Captured By A Royal Thug

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Captured By A Royal Thug Page 2

by Heiress

  “It’s a gown for today. There will be a lot of rich and powerful suiters in attendance, and I want you to make a good impression. You will be dancing for entertainment but when you’re done, I want to introduce you to a few men who I think you might be fond of.” She grinned.

  Full of excitement, I opened up the box. “Oh, my!” I gasped, taking the dress out so I could get a full view. The gown was so gorgeous, that I felt guilty holding it. It weighed so much which meant the material was the best there was. The beading was impeccable, and the patterns were handstitched. “Thank you so much, Madame. I love it.” I dropped the dress on my bed and hugged her around her neck.

  “You are more than welcome, Bella. I want the best for all my ladies but your different. You don’t belong here. You’re more than the amusement for men,” she complimented me.

  When I first got here, Madame was not nice to me. No one was. I was simply another lady to her. Then she found out I had talent, which was dancing. That I wasn’t just another pretty face with a nice body. She took interest in me and got to know me. Ever since she saw something in me, she made me stop offering my body for men. Instead, she only allowed me to dance for the men naked. They couldn’t touch, kiss or have sex with me. I was completely off limits.

  We grew to have more than just a Madame and lady relationship. I came to her for advice. She confided in me about her fears, and guilt for what she did. We laughed and played games together. She once told me that I was the daughter she always wished she could have, but couldn’t because she was barren. To me, she was the mother I prayed for when I was a kid. With a few minor adjustments.

  “Your too good to me, Madame.”

  “Yes, this I know,” she kidded, and we both shared a laugh. “Now get cleaned and dressed. Today shall be exciting. Prayerfully we find you a husband. Fingers crossed dear,” she sang, crossing her fingers and so did I.

  Once she was gone, I took a second to admire the dress again. All of a sudden, I got sad. I started to think about, Leah and Twan. I missed them so much. There wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t think about them. After me and Madame grew close, I asked her to keep tabs on them for me since she was the King’s sister. She would update me and let me know that they were doing good. Twan was now a soldier in the King’s army and Leah was a servant to the Prince. I was just happy that they were still alive. I would give anything to see them again.

  Shaking my feelings off, I got up to go handle my hygiene. I heard whispering but when I entered the grand bathroom, the chatter stopped. I knew the ladies were talking about me. They were all jealous. When I first got here, I fought them almost every day. I was outnumbered, but I never punked out. I handled mines.

  “What’s the gossip today, ladies?” I asked as I disrobed and stood under the shower. I never thought that I would be so comfortable being naked in front of anyone, let alone a group of men. I sort of got used to it after the first year.

  “Oh nothing. We were just speaking on how you got that fancy gown from the, Madame. The ladies and I wondered what the Madame’s rear end smelled like since you always seem to be up it,” Claire snared, causing the others to laugh.

  “I’m not sure, Claire how about you sniff your top lip because you seem to be up there a lot too. Next time we can take turns,” I quipped sarcastically. She stood there shook at my response. Madame told me to always stand my ground, and never let them see me cry or sweat. Even if that’s all I wanted to do. Ignoring the ladies, I continued to bathe myself until I felt clean. After, I ironed my hair straight and then got dressed in my dance outfit. I wore a sexy lace leotard with a long fancy silk robe.

  Madame would call me an exotic ballerina. I despised getting naked for men, but it beats having sex with them. I only had sex with two men before Madame took me off the floor as an official lady. I still wish I was back in the states living life with my friends, but this was all I had now. This was all I knew.

  After the ladies and I were dressed and ready, we were escorted to the royal palace. I hadn’t been here since the day I was brought to Droga. I dreaded coming back because it reminded me of when my life changed forever. Then again, I was on a mission. I knew that they were going to have soldiers securing the party and that the servants would be working. This was my chance to try and find Twan and Leah.

  “Welcome ladies,” Luis welcomed us as we entered. The ballroom was decorated in fine décor. Servants walked the floor with plates of hors d’oeuvre and champagne. The place was filled with men in rich dashiki garments and gold jewels. Half of them I’m sure were Kings and Princes from other countries in Africa.

