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Grant: A M/m BDSM Romance (Bound & Controlled Book 3)

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by Shaw Montgomery

  He had to admit he was attractive even when he was looking his most masculine, but that just wasn’t how he saw himself. He liked the way his eyes flashed when they were outlined with a little mascara and some eyeshadow. He liked the way his lips looked highlighted with a little bit of gloss. He just wished other people did as well.

  Would Grant?

  Forcing himself out of the bathroom, Carter headed for the kitchen. He had a few more minutes to kill before Grant would be over; maybe the drink would be a good idea. Just a little one. Not enough to make him want to climb all over the sexy tank of a man, but enough to settle his nerves.

  He didn’t even get to the kitchen before the doorbell rang. Cursing Grant’s punctuality, Carter turned and went to the front door. Opening it, he smiled, but before he could say anything, Grant beat him to it.

  Grant was leaning against the door, filling the frame completely. Seeing how big Grant was always sent a shiver down Carter’s back. Carter might not be that tall for a man, but Grant always seemed to tower over him. It wasn’t just the few inches in height; his broad shoulders and whole demeanor made him seem even bigger.

  Grant’s short hair always seemed like it needed a brush to Carter, although he couldn’t figure out why. Most men with short hair looked neat even if they didn’t do anything with it, but Grant had a perpetually disheveled look that Carter thought was sexy. Maybe it was the attitude or the muscles, but nothing Grant did ever looked typical. His shirts always fit too well, T-shirts stretching across his broad, muscular chest. The tattoo peeking out of the short sleeve plastered to Grant’s arm made you think bouncer or boxer, not insurance agent. Maybe if more people realized the tattoo was his family’s names, they’d understand him more.

  “I heard from a chatty little birdie that he thought your outfit was boring.” Grant’s deep voice would have seemed menacing if it weren’t for the laughter and teasing glint in his eyes. Grant’s eyes scanned down Carter’s body, and for a moment he felt almost naked. It had his dick sitting up to take notice. “I’m not sure that’s how I would describe it, but I’ll admit I was hoping you were going to wear something pretty for me.”

  Carter knew he was standing there like an idiot, mouth hanging open in shock like it was some kind of sitcom moment. He just couldn’t help it. Out of all the things he’d expected, the flirting and clear indication Grant didn’t mind his usual outfits wasn’t one of them.

  Wyatt needed to keep his mouth shut.

  Carter managed to find his voice. “Little tattletale.”

  Grant threw his head back and laughed, then leaned in, giving a startled Carter a peck on the cheek. “We still have a few minutes before we have to leave for dinner. How about you put on something you really wanted to wear for me?”

  The spot where Grant kissed him tingled, and the simple act short-circuited Carter’s brain. “Um…okay?”

  “If you’d like, I can make it an order.” Grant’s words were deep, and Carter could almost feel the arousal pulsing off him. Most of the time, he could forget that Grant was a Dom, but sometimes he’d make a comment that would have Carter melting.

  This was one of those times.

  “Um…” Having no idea what to say or how to get his brain to work, he stepped back from the door so Grant could come in. The only thing his brain could come up with was a surprising realization that it probably was a date, after all.

  Chapter 2


  Watching his beautiful little obsession standing there in astonishment had Grant desperate to pull him into his arms. Knowing that would be pushing things, Grant kept his hands to himself, but it was harder than he thought it would be.

  Stepping inside, he closed the door behind him. Even though Carter was still waiting there in shock, it looked like he’d been trying to invite Grant in. Fighting off a grin that might have been misconstrued, Grant looked down Carter’s body again. “I like the shoes.”

  That made Carter blink. “Um, thanks.”

  He was talking; that was a start. Grant leaned back against the door, trying to appear casual. “I thought you might have put on that sundress for me, but the little birdie said you have something even sexier.”

  “The little birdie has a big mouth.” Carter frowned, but he didn’t seem upset with Grant. Wyatt, on the other hand, was probably toast the next time Carter saw him.

