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Captured By A Royal Thug

Page 11

by Heiress

  I don’t know why my heart was racing so fast. The fear of men coming after me was scaring me. “Ok. Wh-why are you telling me this?”

  “Because I’m here to offer you a proposal. A marriage proposal,” he said, grabbing my towel and holding it open for me. Slowly I walked out of the water with my arms across my breast. His eyes burned into my skin as he lustfully adored me. He wrapped the towel around me, and picked me up with ease out of the tub. Slowly, he set me down on my feet. Our bodies was so close that I felt so much heat coming from his skin.

  “I would never marry you.” I snatched away from him.

  “You say that now but when men are after you with spears of anger, you’ll run to me. I’m your only hope of survival. You think that the King will choose you over his Queen. He’s the most faithful man of all. To his Queen and to his country. Droga knows and adores Queen Mena. You will stand no chance against her and in the end, he will choose her. Where will you go? Back home to the states?” He laughed.

  “How did he know so much?” I thought to myself.

  “Yes, I know about your plan. It won’t work. Without the King’s permission, you and your friends will never leave Droga. Everything comes down to me. Let me save you.” He tried to reach out for my hand, but I pulled back. Tears filled my eyes and I became frantic.

  “Get away from me,” I whispered, backing up slowly.

  “Lady Bella you will need me. When you find out the truth, you will need me, and I will be there to take you as my wife.”

  “Get away from me!” I barked. Just then a group of guards rushed in. Twan was the first one I took notice to. He ran straight to me, cradling me in his arms.

  “You good, Bella?” he quizzed. I only nodded in response.

  “I guess this means I must exit. Remember what I said, Lady Bella.” His eyes smiled at me. He left the room and the guards followed him. I was still being held by Twan.

  “What the fuck was that about?” he quizzed.

  “He knows everything, Twan. About the baby. About the King trying to make me his mistress. About us trying to escape. He knows it all,” I cried.

  “What? How does he-,”

  “I don’t know. I don’t know, but there’s no way we can leave. He said there is absolutely no way I can leave without the King’s permission. He’s never going to agree to us leaving. He loves me, Twan,” I revealed,

  “He what?” He seemed shocked. “I mean I thought y’all was just fucking. This nigga loves you?”

  “Yes, Twan and I think I love him too,” I confessed. I had just come to the realization that I was just as much falling for him as he was falling for me. The entire time King Enzo was in my presence I thought of Adonis. On the inside I was crying that he would rescue me. I wanted him to come save me. No matter what King Enzo said, I felt protected by Adonis. At the same time, I was enraged at how he neglected to tell me of how much danger I was in.

  “I need to talk to him.”

  “Who? The King? Nah, you can’t. He’s in an assembly with the council-,”

  “I don’t care. I need to see him now!”

  King Adonis

  “Have you lost every bit of sense, Adonis!” My father barked at me. “You cannot take, Lady Bella as your mistress!”

  “And why is that father?” I quizzed. I wanted to curse his ass clean the fuck out, but I was in front of appointed officials. I couldn’t do that. I had to act accordingly. A nigga should get a Oscar for how well I be performing in front of my people.

  “Because…because…it’s just not wise. We signed a contract and-,”

  “A contract that I didn’t even read. In there it doesn’t state that I can’t take her as a mistress. Matter of fact let me see the contract-,”

  “NO!” he barked louder than usual. “I mean, ahem. No. I don’t have it. It’s in a secure place and it will take hours to retrieve it.” My old man started to sweat profusely. Something was up with him.

  “Father what aren’t you disclosing to me? Is there something in that contract that you don’t wish me to find out?” I quizzed. His eyes scanned the room as he stuttered.


  “I don’t wish to interrupt, but we as councils are very busy. Our time is valuable. Do state your case King Adonis on why Lady Bella should become your mistress?” One of the officials spoke. I wanted to tell them the truth which was that I had fallen in love with her, but I knew that it wouldn’t persuade them. I had to come up with something else.

  “This may be personal but I’m willing to share it. Ahem,” I cleared my throat. “My Queen does not…please me. Sexually. I’m a King council and I need to be pleased in bed. It’s a stress reliever. If I’m dealing with kingly issues and I’m stressed and overwhelmed I need to be able to release that, so I can function. If I’m not functional, then I’m afraid I will make the wrong decisions for Droga,” I explained in various of lies.

  “So, you are stating that Lady Bella pleases you? She assists you in your daily function? Without her, you feel as if you can’t run Droga sufficiently?”

  “That is correct, your council.” This was some straight bullshit. Pussy was pussy. My Mena did please me and I had no problem making decisions when it came to how she didn’t make me feel. I knew that if I didn’t make it seem as if I needed Lady Bella then they would not approve. Especially with her being pregnant.

  “You are aware, King Adonis that if Lady Bella becomes a mistress then your heir will be deemed a bastard?”

  “I’ am aware of that, your council which is why this will not come into effect until after the baby is born and claimed by me and my queen. No one will know that the baby is not my, Queens. I have thought this through.”

  The councils all threw looks and expressions at each other. They were making a decision without even saying a word. “Very well, King Adonis. The council and I will review the contract and if there are no hidden clauses, we will move forward with your request.”

