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Playing with Power - Book 5: New Adult Office Romance

Page 12

by Huxley, Adele

  The shouting had attracted the attention of everyone in the main office. Lauren looked through the glass to see shocked eyes on them. This plan just isn’t going to work this way, she realized. Parker had gone on the offensive and while she’d seen this side of him plenty of times before, Landon and Faith weren’t prepared. Just as Faith ripped the diamond ring from her hand and threw it across the room, Lauren stood.

  Parker slowly blinked up with a smug expression. All she wanted to do was smack it off his face, but that was what he wanted. It was far better to keep him waiting for an explosion that would never come, to not give him the satisfaction. “Can we speak privately in your office?” she asked calmly. His eyebrows rose in response.

  “Wren—” Landon started.

  “I’ve got this,” she replied tightly. She could feel all eyes on her. Taking a deep breath, she picked up her laptop and held the door open. “What do you say? Quick chat?”

  He seemed pleased with himself. “Absolutely. Lead the way. Why am I getting the feeling you’re about to get down on your knees and beg me?”

  Landon turned in his chair as Parker walked past and for a moment, Lauren was sure he was going to tackle him to the ground. His hand balled into a fist, his gaze returned to Lauren, concern and anger mixing in his eyes.

  “It’s okay,” she mouthed before letting the door shut behind her.

  Parker was already leaning against his desk, arms crossed over his chest. She could feel her heart beating in her throat, a bead of sweat running down her spine. This was my choice. This is the last chance I’ll give him and the rest is in his hands.

  “Before you say anything, I just want you to know...”

  Lauren set the computer down, crossed her arms, and waited for him to finish.

  “I just want you to know, I care. In fact, I care so much,” he said rounding the corner of his desk, “I keep a pillow under here so your knees don’t get sore while you’re blowing me.”

  She sighed and shook her head. “You can drop it. You’re not gonna get a rise out of me. I legitimately need to talk to you about something. Are you willing to take a seat and listen for once?”

  Parker seemed to want to make a snarky response but thought better of it. “Sure. I’m in a magnanimous mood, so why not?” He strolled around the desk and gestured for her to continue.

  She perched herself on the edge of the chair. “You stalked me. You harassed me. You sent me a fucking heart with a knife in it. I’m still not sure if Rochelle attacked me on your orders or if that was something she cooked up, but clearly you approve.”

  “If you’re expecting an apology, I’m afraid I’m not feeling that magnanimous.”

  Lauren pursed her lips. “I know better than to expect anything like that. What you consider mentoring, I see as borderline abuse. You’ve sexually harassed me, assaulted me, and taken me for granted. I stuck through it though because, for a time, I believed in you. You might’ve been a dick, but you were a successful dick and I thought I could learn a lot from you.” She hated how his chest puffed at that, like it was actually a compliment. She pushed on. “I gave you my time, energy, and a quality of work you simply aren’t capable of. What’s my thanks? A promotion I deserved but had to extort my way into, an ex who was turned against me for a couple hundred bucks, and you taking all the credit for my work. You might not have used your dick, but you’ve fucked me every way you possibly could.”

  The amusement had drained from Parker’s face. “This is what you wanted? To blow off some steam? I’ll tell you what you can blow—”

  “But despite all of that, I’m giving you one last chance. Don’t misunderstand, this isn’t for you. This is for all of them, all of the people out there who have worked just as hard and given you so much,” she said with a thumb over her shoulder. “Let’s see if you’ll do the right thing finally.”

  “Listen,” he said as he started to stand, “I don’t have time to cater to your little power trip.”

  “I know you take money from your father. I know you’ve doctored the numbers to make it look like we’re more profitable than we are. I know you and your brother have been skimming off the top. Should I continue?”

  Parker had frozen half standing but his expression remained stoic. She watched him process the information, already calculating. He slowly lowered himself down and gave her his best used car salesman smile. “I’m not sure what you think you know, but I can assure you StyleSpur has always operated above the table.”

  “The documents and paper trail Faith managed to dig up in only a few hours tell a different story. Who knows what else we could find with enough time?”

