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Stalkers: A Dark Romance Anthology

Page 116

by Ally Vance

  What the fuck?

  “Marti, wake up! Marti! Hey! Come on, you gotta wake up!” Lola shifted and wiggled, fighting against her bounds in an attempt to get free.

  Marti groaned beside her, beginning to rouse. “Wh-what happened?” Their eyes met and Lola saw her own terror reflected back at her.

  “I don’t know. I think...I think something hit me from behind. My head is pounding,” Lola told her, scanning her friend for any apparent injuries.

  “I can see blood at the back of your head, Lo. Jesus fucking Christ.” Marti started wiggling in her chair, trying to loosen the ropes.

  “Someone will find us. My parents will be back soon from church, and Oliver will surface at some point. Can you get free?”

  “No, I don’t think so, can you? God, how did this happen?” Marti nearly tipped her chair over in her efforts, grunting in frustration when it appeared it was no use.

  “It’s my fault. This was Beckett; it had to be. He’s not who I thought he was...he’s a menace, Marti. I’m so sorry I got you into this.”

  “God, you’re so fucking selfish, Lola. How is it that you can never see what’s right in front of your face? Are you really that self-centered that you can’t pay any attention to the people that matter?” Marti spit out in disgust.

  Lola stilled, shocked by her friend’s words. “Marti —” she began, only to be cut off.

  “Just fucking save it. For once, just listen instead of making everything about you.” Marti threw her ropes on the ground and gained her feet, spinning to face her in a swirl of fury.

  “I don’t understand…” Lola trailed off as Marti fisted her hands in her hair, letting out a shriek.

  “Of course you don’t! You know, for someone that’s supposed to be so damn smart, you really don’t have a clue. You have no idea how good you have it, Lo. Beauty, brains, a perfect family complete with two adoring brothers. A bright take it all for granted.” Marti paced in front of her, shooting furious glances in her direction as she raged.

  “Marti. What are you talking about? Why are you so angry?” Seeing her friend unleash what was obviously a massive sized amount of issues on her shook Lola to the very roots of her soul. How was it that she truly didn’t know any of the people around her at all?

  “Why am I angry? If you had paid attention for longer than three seconds to what actually goes on in my life, you’d know how bad it is for me at home. My father, God. He’s a monster. The things he does to me…” Marti trailed off as a shudder went through her body. “He’s vile; an ingrate. If you knew the unspeakable things he’s done, well let’s just say your innocence would have been lost long before Beckett.”

  Lola’s heart broke at Marti’s confession. It was obvious she’d endured terrible trauma, and at the hands of a parent, no less. It was unthinkable. “I had no idea, Marti. None at all.” Her automatic reaction was to embrace her friend; to offer comfort. An impossible task considering she was still restrained. “Let me up, let me help you.”

  “Help me? This is all happening because of you! I never would have had to endure life as the daughter of that sicko if it wasn’t for you.” The crazed look in Marti’s eyes only intensified with her words, her fury aimed at Lola.

  “Marti. You’re not making any sense. Please, please just let me out of these ropes and we can take Barkey for a walk — “ Barkey’s ears perked up at the sound of his favourite word, his tail wagging enthusiastically — “And sort this out together.”

  Marti stalked over to her and slapped her hard across the face, backed by it seemed the strength of ten men. Lola’s head snapped to the side, and her vision blurred. The metallic taste of blood filled her mouth as she stared up at Marti in horror.

  “Of course you think it’s not your fault. I don’t want to go for a damn walk; I’ve been on a million of them while you cater to that damn dog instead of recognizing your best friend was in pain. Maybe it’s time we get rid of the mutt so you’ll actually pay fucking attention.” From her back pocket, Marti withdrew a small silver pistol, aiming it at Barkey.

