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Scarred Warrior: (Dark Warrior Allaince Book Four) (Dark Warrior Alliance 4)

Page 24

by Brenda Trim

  Zander didn’t need to tell them twice as the group simultaneously jumped to their feet. There had been a lot of stress with Angelica and then the incident with Shae. A night of relaxation would do them all some good. Orlando slapped Rhys on the back, asking the male to go to Confetti Too with him.

  Gerrick quickly walked over and interrupted Santiago and Orlando. “Can I have a word with you, brother?”

  “Sure.” Santiago stood and Gerrick waited until everyone had left the room before speaking. “What’s up?” the bald-headed warrior asked.

  “I took Shae to the fight club the other night.” The male’s face paled at the mention of the underground activity.

  “I didn’t see you there. Did you not want to fight?” he asked, turning to Gerrick’s mate.

  Shae shook her head at Santi. “That’s the problem. I want it too much. Gerrick is right, that’s not the answer for me.”

  “Let’s get one thing clear, my mate will never be in one of those rings, but this isn’t about her. This is about you and what you are doing. Have you lost your fucking mind?”

  Santiago stepped into Gerrick’s space and instinct had him shoving Shae behind his back to keep her out of reach. “What I do on my free time is my business. I don’t follow you around judging your actions.”

  “Your actions affect us all. That tattoo on your arm tells everyone that a Dark Warrior is in the ring. What you do in that ring goes against everything we stand for, Santi. You are stronger and better trained than anyone in that place and you know it. When you step into the ring you are taking an unfair advantage over innocent males. I saw the money changing hands. Surely, you aren’t doing this for money.”

  Santi balled his hands into fists and Gerrick heard the cracking of his jaw. “You know nothing about me and you sure as shit aren’t my mother, so I suggest you get the fuck out of my business…or else.” Santi flicked his fingers out and his claws sprouted from the tips, drops of blood on the ends from the force behind the partial shift.

  Gerrick heard Shae’s gasp, but he wasn’t shocked by Santi’s threat. They were warriors, not nannies and they lived with violence. But their violence had a code and Santi was crossing it. “We don’t hit innocent people for sport, Santi. We aren’t beings ruled by our inner animals. We have better control than that. What would Zander, or Hayden, think?”

  Gerrick grabbed Shae’s hand and left Santiago with those parting words. He hoped the threat of Zander or Hayden was enough to stop him, but he had a sinking feeling whatever nightmare was chasing Santi wasn’t done with him yet.


  Shae knocked on the doorjamb of the open suit of rooms and stuck her head around the corner. Elsie and Cailyn’s were in deep conversation inside the room. Shae tried to settle her nerves over being summoned by the Queen. The Dark Warriors and their females had embraced her from the moment they’d rescued her and the others, but she couldn’t get rid of her fear that she’d be asked to leave the compound. A lot of bad things had happened involving her and the demons and she wouldn’t blame Elsie if her presence was too high a risk, but she had grown to love it at Zeum and really wanted to stay.

  At least she’d finally found the correct wing and the right room. She had insisted that she could find her own way to the Queen, asking Gerrick for his trust and faith. Of course, he’d given it to her without hesitation, but unfortunately, she hadn’t considered the fact that she didn’t know the house and had promptly become lost. She’d nearly called Gerrick on her cell phone to come rescue her when a maid walked by and led her to the east wing where the King’s quarters were.

  It was the first time she had been allowed to roam freely through Zeum and part of the reason she’d gotten lost was because Kadir had been pressing her mind to search for the amulet. It disconcerted Shae to think the archdemons were able to read her thoughts. She had to assume that they reacted to any increase in her fear and used to their advantage. Right now, she was working on remaining calm and controlling her fear which was not an easy task at the moment.

  It didn’t matter how many times she told herself that neither Kadir, nor Azazel, could hurt her again, the terror refused to abate. To make matters worse, the injection Jace had given her seemed to strengthen her connection to the archdemons. The last thing she wanted to do was turn on her own kind. She might not have known them long, but she would have laid down her life for any one of them.