  “Bella, they have set things in place for you to dance. Go stand over in the corner and King will announce you in just a moment,’ Madame informed me. Nodding my head, I walked away and stood in place. While I was waiting, I searched the large crowd for Leah and Twan. I was having no luck.

  “Ahem,” someone’s throat was cleared. Turning my head, I saw that it was the King. King Adonis. The sexiest man that had ever walked this planet. The same man I saw three years ago when I had just arrived to Droga. I couldn’t feel it, but I was sure I was drooling. His skin was so smooth in a deep dark shade. His hair was low cute with waves swimming on the top of his head. He had dark eyes, but his cornea was a yellow shade and he had black full lips. I was most attracted to his thick beard. It made him seem so mature and sexy. I may have been too young for him but that didn’t stop the thoughts that went through my head when desiring him.

  “I would like to first thank you all for joining me and my brother, Prince Amir on tonight. He claims that I don’t have enough fun, so he thought that bringing me women would excite me. Little does he know, I only have eyes for my beautiful Queen. Well at least that’s what I was told to say.” He smiled and the whole room lit up in laughter. I thought that he would have a thicker African accent, but he didn’t. You could barely hear it actually.

  “Before we begin mingling and before the so-called fun begins,” he paused, grinning from ear to ear. “I’ve been forced to be entertained by one of my Aunt Madame’s ladies. Let the record show that I didn’t ask for this in case the Queen wonders.” The crowd laughed at him again. He glanced to his left and our eyes met. His stare was so intimidating. It was like he was looking through my soul. His eyes followed the curves of my body. He tucked his bottom lip in between his teeth and his eyes squinted.

  “I actually might enjoy this,” he spoke before extending his hand to me. I gracefully glided to him and took his hand. I jolted a little because I had sworn I felt a spark “What is your name my lady?” he asked.

  “It’s, Bella your highness.” I bowed before him.

  “Now I’m intrigued,” he mumbled, gazing into my eyes with such desire. “May we all enjoy, Lady Bella,” he announced to the crowd and they applauded for me. I watched as he took a seat in his royal chair made of gold. Next to him was his younger brother, Prince Amir who was just as equally sexy as he was. Never in a million years would I see myself getting naked for hundreds of men, but I was so used to it, it became second nature.

  I caught Madame’s eye and she nodded to someone to start the music for me. As soon as I heard the beat, I blacked out. No one existed. No one was in the room. It was just me. I twirled in circles on my toes and swayed my hips around from side to side. I could see how impressed the crowd was. Now that I had them interested, it was time to pull them in.

  Slowly, I slid off my robe. I could hear a few men whistle at me and a few threw money at my feet. This was a form of a compliment in Droga. Madame told me I was getting fortune for this, but I guess the men decided I needed a tip. As I slipped out of my leotard, I caught the eye of the King. His hand was planted on his chin as he thoroughly watched me. Slowly, I strutted over to him. The guards got ready to stop me, but King Adonis put his hand up as to say it was ok. He was giving me permission to enter his personal space.

  I danced directly in front of him. Our eyes never left each other. Things were heating
up down in between my thighs. I couldn’t tell if it was sweat, or if my juices were flowing. Turning on my heels, I sat directly in his lap and grinded my booty against his pelvic region. I laid back on his chest and continued to work my hips. His arm was in the way, so I whispered, “It’s kind of hard to do this with your arm in the way, your highness,” I whispered.

  “That’s not my arm, Lady Bella,” he replied in a deep sexy tone. It took me a minute to figure out what else it could be. I was beyond shook when I came to my senses. I had never felt something so thick and long in my life. Since my back was laid against him, I could feel him chuckling. “You should get up before he grows even more,” he whispered again. This time his voice was more seductive.

  I sat up and my neck whipped in his direction. He didn’t have an ounce of bluff in his face.

  “There was more?” I asked myself in disbelief.