  Sheer terror washed over Lola and she thrashed in her chair; frantic to get free. “Marti! No, Marti, look at me! You’re right, okay? I’ve been selfish and ignorant to your struggles. Please, tell me what I can do. I want to be here for you, I promise. Please, tell me what else I’ve missed. I need your help so I can be a better friend.” Lola babbled, desperate to turn Marti’s attention away from her beloved Barkey. She couldn’t lose him; she’d fight to the death to protect him if necessary. A sharp sting in her right wrist drew her attention and bending her hands, found that there was a loose nail on the back of the chair. If she was lucky, it might be enough to cut through her ropes.

  “Fine.” Marti shifted her focus from Barkey and Lola released a sigh of relief.

  “Here’s the truth you were too stupid to see. You and Oliver aren’t the only ones that were adopted. I was too. Difference is, you two got lucky being placed here and I ended up in that shithole. You have no idea how bad it is, Lo. They never wanted a child, they just wanted someone they could kick and use as they pleased. I’d rather be dead than go back to that house.” As angry and scared as Lola was, she still felt immense sadness for her friend. No child should have been treated that way. While Marti was distracted, she used the time to work the ropes on the nail, hoping it was sharp enough to cut through.

  “When I met you, I was floored. I had no idea there were actually good people in this world. Life has always just thrown shit on me...but your family, they’re so damn wonderful. A loving mother and father; amazing brothers. It’s not fucking fair that you got that and I’m stuck in my situation.” Tears started to leak out of the corners of Marti’s eyes, but Lola doubted she noticed them, she was too caught up.

  “I wanted to be part of your family so bad; I did everything to fit in. I dreamed of what it would be like if you felt for me what I was beginning to feel for you...what I still feel. We’d be an unstoppable force; I’d support you every step of the way towards your goals, and you’d help me realize mine. I could finally get away from the mayhem of my home life and have a chance at something normal.” Marti paced the room as she explained, glaring daggers at Lola.

  “But you — “ she slashed the knife in Lola’s direction — “You just couldn’t see what was right in front of you. That I was willing to do anything for you. I followed you; I was with you even when you thought I wasn’t, so that if you ever needed anything, I wouldn’t be far. You’re such a traitorous bitch, though, that you had that imbecile Beckett doing the same damn thing! Both of us skulking around the shadows, desperate for a chance to be closer to you.”

  Lola couldn’t have been more shocked if the ceiling fell on them right that second. “My God, Marti, It was’re the one that posted the photos, you killed Mr. Hoppykins.” The realization sent anger skidding down her spine. All the time she’d been frightened she was losing her mind, that she’d spent confessing her supposed hallucination to Marti was a waste of time. Standing right in front of her was the culprit for everything she’d endured.

  “I needed to do something to get you to open your eyes, Lo. I thought you’d turn to me for comfort, that you’d finally begin to see things my way. Plot twist though, you’d actually rather fuck your step-brother then show loyalty to the one person that’s always been here for you.” Marti’s eyes hardened and she again swung her body towards Barkey, her arm raising as she aimed the pistol. “And now, it’s too late. You’re going to die down here with your fucking dog and I can’t think of a more fitting ending for someone as selfish as you.”

  “You never told me any of this. If I’d known, do you really think I’d turn to Beckett over you? You’re incredible, Marti. No one would ever choose someone else over you.” Her words had their desired effect as she once again drew Marti’s attention her way. Barkey, not a fool, moved from his spot to conceal himself behind a pile of boxes.

  “What?” Marti regarded her with suspi
cion. “What exactly are you saying, Lo?”

  “I’m saying…” she gritted her teeth against the pain of the nail stabbing her skin, hoping she masked it by appearing as though her admission was difficult for her. “I’m saying, I’ve felt the same way about you for a long time. Why do you think I’ve never had a real boyfriend? It’s always been you, Marti.”

  Hope lit up Marti’s face as she studied Lola, cautiously approaching her. “You have? and Beckett…”

  “He means nothing to me in that way.” She bided her time and when Marti was just a few feet away from her, lunged up out her chair, yanking the ropes free. Propelling herself forward, she tackled Marti to the floor, letting out a whoosh of breath when they hit the concrete ground with a hard thud.

