placing the box down, I use Romeo’s finger to unlock the lid.

  I pull it off, picking out loads of receipts from florists, hundreds, thousands of pounds worth. Ordered every week. Enough to start up his own florist shop. I know Romeo doesn’t have anyone in his life, had I missed something?

  Chucking them to the side, I grab letters, all of them bundled together and tied in black ribbon. All labelled, from eight years ago, to only several weeks ago. I pull one out randomly, tearing it open.

  My eyes scanning the words, all handwritten. A few words stick out.

  Sorry, miss you, love you always.

  Unable to understand, I rip open more and more, until everyone is open and there’s a pile around me. All the same, proclaiming how much he is missing me, words upon words of grief. Deep rooted, heart tearing sorrow. Love, words of pure love. For me, for my family.

  I put my hand back in the box seeing how much it’s shaking, pulling out pictures of us. Ones we took in secret, between the sheets just after we had sex. All of them have one thing in common. Love. It was there in every photo. No one could look at them and not see it.

  Looking back over the receipts, it is yellow roses, my mother’s favourite. He had been the person putting the flowers on their graves, mourning them, he hadn’t forgotten them. Shoving everything back in the box, emotions run wild through my veins, unable to understand what they were. It was if everyone had become unstuck. Found an opening from the dark place I kept them and were racing for freedom.

  Romeo is bandaging his hand, his jaw gritted together as his muscles pop underneath the skin. His head snaps up as I enter.

  I empty the containers of the box over the floor. “What is this?”

  Chapter Fourteen


  I freeze as the contents of the box hit the ground, every inch of me wants to run and grab up the pieces. They were my secrets, my last piece of Remy. It was all laid there amongst my blood and some tears, my truth, raw emotions. My father had trained me for this life, hardened me to this world and the violence it brought. Forced to turn off my humanity. To become a man capable of being a leader, to become the head of the Russo family. His son. But seeing all the letters, pictures, it made me feel vulnerable. I wanted to crawl away to the darkest part of earth and hide.

  “You have no right.” I growl working on the emotion I’m most familiar with, anger.

  Remy’s stance widens as he crosses his arms over his chest. “They are all addressed to me.” the words come out low, dark.

  “No, they were addressed to m-” I cut myself off, unable to get past the lump in my throat.

  His thick fingers curl around my jaw pinning me in place. “To your what?” He growls, I shake my head but his fingers bite into the skin. “Your what?” He tilts my head, our lips barely a breath apart. “To my Remy.” I growl before I can finish. His hot lips are on mine, his mouth and tongue consuming me. It felt like hot flames against my skin everywhere Remy touched. “You want this?” His voice is like a seductive kiss against my skin. “Yes.” I breathe, wanting to kiss him again. I watch as need holds my body, as he chucks me a little small tube, catching it I instantly know what it is- lube. “You want it, you’ll have to work for it.” A grin spreads over his face, as he takes a seat pulling out his hard cock, stroking his length in long motions, paying extra attention to the head. “Get yourself ready, while I watch.” Pinning me with that dark look, Remy's eyes stay on mine, as I walk to the small shower, not waiting for the water to warm up. It hits my skin like shards of glass. I wash the grime and blood off my body, moving my hands over my muscles, smirking as I hear Remy’s breath hitch behind me. I wasn’t a bottom; I hadn’t been since Remy. But it was as if my body remembered, as I grab the lube, spreading it on my fingers, before pushing in one, then two. The bite of pain sending ripples of pleasure through me, as I add another. Closing my eyes, imagining they’re his, as I pusher deeper. When I feel thick thighs pressed against mine. Teeth dragging across my shoulder, as a thick fist wraps around my cock, making my hips jerk. “Please.” I mewl, pulling my fingers out, pushing against his hard cock. “I want you; I’ve missed you filling me.”

  Grabbing my wrist, he holds them in one of his hands, before moving the other down my arm, across my cheek bone; down to my neck where his fingers tighten slightly, enough to show threat, but without restricting my airway. His dick pressing against me, that had me twitching and arching back as his hand travelled down my chest pinching my nipples, before disappearing between us.

  When I feel his thick cock just where I want it. “Beg for it.” comes right next to my ear, before he bites on my earlobe, causing me to hiss.

  “Please, I’m aching. I need you.” As if my words break the invisible thread he is holding on to, he slowly pushes his cock in. The connection between us is stronger than it's ever been, as the thrust becomes wilder, and the stokes longer. Grabbing my hip to alter the angle, hitting that spot that dragged every curse word from me. The intensity of it all too much, as Remy took over every sense, the smell of him, his touch against my skin, the taste. I try to grab on to the wet tiles and anchor myself.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I feel Romeo quiver underneath me, hearing the groans falling from his lips, makes my thrust turn more violent, as I watch my dick disappearing into his tight body. I move my hand around his waist teasing him, making him squirm even more, until he is pushing that craved ass back on my cock making me grunt. I finally let him have what he wants, wrapping my hand around his cock, and giving it hard tugs.

