A Moral Universe Torn Apart

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A Moral Universe Torn Apart Page 1

by Ben Shapiro

  Table of Contents

  A Note From the Publisher

  The Jew-Hating Obama Administration

  Never Let a Self-Produced Horror Show Go to Waste

  Bloodguilt Over Jews Leads to Blood Libels Against Jews

  Why Vladimir Putin Is Kicking Barack Obama's Behind

  Obama: Troll Hard With a Vengeance

  How the Media Craft Victory for Hamas

  Let's Get Serious About Mental Illness

  The Great Racial Disconnect on Police

  Those Who Go Unsung

  Of Racial Delusions and Riots

  The Global Map, 2017

  The Conversation We Won't Have About Raising Men

  A Moral Universe Torn Apart

  The Throat-Clearing President Versus the Throat-Cutting Terrorists

  Rise of the Barbarians

  A Bowla Ebola Idiocy

  Why Republicans Don't Get It

  Turn Down for What?

  Lessons for the GOP for 2016

  America's Education Crisis

  The Ferguson Days of Rage

  Feelingstown, Missouri

  The Real Racist Conspiracy In Ferguson

  To The Left, Lying About Rape Is Just Dandy

  The Suicidal Hashtags of the West

  Jeb Bush Vs. Ted Cruz

  Return of the 1960s

  About Ben Shapiro

  A Moral Universe Torn Apart

  Ben Shapiro

  Creators Publishing

  Hermosa Beach, CA


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  The Jew-Hating Obama Administration

  July 2, 2014

  On Monday, three Jewish boys were found dead, murdered by the terrorist group Hamas: Eyal Yifrach, 19; Gilad Shaar, 16; and Naftali Frenkel, 16. Frenkel was an American citizen. The three were kidnapped while hitchhiking some three weeks ago. In the interim, President Barack Obama said nothing about them publicly. His wife issued no hashtags. His State Department maintained that $400 million in American taxpayer cash would continue to the Palestinian unity government, which includes Hamas.

  Presumably Frenkel did not look enough like Barack Obama's imaginary son for him to give a damn. Or perhaps Frenkel hadn't deserted his duty in the American military, and therefore his parents didn't deserve a White House press conference. Maybe Michelle Obama was too busy worrying about children's fat thighs to spend a moment tweeting out a selfie to raise awareness.

  Or maybe, just maybe, the Obama administration didn't care about Frenkel because he was a Jew.

  Jewish blood is cheap to this administration. That seems to be true in every administration, given the American government's stated predilection for forcing Israel into concessions to an implacable and Jew-hating enemy. But it's particularly true for an administration that has now cut a deal with Iran that legitimizes its government, weakens sanctions, and forestalls Israeli action against its nuclear program. It's especially true for an administration that forced the Israeli government to apologize to the Turkish government for stopping a terrorist flotilla aimed at supplying Hamas. And it's undoubtedly true for an administration that has undercut Israeli security at every turn, deposing Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, fostering chaos in Syria and by extension destabilizing Jordan and Lebanon, and leaking Israeli national security information no less than four times.

  Now the corpse of a 16-year-old Jewish American is found in Hebron.

  The Obama administration's first response: to call on the Israeli government for restraint. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said on June 2, "Based on what we know now, we intend to work with this government." Now, just a month later, that government has murdered an American kid. And now she says that the Obama administration hopes "that the Israelis and the Palestinians continue to work with one another on that, and we certainly would continue to urge that ... in spite of, obviously, the tragedy and the enormous pain on the ground."

  To which the proper Israeli response should be: go perform anatomically impossible acts upon yourself.

  The Obama administration had the opportunity to stand clearly against Jew-hating evil. Not only did it fail to do so but it funded that evil, encouraged that evil, militated against fighting that evil. But that's nothing new. Jew hatred is as old as the Jewish people. It's just found a new home in the White House.

  Never Let a Self-Produced Horror Show Go to Waste

  July 9, 2014

  "You never want a serious crisis to go to waste," President Barack Obama's former chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, once infamously stated. He never bothered to spell out the unspoken corollary to that appalling statement: And if there is no serious crisis available, manufacture one.

  The American left has followed that pattern for generations. The left destroyed the nuclear family by incentivizing women to give birth out of wedlock. When out-of-wedlock births exploded, they used that as an excuse to elevate federal spending, elevate taxes and disestablish marriage between a man and a woman as a moral standard. The left crafted a health care crisis by instituting price and wage controls that led to employer-sponsored insurance, and then undercut that insurance with excessive regulation and easy lawsuits. They used elevating costs as an excuse to push Obamacare and elevate taxes.

  Now, the left, under Obama, has crafted the mother of all crises: an influx of tens of thousands of unaccompanied minors crossing America's southern border. Some of these minors carry disease. Virtually all carry wounds, either physical or psychological, from their criminal coyote guides. That crisis is not Obama's Hurricane Katrina, as some have speculated. Katrina was an act of God, and its botched handling the act of men. This entire situation is an act of Obama. And he couldn't be happier as he watches frustrated Americans take to the streets in Murrieta, California, to protest his lawlessness.