  “Fuck you! You lying cunt!” Marti raged, clawing at Lola’s hair and using one hand to grab her by the throat. Lola easily broke her hold, fighting for possession of the gun. In the background, she heard Barkey letting out a series of angry barks, a twinge of pride flowing through her over the fact he’d somehow also managed to get free.

  “Marti! Just let it go!” Lola screeched as Marti got in a good punch to her jaw, sending her sprawling backwards. She had a split second to throw her hands up as Marti lunged, balling up a fist and thrusting it forward into her gut with all her might. Marti doubled over, the breath knocked out of her.

  “I’m going to fucking kill you,” Marti promised, once again raising the gun. Lola rushed forward and grabbed Marti’s arm, aiming the gun high up in the air. She’d obviously underestimated Marti’s skills when she took her down with a sweeping leg to the back of Lola’s ankles. She landed hard on her back, seeing stars when her head bounced off the floor. Not willing to give up, she went for the dirty tricks and pinched Marti’s nipple before yanking her hair and bringing her knee up to jam it roughly into her pussy. Her former best friend let out a series of grunts in pain, her focus on the gun momentarily lost.

  Lola made a grab for it, the steel body feeling cool against her fingertips. They wrestled on the floor, each landing blows as they fought for possession of the weapon. “I fucking hate you! You stole what should have been mine! We could have been so good if you’d just — “ The loud bang startled both of them and for a moment Lola didn’t understand what had happened.

  There was a stinging sensation in her left side and it felt as though she’d wet her pants. Confused, she glanced down and spotted the growing pool of blood. Their eyes met and Lola saw the regret and horror in Marti’s at what she’d done. “I didn’t...I mean, fuck, Lo. God, I’m sorry.”

  Her voice sounded far away, Lola’s vision going from gray to black and back again. She was aware of Barkey licking her face and fear for his safety arose again. Tucking him close to her side, she whispered for him to stay very still.

  There were sounds of a commotion and she thought she saw Beckett, but that didn’t make any sense, was she having another fantasy? Maybe this time they’d be alone on the beach, wait that wasn’t right either. Beckett was her step-brother.

  And her best friend...well her best friend had killed her. With that last though, the invisible fingers struggling to claim her soul were victorious, and she slipped into the darkness.

  Chapter Seven

  One Year Later

  Twilight was always the most fascinating time of day; when the darkness rose up to meet the light, the shadows taking up sentry as guardians of everything sinister. As the last day of her first year of university came to an end, Lola couldn’t have welcomed the darkness more. Life was very different for her after the incident with Marti. She’d been lucky Beckett had found them in time, thanks in large part to Barkey sending up the alarm with his signature incessant barking. Had he not got her to the hospital when he did, she likely wouldn’t have survived.

  Marti was nowhere to be found, having fled the scene. She’d obviously had a getaway planned, as no one had been able to locate her since. As much as Lola resented how she treated her, a small part of her was happy she’d escaped her horrible home life. The road to recovery after she’d been shot had been a long one, complete with weekly trips to therapy as she worked through the trauma.

  The opportunity to accept early admission to Harvard had come as a welcome surprise, and her family agreed that living on campus was a good decision given the circumstances. Her parents had been made aware of everything that happened with Beckett, and as embarrassing as it was, she was glad it was out in the open as it allowed her the chance to fully heal.

  Dissecting all the events that led up to her shooting allowed her to see that by keeping herself closed off from others the way she did, she wasn’t able to pick up on social cues. There was a reason she completely overlooked the dark sides to both Marti and Beckett and they lay completely inside her. Her therapist suggested it had a lot to do with unresolved emotions over being adopted, and she was probably right. At the end of the day, she was working on becoming the woman she was meant to be.

  “Come on, Barkey,” she called, tugging him away from the bush he was currently peering into. When he refused to budge, she moved closer, curious what had caught his eye. The familiar sensation of being watched pricked at the edge of her senses and she whirled around. There, several yards away at the end of the path was Beckett. He stood alone, hands in his pockets, intense gaze locked on her.