  He scoffed, leaning forward on the desk. “Poor girl has really taken our breakup hard. She’s lashing out right and left. You can’t believe anything she says, really.”

  Lauren was doing everything in her power to keep her temper in check. If she was going to get anywhere with him, he had to drop the facade and talk to her plainly. She turned her laptop and stepped around to his side of the desk, nearly gagging on his strong cologne.

  “Parker, enough bullshit. We have proof.” She scrolled through spreadsheets, copies of tax documents, bank statements. In her peripheral vision, she watched him grow more and more tense. Finally, it’s sinking in. Now we can get somewhere. “It’s all here and it’s not even all that well hidden. You and your brother put us all at risk, don’t you have anything to say about it?”

  He sat silently, a vein in his neck pulsing quickly. A loud, screaming Parker was predictable but in this silence, he became menacing. She backed away to her chair, waiting for him to speak. After a full two minutes of ear-splitting quiet, she continued in a soft voice.

  “Landon is going to make an offer to invest in StyleSpur, an amount far more than what it’s worth. Your shares will be diluted, a board of directors will be put in place, and you will no longer be the majority share holder. They’ll clean up this mess and you’ll be asked to step down. You get to walk away with a few million dollars you might not have made and your reputation intact.” She smoothed the lapels on her jacket. “More importantly, those people back there get to keep their jobs.”

  He scratched at the stubble on his chin but refused to meet her eye. “You want to kick me out of my own fucking company?”

  “I want you to do what’s right.”

  “You want me to give up everything I’ve worked for so you and your little fuck toy can get a free run at the market, is that it? Afraid of a little competition?”

  Lauren focused all her energy on remaining calm despite his growing anger. “If you don’t accept this offer, I have no choice but to go public with this information. I can’t allow you to drive this company into the ground out of pure greed and stupidity.”

  She almost recoiled as his gaze met hers. The pure spite and anger that roiled just below the surface was unlike anything she’d seen before. If he could get away with it, I bet he’d kill me on the spot. The thought was like an icicle in her chest. She was thankful she’d avoided meeting with him privately. His nostrils flared. The slightest curl began to form at the corner of his mouth. He snatched the laptop with both hands and lifted it over his head, bringing it crashing down against the edge of the desk with a deafening crunch. It easily split in two. He threw the pieces across the room and flew over the desk.

  Lauren rocked back and reflexively threw her arms up in front of her face, but Parker’s hands grabbed at the lapels of her blouse. Yanking it open, buttons pinging off, he screamed, “Are you recording all this you fucking cunt? You trying to extort me again? Where the fuck is it?” She jumped back, knocking the chair over. Parker scrambled across the desk trying to reach her.

  As he climbed to his hands and knees, readying himself for another attack, she landed a fist squarely on his jaw. A lightning flash of pain shot up her arm and she knew she’d broken at least a couple bones in her hand, but it was worth it. Parker fell to his side and looked at her in shock. Without thinking, she pushed him o
ff the desk with a hard shove. He landed on the floor in a heap.

  “You NEVER get to touch me, you fucking understand?” she screamed, standing over him. She could hear Landon and Faith yelling as they came running down the hall.

  “Wren! Are you okay?” The door slammed against the upended chair.

  She held up a hand behind her, still focused on Parker’s writhing form. Her voice was cold, calculated. “You don’t understand who has the power here, Parker. You don’t fucking scare me. I have the ability to completely destroy you but I am giving you the chance to walk away with a tiny shred of dignity. What’s it gonna be? You going to do the right thing?”

  Parker looked up at her with dead eyes. She was slightly disturbed at the thrill she felt as she saw a little trickle of blood coming from the corner of his mouth. “Go fuck yourself,” he whispered.

  Lauren nodded curtly and turned. Landon’s chest was rising and falling at a rapid rate. All she wanted to do was rush into his arms, but she held fast. “I think that’s a no. We have a lot of work to do.”

