Captured By A Royal Thug

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Captured By A Royal Thug Page 1

by Heiress

  KC Mills Presents

  Captured By A Royal Thug

  By: Heiress

  © 2018

  Published by Supreme Works Publications

  All rights reserved.

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Unauthorized reproduction, in any manner, is prohibited.

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  My first, my last and every book in between will forever be dedicated to my daughter, KaiLyn. For you are the reason, I do this.


  To My Family

  Without your support, I would not have made it. Thank you to my mother who is willing to support me no matter religious beliefs and others negative opinions on what I choose to use my gift and talent for. Thank you to my husband who's always been there for me and supporting me. Thank you for staying up with me all night when I was writing and editing. You’re the real MVP. Thank you to my big sister Kalin and my little brother Cartier who keep me motivated and always lets me know that I’m great at what I do.


  The sound of tree branches crashing into my bedroom window kept me up. The thunder played as the soundtrack to the dream I wish I was having, but I was too busy trying to go to sleep. The wind spoke to me as it whistled along the side of the house. The lightning couldn’t be more of a distraction. My eyes burst open every time the light hit them. Usually, the rain would soothe me and play as a helpmate to me falling asleep, but it was too much extra noise going on.

  “This storm is really blowing a nigga. Like who the fuck is God mad at right now?” my best friend, Twan barked from the floor.

  “Shhhh, Twan. You’re not even supposed to be in here. If Ms. Patty catches you we’re all going to the basement for punishment,” my other best friend, Leah chimed in.

  “Will both of y’all shut up. I’m trying to sleep here!” I snapped, rolling my eyes in annoyance.

  “Like anyone can sleep during this storm. Usually, people evacuate during a hurricane, but noooo, Ms. Patty refuses to leave her beloved state. Maine not even that special,” Leah sassed.

  “I know right. It’s like a death wish being this close to water. Don’t she know black people can’t swim,” Twan joked. Leah and I both giggled.

  “Y’all we only got like a week until we all turn eighteen. We will be out of here soon. Then we can move wherever we want and do whatever we want. I can’t wait to open up my own dance studio.” I smiled just picturing myself teaching in front of those tall clean mirrors.

  “Hell yea. Me either. Bet your ass gone look real good in that tight ass leotard,” Twan flirted. He did that from time to time with me and Leah. He said we were the only girls in his life, so we had better be ready to become sister wives. He had another thing coming if I was willingly going to share my man with another woman. I don’t see how them women do it. I’m stingy with mines.

  “I say we move to somewhere sunny, like California or maybe even Florida. That way my selfies will always have natural light.” Leah beamed and Twan and I both just stared at her. “What? If I’m going to become a model I need pretty headshots,” she kidded, and we laughed at her.

  “Yea, well wherever we move, just make sure Mayweather is close. I’m gone get him to train me and then I’m gone beat that nigga ass in a fight. I bet I can take him too.” Twan pretended to punch the air as he made this whistling noise with his mouth.

  I smiled just hearing about my friend’s dreams and aspirations. We all had goals. We just didn’t have money or resources. See, all three of us grew up in the system, yet we all had very different backgrounds. Twan’s mother overdosed on drugs, and his father was gunned down in a drug deal gone bad. Leah belonged to the wealthiest family in Maine until her parents were sent to prison for embezzlement. None of her family members would take her in, so she was put in the system. And then there was me.

  I was raised by my single father who was a police officer. I lived a good life with him up until he went missing. After months of searching for him, they finally declared him deceased. I had money in my trust fund, but I wasn’t allowed to use it until I turned eighteen, which was in two days. The only family I had at the time was my grandmother. I went to stay with her, but that didn’t last. She died two years after and I ended up in the system.

  I met Leah and Twan in an orphanage when I was around nine and we’ve been best friends ever since. Our birthdays are what really brought us together. Twan’s birthday was two days after mine and Leah’s birthday was two days after his. We all turned eighteen this week. It wasn’t nothing but God who kept us together after we turned seventeen. We were sent to live with this African lady who took in older kids up until they were of age. After that, we were put out to live on our own.

  We were all so scared when we got to Ms. Patty’s house. For a number of reasons. One being the stories we heard about Ms. Patty. A lot of kids disappeared from her home and were never found. Rumors say she kills them and stores their remains in the basement for fun. That would explain the foul smell down there. Others say she keeps them captive and eats them because she’s a cannibal. I could believe that one because of how dirty and rotten her teeth were. Then another rumor was that she sold them to Africans. That one I couldn’t believe. Black people don’t sell other black people. That’s just dumb.

  “Aye, y’all hear that?” Twan quizzed. I sat up and remained quiet, but I didn’t hear anything.

  “I don’t hear anything-,” I was saying before Twan shushed me. “What do you hear?” I whispered. Twan only ignored me as he snuck out my bedroom door. “Twan come back here. Twan,” I said in a low tone, so I wouldn’t wake up the house.