  His whole body freezes, before his yells echo in the small room, his hole clenching around my cock, squeezing my own orgasm. Only deep pants fill the air, as I pull out watching as a few drops of cum fall out. The sight has my dick already wanting back in that tight body. Before I can lift my face, Romeo is in front of me, his lips on mine, arms around my neck. It takes me a second for my arms to respond and wrap around his slim waist. It's been years since I’ve had this close contact with another person. When he pulls back his eyes are glassy as he reaches out to my jaw, a look of pure awe in his eyes. “Come on, I’ve got clothes upstairs.”
His fingers wrap around mine as I wordlessly follow him into the kitchen. He doesn’t let my hands go, as he opens the fridge grabbing some packet meat, cheese and then passing me some olives.

  Grinning, a full-blown smile covering his face. Tugging my hand, to the stairs, he walks in front of me, as he keeps looking over his shoulder as if he thinks I’ll disappear. Opening the last door, it is nothing like his room at the mansion. Light blues and navy’s and some gold hints. It looks inviting, cosy. “I come here when I need a break.” he rambles, going to a wardrobe he pulls out two pairs of joggers, chucking me a pair. “They should fit. We are around the same size.”

  I put them on, a little snug, but fit. My eyes tracking Romeo’s movements to the bed. Where he sits crossed legged opening the food and taking a piece of the cheese and wrapping it with meat.

  His head snaps up, a flush hitting his cheeks, as he pats the bed. When I don’t move, I swear he rolls his eyes. “Just come and eat. Then we can talk about all this,” he waves his hands around.

  I move to the bed, not sure what I think of this normalcy. When was the last time I just sat with someone I had sex with and ate? The last time I shared a meal with someone. Not giving too much to the thoughts as Romeo hands me some meat and cheese, the taste makes me moan, and I realise how hungry I am. Had we even eaten in the last two days? With the hunger at bay, the tension in my muscles starts to relax slightly.

  “Was it just five names on the list?” I turn at his quiet voice. “You really want to know?” He nods without hesitation. I grit my teeth as the tension seeps back in every pore. “No, there was originally six.” A small frown pulls down between his eyes, before they raise to mine. “My father.” I stare at him, at the boy I once loved and the man in front me. The same yet so different. “Yes.” there's no point in lying. His father was the master, the one who pulled all the strings. He chews on his lips “Why? I don’t understand. Our fathers were friends.” I stand unable to sit, “Because of us.” I growl, “Because they told my father to kill his faggot son, me! But he wouldn’t, so he made us all run,” my breathing comes out in harsh pants, red tints my vision.

  “They killed my family, father, my mother, Sienna” my throat burns, trying to get the next name out. “Enzo. They killed my little brother while I was out cold. They thought they had killed me, I woke, and they were all dead.” Tears fall from Romeo's eyes, as he shakes his head, not daring to come closer, like a wounded animal, I’m ready to strike.

  Then a dark look passes his face, changing all his features, to the one I’ve come to know, the Russo head. He gets up walking around the bed, his lips curl up in a joker-like smirk.

  “What if I told you my father isn’t dead, that you can still take his last breath?”

  Chapter Sixteen


  I watch as he stands still, not even breathing, as he sits on the bed and a long breath escapes him.

  “What do you mean?” Remy’s voice is nothing above a whisper, a strange look on his face.

  Making him look younger, “My father isn’t dead, he’s dying, cancer, had it for years. But he’s living in the Cotswold in a hidden house.”

  Remy shakes his head, running his fingers through his hair, “Why are you telling me this?”

  Stupid man! “Because the day he killed you, he broke me too. Because your family should have never paid for our sins. Because I don’t think what we did is wrong. We fell in love.” I risk sitting in front of him. “Because Natasha didn’t deserve it, Sienna didn’t and little Enzo, god Remy,” his breath comes out as a shudder, as he nods his head. When his eyes reach mine, they are glassy. “I’m gonna kill him.”

  I nod. “I know.”

  He grabs my jaw bringing me to his face. “You didn’t betray me?” Those green eyes, reach into my soul searching for the truth, “Never.” Just as the last letter falls from my lips, he attacks my mouth, his tongue curling with mine, in a kiss of a promise, a promise for a future neither of us thought could exist.

