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Rise of the Darklings

Page 21

by Paul Crilley

  Jack stared at Will, surprised. How had their parents come into all this? But at least the Dagda had released her. That was something. “What about Sebastian? Is he around?”

  “No! That’s another reason she locked me up. The Invisible Order is going to ambush the Queen and the Dagda at Hyde Park. I heard Sebastian say so. They’ve all gone to fight.”

  Jack’s heart sank. “Ravenhill, as well?”

  Will nodded. “Sebastian said it was Ravenhill’s idea.”

  He was too late. Ravenhill was leading the Invisible Order into a trap. It would be a massacre.

  “Come on,” he said to Will. “Ravenhill’s betrayed them. We’ve got to warn them.” He held up a hand to stop Will’s questions. “I’ll explain as we run,” he added. “Unless you want to stay here?”

  William stepped out of the office and slammed the door behind him.

  “Thought so,” said Jack wryly.

  They found Corrigan waiting for them outside and explained the situation.

  “Maybe we should just stay out of it,” said Corrigan.

  “We can’t!” said Jack. “Em told Will that their parents are still alive, that she had a chance to save them. It had to be the Dagda who told her that. Remember what Black Annis said? That the Dagda only wanted to talk? He must have offered her a deal.”

  “The key to Faerie in exchange for her parents,” said Corrigan softly.

  “But if she takes the key to him, she’ll be caught up in this ambush,” said Jack. “We have to stop it.”

  “I think it’s too late for that,” said Corrigan. He looked at William. “Didn’t you say the Queen and the Dagda were meeting at dawn?”

  William nodded. “That’s what Sebastian said.”

  “Dawn’s not far off,” said Corrigan.

  “But we have to do something!” said William.

  “Calm yourself, boy.” Corrigan looked thoughtful. “There may be another way. But we’ll have to move quick.”


  In which Emily comes to a sickening realization.



  Emily hurried along Oxford Street, heading in the direction of Hyde Park. She had done it. She had completed the task and retrieved the key, but now that it was in her hands, she was suffering from intense feelings of doubt.

  Could she really give the key to the Dagda? After all she had been through, could she simply hand it over to one of the fey? This was what the fey—all of them—had wanted all along. They had been trying to get hold of it for almost two hundred years. And now she, Emily, had it.

  And she was going to give it back to them?

  Maybe she should just give it to the Order. They could hide it in their vault, keep it from the fey forever. Maybe that was the safest option.

  Safe for whom, though? Then the fey would keep on fighting, trying to gain control of London. It might even serve to unite them against the humans once again.

  And who could say what the future held? What if they were able to trick someone else into breaking into the Invisible Order? She had fallen for the ruse easily enough. If they managed to do that, it would all be over. They would have the complete key.

  Besides, if she gave the key to the Order, the Dagda wouldn’t help her find her parents. That gave her pause. Was she giving the key to the Dagda because she thought it for the best, or was she doing it simply to get her mother and father back?

  She thought she was doing it for the right reasons. If the Dagda was true to his word, he would force the Queen and her followers back through the gate. Maybe she could convince him to return the key once he had done this. That would keep the Order happy, surely? They would get rid of half the fey residing in London and get the key back, as well. That way, she could prevent any bloodshed as well as get rid of the Queen.

  But how would Ravenhill feel about that? He probably wanted to fight.

  At the thought of Ravenhill, something stirred at the back of her mind. How did Ravenhill know the Queen and the Dagda would be meeting? It wasn’t as if he could have overheard them. And none of the fey would have told him about the meeting.

  So how did he find out?

  As she got to thinking about Ravenhill, something else puzzled her. Emily had thought the Invisible Order was waiting for them earlier at the cathedral because they’d solved the clue, but Sebastian said they hadn’t even started on it.

  Ravenhill was waiting for them. Which meant he knew where they would be before they even got there.