  “Bella, we need to go with him. If he gets caught, then he’s going to get punished,” Leah pointed out. Rolling my eyes, I pulled the covers back and got out of bed. Leah followed me as we both creeped out my door. I glanced to my left then to my right to make sure the coast was clear before I tiptoed down the hall. Twan was at the top of the stairs bent down.

  “Twan get back in the-,”

  “Shut up and get down. They talkin’ about us. Listen.” He put his finger to his mouth. We all stayed quiet. I could hear men voices and they had that same thick African accent as Ms. Patty.

  “What do you mean my cousin wants them now? I thought they were being taken next month. They can’t leave yet?” Ms. Patty said.

  “Why not?” a deep voice asked.

  “Because none of them are of age. They’re not ready and I can’t-,”

  “Do, it look like I care about what you can and cannot do? Your job is to collect and sell. That’s it. Now if King wants them now then they’re coming with us. Now!” The man barked.

  “So, it is true? Ms. Patty do be selling kids,” I whispered. Just then, Ms. Patty shifted her eyes towards the stairs. Her face frowned, and her lips tightened. She was such a mean grouchy old woman.

  “Ruuuun!” Twan yelled. All three of us took off running. We didn’t know where to run to because we were upstairs and there wasn’t an exit up here. We could hear people running after us. I looked back and men were busting in rooms and snatching the others out of their beds.
Twan pushed us in my room and locked the door behind him.

  “The window! We can climb out the window!” I suggested. Twan ran to open the window to help us out, but it was too late. The door burst open. Men were dressed in black with guns in their hands. Everything happened so fast. All I could remember is being dragged out by my hair. Twan was trying to fight them off, but he was hit in the head and knocked out cold. We were stuffed inside a large van. One of the men threw something in with us and then shut the door. Gas came up from the floor and I started to get dizzy. My body got all flimsy and my eyes got heavy. I then passed out.

  Days Later…

  Light shined through my closed eyes. I tried to open them, but it felt like someone had put bricks on my lids. After a few more tries, I was finally able to open my eyes. My vision was blurred at first, but the more I blinked, the more I could see clearer. It was sunny. It was hot. Like hotter than usual. I felt like I was sitting directly in front of the sun.

  “She’s up. Twan she’s up!” I heard Leah say from behind me.

  I sat up and glanced around. We were still in the van. The other teens from the house were surrounding me. “How long was I sleep?” I asked, rubbing my head.

  “Hell, if know. We just woke up like ten minutes ago. My fucking head hurt and it’s hot as shit in this bitch. Y’all niggas ain’t got no AC?” Twan barked.

  “Twan, stop it. They had guns. What if they try and kill you or something? You already got knocked out,” Leah reminded him. He just brushed her off and continued to fan himself. Suddenly the van came to a stop. “If I get out this bitch and we in heaven, me and God gone have a long ass talk about his angel’s hospitality,” he joked, and everyone in the back laughed. I couldn’t crack a smile. I was too busy worrying about where we were and who we were with.

  The van door opened, and my hand went up and across my eyes as a defense from the sun. It was so bright. My arm was grabbed, and I was being pulled out of the van. When I stepped foot on the ground, I glanced around. I was amazed.

  “Oh. My. God,” I gasped. I didn’t know where we were, but it was beautiful. The grass was so green. The trees stood tall and had fruit hanging from them. I could see the ocean from where I stood, and the water was so clear. Animals walked around like it was nothing. From elephants to giraffes. I didn’t know whether to be amazed or frightened. I felt like I was in heaven.

  “Where are we?” I asked.

  “Nigga I bet we in Wakanda!” Twan blurted out. “I told you that place was real. I bet we about to meet the real Black Panther.” I couldn’t help but laugh this time. He was such a character.

  The sun was suddenly blocked by a large man. He was as big as a house and he was so black that he looked purple. “Follow me and don’t try to run. You will die,” he sternly spoke glaring at us with frowned brows. Twan, Leah and I held each other’s hands as we walked behind the scary African man who was holding a very large gun.

  When we turned the corner, my mouth dropped. I was staring at the biggest most beautiful palace that I had ever seen. It was in fact the only palace I had ever seen. Well in person that is. It looked like the exact replica of the Coming To America palace. Maybe even bigger. I watched as the people who looked like servants stare at me and my friends. I felt so out of place.

  We entered a dark room that looked like a dungeon. “Strip,” the man ordered. Everyone was looking around confused. I was wondering if we had just heard him say the same thing. “Strip! Now!” he barked.

  I couldn’t get my clothes off fast enough. I stood there naked, covering my body. I felt so exposed. The man grabbed a long hose and out of it came strong water. I screamed because it hurt. I felt like I was being punched on every part of my body. Soap was poured on us and nearly burned my eyes. This didn’t feel like heaven anymore.

  When the water stopped we were thrown towels. “Dry off and then get dressed. Garments are behind you.”

  I didn’t argue back. No one did. I think we were all were too afraid to. After drying off, I got dressed. For the place to seem so rich looking, we were giving hammy down like clothes. Once we were all dressed, we were escorted inside the palace. I was almost tired of being impressed and amazed. The place had marble floors and large statues everywhere. It was all white with diamond like chandeliers hanging from the high ceilings. Rich murals were painted all over the walls and I could have sworn I spotted someone walking a Lion.