  Obama created this situation, and he certainly knows how to exploit it. Obama wants to campaign based on the suffering of these children. He wants to push for higher taxes based on their unequal economic status. He wants their eventual votes for the left. He wants the federal government to punish American citizens tired of watching their government abandon them.

  It's all part of the agenda.

  Obama and the media maintain the absurd fiction that Obama was thunderstruck by this crisis. Obama himself has assured the public that he wants all of the new arrivals sent home forthwith and that they were foolish to believe they could stay.


  Four years ago, the Obama Justice Department sued the state of Arizona for daring to enforce federal immigration law, and sanctuary cities across the country remained unscathed. Two years ago, Obama declared that all illegal immigrants between the ages of 16 and 30 who had not committed criminal felonies — the so-called Dreamers — would remain in the country. This week, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Arizona would have to hand out driver's licenses to the Dreamers, and the city of Los Angeles announced it would no longer cooperate with Immigration and Customs Enforcement in holding requested illegals for 48 hours after their jail terms expired.

  Those desperate to come to America would be fools not to jump at the chance. And their dangerous decisions to send their own children across thousands of miles of desert in the company of likely drug cartel associates underscores their certainty: They're willing to risk the lives of their children, knowing that so long as the children get to the border, Obama will
legitimize them, and then, by extension, their entire families.

  This, of course, is precisely what Obama wanted them to think. Now he has his crisis. And he'll exploit it for everything it's worth, no matter how much blood is spilled in the deserts of Mexico or the streets of Murrieta.

  Bloodguilt Over Jews Leads to Blood Libels Against Jews

  July 16, 2014

  If there's one place on Earth that should understand the danger of Jew hatred, it is Frankfurt, Germany. In 1933, boycotts targeted Jews; by 1938, Germans were burning synagogues down. Between 1933 and 1945, the Jewish population of the city was decimated, dropping from 30,000 to 602. Few Jews, most of them Soviet expatriates, live in the city now.

  So Frankfurt seems an odd place for a new blood libel against the Jews. Nonetheless, this week, 2,500 protesters, including Muslims and neo-Nazis — allied once again — showed up downtown to scream about Israel's defensive action against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Police reportedly helped out the protesters, allowing them to utilize a loudspeaker and a vehicle to shout anti-Israel diatribes. "You Jews Are Beasts," read one sign.

  Meanwhile, in Paris, Muslims attacked two Jewish synagogues, including one in which 150 Jews had gathered to mourn the deaths of three Jewish boys, who were murdered by Hamas operatives. Those Muslims, brandishing bats and chairs, attempted to break into the synagogue and ended up injuring several Jews. In recent years, thousands of Jews from France have emigrated to Israel, amid shocking reports of beatings, stabbings and an ax attack.

  The Europeans, it seems, are becoming increasingly comfortable with old-fashioned Jew hatred in their midst, whether homegrown or imported.

  There's a reason for that. In much of Europe, bloodguilt over the Holocaust still hangs over the heads of the population. According to a 2012 Anti-Defamation League survey of European countries, 45 percent of Austrians, 35 percent of French, 43 percent of Germans, 63 percent of Hungarians and 53 percent of Polish citizens felt that it was "probably true" that "Jews still talk too much about what happened to them in the Holocaust." Many of those who wish to move beyond the Holocaust, therefore, look for a rationale to relieve national guilt — and what better way to relieve national guilt than to label the Jewish State an aggressor? After all, if the Jews have become the villains, then why spend too much time thinking about their victimization?

  Of course, the labeling of Jews as bloodthirsty villains led to the Holocaust in the first place. Adolf Hitler saw the Jews as bloodsuckers driven by greed and dual loyalty. So did much of the rest of Europe. In the minds of those who murdered Jews en masse, Jews had it coming, because, in the words of Hitler: "The struggle for world domination will be fought entirely between us — between Germans and Jews. All else is facade and illusion."

  Those who today label Israel the font of all evil use Hitler's rationale to relieve guilt over Hitler. That's why the same protesters in Frankfurt threatening Jews carried posters comparing Israel to the Nazis: If Jews are the new Nazis, fighting the Jews becomes an obligation.

  Every Passover, Jews recite a paragraph: "in every generation they rise against us to destroy us; and the Holy One, blessed be He, saves us from their hand!" The names change, but the rationale does not. And the God of Israel is always watching, even if those who attack the Jews have convinced themselves that He will turn a blind eye.

  Why Vladimir Putin Is Kicking Barack Obama's Behind

  July 23, 2014

  On Monday, four days after Vladimir Putin's minions in Ukraine shot down a passenger airliner carrying 298 people, including an American citizen, President Barack Obama emerged from the White House to issue a statement. Scowling at the camera, Obama stated: "Russia has extraordinary influence over these separatists. No one denies that. Russia has urged them on. Russia has trained them."

  Finally, after fulminating for several minutes about the nastiness of the Russian government, Obama approached the predictable climax: threats of action.

  Except that there were none.

  Instead, Obama explained that if Russia were to ignore his warnings, it would "only further isolate itself from the international community, and the costs for Russia's behavior will only continue to increase."