  As soon as Emily had realized Mr. Pemberton had one of Miss LaFleur’s eyes, her thoughts had immediately turned to the Queen. After all, Miss LaFleur was a member of the Seelie court and a subject of the Queen. What Miss LaFleur knew, the Queen knew. So when someone had stepped out from behind the pillar, Emily had initially thought it would be the Dark Man, the Queen’s servant. But it wasn’t. It was Ravenhill.

  Which meant …

  Emily stopped walking as the horrific realization sunk in.

  Ravenhill had to be working for the Queen. No, he hated the fey. Why would he do the Queen’s dirty work?

  But what other explanation was there? Her conclusion was the only one that considered all the facts. What would the Queen gain from having Ravenhill on her side?

  Once again, the answer chilled her to the bone. Sebastian had said it was Ravenhill’s idea to attack the fey. But what if it wasn’t? What if it was the Queen’s idea? What if the whole thing was a trap, and Ravenhill was leading the Order to their deaths?

  Unless … maybe Ravenhill was only pretending to work for the Queen? That was also possible. Maybe the Queen thought Ravenhill had betrayed the Order, but it was actually Ravenhill who was planning a trap for the Queen?

  She looked up at the sky. The stars had faded as the new day approached. Whichever explanation was the true one, she had to warn Sebastian. If Ravenhill was acting honorably, then no harm was done. But if he really had betrayed the Order, then she might be able to stop their deaths. And where did that leave the Dagda? If Ravenhill had betrayed the Order, where did that leave him? Did he know?

  Emily set off at a run. She would warn the Order and get her parents back. After all she had been through, it was what she deserved.

  As soon as Emily came within sight of the small bridge that crossed the Serpentine, she stopped and looked around. The bridge meant she was close to the hill where the doorway was hidden, and she wanted to find a hiding place for the key before she met the Dagda again. That way she would still have a bargaining point should anyone go back on their word. She dug out a small mound of earth beneath the roots of an old oak tree and hid the key beneath earth and leaves.

  Then she ran across the bridge and into the forest on the other side. She needed to find Sebastian before the Order launched its attack.

  The trees closed in around her, the naked branches cutting the dark sky into a crazed jigsaw pattern. Clouds had drifted in from the sea, blotting out the dim stars. She looked around, but couldn’t see anyone. “Hello?” she called softly. “Sebastian?” A cold wind sighed through the park, stirring the branches. Emily fought down a rush of fear. They were just trees, she told herself. Nothing to be afraid of. Admittedly, they were rather creepy trees, but they couldn’t hurt her.

  The one just ahead of her, though. She could have sworn she had seen a face—

  A man stepped out from behind the trunk, leveling his gun at her chest.

  Emily froze. “I … I’m looking for Sebastian,” she said. “Please. It’s urgent.”

  “Get out of here,” he whispered furiously. “You’re going to get us all killed.”

  Emily swallowed nervously. “Actually, I’m probably saving your lives. I know about the Invisible Order. I know about the fey. In fact, I found the key, the one that can open the door to Faerie. The one that’s been missing for two hundred years. Now, are you going to take me to Sebastian or not?”

  The man hesit
ated, then slowly lowered his gun. “Follow me. But don’t make a sound.”

  He hurried off through the trees. Emily followed, and it wasn’t long before she emerged into a large clearing.

  “Wait here,” the man said, and disappeared.

  Emily looked around nervously. A cold wind had sprung up. The clouds gathered more thickly above her. She shivered, not just from the chill.

  “Emily?” said an incredulous voice.

  Emily turned and felt a rush of relief. Sebastian was hurrying toward her.

  “What are you doing here? I told you how dangerous this would be.”

  Emily took a deep breath. “I have the key, Sebastian,” she said. “The key to get into Faerie. I found the two parts hidden by Christopher Wren and put them together, and the Dagda says that if I give it to him, he’ll send the Queen back to Faerie and help me find my parents. He doesn’t want to go, you see. He’s happy living here.”

