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Page 6

by LH Nicole

  Nodding once, Aliana stroked Daggerhorne’s scaled body like she would a cat’s, trying to calm herself. She watched Galahad nudge the door further open with his sword and disappear into the room. She waited to hear the sounds of a fight, but everything remained dead quiet.

  Galahad reappeared after a minute, took her hand, and pulled her into the room. He shut the door quietly, sliding the wooden lock into place as she studied the large room. Wooden benches were covered with decorated masks and piles of richly-colored fabric. Pegs stuck out from the walls, holding dark cloaks. The masks were various sizes and shapes, some large enough to cover a person’s face while others were just large enough to surround a person’s eyes.

  “Do you think we should grab some of these?” she asked Galahad quietly. “If those things are awake, maybe we can disguise ourselves.” Thinking of how disgusting the Sidhe were, she wasn’t thrilled about wearing something that belonged to them, but it would be worth it if it protected them.

  Galahad considered her suggestion for a moment, then nodded. “I agree. Since the door was opened, it would be safe to assume the Sidhe are also wearing them.”

  Leaving Galahad to pick their cloaks, Aliana walked over to the table of masks. They were all beautiful in an eerie sort of way. “Why do the Sidhe have these?” She ran her fingers over one of them but couldn’t tell what they were made from. They appeared hard and stiff, but the material was soft to her touch.

  As he sorted through cloaks, Galahad said, “I cannot be sure. The only creatures I know of that would wear such masks are the Elves. I cannot imagine what purpose the Sidhe would have for them.”

  Thinking these had once belonged to the Elves made them seem less eerie and more beautiful, but if the Sidhe had had them since taking over the keep, God only knew what they could’ve used them for.

  “The Sidhe are cousins of sorts to the Elves,” Dagg explained, jumping from her shoulder down to the table. “Their rituals are as much the same as they are different. You are right to think these masks will help us escape. Tonight are the full moon rites, and these disguises will hide the fact that you are human.”

  Aliana picked a simple black and gold mask for Galahad. Next to it was a deep green, leafy mask with swirls of dark purple and pointed edges.

  “We need to hurry.” Galahad now stood directly behind her, and Aliana swallowed, surprised by his nearness. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Galahad hold up a heavy, green cloak.

  “For you, my lady.” His hands were warm as he placed the cloak over her shoulders, resting them there a moment longer than needed. Biting her lip, Aliana took the cords from his calloused fingers. Tying the cloak securely, she took a small breath, inhaling Galahad’s wintery scent. He smelled like crisp air before a heavy snowfall, with a hint of warm spices. She felt a sense of disappointment when he stepped back to don his own cloak.

  Instead of obscuring his large body, his ebony cape emphasized the width of his shoulders and strong arms. She held out the mask she had chosen for him, and he took it, the corner of his full lips turning up in a smile.

  He would be a good kisser…What am I thinking? Aliana quickly spun around before her blush could give her thoughts away.

  She peered at Dagg, still sitting on the table, surrounded by masks. The Dragon’s eyes crinkled at the edges with laughter, his large mouth turned up on the sides as he smirked knowingly. Why did Galahad have to be so hot? Stop that line of thinking right now! Aliana knew herself—she always fell too hard, too fast.

  She dropped her mask on Dagg’s smug face and twisted her hair, tucking it into her hood. The Dragon chuckled as she picked the mask back up and tied it around her head. It molded perfectly to her face, as if it had been made just for her. Hoping that the mask and low lighting would hide her blush, she turned toward Galahad.

  With the cloak and mask, together with the sword sheathed at his waist, Galahad looked like a dark knight ready to infiltrate another’s castle so he could sweep a beautiful maiden away into the night. He glanced over and caught Aliana staring at him.

  Embarrassed all over again, she fixed her eyes on the door before saying, “We should go. Deidre said to not stay in one place too long.”

  He came over to stand just in front of her and brushed escaped locks of her hair off her shoulders, tucking them into the hood of her cloak. He watched her intently as he raised her hood up into place. “There. Now you are ready.”