  To which Putin's only rational response would be laughter.

  This is a Western humiliation on an epic scale. Obama and Europe could wrongly and weakly pass off the invasion and annexation of Crimea as a historical anomaly brutally corrected. They could ignore the further invasion of eastern Ukraine, focusing instead on those naughty Israelis busily defending themselves against rocket attacks from Hamas terrorists.

  But now, the West has told Putin, in no uncertain terms, that his people can hit a civilian aircraft with a missile, and that there will be no costs.

  How can a second-rate power hold the United States and NATO over a barrel?

  Vice President Joe Biden gave the answer in an interview with The New Yorker, albeit unwittingly (though that should go without saying, given Biden's witlessness). While bragging about his gung-ho, macho political attitude, Biden related a story about meeting Putin — a story he pledged was "absolutely, positively" true, meaning there is a three in four chance it is complete fiction.

  But, taking the vice president at his word, the story went like this. Biden met Putin at the Kremlin in 2011. They found themselves standing face to face. "I said, 'Mr. Prime Minister, I'm looking into your eyes, and I don't think you have a soul," Biden related to interviewer. "And he looked back at me, and he smiled, and he said, 'We understand one another.' This is who this guy is."

  The last line from Biden is the key to the story: He sees Putin's response as a defeat for Putin somehow, a denial of his humanity. Putin, Biden seems to be saying, is an inhuman James Bond villain — and for some reason, Biden thinks this widespread perception of Putin makes him weak.

  But that's Putin's entire goal : He wants the West to believe he has no soul. While the West, like Biden, seeks to demonstrate its bigheartedness to Putin, with "reset" buttons and U.N. resolutions and G8 summits and Olympic Games, Putin seeks to demonstrate that he has no heart. He wants to be seen as cruel and inhuman. He wants everyone to know that he will never bluff and that he will always shoot first.

  Obama, Biden and the European Union somehow believe that handwringing and moral proclamations will bring Putin into line. Putin knows strength — or, at least, the impression of intransigent steeliness — will bring the West into line. In a game of chicken, the man who openly puts a brick on the accelerator will always win.

  Putin's got the brick on the accelerator. He's had quite a hot streak: Georgia, Syria, Iran and now Ukraine. The result will be a far more dangerous world, as potential Russian targets seek nuclear weapons to deter the bear, and as Putin speeds to consolidate his gains. Obama's nuclear-free world, his multipolar United Nations geopolitics, spirals the toilet, thanks to his own utopian wishful thinking.

  This is what happens when children play against adults on the world stage. This is what happens when starry-eyed post-Americans are given charge of Western leadership. Putin rolls on, evilly manipulating, grossly murdering. And Obama makes peeved faces as bodies smolder in Ukrainian fields.

  Obama: Troll Hard With a Vengeance

  July 30, 2014

  This week, as I have been predicting for months, President Barack Obama announced that he would be considering unprecedented executive action to provide legal status for millions of illegal immigrants. His goal is not to solve the immigration crisis — you don't grant legal status to 5 million illegal immigrants, then leave the back door wide open if you're interested in solving the problem. His goal is not to help illegal immigrants — he instead leaves them in limbo by granting them temporary work permits, rather than blanket amnesty.

  His goal is trolling.

  Trolling is a practice whereby a person takes a deliberately indefensible position simply to draw passionate excess from an opponent. That is Obama's goal here: He hopes for extreme language, impassioned opposition and event
ually, impeachment.

  This administration is hungry for impeachment. While no Republican leader in Congress has given even a smidgen of credibility to impeachment talk, the Obama administration has been fundraising off impeachment rumors. Last Friday, the White House said that it was not dismissing the possibility of a House impeachment; senior adviser Dan Pfeiffer said that Obama "would not discount the possibility." Two weeks ago, Obama brought up the possibility of impeachment in order to mock it to his supporters. As Politico noted, "Who's talking about impeachment? Barack Obama."

  Joe Trippi, a Democratic consultant, explained why Democrats love impeachment talk: "The more they talk about it, the more it has a red hot effect on their base. So if you can get the temperature just right, you're turning out all your base voters, and Democrats don't take it seriously, and it's a good year for you. If that stove gets just a little too hot, and you lose control of it, you're going to have every Democrat on the planet turning out to stop it."

  Obama trolls because he recognizes that trends cut against Democrats in 2014. If he believed that Democrats were well-positioned to win back the House of Representatives, he would threaten executive action and then call on Americans to give his party a majority. Instead, he seeks to gin up outrage on the right and enthusiasm on the left. And he'll use the lives of millions of Americans and non-Americans to do it. It's a desperation play, but it's his only play.

  That's because Obama has no capacity for compromise. His strategy has always been simple: govern when you have a majority; campaign when you don't. And so, for the last several years, he's spent significantly more time doing fundraisers than being president — and even when he's being president, he's simply setting up the next stop in his endless campaign.

  So what should conservatives do? First off, they should stop talking impeachment. It's a waste of time and effort. It serves no purpose. It is not principled to talk impeachment; it is idiotic. There are zero Democrats in the Senate who would vote to convict Obama and few Republicans.


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