  Playing it off, I smiled and got off his lap. I returned to the floor and continued my dance. When I was done, I received a standing ovation. I felt a presence behind me as I bent over to grab my robe. When I stood up, I felt my robe being put on. Glancing over my shoulder, I saw that it was King Adonis.

  “You should teach the Queen your ways,” he whispered in my ear. I couldn’t help but blush. “Lady Bella, everyone,” he said, and another applause was given to me. Madame came and walked me off to the back. When we got alone, she cornered me.

  “Bella, please don’t ever do that again. My nephew, I mean King Adonis beheads women for even looking at him in a certain way. You are lucky he allowed you to do what you did. If the Queen were here, you would have been dead already,” she barked.

  “He seemed to be very…aroused,” I mumbled with a proud grin.

  An expression of confusion grew on her face. “What? The King was aroused?” she asked, and I nodded my head. She then burst out in a fit of laughter. “If you got the King to get aroused by you, then you are even more special than I thought. He only has eyes for his wife. He had never taken another woman since he’s been wed to her. You must really excite him.” She raised a brow.

  I then glanced over her shoulder and watched as the King spoke to the crowd. Our eyes met again, and he nodded at me with a wink. I was so turned on that I was seconds away from attacking him.

  “Now go get, dressed. Luis will show you to the disrobing area.”

  Luis took my hand and escorted me down the hall. When I got to the room, I disrobed quickly. The entire time I thought about King Adonis. I wondered what it would be like to sleep with him. I bet he was gentle.

  “Sorry to disturb you my lady but the Madame is requesting your presence at once,” a familiar voice said from behind. Turning on my toes, I gasped when I saw who it was. Her face lit up with excitement.

  “Leah!” I yelled. We both ran into each other’s arms and held on so tight. Tears streamed my face. I was so happy to see her that I didn’t want to let her go. Ever. “I can’t believe it’s you,” I sobbed.

  “Yes, it’s me.” She let me go, and we took in each other’s appearance. She looked just the same as the day we were separated. Just gorgeous. “I can’t believe you’re a lady. That show you put on out there was great, though Twan was pissed when he-,”

  “Wait. You talk to, Twan?” I quizzed.

  “Do I? He’s at the palace every day. We see each other all the time. He should be here by now. I followed Luis and told him to meet us in here, so we could see-,”

  “Have you lost your damn mind!” Twan burst in the room.

  “Twan! I’ve missed you!” I beamed.

  “Bella fuck all that. What the hell you think you doing dancing naked in front of all these rich ass Africans? They got you on drugs in that hoe house,” he barked. I couldn’t help but snicker at this reaction. He had always been overprotective of me. I would have thought that it would have changed in these three years, but he’s still the same Twan.

  “Twan your lucky that, Madame let’s me dance naked. Would you rather me have sex with the hundreds of men that come in Madame’s House?” I quizzed.

  “I rather you not do that shit at all. I don’t know why King Zuse split y’all up anyway. You would have been here in the palace with us. Then we could have been planned our escape.”

  “What? You’ve been planning an escape?” I was surprised.

  “Yes. We both have, and we almost got it figured out. When we do, you coming with us?” Leah asked.

  “That’s rhetorical. Of course, I am. I mean I’ve grown accustomed to Droga, but I would rather be in the states living with my three best friends. Oh, my God I’ve missed y’all. Madame has been keeping tabs on both of you for me. How is it here?”

  “This shit cool as fuck. I thought they were gone be on some slave type shit but they ain’t. I got my own little mini mansion and I’ve been put in charge of my own little army crew. I got some iced out chains and all the food I can eat. Let’s not forget about the pussy.” He grinned.

  “What? You be having sex, Twan?” I’m not sure why I was so surprised.

  “Do I? These Droga hoes be throwing the pussy at me. I guess it’s true what they say. Women love a nigga in a uniform.” He wiped his face as if he was the finest thing on earth. I shook my head at how conceited he was.

  “What about you, Leah? How is it working as a servant?”