  Grant grinned. “You can’t kill him or Garrett would be upset.”

  Carter snorted. “How about I leave him alive but just make him suffer?”

  “I’ve got a better idea; how about we let Garrett know that he told you I’d called and talked to Garrett about you?”

  Carter’s mouth fell open again. “He told you?”

  Laughing, Grant’s eyes sparkled. “No, but you just did.”

  A bark of laughter escaped before Carter frowned. “I think that’s cheating.”

  “He tattled first. I’m just getting even. It’s what you do with family.”

  Carter shook his head like the whole concept was foreign. “Your family always makes me feel like I’ve tumbled down the rabbit hole.”

  He shrugged. “You get used to it.”

  Cocking his hip and lifting one eyebrow, Carter let his skepticism show. “That does not make me feel better.”

  “I know what will make you feel better,” Grant teased.

  Carter looked suspicious. “What?”

  Grant made his voice even lower just to watch Carter shiver. “Putting on something special for me.”

  Carter’s mouth tensed up, and Grant could see thoughts racing through his head. Finally, Carter popped one hip out and folded his arms across his chest. “For you, huh?”

  “For me—because you have to know how fabulous you looked in that sundress. And I have it on good authority you were just as hot in your new skirt. Don’t you want to show me how incredible you looked?” Grant knew he was laying on the dress-sexy-for-me routine fairly thick. While he would have loved anything Carter wore, he knew Carter was worried about it. He would have realized it without Wyatt’s help, but it was nice to know his suspicions were correct.

  Carter couldn’t decide how to answer. His mouth opened and closed several times until he finally shook his head and stalked off toward the back of the house. Hoping he wasn’t pushing his luck, or Carter’s patience, he called out teasingly, “I thought you knew you were supposed to look sexy for your boyfriend on a date. I dressed up for you.”

  Something crashed down the hall, and Grant was worried for a minute until he started hearing Carter’s creative cursing coming from what he thought was his bedroom. Between his colorful uses of the word fuck, Grant caught that Carter had walked into his dresser and that he thought Grant should be creatively tortured. Wyatt, too.

  Deciding that letting Carter cool down was probably a better option than the naughty comebacks that came to mind, Grant kept his mouth shut. Grant was pleased that even though Carter was frustrated with him, he never disagreed with the date comment, or the boyfriend one.

  Wandering into the living room and being nosy, he’d been prepared to wait for a while, but Carter came back out within a few minutes. This time he looked more like himself, or at least, that’s how it felt to Grant. The slim skirt went down to his ankles, hugging his frame beautifully, and there was something dark around his eyes that highlighted how stunning he already looked. Grant couldn’t wait to see how the skirt looked from the back.

  The little birdie might have dropped a hint about that, too.

  Carter had kept the white shirt but changed out the shoes he’d been wearing for low-heeled boots. Grant knew they probably had a name, and he made a note to himself to look it up. He wasn’t much for clothes, but Carter was, so that made it important to him.

  Letting out a low whistle, Grant watched Carter blush as some of his residual anger faded. Carter’s stance relaxed and his eyes lit up. His sweet man looked amazing. “You look sexy. You going to give me a turn, or do I have to wait until I follow you out?

  Shaking his head at Grant like he’d been a naughty kid, Carter gave him another sassy look and turned slowly. Once his back was to Grant, he looked over one shoulder and smirked. Carter knew exactly how incredible his ass looked.

  Widening his stance, Grant slid his hands into his pockets to frame his cock and gave Carter an appreciative glance. Licking his lips, Grant looked back up to Carter’s face. He made his desire obvious. It would have been too much for any other first date; he was smart enough to realize that. However, Grant wanted Carter to know how much he wanted him, so that there would be no misunderstandings and no second-guessing.

  Carter finished turning around and did something with the way he stood. All of a sudden, he wasn’t just long and lean, he was curvy and slinky—and somehow, knowing that there was a cock under all that sexy packaging made Grant hard and needy.