  Remy has put his contacts back in, I already miss the forest green colour. I look at him now and wonder how I hadn’t seen it before? He’s Remy, just older. Stronger jaw, sharper nose, but that frown, that aura around him hasn’t changed. Maybe I just couldn’t see it? Last night he had taken me again, and this morning in the shower we had blown each other. Still under the skin lay something that kept me on edge. I watch as the steel gates open to the long driveway.

  “You remember the plan?” The whisper makes me, flinch not expecting it, I give a sharp nod. All I had to do was get Remy alone with my father, but it felt like we were entering the lion's den, as weak as I knew my father to be. I couldn’t help remembering the man I saw from a child's point of view. How cold, hard and ruthless he is.

  Standing at the door is Eric, my father's only protection. With him basically being a ghost, there wasn’t much need for loads of security.

  “Mr Russo, you didn’t call.” I wave him off. “I need my father’s advice on something, where is he?” Eric nods. “We’ve heard, he is in his bedroom. His health is declining.” I nod and walk past, “Dante, follow me.” I shout out his alias, ignoring him as if he is nothing but my security.

  Dante follows, I feel the change in him, his muscles locking, the predator coming alive, as his eyes flick around the hallway, as if searching for his prey. Each step we take closer to father’s room feels like something is off.

  “You can stay here.” His big hand lands on my shoulder, I turn to face him, shaking my head.

  “I love you. We are doing this together.” I watch as his nostrils flare, as he sucks in a breath. I place my finger against his lips. “You don’t need to say it back, it's different for me. I never stopped.” He presses a wet, hard kiss to my lips, before turning to open the door.

  The first thing you can hear is the machines helping my father breathe, the curtains are open letting light flood the room, a beautiful view of the gardens. There's a sterile smell in the air, it’s not like a bedroom, more of a hospital. My eyes turn to the bed to see my father sitting up, navy pyjamas, even brushed and styled as if expecting our arrival. The sight makes me frown, apart from the machines, you wouldn’t even think he is ill.

  That's when I notice my father’s eyes are not on me, but Remy standing at the end of the bed, both locked in a stare off.

  “Remy.” My father wheezes. Remy doesn’t flinch, not a muscle, as he lips curls. “Frank,” he growls, the sound vibrating off every wall.

  “I guess you’ve come here to kill me. As soon as I heard Roberto and Luca had been killed, I knew who it was.” My father’s eyes flick to mine for the first time. “My son has always been blinded by you.” Every word drip in disgust.

  Remy surprises me by standing in my way, taking that poisonous look off me.

  “There wasn’t one man who knew it was me, not Roberto, Luca, Gianni or Alec, not until they were moments from death. You raised a weak house Frank. They let the enemy walk right in, just like the cancer eating you, I ate them from the inside out,” a dark laugh escapes him. “Your best men and I took their lives, alone.”

  The machine starts beeping wildly, Remy pulls the cords out shutting the alarms off as he leans over my father, a sick smirk crawls over his face. “I’m not going to kill you.”

  “What?” we both say at the same time.

  But Remy’s eyes stay locked on my father. “That would be a mercy killing and you don’t deserve any. I’m doing something worse; I’m going to expose you. Let everyone know you're still alive and how weak you've become. That the Russo name is finished because I’m taking over.”

  My breath catches at his words, but just like he said, he walks away from my father, straight to me, pulling me into a kiss that has my toes curling.

  “You don’t get to walk away and have your happily ever after.” My father coughs, his face bright red, as he tries to get out of bed only to fall to the floor.

  Remy smiles, linking our fingers. “Forever? Maybe not, we know
what the world is like. But we are happy for now.” I can’t help grin, who needs forever, when you have right now.

  About Raven Amor

  About Raven:

  Raven loves writing dark romance wrapped in suspense. She loves finding the beauty in pain, love in tragedy. And of course, writing those hot scenes.

  Raven describes her books as darkness mixed with blood-stained passion. She is fluent in sarcasm and adult language. If you can't find Raven in her writing cave or editing hell, then you will find her curled up ]with a book lost in the words of other authors. She has three daughters and one man child-all who she adores. She comes from a large Welsh family who are completely crazy in all the right ways.

  You can find Raven on Facebook and Instagram or hanging out in her FB group Raven Rebels.

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  Right Side of Wrong

  A.K. Macbride

  Chapter One


  Molars grinding together, my blood burned hot. My fingers itched with the need to slide around this asshole's throat and squeeze.

  I wanted to see the life drain out of his eyes. Watch his soul slip into the deepest depths of hell.

  Where the shithead belonged.

  Instead of doing that, I leaned back against the expensive leather of my Jaguar, the anger rushing through my veins tipping closer to boiling point with every minute that passed. This pendejo didn’t deserve to hang out with his buddies. To laugh. To breathe.


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