  Her heart rate sped up and her breathing turned rapid. Even though they’d had minimal contact since the shooting, she thought of him often. He had a hold on her that was undeniable, their connection left unresolved.

  They moved towards each other, stopping when they were just a few feet apart. He was handsome as ever, a fact that had a hot need growing in her belly. She hadn’t been intimate with anyone since him, unwilling to open herself up in such a way again for fear of getting hurt. Despite everything, she still wanted him.

  “What are you doing here, Beckett?” she asked, studying his face.

  “I had some off time at school, thought I’d check in. We never really get the chance to talk alone. I need to apologize to you, Lola,” his deep voice sounded the same, rough and yet smooth at the same time.

  “There’s nothing to apologize for. You saved my life, and I’ll be forever grateful for that.”

  “Oliver’s so pissed at both of us. Him getting shipped off early messed up his scout plans. He won’t even talk to me,” Beckett admitted.

  “He’ll get over it, he likes his new school,” she reassured him. The small talk was awkward, the longer she stood close to him, the harder it became to resist the pull to leap into his arms.

  “Anyway, I fucked up with you, Lola. I was young when I started to have feelings and I handled it all wrong. I’m sorry for what I did, I truly am. I hope you know that,” his words were sincere and Lola could tell they’d been hard for him. She touched his arm, wanting to put him at ease. Part of her therapy was learning to let things go and offer forgiveness where needed.

  “I forgive you, Beckett.”

  He nodded, a sigh going through him. Pinning her in place with a stare that spelled out possession, he let his gaze run over her, drinking her in. “Do you think, I mean, one day, there might be a chance for us?”

  It wasn’t that she hadn’t thought about his question, she had. She just didn’t know if it was the right choice for either of them. “Beckett…” she began, gasping when he snatched her into his arms. His mouth swooped down to claim hers in a searing kiss, while his hands dug into her hair, dragging her impossibly closer to him. He ground his hips against hers as his tongue parted her lips and gained access to her mouth, telling her with every movement that she still irrevocably belonged to him.

  Lola kissed him back with just as much passion and yearning, desperate for more. Barkey yelping in protest of their reunion pulled her from the haze and she retreated.

  “I can’t. I mean, not now anyway. I obviously have strong feelings for you, Beckett. But I need time. Space to figure out who I am before adding you back into my life.
I hope you can understand that.”

  “I do. I’ll wait for you, Lola. As long as it takes.” He made his vow with absolute conviction, needing her to know he meant every word.

  “I better go. It was good to see you, Beckett. Take care.” She turned her back and headed down the path to her dorm room, forcing herself to keep going no matter how bad her instincts were screaming at her to go back. Their time would come, when she was ready.

  Beckett watched her go until she was just a blip in the darkness, savouring the intoxicating taste of her on his tongue. “See you soon, my love.”


  Marti gave one last shout of pleasure before rolling off her boyfriend and flopping down beside him in bed. He was an exceptional lover; one that she was pleased she’d taken a chance on.

  “So, what do you think?” she asked, adjusting to rest her head on her propped elbow.

  “That was fantastic, babe. You know you’re fire in the sack,” he commented, tweaking her nipple for added effect.

  “Not about that. About my plan,” she said impatiently. Seriously, why couldn’t people just listen?

  “Oh, well I don’t know, Marti. We aren’t talking about anything simple here. This could get us in some real deep shit.”

  “Lola and Beckett deserve every little bit of torture coming to them. You told me you agreed; that you wanted to help me with this.” She shifted to take his still hard cock in her hands, pumping it up and down. “You can’t back out on me now. You know as well as I do that they have to pay.”

  “Alright, babe. Count me in.”

  Marti’s grin was as wicked as it was seductive as she took his cock between her lips. “I knew you’d see it my way, Oliver. Let’s get to work.”


  About Cassia Brightmore


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