  He’d always liked more feminine guys. However, they usually took one look at him and headed in the opposite direction. Carter must have seen Grant’s arousal go from interested and fun to serious and desperate, because his blush came back and he straightened up.

  Grant wasn’t sure why Carter was always so surprised when he responded to the pretty man’s flirting, but he was going to do his best to help Carter get used to it. Carter seemed to be pushing aside his embarrassment because he gave Grant a stern look. “I’m assuming this will do? Can we go to dinner now?”

  “Oh, yes, beautiful. It will do.” Grant hammed it up a little, wiggling his eyebrows like a lecherous cartoon character, and had Carter rolling his eyes again.

  “Let’s go. Before I decide I can’t take you in public with all that teasing.” Carter headed for the door, letting Grant hang back to admire his ass.

  “Who said I was teasing?” Grant let his voice go deep and needy again. Carter’s little shiver made his ass twitch, and Grant’s mouth started watering. Maybe he could convince Carter to just stay in. No—he pushed the fantasy away immediately. Carter needed to see that Grant wasn’t going to hide him.

  Carter seemed at a loss for words, because he kept quiet and just shook his head as they walked out the door. Locking up the house, Carter turned to Grant. “Would you hold the keys? Skirts and dresses never have enough pockets.”

  “Sure.” Holding out his hand, Grant took the keys. “What about a purse?” Grant was serious, but Carter narrowed his eyes like he was expecting more to the comment.

  When Grant just kept looking at him questioningly, Carter shrugged and relaxed. “Never got into them. Keeping track of a little bag seems like a hassle.”

  Grant nodded, filing the information away. “Makes sense.”

  Carter kept watching Grant as they walked down off the porch and headed for the car. Grant felt a little like a bug under a microscope. Carter didn’t seem to know what to make of him. Grant thought he’d been obvious in the house, but maybe not.

  Opening the door for his date, Grant gave him a smile and a wink as he sat down. Before Carter could grab the seat belt, Grant had it and was leaning in the car, reaching across Carter’s body. The beautiful man’s eyes heated up, but Grant wasn’t sure if he was turned on or frustrated.

  He had that effect on lots of people.

  “Is this a Dom thing, or did you think I couldn’t figure it out?” Carter’s voice volleyed between skepticism and sarcasm. Grant thought it was sexy.

  He let his voice drop and his gaze wander down Carter’s body as he straightened up. “Neither, although the Dom in me likes seeing you restrained. I just wanted an excuse to get close to you.” Then, with a wink, he closed the door and walked around to the driver’s side.

  Thoroughly enjoying making Carter nuts, Grant climbed in the car with a smile. Trying to look innocent, he turned to Carter. “Steak sound good to you?”

  Carter looked like he wanted to throw something at Grant. “Yes.” Then, through clenched teeth, he managed to keep going. “Sounds delicious, thanks.”

  And because he just had to, Grant pushed it a little further. “Golden Corral has two-for-one tonight, so it’ll be a good deal.”

  “He needs to keep his mouth shut!” Carter exploded in frustration, throwing his hands up in the air.

  When Wyatt told Grant the story about how Carter’s last date said he was going to take Carter to get steak for dinner but ended up taking him to the Golden Corral instead, he’d found it both humorous and sad at the same time.

  Carter was such a sweet guy he should have had loads of men lining up to date him. Even though he felt bad that Carter had such a hard time, it didn’t mean he wasn’t going to tease him about it a little. It was too good a story for that, and Carter’s reactions were so much fun.

  Laughing, Grant leaned over and gave him another kiss on the cheek, dodging the hand that came up to smack him. “I’m teasing. I thought Italian sounded good.”

  Carter leaned back in the seat and sighed. “Sounds great. He’s told you everything, hasn’t he?”

  Starting the car and backing out of the driveway, Grant headed for his favorite restaurant. “Yes. I’m sorry you’ve had such bad luck and shitty dates, but, and this might make me a bad guy, I’m glad you’re still single.”