  It was one of the distinguishing factors between the humans and the Tehrex Realm. Supernaturals didn’t need to be drafted into service to the government. Any civilian would do everything in their power to protect their leaders.

  “Hey, Shae. Come on in.” The Queen’s voice echoed from inside the room.

  Shae entered a room with a similar layout to Gerrick’s. Each suite had a small kitchenette and living room, along with, a bedroom and bathroom. She had been surprised at the amount of space provided to each warrior. Shae half-expected to see the same dark leather furniture, but was surprised that the entire place was empty.

  “If you knocked down this wall, you’d have direct access to the baby. Although, my guess is, that baby will be in bed with you for a while.” Cailyn was holding paint swatches to the wall as she spoke. They sure worked fast, Shae thought, wondering if they kept paint samples on hand. She’d bet with a house that big, they did.

  “I’m not sure how I will feel after I have her, but I don’t want my time with Zander interrupted by the baby. And, I’m trying to convince Zander to take out this wall rather than the one he wants to take out in the kitchen. “Shae, thank you so much for coming.”

  Shae genuflected to the petite queen. “Highness.”

  Elsie crossed to Shae and pushed gently on her shoulder in a friendly gesture. “Stop that, you’re one of us now. And, call me Elsie. I don’t think I will ever be comfortable with others bowing to me.”

  “No one in the realm would dare speak to you without the proper address…Elsie. The Tarakesh family has led the vampires for as long as we have existed and it’s inbred in us. You’ll have to be tolerant.” She lowered her head, hoping she hadn’t overstepped her place. Elsie had indicated she was one of them, but it was still hard to see her as a friend rather than her Queen. Shae turned to the wall in question and changed the subject. “So, why doesn’t Zander want this wall taken out?”

  The queen rubbed her chest in a peculiar manner, making Shae wonder what, if any, side effects she was having with her pregnancy. She was, after all, the first human-turned-vampire so they had no idea what to expect with this pregnancy. “Apparently, not only is it a load bearing wall, but they install a special insulation that completely mutes sound.”

  “That makes sense. With so many living here, privacy is important. Hey, are you okay?” Shae asked, noting the Elsie looked a little green around the gills.

  Elsie lowered her hand. “Yeah, I guess. I can’t tell if what I’m feeling is related to the pregnancy or my ability.”

  Immediately concerned, Cailyn rushed to Elsie’s side. “Have you had a vision?”

  “Nothing exact. In fact, I didn’t even sense anything about Angelica attacking during Winter Solstice. Could be the pregnancy is affecting my ability. Who knows? But, I don’t feel quite right. I’ll ask Zander about it since we share abilities now. Anyway, what do you think about this wall?”

  Elsie’s sister didn’t seem completely appeased, but returned to the samples and lifted a different color. “You tell Jace if this continues. He’s your doctor and needs to know everything. The load-bearing issue definitely changes the plan. We can have the kitchen wall taken out completely and have an open flow between the two suites. The open area out there can be the baby’s playroom.”

  Cailyn had a point and it made Shae realize how much needed to be considered when having a baby. “That’s a great idea and this space is big enough to place the nanny in here with the baby,” Shae added.

  Elsie chuckled. “She won’t be taken care of by a nanny. She has enough au
nts and uncles in this house that we won’t need any help.”

  “You keep saying she. Have you learned it’s a girl already?” Shae asked, unsure how soon the sex could be determined.

  “You’d think with this expedited pregnancy that Jace would be able to tell by now, but no, it’s just mother’s intuition. Unless her aunt Cailyn can hear her thoughts?”

  Shae looked from Elsie to Cailyn, wondering what she was talking about. “No, nothing’s changed since the last time you asked me about an hour ago. But, you will be the first to know if it does. Hey, what if you have twins? Breslin said they run in their family.”

  “Don’t even joke about that.” Shae laughed at Elsie’s groan. “Zander will be bad enough with one baby. If I have two he won’t even let me walk to the bathroom on my own.”