  Holding her torn shirt together, she walked to Landon and whispered, “I think I broke my hand but I’m alright, really. I want to get this done and over with, okay?” He wrapped his arm around her tightly and nodded.

  “Let’s go back to the conference room and I’ll take a look at it. Faith, can you call an ambulance?”

  “Seriously, I’m alright,” Lauren insisted.

  Landon chuckled quietly and looked over his shoulder to Parker’s office. “It isn’t for you.”

  Lauren started back down the hall and was met with half the StyleSpur staff. God, they probably saw the whole thing. Embarrassed, she searched for the words that could even begin to explain what’d happened.

  Amit broke away from the crowd. “Do you want me to call the police?”

  “No, really, it’s alright. Faith, why don’t you take the company card and you guys can go out for coffee or something? Just, get everyone out of the office. They don’t need to see any more of this.” Faith nodded and started issuing orders in a sweet, shaky voice.

  “Alright everyone, enough excitement. Why don’t we go get some pumpkin spiced lattes and relax in the park for a bit? It’s such a nice day...” Lauren thought she sounded like a mother in an abusive relationship, doing whatever she could to hide the violence from her children.

  Landon guided her into the conference room and squatted in front of her as she sat. Cradling her hand in his, he gently prodded. The skin was already puffy and bruising.

  “We need to get you to a hospital. When the shock wears off, you’re going to be in a lot of pain.” He looked up at her and smiled warmly. “You little bruiser. I can’t believe you did that.”

  “I can’t either. It felt fucking great.”

  “You’re amazing.” Landon slipped his hand behind her head and kissed her. Every touch and sensation was heightened with all the excitement. She pressed against him, wanting to give herself completely on the floor right there. She’d never felt such a rush before in her life, her blood pumping like molten metal through her veins. Before she could get too carried away, a loud cry rang through the office.

  Faith and the rest of the staff froze, some with jackets half on, others part-way out the door. Parker bellowed wordlessly and threw a chair against the wall of his office, the tempered glass spider-webbing on impact. He flew down the hall and into the conference room.

  “You fucking cunt. I’ll fucking kill you before you take this away from me!” Droplets of spit flew from his mouth as he spoke.

  Lauren rose to her feet but before she could move, Landon was on him. Towering over him, Landon grabbed him by the collar and practically picked him up. Even from ten feet away, she could see the fear in Parker’s eyes and it gave her another tiny thrill. Landon’s fist rose and once, twice, three times, coming down on Parker’s face before he let go. His face a bloody mess, he lay on the floor quietly sobbing.

  Landon stepped back, holding his wrist, breathing heavily. They stared at him for a moment, almost waiting for him to stand and launch a third attack. “You’re right. That did feel great. Want to share a cab and a doctor?”

  “Funny. Let me just take care of something.” Stepping past Parker on the floor, Lauren walked into the main office to a crowd of shocked faces. “Guys, I promise I’ll explain everything to you but I think it’s best if you take the rest of today and tomorrow off.” After letting the murmurs die down, she continued with a smile. “The costume contest and Halloween party are still on, so come in Friday ready to have some fun. We need to clear this up and then I swear, everything will be explained.”

  No one moved, their eyes darting between Lauren and the bloody heap that was once their boss. “Seriously, go! Have a couple days off. Do I really need to tell you twice?” she laughed. Only then did they hesitantly, reluctantly begin to leave. “I’ll see you Friday, okay? And I’ll totally kick your asses with my costume.”

  “You coming as Rocky?” Josh called out and a few people chuckled. Lauren put her fists up like a boxer and winked at him.

  After everyone had left, they went to the kitchen to collect themselves.

  “I can’t believe that all just happened,” Faith said, shaking her head. She glanced through the glass to where Parker was now sitting up, talking on his cell.

  “I didn’t think he’d take it well but I never expected that,” said Lauren. She leaned against Landon who held her tighter as she trembled.

  “Fuck all of you,” Parker shouted though the wall as he shambled to his feet. It sounded passionless, like he was reading from a script. They watched as he smoothed his shirt, walked out of the conference room, paused at the front door, and left without another look back.