  Sebastian put up his hands. “Emily, stop. Whatever you think about the Dagda, it’s not true. He’s worse than the Queen, believe me. I’ve heard him swear to kill every human he can and murder children with a touch of his hand. He doesn’t want to live here peacefully. He wants it all for himself, just like the Queen. That’s what they’ve been fighting about all these centuries.”

  Emily shook her head. “No. You’re wrong. He said he would help me find my parents.”

  Sebastian laid his hands on her shoulders. “I’m sorry, Emily, but I know what kind of creature he is. I fear he has lied to you. He only wants the key. We have to stop them now, while we have the chance.”

  “No! You have to call off the attack. I think it’s a trap.”

  “A trap? Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “Ravenhill has betrayed you,” Emily insisted. “How did Ravenhill find out the Queen and the Dagda were meeting tonight? I only found out because the Dagda brought me here and told me. Who told Ravenhill?”

  A flicker of doubt crossed Sebastian’s face. “He has his sources. An informant—”

  “What informant? Who could possibly have known the Dagda and the Queen were meeting here? And another thing …” Emily went on to tell him about St. Paul’s Cathedral. “Don’t you see? There’s absolutely no way he could have been there unless the Queen told him.”

  “I admit, on the face of it, it does seem suspicious,” Sebastian said. “But no, I simply cannot fathom it. Not Ravenhill! He is the most fanatical of us all in his hatred for the fey. How would they turn him?” Sebastian thought for a moment. “Perhaps he is bluffing the Queen,” he said slowly. “If what you say is true, he may be playing the double agent, getting the Queen to think he is on her side while still working for us.”

  “You give me too much credit, I fear,” drawled a voice from behind them. Emily and Sebastian whirled around to find Ravenhill standing in the shadows, his gun leveled in their direction.

  “Ravenhill?” said Sebastian. “It’s not true, surely?”

  Ravenhill stepped forward, emerging into the dim light. It reminded Emily of the first time she had seen him, in the alley.

  “I’m afraid it is.” His gaze shifted to Emily. “You know, you have been the most colossal pain in my neck.”

  “Good,” she snapped.

  “One can hardly fathom that so much trouble can come from such a little brat.”

  “You have betrayed us?” pressed Sebastian.

  “I have. The Queen’s people approached me yesterday with an offer I couldn’t refuse. I’d like to say it was over some weighty philosophical reasoning, but the fact of it is, I decided to side myself with the winners.”

  “What did they offer you?”

  “A Kingship.”

  Sebastian laughed. “A … a Kingship? Of what?”

  “England. Once the fey destroy London, they accept that they will have to keep some of the human race alive. For the purposes of slavery, you understand. I am to be the King of all the land.”

  Sebastian’s face twisted with hate. “The King of Slaves,” he said, and spat on the ground. “It suits you.”

  Ravenhill gestured with his gun. “Miss Snow, if you would be so kind as to step over here. I’m sure the Queen will be most happy when I hand you over to her.”

  Emily hesitated.

  “Come, Miss Snow. Before I shoot Sebastian.”

  Emily reluctantly stepped forward. Sebastian tried to hold her back, but she shook him off. Ravenhill grabbed her arm, then slowly advanced on Sebastian, his gun pointed at his chest.

  “They’ll turn on you, Ravenhill. In the end, you’ll be left with nothing.”

  “That’s a risk I’m willing to take,” said Ravenhill. Then he brought his gun up and struck Sebastian across the head with it. Emily cried out as Sebastian crumpled to the ground.

  “Just be thankful I can’t risk a shot,” said Ravenhill to the unconscious figure. He turned his attention to Emily. “Now if you will be so kind as to hand over the key.”

  “I don’t have it.”

  “Do not lie to me. I heard what you said to Sebastian.”

  “I don’t have it,” repeated Emily. “I’ve hidden it away. Somewhere you’ll never get it.”

  “Oh, is that so?” said Ravenhill. “Well, let’s just see what the Dark Man has to say about that, shall we?”


