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Captured By A Royal Thug

Page 6

by Heiress

  “Amir, I only laughed because I felt the same way when I was in my teens. Ten years ago. I wanted to fuck a whole bunch of bitches, but I was appointed King at the age of eighteen. I ain’t have that luxury. I had to be an example and having multiple bitches was not exemplary. Droga needed one Queen and one Queen only. Now, I don’t recommend this, but I’m gone put you up on game,” he paused.

  “Marry the woman that old man wants you to marry. For the sake of, Droga. Then after you get married, you can take on as many bitches as you want. They are called mistresses. Now, like I said you didn’t hear that shit from me, but you are free to take that into consideration.”

  “As many as I want?” I inquired.

  “A dozen at a time,” he confirmed.

  “Then why you haven’t taken a few? I know for a fact, Mena doesn’t do it for you. No offense bro but she shaped like a street light sign, and she’s not that easy on the eyes,” I spoke honestly.

  “You being my blood is the only reason why I won’t fuck you up right now. Quit stalling and let’s go. Our old man is waiting, and you know how that nigga gets.”

  I knew exactly how my father gets which is why I decided to put some pep into my steps and straighten myself up. Once I was appropriately put together, we made our way to the front of the palace. “So…” I sang.

  “So, what?”

  “Are you going to tell me how sweet the pussy was or not?” I was almost dying to know.

  “Amir, a real nigga never speaks on the women they fuck. It’s disrespectful and immature.”

  “Good thing she’s not a woman. She’s a lady. That’s practically a hoe-,” I could barely get the words out before Adonis slammed me into the nearby wall.

  “Never call her that. That is not what she is. Let this be your first and last warning my nigga,” he threatened with flared nostrils and frowned brows.

  Pushing him off of me, I laughed. “Daaaaamn. The pussy got you threatening your own flesh and blood? All I want to know is if she got a sister.” Throwing his hand up at me, he walked away. “A cousin? Her mother? I’ll settle for the grandmother if she still living,” I joked.

  “Amir come the fuck on and stop playing,” he threw over his shoulder.

  I could tell he was irritated. I found much joy in pissing my brother off. He was the serious one and I believed I didn’t have one serious bone in my body. I lived life on the edge because that was the only way to live it.

  When I walked outside, fancy foreign cars were lined up. Kings from all over stood next to their daughters with smiles on their faces. I’m sure they thought their daughters were safe with me but little did they know, I planned on seducing every last one of them. I’ll let the pussy speak for them.

  One by one we greeted both the King and their princess. Each one was beautiful. When I speak of beauty, I do mean on the inside. On the outside, some shouldn’t have been allowed to step foot outside during the day. I cared about the inside. As in inside their legs. Pussy didn’t have a face.

  I felt hot breath on the side of my face and jumped. It was my father. “The last one is Princess Creola of Iwu. They are known for their secret tunnels that run through all of Africa. They could be of use to us as an alliance for our army. It grants us an advantage for a sneak attack,” he whispered. By the time he was done talking to me, I’m sure my ear was melted off from his breath.

  “King Eboh and Princess Creola of Iwu. Welcome to Droga.” They both nodded in respect. “This is my son, Prince Amir,” he introduced me.

  “Pleased to meet you both,” I lied. It was not a pleasure at all.

  “Let’s all retire into the grand ballroom, so I can address everyone at once,” My father spoke before making his way back into the palace. In the grand room, sat six golden jewel-encrusted chairs. It was for every member of the family and their spouse. My sister was the only one missing. We all took our seats in our respective places. I rested my chin on my fist and tried my hardest not to fall asleep. This was going to be a long process.

  “Welcome Kings and your princesses to Droga. I thank you all for coming. Today we celebrate my youngest son, Prince Amir. He is now of age, and as you all know, it is time for him to take a bride. Today, each princess will give a brief testimony on why the Prince should choose her. My son will then let God speak to him overnight, and tomorrow he will make his choice. Prince Amir, do you have a few words to say before we began?” My father quizzed.

