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Scarred Warrior: (Dark Warrior Allaince Book Four) (Dark Warrior Alliance 4)

Page 29

by Brenda Trim

  He grabbed her legs and threw them over his shoulders, forcing her to let go of his hair and grip the side of the tub. He looked up at her, his face bare inches from her aching core. “You smell like lavender and taste sweet like nectar. I could feast on you for centuries and never get enough. If I resigned my post as a warrior, would you forever let me stay right where I am?”

  “Goddess, yes. And, please stop teasing me. I need you inside me.”

  “All in good time, Red.” His mouth glistened with her arousal as he perched between her thighs. The sight of him made her pant. “Goddess, I love your fangs. I haven’t had a chance to explore them, yet. I want them buried in my neck while I fuck you.”

  The image had her at the edge of climax. His tongue continued its erotic torment. One hand pulled and plucked one of her nipples while the other went between her legs. As he sucked her clit into his mouth, he inserted two fingers into her core, scissoring his fingers. Blue light danced along his digits and into her body while she felt the vibration from his magic against her clit. The slight pain was just what she needed to splinter into a million pieces.

  “I want your pants off.” With shaking hands, she fumbled with his waistband. She could love him with her whole heart now and that changed things between them. They had always been explosive together, but now it was so much more.

  She finally managed to get his pants undone and shoved them to his ankles. He kicked them off as she came to her feet. His cock stood thick and strong between them. He picked her up and stepped into the hot bath. The water played at her skin as he sat down with her on his lap, adding another layer of sensation to the experience.

  His hands were splayed across her back in a blatant possession. He was claiming his territory. She settled on her knees and purposefully rubbed against his erection.

  “You are perfect,” he told her as he placed a kiss to her scarred throat. He made sure she knew he loved every inch of her. She’d hated her appearance after her ordeal and thought she would be a social outcast the rest of her life, but Gerrick made her feel feminine and attractive, sexy even.

  She came alive in his arms. “You’re too good to me.” She undulated her hips, teasing her slick feminine flesh around his throbbing shaft.

  He surged forward, causing ripples in the water and closed his hot mouth around one of her distended nipples. He sucked on her deeply, grabbed onto her hips and took control, encouraging a faster pace. She cried out, needing more.

  She pulled his head up and cupped his scarred cheek. She kissed him as she lost herself in his rhythm. Breaking away to catch her breath, she thought of his comment about her fangs and ran them over his pulse.

  “Do it. Bite me,” he ordered.

  “You want my fangs?”

  “You know I do.”

  “Have you ever been bitten?”

  He shuddered beneath her. “Never. Never even wanted to before you.”

  She smiled, thinking this was something she could give him that neither of them had ever experienced. She’d fed countless times throughout her life, but had never bitten anyone during sex.

  She sank her fangs into his neck and he jerked in her hold. “Holy shit,” he breathed. Her mate mark was soothed the instant his blood hit her tongue and electricity sizzled in her veins.

  “I’m going to fuck you,” he declared, positioning his cock at her opening. Inch by inch he stretched her, pushing inside. She’d feared she would never enjoy sex again after her months in the hands of the demons, but Gerrick had proved she could experience so much more.

  He promised her hours of pleasure to make up for her suffering, but it took only a minute with him and it was all forgotten. Unable to allow his leisurely pace, she impaled herself onto him and he cried out. “Fuck, Shae.”

  She removed her fangs from his flesh and watched the blood trickle out of the punctures before she licked the area, sealing them. “That’s the point and you were going too slow.”

  “I’ll show you slow.” He lifted her up and bent her over the side of the tub.

  He knelt behind her, placed his legs between her body, spreading her as wide as he could and reentered in one long thrust. He felt even bigger from this angle. He hit a part of her that had her toes curling and close to orgasm. Gripping her hips, he thrust back into her and pounded her hard and fast. He grabbed onto a breast and played with her sensitive nipple.