  Blushing lightly, Carter ignored this comment, which just made Grant want to push things further. Carter straightened up in the seat and looked forward out the windshield. “Did you have anything else planned after dinner? You didn’t say on the phone.”

  He hadn’t said because he hadn’t been sure what they should do when he’d first asked. Grant had needed time to consult with the chatty bird first. “Yes.”

  Carter sighed again. “Yes, you have something else planned?”

  “Yes.” Grant grinned.

  “You like making me insane.” Carter said it like it was a statement and not a question, but Grant felt the need to answer him anyway.

  “Yes.” Then he gave Carter a wink. “I’m going to have fun making you crazy other ways, too.”

  The skeptical look was starting to fade, and Carter shifted in his seat. Grant wondered what was going through his head. Carter didn’t give him any hints, though, he simply looked forward and ignored Grant’s teasing.

  If it weren’t for the little blushes and stunned silences, Grant might have thought he’d upset his date. He was betting Carter wasn’t sure how to handle someone flirting with him. Wyatt had made it clear Carter hadn’t had the easiest time dating. Wanting someone more dominant and who could accept his desire for more feminine things was hard.

  Grant wished Carter had been willing to go to the club years ago. Bound and Controlled, his favorite BDSM club in D.C., would have been the perfect place for Carter to have found more open-minded people. Wyatt said he’d been trying to get Carter to go for years, but his friend always resisted. Grant knew the idea of going to a club like that would have been intimidating if you didn’t know how welcoming the owners were. Having friends and getting to know people with similar interests in a D/s lifestyle would have been good for Carter, though.

  The fact that they would have also met sooner would have been a bonus. There weren’t too many subs who were like Carter, and he wouldn’t have missed the sexy man if he’d shown up. Especially if he’d shown up wearing something flirty and feminine.

  “I shouldn’t ask, but I’m going to anyway.” Carter sounded resigned to whatever answer he expected. “What were you thinking? The look on your face…”

  Deciding to answer honestly, even if Carter might not really want to know, Grant grinned. “I was wishing you’d gone up to the club before, so we could have met sooner. Then I thought about what kind of outfit you might have worn…”

  “You would have…you think I would have worn…but…” Carter kept stopping, never quite finishing his sentences, but Grant thought he could guess some of what he was thinking.

  “I would have stalked you around the club and made a complete nuisance out of myself to get you to notice me. And I can picture you dressed up in so many naughty things for the club.” He g
rowled the words out, making sure Carter knew just how much he enjoyed the idea. “When we all go up, are you going to let me pick something out for you to wear? I bet you have some naughty things hidden in your bedroom, don’t you?”

  Grant wasn’t kidding. Carter would look incredible in something tempting and feminine. If the man enjoyed skirts and dresses, Grant would bet almost anything he had some sexy lingerie hiding in a drawer somewhere. Would he let Grant dress him up for the club?

  Glancing over, he saw Carter was giving him that shocked fish face again. Pulling up to a stoplight, he debated reaching over to close Carter’s mouth, but he figured it might be pushing it. “I’m not sure why you’re so shocked. Most Doms like dressing up their subs. You might not be mine yet, but the fantasy’s hot.”

  Carter was quiet for a moment before he spoke. “You say things, and I have no idea how to respond.”

  “You wanted to know what I was thinking. I’m not hiding that I’m interested in you. If you’re not into me the same way, that’s a different conversation.” Grant tried to appear calm, but it was hard. Even knowing Carter was interested in him didn’t make it any less stressful. There was still a possibility that he wasn’t ready to take the chance and admit it.

  “Most guys aren’t comfortable with who I am.” Carter took a breath and kept going. “I’ve had time to figure things out for myself, but men usually want someone who’s clearly masculine, even if they’re a twink, or clearly feminine. I’m kind of in the middle, and that makes them unsure.”

  “I like men. I’m gay, that’s no secret, but I’ve always been drawn to more feminine guys. I have no issue with the skirts or anything else that interests you.” Grant would have had more questions, but he’d thoroughly drilled Wyatt about Carter’s preferences.


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