  Shae laughed, Zander seemed like he would do exactly what Elsie said. Surely, they didn’t bring her here to discuss the nursery. “What did you want to see me about?”

  “I wanted to talk to you about your job, actually. Has Dante called you about going back to the bank?”

  Shae hadn’t even given thought to going back to work. She couldn’t while she was being influenced by the archdemons. Gerrick told her it would do her good to find some semblance of normalcy again, but she didn’t agree where work was concerned. In her opinion, she was still a danger.

  “No, he hasn’t called me. After what happened with my family, I’m not comfortable around the public, yet.”

  Elsie waved her hands. “Nonsense. I know the demons talk to you and try to force you to do their bidding, but you never will. But, that’s not why I’m asking. I don’t want you to go back to the bank. I want you to go to work for me at Elsie’s Hope.”

  Shae’s jaw fell open. “What do you mean you want me to work for you?”

  “Zander doesn’t want me leaving the house until after the baby is born. And, as much as it annoys me, this is a battle that’s not worth fighting him on. Plus, like you, I have been a victim of the demons and I will never place my child in unnecessary risk.”

  “Is that how you were turned? We were told you were a turned vampire, but now I can’t help but wonder if you’re actually more like me.” Shae wanted to take the words back as soon as they slipped past her lips. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked that. It’s none of my business,” she sputtered.

  “It’s ok. No, the demons didn’t bite me. I became a vampire when Jace and Zander saved me. Kadir kidnapped me and took me to a cave where a traitor nearly killed me, which is why I need your help.”

  “I would do anything for you, but I’m not so sure about this idea. I don’t know anything about your charity.”

  “You are exactly what I need. The biggest hole I need filled is someone to award victim’s grant money. Jessie is going to help by doing intake assessments, but she can’t manage the money aspect of it, as well. You were a loan officer for the bank. This is basically the same thing. Rather than doing credit checks, I need you to investigate validity of claims and award money accordingly.”

  This is exactly what Gerrick would want her to do. He believed she needed a purpose and she wanted to be a female he was proud of. Still, she wasn’t sure this was a good idea given her unpredictable rage. “How soon do you need someone? And, will I have to meet with the applicants?” Crossing and uncrossing her arms, she swallowed hard through a mouth that was suddenly dry. She imagined being in the office and Kadir entering her mind and demanding she take the lives of innocents.

  “I won’t be going into the office and we need someone right away. We’re backlogged and Jessie is on vacation in San Francisco right now. I can only do so much from here. Cailyn has agreed to pick up some of the slack, but we need you. And, yes, you will meet with the people. It helps give you a feel for their needs and how we can best help them.”

  Shae fidgeted with the hem of her shirt while her stomach churned with nausea. “I need to think about this. I want to help, but I’m still not sure I’m right for the job.”

  Gerrick knocking on the door cut off Elsie’s reply. Now, her stomach fluttered with butterflies for reasons other than nervousness. “I’m here to steal Shae.”

  Her body flooded with warmth and she ached for him as he came into view. He never failed to captivate all of her attention when he entered a room. She nearly forgot the conversation with Elsie as his lips quirked up in that way they did. Her tongue darted out to lick lips that wanted to taste him.

  Elsie laughed as she took one of the paint squares from Cailyn. “I’m surprised you stayed away as long as you did.”

  Gerrick grunted and crossed to Shae’s side. “You’re lucky you got forty-five minutes.”

  “Do us all a favor and convince Shae that she is perfect for a position at Elsie’s Hope. She’s resistant, and, it’s not that I don’t understand why, but she’s underestimating herself and I refuse to have any of my family short-change themselves.” Elsie turned to Shae and met her gaze. The female meant every word she said and the intensity in her tone made it impossible to deny she saw Shae as one of them. “I mean it Shae, you’re perfect for the position.”

  Shae felt Gerrick perk up and stand tall at her back. He placed his hands over the tops of her shoulders in blatant ownership. “I couldn’t agree more. I can’t promise anything, my mate is a stubborn female.” Shae heard the humor in his voice and wanted to smile at his obvious teasing. “But, I will use every skill I have to convince her.”