  I only stared at him in response. He knew damn well I didn’t even want to be here let alone say a few words. “I’m afraid if I speak father I would be of offense to many here,” I quipped. I could tell by my father’s facial expression that he wasn’t pleased, but he couldn’t voice it.

  “Well then, Princess the floor is all yours.” He took his seat, and the boring speeches began. It was twenty princesses present, and I was being forced to listen to all of them. Though Princess Creola would end up being my pick, I still had to endure this torture. I didn’t pride myself on being a good listener.

  Almost an hour went, by and I was still sitting in my chair, not listening. I tried to focus on anything other than what the princesses had to say. Out the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of one of my servant girls. Leah. I tried not to let my eyes linger too long, but I couldn’t help myself. She was the prettiest girl I had ever seen.

  Her skin was the color of dark chocolate, and it was as smooth as silk. Her brown dough shaped eyes wore a smile her full thick lips didn’t. But when she did smile, she lit up the room. She was the only girl I had ever seen with deep dimples in her cheeks. To tease her, I would stick my finger in them. She hated that. Her beauty was one thing, but her body was another. She was slim, yet she had enough thighs and ass to feed the needy. When I first saw her, I wanted to fuck her so bad, but I knew better. She was a servant, and that meant she was beneath me. I could never see myself sleeping with a servant let alone falling for one.

  Feeling myself about to explode of boredom, I stood up and demanded attention. “I do apologize, but I need to go drain the main vein. Do continue with your speeches. I’m sure they were really good,” I blurted, dismissing myself. I couldn’t take it no more. I had to get some air.

  “Amir!” my father called out to me, but I only ignored him. I made my way to the back of the palace where all of my hot spots were. I went to my secret hideout and lifted the statue of my great grandfather’s head. In it was herbs and a bottle of Hennessey.

  “Still here,” I mumbled, rubbing my hands together. I sat down on the greenest grass in the world and took a lighter to my herbs. I should have been got high. I would be dealing with this shit much better under the influence. I then took a shot of Hennessey. It burned, but it was well needed. I let my head fall back and enjoyed my high. It was my escape.

  “Your ighness!” I heard a sweet familiar voice sing. I tried my hardest to ignore it. “Your highness!” she sang again. Peaking out from my hiding spot, I saw Leah looking around for me. She looked so cute with her squinted eyes. “Your highness!”

  “Girl if you don’t stop yelling before they find me,” I barked still sitting down. Her eyes followed my voice, and when she spotted me, she smiled. There go them damn dimples. She strutted over to me and took a seat next to me.

  “Looks like somebody is having trouble in paradise,” she observed.

  “And it looks like somebody wants to get beheaded for being nosey as hell,” I spat back.

  “You wouldn’t behead me.” She started off confident, and then a worried expression crossed her face.” Wait, would you behead me?” she quizzed. I only laughed at her innocence.

  “Nah, I wouldn’t behead you, Leah. Your far too damn fine. But if you were beheaded for any reason at all, I would keep your head just for your beauty,” I kidded.

  “Ew, really? You know that’s kind of sick right?” she grimaced.

  “Yea, I know which is why I was only joking.” I shook my head for her not catching my sarcasm. My mind went back to the matter
at hand. “This is some bullshit,” I swore.

  “What? Turning twenty-one or getting married?” she asked.

  “Shit, getting married. You see them women in there? Ain’t none of them my type,” I complained.

  “Prince Amir no offense but you’re having sex with your sixty-something-year-old cook. I don’t think you have a type. Vagina might just be your type.” She giggled. Her laugh was so distractingly cute.

  “Girl don’t be acting like you know me.” I glanced at her from the corner of my eye.

  “I have been your servant girl for three years now. I think I know you very well. If you want my opinion-,”

  “Good thing I don’t,” I cut her off.

  “And good thing I’m going to say it anyway,” she sassed back. I respected the fact that she didn’t obey me like the others. “I think you should do what Eddie Murphy did in Coming to America,” she suggested.

  “Never seen the movie before.”