  We all stood in the center of this grand room. I got a warm feeling on my left side. When I looked over my shoulder, I dropped my jaw. I was staring at the sexiest man I had ever seen. So sexy that I felt like it should had been against the law to even look his way. He glanced at me for a split second and then walked by. I couldn’t help but follow him until he disappeared. The way he walked was almost kingly. He had to be someone important, I just didn’t know who.

  “Presenting, King Zuse the third,” the man who had captured us announced. In walked a very handsome grey headed older man. He was dressed in rich dashiki and medallions around his neck. He looked mean, but now was not the time to pass judgement.

  “Welcome to, Droga, Africa. I am King Zuse and this is my home. You have been brought here for one of three reasons. To entertain, to serve or to defend. Take the men away at once. They must start training now if they want to protect my country.”

  Just then, soldiers walked up and grabbed Twan by his arms. “Aye, man get yo’ fuckin’ hands off me.” I just knew he wasn’t going to go without a fight. I watched as Twan fought the men as they hauled him off. I clutched onto Leah’s hand tighter. We were girls, so I prayed they kept us together.

  “Now to the women.” He glanced around at each of us. “Sell those five in the back to the highest bidder,” he pointed behind me. The girls kicked and screamed as they were dragged away. My heart pounded inside my chest, and I just knew the sound could be heard by others. “Take the rest as servants for the palace.”

  I exhaled knowing that me and Leah would be together. Before I could even take one step, the King spoke again. “Except for her.” He pointed at me. “Sell her to my sister. I’m sure she would make a fine lady.” He grinned.

  “No, please. Don’t sell me. Please!” I begged, crying my eyes out. My plea fell on deaf ears as they hauled me off roughly. I took one last look at Leah before she rounded the corner. I was terrified. I didn’t know where I was going and who I was being sold to. I just knew that I was being taken away from my friends and that alone brought me heartache.

  “Where are you taking me?” I asked the huge man that seemed to be somewhat in charge.

  “You are to be sold to Madame. There you will become a lady,” he answered.

  “What’s a lady? I’m already a lady. I’m a girl, aren’t I?” I sassed.

  He only laughed at me in response. I followed him outside back to the van. There I was shoved in and driven to another castle like house. Only, this one was smaller. I was escorted out the back and inside the building. It looked the same as the palace on the inside just more feminine.

  “Madame!” he called out. As I glanced around, I became curious. There were women just walking around naked as if they were in the comfort of their own homes. Men were accompanying them, and they seemed to be drunk. It was daylight outside and they were drinking. This was beyond strange to me.

  “Yes, Luis I’m coming. Must you yell so loud. I’m right here,” a woman’s voice answered. A beautiful older lady rounded the corner dressed in a red and gold robe. Her black and grey hair dragged the floor behind her. She took one look at me and smiled.

  “You may go now, Luis. I do not have need for you anymore,” she dismissed him. Slowly, she walked circles around me. Checking me out from head to toe. “Are you untouched my darling?” she asked.

  “Huh?” I was confused.

  “Have you been with a man before? Intimately?” she clarified.

  “No,” I answered.

  “Here you will address me as Madame.” She didn’t crack a smile, so I knew she
was serious.

  “I mean, No Madame,” I corrected myself.

  “Good. Now come with me. You will stay in the west wing with all the other untouched ladies. Your training will start in the morning. Today you will just observe. In your room you will find a set of gowns and selected jewels. Your hair is always to be worn down unless you are retiring for bed. The rules are quite clear in Madame’s House. Listen and obey. If I find you to be defiant, I will dispose of you.”

  I swallowed the knot in my throat as she basically threatened my life. .


  “Yes, Madame.”

  “Good. Get dressed and burn those awful garments. We wear nothing but the best in this house. Once your clean, retire to the kitchen. Brunch will be served soon,” she let me know. She opened the door to my new room and then walked away. I stepped in and shut the door behind me. Falling to my knees, I cried. It was bad enough I was taken from the united states and brought to Africa. Then I was separated from my friends. Now I find out that I’m about to be some kind of prostitute. As if my life weren’t already a mess.

  Bella Newsome

  Three Years Later…

  “Up now ladies. We have a big day ahead of us.” Madame came in my room where three other ladies resided, more chipper than usual. “We have been invited to entertain the King and his male guest,” she sang with a smile on her face. “This is for you, Bella.” She hands me a box and comes to sit down next to me on my bed.

  “For me, Madame? What is it?” I asked kind of excited. She seemed to always bring me gifts. At first, I thought that it was weird. I thought that maybe she was interested in me in a romantic way. I even asked her, and she laughed in my face. She told me it was because I was more than the Madame’s House. That she saw greater in me. She had been trying to marry me off to a few rich African men since I came here, but it never worked out. They were all married, and I pride myself on being a man’s one and only. I was no one’s second choice.


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