  Shae shifted her head in defiance, the sleek line of her throat on display. Gerrick ran a finger down the column, enjoying her involuntary shiver. “You can try, Gerrick, but you know what a danger I am and you know that we can’t take that risk.”

  Gerrick kissed her temple and slid his hand into hers. The hair on his arms stood on end and his breathing increased. Fighting and killing the demons and skirm over the years had been never been dull, but he’d never felt more alive or aware as he did when he was with Shae. Every nerve ending tingled and the mere brush of her hair across his face was an exquisite torture. “We can talk about that later. I want to show you something.”

  She blinked and her eyebrows shot up. “What do you want to show me?” The husky tone told him where her mind had gone and he wouldn’t object to what she had in mind. The pleasure he experienced with her was explosive and addictive. “That’s not what I had in mind, but later,” he promised, leading her from the room.

  “Yeah, take that to your room. People complain if you get naked anywhere else,” Elsie teased, making Gerrick smile and Shae turn a bright shade of red.

  “You’d think that after living with my parents and grandparents a statement like that wouldn’t bother me, but I never expected to have the royal family harass me about my sex life. My brother, yes, but not anyone outside my family.”

  Gerrick hadn’t given the idea much thought. His grandparents had been killed in the Great War and his parents shortly after Evanna. He had an aunt and uncle and a few cousins, but he’d chosen to become a Dark Warrior and live at Zeum, rather than remain with his family. “At least you’re used to living with extended family. Elsie and her sister lived alone before they mated with Zander and Jace. Imagine the shock for them when they first met all of us.”

  Shae smiled and swung their hands between their bodies as they descended the stairs. “I don’t know how humans survive such solitary existences. It would have killed me to come home to an empty house every day. Where are we going anyway?”

  “I was helping Nikko train the new recruits and couldn’t concentrate. All I could think about was what we did in there the other day.” His body hardened as he recalled her lithe body surging above him. He brought their clasped hands to his mouth and kissed the back of hers, his heart beating hard against his ribcage.

  She tilted her head to the side and regarded him. “Are you blaming me for your lack of discipline?”

  He chuckled, “I would never, but let’s just say that Nikko is ready to throttle the Godde
ss for all the distractions in this house. He doesn’t live here all the time, but he does rely on us to train the recruits and lately we haven’t done a good job with it.”

  “Please tell me you aren’t volunteering me to help with the warriors.” He smoothed his thumb over the crease between her eyes.

  “Don’t worry, I won’t allow another male that close to you.” He pulled her into the underground room and led her to the punching bags in the corner. “I got you a pair of your own gloves so you don’t hurt your hands when you come down here.”

  Her lips parted and she glanced from him to the shelf. He cursed as he realized he should have wrapped them and been more romantic in his presentation. “That was very thoughtful of you, but I’m not sure why you went to the trouble. I can manage without.”

  “It’s my job to take care of you.”

  Her eyes flashed and she snatched her hand out of his grasp. Her chest was heaving as she took two steps then stopped. He had no idea what he’d done this time to make her angry. “What did I do now?”

  Her back straightened and she stood there rigidly. “It’s not what you’ve done, Gerrick. Just because we are mates doesn’t make you obligated. I want you one hundred percent, not halfway, or, I’d rather not have you at all.”

  His chest twisted and his stomach dropped to his feet. He curled his arms over his head as he stared at her back. The thought of losing Shae was like being ripped n half. He could never survive without her. The mission against skirm wouldn’t be enough to keep him alive this time. He was in far too deep with her, further than he had ever been with Evanna. “I don’t understand. You can’t walk away from me. We’re Fated Mates.”

  She spun around and thrust her hands onto her hips, her eyes narrowed at him. “You may give me your body, but that isn’t enough for me. You guard your heart and won’t really let me in and I refuse to settle for that. It may kill me, but I will walk away.”


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