  “Are you kidding me? You have to watch it. It’s about-,”

  “Amir!” my father’s voice roared, scaring both me and Leah. She hopped up with the quickness and bowed her head as he approached us. “Servant girl what are you doing out here with my son? You are not allowed to socialize with the royal family unless summoned for questioning.”

  “Yes, your Highness. I do know that but-,”

  “No shares for a week and you’ll be punished for your defiance.”

  “Come on, old man that’s not necessary. We were just having a conversation,” I defended her.

  “I don’t wish to know what you were doing because it does not matter. She is a servant, and she is beneath us. We do not talk down to no one. Now run along girl to the staff house. I will send word for your punishment.”

  “Yes, your highness.” Leah’s eyes puffed up and I could tell she was about to cry. For some reason, my heart weakened. That had never happened before. I had punished servants for far less and for some reason, I was having sympathy for Leah. The feeling almost made me sick.

  “As for you my son. You will return to the grand room at once. Princess Creola is last and she is about to give her speech. After she is done you will thank them all and then get ready for your birthday ball. There you will converse with all the ladies, but your interest will only go to Princess Creola. She is the one you will choose tomorrow. Do I make myself clear?” he barked.

  “Nah, not really. You want to repeat that again. I fell asleep while you were speaking,” I retorted.

  I could see the steam spewing out of his nostrils as he breathed heavily. “If you weren’t my son, the Prince I would strike you where you stand. Why can’t you be more like your brother?” He snapped, taking a long dramatic pause before walking away.

  His words didn’t upset me, nor did it offend me. I knew how my father felt. Adonis was the chosen one in his eyes, and there was no jealousy there. I loved my brother, and I would never talk down or envy him. I wanted freedom with no responsibility I was content being who I was. I just wished everyone else could be too.

  I took my time, walking back inside to the grand room. I took my seat in my respective place. Princess Creola took the floor. The only thing that I liked about her was that her main mission was to serve me which meant she was obedient. She would do whatever I said. That means if she was getting on my nerves and I told her to shut up talking to me, she would shut the fuck up talking to me. I could live with that.

  The funny thing was, the entire time she spoke I couldn’t help but to think how her beauty didn’t compare to Leah’s. I found myself smiling just thinking of her.

  Leah Calloway

  I had my ups and downs when it came to living in Droga. Some days, it felt like a dream come true as far as my surroundings and the adventure. Then there were days like this. Where I get punished for only speaking to a royal when he sparked the conversation. Being denied food because I was so called beneath them. I hated being a servant. Twan and Bella had it so made. I envied their freedom.

  “Servant girl, Leah?” Roman, the man who was the head of the servants, called out to me.

  “Yes, sir?”

  “Your working the ball tonight. You will be on wine serving duty. The King has informed me of your punishment. No supper for a week and you will spend tonight in the dungeon. Any objections?”

  “Yea, go to hell,” I mumbled under my breath.

  “What was that?” he quizzed.

  “Oh, I said that’s swell sir,” I lied with a fake smile.

  “That is what I thought. Prepare to serve now. The guests are arriving,” he ordered. I nodded my head and went to go change into my more sophisticated hammy downs. I stayed in what I called, the help hell hole. It was a small palace that looked like a cave. It was always dark and gloomy. I was in a room with ten other servants. We all slept on cots which were very uncomfortable. I didn’t talk to anyone or try to make friends. I only prayed that my nights would get better.

  I blamed my parents for what I was going through. I felt like it was Karma. I was raised filthy rich. I had maids, cooks, and butlers waiting on me hand and foot. I did not treat them well. Then again, I was such a young girl. I was only behaving in a manner in which I saw my parents behave in. After they were caught and sentenced to twenty years in prison, I was alone. I was stripped of my wealth, diamonds and expensive wardrobe. I felt like a real-life peasant.

  When I went to go live in the orphanage, I thought I had hit rock bottom until I met, Twan and Bella. They didn’t care about how bougie I was or how too good I thought I was. I was so rude and mean to them, and they still befriended me. They humbled me. Now here I was, back at square one. The shoe was officially on the other foot, and this life was not humbling me. It was driving me insane.