  Hoping Galahad couldn’t see her furious blush in the low light of the room, she broke eye contact and went back over to the table to pick up Dagg. The Dragon chuckled in her ear as he settled over her shoulders again, tucked inside the oversized hood.

  “Shut it, Dagg,” she whispered furiously to him. “There’s nothing for you to laugh at.”

  “If you say so,” he said, his Dragon’s breath warm against her ear. Aliana turned back to Galahad, watching him lift his own hood before unsheathing his sword and unlocking the door.

  She needed to focus on the Sidhe and the danger, not on ogling the hot knight. Pulling out her cell phone, she was about to click on the light, but Galahad’s hand on top of hers stopped her.

  “No need,” he whispered. “There is enough light from up top. We will not need your technology.” The way he said “technology” made it sound like a bad word.

  Annoyed, Aliana peered around his shoulder into the hall. It was better lit than before, but it was still dark enough to have her hands and neck sweating. I can do this! she told herself reluctantly, putting her phone back into her pocket.

  As they ascended the final flight of stairs, she stayed close to Galahad. Before they reached the top, just out of view from the main floor, his arm went out to hold her back. “Lord Daggerhorne.” He nodded to her Dragon.

  Dagg jumped from her shoulder, his wings flaring out as he landed soundlessly on the stone stairs. The little Dragon paused at the top step, sniffing the air before poking his head up and vanishing to the floor above.

  Anxious, Aliana tapped her index finger silently against her thigh. The tapping became a drum, beating in time with her heart, gradually speeding up. The drumming calmed her nerves. In her mind, she could hear deep horns joining the dark, primal beat and a woman singing unknown words in a sultry, smooth voice.

  Dagg reappeared before them, and Aliana stopped tapping her finger, but the melody remained in her mind. The Dragon said the ground floor of the keep itself was empty of life. “But we are too late. The Sidhe are awake and have already started their ceremonial rites in the courtyard. We must use extreme caution. The magic surrounding us is strong.”

  “What do you mean?” Aliana asked softly, scooting just a little bit closer to Galahad, a random wish to dance with him popping into her head.

  “The Sidhe are able to put a person into a trance-like state in which they become their slaves,” Galahad said darkly. He turned to her, circling his free hand around her neck, gently tipping her face up to his. “The only way to escape their pull is to focus on something else. Focus hard enough that you can block the influence of their magic.” His blue eyes pierced her. She forgot all about the dark music, focusing on the twisting knots in her stomach. “Do you understand, my lady?” he asked softly, his eyes searching hers before wandering down her face.

  “Yes,” she whispered, wishing she knew what he was thinking as he examined her.

  Galahad took a deep breath, straightening, and pulled his hand from her neck, his fingers trailing lightly over her skin.

  “I will lead the way,” Dagg said, breaking Aliana’s attention on Galahad. The little Dragon was smirking at her again.

  Still twisted in knots from Galahad’s touch, she followed behind the guys, wrapping her cloak tightly around herself, hoping that would help block out the Sidhe’s magic. When she tried to focus on something, as Galahad had suggested, it was his amazingly clear blue eyes, strong square jaw, full lips, and warm and soothing presence that her mind fixated on.

  Enough! I shouldn’t be thinking abou
t him like that. I shouldn’t want to be so close to him. Think about…photography!

  Instead it was the music from just moments ago she thought of, recalling the dark melody and crooning voice. She crept to the archway, pressing tightly to the side as Galahad peered around the wall to see if the way was clear.

  Speaking so softly that she could barely hear him, he said, “We need to jump over the side of the wall, just on the other side of this arch. From there, we can make our way around to the back and retreat into the forest.”

  “Okay,” she said, trying to keep the dark melody foremost in her mind rather than Galahad. The music was louder now, sounding as if the pounding bass was only a few yards away. Swaying with the music, she followed Galahad under the arch, not wanting to be far from him. She chanced a quick look at the courtyard, wondering if the music taking over her mind was coming from there.

  Small fires created a path from the keep and surrounded the courtyard. The sinking sun’s orange and gold glow played against the stone tables, dancing across the white, flowing dresses of five women as they twirled around the altar. Two of the women had pale blond hair, and the other three were brunettes. Flowers and small beads were woven through their hair.