  He leaned over her and his other hand slid around her hip to tunnel in her thatch of curls. “You okay, Red?” Unable to speak, she nodded her head and he leaned down and bit her neck without breaking the skin. The sound of flesh slapping flesh echoed throughout the room, adding to the eroticism.

  Her body short-circuited the second he pinched her clit and she detonated again. Every move made him pull on the distended nub. He increased his pace and she felt the swelling at the middle of his shaft that indicated he was close.

  She reached back and grabbed a fistful of his hair while her other hand went between their legs. She found the taut skin of his scrotum and squeezed gently. Every muscle at her back went tense and he threw back his head, roaring his release. He ejaculated in hot streams into her convulsing womb. Someday she would become pregnant with their child and she found that she liked the idea.

  Panting, he collapsed onto her back. He lifted his head and kissed the back of her shoulder.

  She looked around and laughed. “We got water all over the floor.”

  “I don’t care,” he said, separating their bodies. He stood and picked her up, carrying her with him. “I’m taking you to our bed now.”

  “And, I’m never letting you go.”

  “Never,” he echoed dropping her onto the mattress. She bounced a couple times and laughed, her heart light and free for the first time in what seemed like forever.

  He crawled nude onto the bed and settled next to her. He lay on his side, supporting his head on his hand. He traced lazy patterns across her stomach and ribcage. “How does one week from today sound for the mating ceremony?” He walked his fingers between her bare breasts and toyed with the necklace he’d given her.

  “I think I can pull it together that quick. My mom and Nana have probably already planned the damned thing since you told them I belonged to you.” She smiled at the thought of him telling her family the news. It had taken a bit for her to get over the anger of him sharing the news without her, but she didn’t blame him. A supernatural in the throes of the mating compulsion was a protective, possessive being, driven by primal instincts. “Where are we going to have it?”

  She shivered and snuggled closer to his side. She preferred the heat coming off his body to a blanket. “The only mating ceremonies we’ve had have been held here at Zeum, in the enclosed patio. Zander and the Dark Warriors are the only family I have and I’d like to have it here, if that’s ok. There’s enough room here to invite whoever you’d like.”

  “Having it here sounds wonderful. My parents and grandparents will be beside themselves to be in the presence of the royal family.”

  “Good, because I want to shout to the whole world that you belong to me. I should let you get some rest,” he murmured, climbing on top of her. His big body blocked the entire world out as his weight settled on her and his erection prodded her inner thigh. “But, I can’t get enough of you and I’m going to fuck you again.” Her toes curled in anticipation, all of her fatigue vanishing in an instant.


  A million butterflies swarmed in Shae’s stomach as she followed her mother and Nana down the hall. She was about to be mated to Gerrick and become an official member of Zeum. Her Nana stopped her in the large kitchen where the staff was busy preparing food for the party that would follow the ceremony.

  “I want you to have this,” Nana said, placing a brooch on her dress above her left breast. It was a beautiful platinum spray with pearls and diamonds that Shae remembered playing dress-up with many times when she was a young stripling. “My mother gave it to me many centuries ago and
I know you love it.”

  For the hundredth time that day, Shae felt tears fill her eyes and emotion clog her throat. “Oh, Nana. Thank you, this means the world to me. I promise to take good care of it.”

  Her mother touched the jeweled comb that was holding Shae’s hair off her neck. Her mother had given it to her earlier that day. “You look beautiful, sweetheart.” Shae reached up and touched her neck. She hadn’t wanted to put her hair up because it left her scarred neck on clear display for everyone to see. But, her mom and Nana, along with the females in the compound had insisted, saying it was a beautiful part of who she was. In the end, it was the way Gerrick always made sure to kiss the marks in a display of his affection that made her decision.

  “Stop that. Wear them proudly,” her mother insisted, pushing her hand aside. “Now, come on, your mate is waiting.”