  “Alright, we should lock up and then we need to go to the emergency room,” Lauren laughed. “Didn’t think I’d be saying that today.”

  “I can meet you at Damon’s, if you want. I’ll call Mr. Jarvis and get the ball rolling on all this.”

  Overwhelmed, Lauren felt hot tears pickling her eyes. “I don’t know what I would’ve done without you, sweetie.” She hugged her tightly. “The worst is over. We just have a little bit left to do and we’re in the clear.”

  “Are you sure Parker’s dad is going to go for this?” said Landon.

  Faith shrugged. “He always struck me as a pretty level-headed guy. I think if I tell him everything that’s happened and then give him a chance to speak with you, it should work out. He knows what Parker’s like.”

  “Don’t we all,” Lauren muttered.


  It was dark by the time they left the emergency room and Lauren was looking forward to a bit of quiet and rest. They had plenty to do but none of it was nearly as dramatic or confrontational as that meeting. Damon and Faith were looking cozy on the sofa, sipping a couple glasses of red wine. She almost felt like she were interrupting but Faith jumped to her feet as they shut the door.

  “There you are! Gosh, look at you two.”

  Lauren laughed. She had to admit, they looked pretty funny together in their casts. She’d picked a bright pink one while he’d opted for a blue, giving their injuries a real his-and-hers feel. “I broke two bones and he broke three, but I only hit him the once so I figure that means I’m stronger.”

  “And I’m not willing to fight her over the honor!”

  “Faith was just filling me in. Sounds like you two might need a drink.”

  He almost seems...pleased, she thought. She was surprised at how proud that made her feel. “Yes, that’d be great. I’d rather that than the pills they gave us.” Lauren sank into the leather love seat. “Did you get in touch with Parker’s dad yet?”

  Faith shook her head. “I think Parker might’ve gotten to him first, but I left a message with his secretary. I’m sure he’ll at least call back.”

  Landon sat on the foot stool and sighed. “Obviously, it’d be better if he did, but it’s not important. I sent a couple emails off from the ER. Lau
ren doesn’t think he’s going to do anything to the office, but I’m not so sure. At the very least, we need to protect the assets.”

  “It sounds like he ran away with his tail between his legs,” Damon said as he handed them their wine. “Even if he were, everything in that office is insured. I’d bet he’s laying low and scrambling to salvage whatever he can at this point. Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day.”

  Lauren nodded and took a long sip of the wine, savoring the warmth it spread through her body. It certainly is.

  It was still dark when her phone chimed on the side table. Without opening her eyes, she reached out and silenced it.

  “Why did you set an alarm?” Landon grumbled beside her. She rolled over and nestled onto his chest.

  “I didn’t,” she yawned. The phone chimed again. “That’s the push notification noise.”

  “Well, get it to stop pushing notifications. I want to sleep.”

  Lauren rolled onto her elbow and reached for it with her right hand, forgetting it was wrapped in a bright pink cast. “Ugh,” she groaned as she sat up fully. Another notification rolled in as she started to read with bleary eyes. “I set up alerts for any time StyleSpur was mentioned online.”

  “Seriously? These are all alerts about the company?” Landon said with a little more clarity.

  “It looks like Damon issued a press release and a bunch of sites have picked up on it already.”

  Landon sat up and grabbed his phone. “Where? Which ones?”

  “Techcrunch, Gizmodo...”

  “I just found a thread on Reddit.” They looked at each other in shock. “Did you know he was going to do this?” Lauren shook her head and looked back to her phone.

  “What exactly did he do?” She started to read an article out loud. “‘Billionaire investor guru Damon Kael issued a statement early today requesting calm in the wake of recent events that have rocked one sector of the startup community.’”

  Landon began reading from the same article. “‘I was disappointed when I heard about the alleged fraud and corruption coming out of the fashion startup StyleSpur. Not only am I disappointed because my firm was considering a sizable investment in the company, but also because of what these actions might do to the entire sector. We can’t allow the actions of one bad apple to taint the entire bushel. My confidence in startup investing has never been stronger.’”


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