  The final temptation.



  The morning mist was beginning to writhe around their legs as Ravenhill dragged Emily across the bridge and into sight of the tree where she had first met the Dagda.

  The Faerie Queen and the Dagda waited on either side of the ancient oak tree that stood at the bottom of the hill, framing it between them. The Queen wore a wispy cloak, woven from strands of silver and gold. Its edges were kept above the wet grass by three unkempt human children. The Dagda was staring at something in his hands.

  They both looked up as Ravenhill approached.

  “What have we here?” said the Queen, clapping her hands with delight. “Emily Snow. You must tell me where Corrigan is so I can cut out his treacherous little heart.”

  The Dagda studied Emily calmly. “Have you come to fulfill our deal?”

  “What deal is this?” asked the Queen sharply.

  “None of your business,” said the Dagda.

  “She has the key,” said Ravenhill, cutting across the Dagda’s words. He gave Emily a shove, so that she stumbled forward and fell onto her knees. The Dagda looked down at her in disappointment.

  “What? She has it?” The Queen cast a quick look at the Dagda, then turned back to Ravenhill. “What are you waiting for? Take it from her!”

  “She says she has hidden it.”

  The Queen strode forward and pulled out her black dagger. But just before she brought it to Emily’s face, the Dagda grabbed her arm.

  “Do not be foolish,” he said.

  “You dare?” gasped the Queen. “The Dark Man—”

  “The Dark Man has to stay hidden until the Order attack. You know that.”

  The Queen glared at the Dagda, intense hatred clear across her face. The Dagda merely smiled, then released her arm.

  “Emily, would you come over here, please?”

  Emily swallowed her fear and stood up. She hurried over to the Dagda.

  “You have it?” he asked. “The full key?”

  Emily hesitated, thinking of Sebastian’s words. Whom could she trust? Then she realized it didn’t really matter. The key was hidden, so she didn’t have to tell anyone where it was if she didn’t want to.

  “I have it,” she said.

  The Dagda let out a slow breath. “Then this is for you.” He opened his hand and Emily saw that he was holding an elegantly carved gold pocket watch. He released the catch and the cover slid smoothly open. But instead of the watch face Emily had been expecting, there was a small mirror. Emily hesitated, then leaned forward and looked deep into the glass.
  At first, all she saw was her slightly worried reflection. Then her face faded from view and she suddenly found herself flying through gray clouds, over rocky hills and highlands covered with white and purple flowers. A distant shape appeared on the horizon, a huge castle that soared up into the air, its spires reaching impossibly high toward the clouds. Strange creatures flew around the turrets, and as she drew closer Emily saw that they were dragons, huge creatures that crisscrossed the sky above the castle.

  The picture zoomed toward a window in the castle and entered a small room. The room held only a table, chair, and a bed.

  Seated at this table were Emily’s mother and father.

  Emily gasped. It really was them. They looked a bit older, but it was definitely them. They sat at the table and held each other’s hands. Then, as if sensing Emily’s gaze, they both looked up.

  The Dagda closed the pocket watch and held it out to her. “For you. A gift.”

  Emily reached out and took the watch with trembling hands. She placed it carefully inside one of her pockets.

  “Now you must fulfill your part of the bargain,” said the Dagda.

  Emily looked up sharply. “You said you would help get them back.”

  “And I will, but your parents are lost in time. I do not know how this was accomplished, but it is a fact. Give me the key and we will search for them together.”

  Emily still didn’t say anything.

  “Don’t you want your family back, Emily? Your mother, your father, back where they belong. No more responsibility for you. No more looking after your brother all on your own. Their fate lies in your hands, Emily. You can save them.”

  The urge to tell the Dagda where she had hidden the key was almost overwhelming. It would be so simple. She was being given a chance to bring her family back, the family she had long feared dead.

  But at what cost? whispered a voice in her head. The Dagda had said he would send the Queen through the door with all her court, but what if something went wrong? What if the key ended up in her hands?


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