  Shae nodded and smoothed her hands down the front of her dress. It may have been incredibly old-fashioned, but she’d chosen to continue family tradition and was wearing the silk and lace gown her Nana and mother had worn at their mating ceremonies. The dress was still a crisp white silk with off-the-shoulder lace sleeves. She hadn’t ever dreamed of wearing it because no one had believed the mating curse would ever be lifted, but here she was, about to be mated.

  Her Nana stopped in the entryway and placed a hand to her bosom. “Oh, my, look at how handsome the King and his brothers are in their traditional, Scottish wear. It has been many centuries since I’ve seen men in kilts.”

  She laughed at her Nana and gave her a one-armed hug. “Don’t let Papa hear you say that. He might start an inter-species war by attacking the Vampire King.”

  Her mother rolled her eyes and waved her hand dismissively. “Come on, mother. They’re waiting for us.”

  Shae didn’t see them walk away from her because the sight of Gerrick caught her. He stood next to Zander and although the Vampire King was a good-looking male, he paled in comparison to Gerrick. Gerrick’s blonde hair was in careless disarray and he was wearing a black tuxedo with a silver vest and tie.

  He turned, catching her eyeing him hungrily and gave her that smile of his that always had her in a puddle. She was moving and at his side before she knew she was in motion. Shae noticed that they were standing on the tiled image of the Triskele Amulet. Gerrick grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips and placed a kiss on her flesh.

  She shivered in anticipated of the blood exchange that would occur after the party. Her fangs erupted into her mouth as she watched the pulse in his throat. The butterflies in her stomach turned to lava, heating her insides. The blood exchange would complete the bond between them, linking them together forever. Only then would the pain in her mate mark stop and the brand transform into a tattoo.

  “Friends and family please form a circle around the couple,” Zander instructed, removing the amulet from around his neck. The King met Elsie’s eyes across the circle, clearly sharing a private moment. Shae wondered if they were thinking about their own mating ceremony or perhaps the life that was growing inside Elsie.

  “We have gathered here in this beautiful place, under the eye of the Sun and the glow of the Moon. Let the circle be blessed and consecrated with Fire and Water,” Zander recited in a clear, deep voice.

  Bhric and Breslin stepped forward and with a flourish, fire shot forth from Breslin’s outstretched palm to flow around the outskirts of the circle. The fire rose from the earth to the heavens, like shooting stars. Bhric raised his hands and water cascaded down in a sheer waterfall, from heaven back to the earth, extinguishing the fire. The sight took Shae’s breath away. She’d never seen such a spectacular display.

  Zander lifted the amulet in one hand and held out their stone in the other. “We call to the Goddess Morrigan, and invoke her to bless this mating.” Zander smiled broadly at her and Gerrick, placing their mating stone into Gerrick’s hand. Shae gasped at the electrical pulses that crawled up her arm when Zander grabbed her hand and placed it, palm down, over Gerrick’s and the stone.

  As he chanted, Shae noticed that Zander’s power was tangible throughout the room. “We call upon the spirits of the East, of Air, Spring and new beginnings. We call upon the spirits of the South and the inner Fire of the Sun, Summer and personal will. We call upon the spirits of the West, of Water, Autumn, and healing and dreaming. We call upon the spirits of the North, of Earth, Winter, and the time of cleansing and renewal. Join us to bless this couple with your guidance and inspiration,” Zander recited. Magic cocooned Shae and Gerrick and emotion choked her while she watched her mate. This male carried the missing piece of her soul and did more to make her feel whole then he would ever know.

  Zander lifted his hand from where he had joined theirs, leaving theirs clasped together, surrounding the stone. Gerrick grabbed her other hand and placed it on his chest, over his heart, then placed his free hand over hers. His heart pounded so hard, she swore it was trying to jump out of his chest and into hers.

  “I bless this mating under the Sun and the Moon. This circle of love and honour is open and never broken, so may it be,” Zander’s voice resonated with the blessing.