  “I mean I have my days. Some days it’s really good, some days it’s just okay, and other days it’s horrible. Those are the days that push me to escape. The punishment here is brutal.” I could see it in her eyes at how unhappy she was. Leah wasn’t like Twan and me. We grew up in the hood and both struggled a little. She had it made, so she wasn’t used to labor or anything that had to do with waiting on people hand and foot. She was the one with the servants.

  “Well, maybe I can talk to, Madame and have her-,”

  “Bella, why are you still back here?” Madame walked in the room and nearly scared me to death. She glanced to her left and her right at Twan and Leah. “Oh, these must be your friends

  from back in the states. Glad you finally saw them. I know it’s been a while, but we must get going. The men are waiting for you dear.”

  She held out her hand for me to grab it. “Okay. It was good seeing y’all, and I’ll think of an excuse to try and come back here again. I missed y’all so much.” I wanted to cry again, but I stayed strong in front of Madame. The three of us hugged it out and said our goodbyes. I returned to the party with Madame. I couldn’t believe I had just seen my friends. Knowing that they had an escape plan made me happier. I may miss Madame, but I couldn’t wait to leave this place.

  King Adonis Swali

  Mingling with Princes and Kings was the easy part. Actually, engaging in boring uninterested small talk was the hard part of these functions. I loathed having to entertain the likes of others. Especially when it was spurious. As a King, I couldn’t display such abhorrence at these functions. I was to smile, greet every guest and connect with them in conversation. It was all bullshit, to be honest.

  “So, you see, King Adonis. Our country needs your weapons. We have to fight back, and without proper armor, we are hopeless,” the King of Jakande explained. I had one ear to him, and the other was too busy eavesdropping on my little brother, Amir.

  “We will discuss this at the next assembly. Now I would love to participate in this intriguing conversation, but I see that the Prince needs my attention. Will you excuse me?” I didn’t wait for a response before I walked away. “Fat fuck,” I mumbled underneath my breath. Playing nice was my specialty, but I despised it so. That proper talk and fake smiles made a nigga sick.

  “Amir, brother,” I interrupted the conversation he was having with Lady Claire. “Can I steal you away for a moment.” I smiled, hiding my discomfort.

  “Nah, brother Don. I’m busy. Lady Claire was just about to tell me what color panties she is wearing,” he slurred. He was obviously drunk.

  “Jokes on you, your highness because I’m not wearing any,” Claire flirte

  “Even better. Hike that gown up and we can fuck-,”

  “Brother a moment., Now!” I barked, interrupting his words. I couldn’t let him finish that sentence. “Excuse us, Lady Claire.” I politely excused myself from her presence and pulled my brother to the side. “The fuck you doing, nigga?” I barked.

  “Did you hear her, bro? She ain’t got on no draws. None! That means easy fucking access. I was trying to get in that but you blocking,” he retorted.

  “Get in that? Nigga, have you lost it? Your ass turns twenty-one next week. You know what that means? That means it will be time for you to take a wife. Princesses all over Africa will be here to marry you. You can’t be out here sowing your royal fucking oats. That period is done. You need to start acting like a Prince and not a fucking African Casanova.”

  “Bro, I ain’t trying to be like you. All faithful and devoted to one bitch and shit. I want them all, and my new wife will respect that shit. Now gone so I can go finish sowingmy royal oats. And what big oats they are.” He laughed as he walked away, grabbing a bottle of alcohol on his way to another lady.

  I started to yell out for him, but I didn’t want to cause a scene. My little brother was a lost cause. All he wanted to do was drink, smoke, have relations with women and have fun. He didn’t want to rule or be King. He didn’t want to take on responsibility and be mature. He didn’t even want to get married and have children of his own. He’d rather act like one. I never disowned him for his flaws. I loved him just as much as I loved my sister. Some royals don’t have it in them to rule, and that was Amir.

  Me on the other hand, I had an appetite for power. I was born to be a leader. It was in my blood and my heart. I had a craving of always being in control of something or someone. My father, the King called it being dominate. He could call it what he wanted, but I simply called it being a King. A ruler of my country. You had to have strength and discipline in order to do what I did.

  “King, Adonis?” My trusted friend Iman, called out to me.


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