  Transfixed, Aliana peered through the flames that separated her from the dancers, meeting the brown eyes of one of the blondes. The blonde smiled, closing her eyes in pleasure. Two men dressed only in white drawstring pants danced alongside the women, seemingly bound in the same thrall.


  The Destined One looks so young, innocent even. But the shadows in her mesmerizing eyes speak of pain, loss, and fear. Fear of me, yet she still fought me with a courage I have not seen from many females. The moment I felt her soft touch, something inside me broke. All I want to do is possess this girl. It is a need I cannot seem to fight, yet I know I must—my memories are still piecing things together, and I haven’t forgotten that my first duty is to my king.


  A SIDHE COVERED IN A BROWN CLOAK approached the striking blonde. Playfully, the woman pulled back his hood, revealing a large mask with short stubby horns. It covered all but his mouth. Dozens of creatures, which looked nothing like what Aliana had seen sleeping in the courtyard earlier that day, watched the dancers. They were dark and ethereal, dressed in thick wool jackets and brown leather pants. Their long, raven-colored hair seemed to absorb the light of the setting sun. Seven of them stood at the center of the courtyard, wearing heavy cloaks and masks like the ones she and Galahad wore. Several other Sidhe appeared to be female, dressed in layers of dark-colored material with thick ropes of bright silver and gold woven up their arms and across their torsos. Some wore eye masks that tied around their heads while others used masks held up by carved wands, but their beauty was unmistakable.

  Most of the Sidhe swayed together in large groups while a few split off, moving and gliding sensually in pairs. But none, save the ones wearing cloaks, touched the people in white.

  “My lady,” Aliana heard a growling voice call to her. She glanced around the courtyard, trying to see who had called her. Something sharp scratched her hand, and she gasped, momentarily distracted from the Sidhe. “Do not listen to them! We must leave now!” Daggerhorne hissed. He’d slipped out from beneath her hood and now hovered by her side.

  She pulled herself up so she was sitting on the edge of the wall. Swinging her legs over, she peered at Galahad, whose mask highlighted his bright, blue eyes—she wanted to get lost in them as she danced with the knight around the fire. He reached up, grabbing her about the waist, and pulled her down to him.

  Biting back a gasp, she stared up at him, absorbed in his warm eyes and even warmer embrace. Slowly, she brought her arms up, wrapping them around his neck, feeling the soft skin and silky hair under her fingers. “We should go dance with them,” she whispered, a small smile on her lips.

  “Lady Aliana, focus on me,” he ordered her harshly.

  “Oh believe me, I am! There are other people out there with the Sidhe. They’re not being hurt. We should join them.” She felt intoxicated by him and the music. She just wanted to go into the courtyard and dance with Galahad.

  She looked away from him and back at the dancers. They were now surrounded by all of the Sidhe. The creatures that had been wearing cloaks earlier had shed them and were now only in animal skin pants, held about their waists by thick, gold ropes. Two female Sidhe wore black, glossy scraps of cloth that barely covered their nearly flat chests. Tiny coins hung from their short skirts, jingling as they moved.

  The Sidhe with the horned mask lifted his blonde dancing partner onto the altar so that she was kneeling. He joined her as the other disrobed Sidhe took their claimed humans into their arms, grinding and sliding against them while they watched the couple on the altar.

  The flames surrounding the courtyard flared high as the last rays of the setting sun fell prey to the darkness of night. The Sidhe on the altar ran his fingers through the woman’s corn-colored locks before tugging her head back. His free hand ran down her face and over her exposed neck to her shoulder, which he gripped tightly as he lowered his mouth to her neck.

  “Aliana!” Galahad whispered fiercely into her ear, but she couldn’t turn away from the scene. How she wished she were out there with them, with Galahad, dancing around the fire.

  Galahad’s rough hand grabbed her chin, forcing her eyes back to his. “Focus on me, Aliana.” She blinked several times, trying to clear her mind, but her body started to shake. The need to be with the Sidhe fought violently with her desire to be close to Galahad.