  After I got dressed, I made my way to the ballroom. That’s where all the big fancy events happened. Royals from all over were arriving, looking dapper as ever. Horns blew alerting the arrival of someone special. It had to be the Prince. This was all for him.

  “I give you, Prince Amir!” Luis announced. Four men walked beside the Prince as he entered the room. I tried not to be so impressed, but it was hard not to. He was so good looking it hurts just to look at him. His skin was dark and beautiful. He had bushy brows with hooded dark brown eyes and juicy black lips. He was growing his beard out which seemed to be working for him, and his hair was long and curly. He never wore it down though. He always kept it up. He was gorgeous.

  “I don’t wish to focus on me turning twenty-one or me choosing a bride. I’d rather drink until I am drunk and smoke until I’m high enough to touch the heavens. Let’s enjoy the night my friends,” Prince Amir toasted, raising his glass. The crowd of royals cheered, and the so-called party began.

  I walked the floor, smiling as I served champagne. I wished I was on the other side of this party. I would kill to be a royal for a day. Just to feel the expensive clothes on my back and the shiny diamonds around my neck. God, I missed being rich.

  “Oh, servant girl!” I heard someone say behind me. Turning on my heels, I saw a girl waving me down. “Do come here and fill my glass. I’m parched,” she added. With a smile on my face, I did as I was told.

  “Good day, ma’am,” I said as I walked away.

  “It’s your highness. I’m a princess, and you will address me the same way you address the Prince. I’ am going to be his wife soon. If he knows what’s good for him.” She cackled. I wanted to rip her head off her shoulders, but I knew I couldn’t. Instead, I swallowed my words and smiled.

  “My apologies, your highness.” I bowed. She squinted her eyes at me as if she was trying to remember who I was.

  “Aren’t you one of the Prince’s servants?” she asked.

  “Yes, your highness I’ am.”

  “Hmmm. Do tell me. Is he as big as the rumors say he is? I must know before we wed. I heard it was of unspeakable lengths and width.” The girls around her giggled. I would have answered if I knew. Only his bathers seen him naked. I was not so for

  “Uh, well I-,”

  “If you wanted to see my dick, Princess Creola all you had to do was ask.” Prince Amir startled me as he stood behind me. He was so close that I could smell the weed on his breath along with the alcohol he had been drinking.

  The princess looked embarrassed. “You’ve been too busy entertaining the other princesses. I didn’t have the time. But I guess you’re free now.” She grinned.

  “Actually, I’m not. I was just about to ask, Leah to accompany me to my bedroom. See, she hasn’t seen my dick either, so I figured I would show her first and then she could confirm if the rumors about me are true,” he quipped. I couldn’t believe my ears. He had to be joking.

  “Excuse me?” She quizzed, obviously offended.

  “You’re excused. Leah, shall we?” he held out his hand, and I had no choice but to take it. “Good day Princess Creola.” I wanted to tell her to pick her lip up off the ground, but that would have been rude of me. Discreetly, we made our way through the crowd.

  “Prince Amir, we shouldn’t be seen together. King Zuse is still upset at me and I’m not sure if this-,”

  “I’ll handle my old man. I feel bad for you being punished, so I have a way of helping you,” he said just as we entered his bedroom.

  “Your highness I’m sure it would be an honor to sleep with you but I’m not that kind of girl. I’m still a virgin, and I don’t-,” his laughter interrupted me. “What’s so funny?”

  “You. I’m not gone deny my attraction to you. You cute as hell but I don’t want you to die just because I was horny and wanted to fuck you,” he admitted.

  “What do you mean you don’t want me to die?” I was confused.

  “Leah, it is forbidden for a royal to have any relations with a servant. No offense but you are considered a peasant. If we were to have sex and someone found out, you would be killed. I can get pussy from anyone I want who are of status. You’re not going to die on my thirst.” He laughed.


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