  Heat built in the stone as she felt both souls leave her body to enter the stone. She had lived for so long with the comfort of Gerrick’s soul and she was going to miss it. That was the case for all supernaturals, but it was more for her given how Gerrick’s soul had helped her survive those months of torture. A small, selfish part of her prayed to the Goddess, asking that she be allowed to keep Gerrick’s soul with her always.

  A brilliant light flashed between their fingers and her skin tingled with the magic of the mating. The connection she felt to Gerrick fortified, and she could now see the bond between them, plain as day. A thick, golden ribbon wrapped around her heart and ran to his, entwining them. Her soul surged back into her body at that moment, causing her to gasp. Looking up, she saw the elation and wonder she felt mirrored in Gerrick’s eyes.

  Shae watched the emotions cross Gerrick’s face and saw when he realized he wasn’t going to lose her. His eyes narrowed with intent and his body unconsciously leaned toward her. Reaching up, he cupped the scarred side of her throat and mouthed the word mine to her. She nodded and willed her tears away. The last thing she wanted was to lose sight of Gerrick’s gorgeous face.

  The warmth in her chest quickly became an inferno as her new soul settled into place. Immediately, she felt echoes of Gerrick and knew that she still carried a piece of him. In fact, their souls were so intertwined that she couldn’t tell where he ended and she began. Whether the Goddess designed matings this way or in answer to her prayer, Shae didn’t care. She was simply grateful beyond measure.

  Her eyes widened and her nerves tingled as she realized she was aware of what Gerrick was feeling. And, what he was feeling wasn’t appropriate for mixed company, but when they were alone…she didn’t plan to let him leave the room for at least a month.

  A feeling of tranquility passed over her right before ancient power suffused the air. The entire gathering glanced around expectantly. A second later she heard a delicate feminine laugh just before a musical voice whispered in her head. “No power, not even death, can sever this bond. You have lived two lifetimes and managed to find your mate both times. You are a strong one, Shae, one of my most beloved subjects. Mating stones protect and bless different aspects for different couples. Yours blesses and protects your Gerrick. You will never live without one another again.”

  She raised one of her fingers and looked into their palms. She gasped and lifted her palm. The ordinary, granite rock was now the biggest, most alluring, aquamarine she had ever seen. And, the best part was that it matched her sorcerer’s eyes.

  She glanced up and bright, ice-blue eyes captivated her. Shae blinked and in the next instant the ancient power in the room dissipated. Her fierce warrior pulled her close to the line of his body. She’d been aching for him all day and now her need for him was excruciating.


  Gerrick fina
lly released the breath he’d been holding and let go of some of the anxiety he’d been carrying around for the past week. He hadn’t slept, had hardly eaten anything and hadn’t left Shae’s side since he’d time-traced and saved her life.

  So far the Goddess hadn’t called in her due for using his power. It always carried a high price and he was afraid that Shae would be taken from him at any moment. He’d spent hours in prayer, pleading that she be spared any more pain or suffering.

  He’d felt the Goddess’ power a few minutes ago and had reacted on instinct, pulling Shae into his body. He had no idea what the Goddess had done, but she was gone now.

  He gentled the hold he had around Shae and glanced around the room. Their family and friends were clapping and shouting their congratulations and Shae was staring at their mating stone. He never expected to be blessed with this experience after he’d lost Evanna and now he had so much more than he could possibly imagine.

  Gripping Shae’s chin between his thumb and forefinger, he tilted her head back and claimed her lips. She always brought him to his knees with her kiss. Her tongue tangled with his in an age-old dance, reflecting what their bodies were straining to achieve.

  He placed their mating stone in his pocket and placed his hands on her shoulders. Breaking the kiss, he turned her and presented her to the group of family and friends waiting to congratulate them.

  He found himself enveloped in her Nana’s warm embrace. “Welcome to the family, Gerrick. Treat our Shae right or her Papa will beat you senseless.”

  He couldn’t help but smile at the threat from the female. Unlike humans, supernaturals never aged beyond the age of twenty-five so she didn’t have grey hair and a wrinkled face. No, only Philomena’s eyes carried evidence of her many centuries.


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