  With an unhappy growl, Galahad’s hand splayed against her back pulling her tighter against his body. His other hand slid into her hood, threading through her hair. Closing the distance between them, he crushed his lips against Aliana’s in a kiss that demanded her full attention.

  A wave of heat tore through her body. The band around her heart gave a hard tug. The kiss was passionate and frenzied, his lips warm and hard against her softer ones. Everything else faded away except for the two of them, and the slow fire inside her, building, burning away everything that tried to come between them.

  All too soon, Galahad pulled away. Aliana opened her eyes and smiled up at him. His hand trailed down her neck then back up and cupped her cheek. He took a deep breath, keeping his baby blues glued to her. Slowly, he let his hand drop from her cheek and rest at her waist.

  Being sure to keep his arm around her waist, he reached down to pick up the sword he’d apparently dropped. She felt weightless against him and had no will of her own, so when he pulled her away from the courtyard, she went without a fight. Dagg flew beside them.

  “Where did you hide your bag?” Galahad demanded, and Aliana felt the tension in his body. Even though they were several yards away from the keep, he was still on high alert. “Where, Aliana?”

  She scrunched her brows together, trying to remember. Her eyes darted up and down the stream before settling on the closest piece of ruined wall. “Um, over there…I think.” She pointed to a small pile of stones.

  Galahad nodded at Daggerhorne, and the Dragon zoomed off toward the stones as Aliana looked around, confused. It felt like she was waking up from a dream. She had just been in the keep. How had she gotten here? “Galahad, what’s going on?” Feeling his arm tighten around her waist, she remembered him pulling her from the wall, trying to get her away from the Sidhe. She remembered his fierce eyes and the kiss he’d claimed as he’d broken her free from the spell of the beating music.

  Gasping, she pulled out of Galahad’s arms, heat rushing up her neck to her cheeks. Galahad had kissed her!

  And it was amazing. Her memories of the stolen moment flashed in her mind. No one had ever kissed her like that—none of her exes had ever been that passionate. But why had he been? They’d known each other for five minutes, why…how could he kiss her like that and mean it? Her elation from seconds earlier vanished as her practical side took over.

  Galahad let her pull away, tho
ugh his face darkened, and he stayed close. Dagg returned, flying up to her with the straps of her bag hanging from his claws. Gripping the bag tightly, she kneeled, opening it for no other reason than her need to do something that didn’t involve Galahad. But the knight grabbed her hand, pulling her up and toward the trees.

  “We need to reach the safety of the forest. The Sidhe will not enter there, and then you can get whatever you need.” He sounded angry and determined, and his grip on her wrist was unbreakable. His long legs ate up the ground so quickly that she almost had to jog to keep up with him.

  “Galahad, slow down,” she pleaded, tugging at his grip.

  His eyes stared straight ahead, his sword at the ready, but he shortened his stride. Relieved, Aliana was able to move next to him, but he still didn’t look at her.

  Maybe he’s upset he had to kiss me. In the stories, Galahad was celebrated for his purity. It was the whole reason he had succeeded in retrieving the Grail. But Dagg had also said that none of the knights were chaste. So maybe he was angry because she was stupid enough to have gotten caught in the Sidhe’s magic.

  But distance is a good thing, she reminded herself. I need to keep my space and not get so wrapped up in him. After all, he’s only with me now because I freed him and have to awaken King Arthur. He’ll be gone just as soon as he doesn’t need me anymore.

  Aliana hated that realization, but it was better to keep her expectations realistic from the start. If she wasn’t careful, she might let him get too close. And I know what happens then—they get bored of my traveling and my desire to wait before having sex, so they cheat on me with my art models or try to rape…No, don’t go there!

  To say Aliana didn’t trust her judgment of men was an understatement. Her friend Wade would be laughing at her if he could hear her thoughts right now. Any time she went off on a tirade about guys, he would shake his head and tell her she was being ridiculous. “Just wait,” he’d said the last time. “You’re gonna meet the perfect guy and then I’m gonna get to give you a big fat I told ya so.”


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