  Before I could even thank them, the doors to the grand court room burst open. My eyes bucked when I saw that it was Lady Bella. With every step she took, my heart pounded. Everything went in slow motion. Out the corner of my eye, the council’s guard drew his sword. My eyes went from him to Bella. It was like I got a boost of adrenalin as I rushed over to him. Just as he attempted to strike her, my hand caught the blade.

  The room fell silent. My eyes pierced into Bella’s soul. I didn’t even feel the blade cutting through my skin. The only thing I was focused on was her safety. I saw my life flash before my eyes if she would have died. Misery would come of me. I wasn’t happy, and I would die an old heartbroken man. At that moment, I knew the love that I had for her was real. It was as real as the blood leaking down my hand.

  An Hour Later…

  After pleading with the council, I finally was able to convince them not to punish Bella. Once I was given their word, I ended the meeting and headed to my room. There, a doctor was waiting for me, so he could look at my hand. I refused his service.

  “But, King Adonis the cut is very deep. I at least need to look at it,” the Doctor spat.

  “No, what you need to do is get the hell away from me. Where is, Lady Bella!” I turned to Iman and barked.

  “She is being examined by the-,”

  “Send for her now!” I roared. My voice was so loud that it shook both the doctor and Iman. I paced the floor after Iman left. The doctor kept trying to see about my hand that was still leaking blood, but I wasn’t focused on the cut or the pain. I was so enraged that all I could focus on was Bella and how I wanted to slap the shit out of her.

  After pacing the floor for what seemed like forever, Iman returned. “Lady Bella, your grace,” he announced.

  “Have you lost your fucking mind!” I barked, invading her personal space as I hovered over her.

  “No! But you’ve lost yours!” she snapped back.

  “Excuse me?” I was appalled. “You barge into a room full of councilmen and I’m the one that lost their mi
nd. Do you have any idea the begging and convincing I had to do to keep them from punishing you? You could have been whipped. Fifty lashes across your back. They don’t give a shit if you pregnant or not. You can’t burst in on the council. It’s against the law, Bella!”

  “Well, you shouldn’t lie to the people you claim you love. That should be against the law too!” she spat back.

  “What in the hell are you talking about?” I quizzed, confused. Her eyes fell down to my hand. Her eyes watered. I could see that she felt sad about my injury, but she tried to hide it. Quickly she wiped her tears before they could fall.

  “You need to have someone look at that,” she said, pointing to my wound.

  “Fuck my hand! I don’t give a shit about this. I need to know what your talking about.”

  “I’m not telling you nothing until you have someone look at that.”

  “Woman I will knock your head off your shoulders if you don’t start talking!” I threatened.

  “And how the hell am I going to tell you if you do that? Huh?” she sassed. Seeing that she wasn’t letting up, I signaled for the doctor to examine me.

  “Now speak, Bella.” I glared in her direction.

  “You lied to me. You told me that no one would find out about me having your child,” she started.

  “And no one will ever find out about-,”

  “They already have!” she interrupted me. “The palace is talking. Word has gotten around. People know, Adonis!”

  My mind went blank. I was beyond confused on how anyone could have found out. All of the partied involved was sworn to secrecy or they would suffer death. “How? How did you find out?”

  “While I was soaking in the tub, King Enzo walked in and-,”

  “King Enzo?” I quizzed. My brows frowned at the sound of his name. “Why the hell was he visiting you while you were soaking? Who authorized this? Did he see you naked?” I interrogated.

  “I don’t know. I don’t know and yes. He might have seen me naked. He helped me out of the tub,” she admitted.

  I feel my skin getting hot. “You let that nigga see you? All of you?”

  “Adonis I was stuck. He had just told me that people knew about me having your baby. He even told me how much danger I’m in which is the least I can say for you. I was scared. I was in somewhat of a daze, so I wasn’t worrying about him seeing me naked. You should have told me that I could be killed!” she yelled.

  “No one will kill you, Bella,” I assured her.

  “Really? Are you sure about that? Because I can’t believe a word you say. You told me you would protect me but if it came down to me or the Queen, who will you choose?” she asked.

  “Wha-what?” I was thrown off by her question.

  “If men attack your palace and you had to choose, who would you pick? Me or your Queen?”


  “Better yet, if there was no such thing as having a mistress who would you choose? Would you get rid of her for me or would you get rid of me for her?” I could see her eyes misting up with tears. I loved Bella. I was falling in love with Bella. I wanted to choose her. I wish I could choose her, but I couldn’t. Mena was my queen. She was Queen of Droga. She was their queen also. I made a vow to her when we got married and I had to keep that vow. There was no way I could get around it. Not even for love.

  “Bella please-,”

  “Exactly!” Tears flooded her face. I tried to console her, but she wouldn’t let me. “Don’t touch me!” she cried, stepping back from me. “See. This is why I didn’t want to do this. This is why I would have rather died before getting pregnant with your child. I knew I would fall for you. I knew it, but I let myself fall anyway. The plan would not have been a plan if love wasn’t involved,” she whispered.

  “What plan?”

  “Oh, I had plans on using you too. I was going to get close to you, so I could somehow find a way out of here. After I got done birthing your baby I was going to escape,” she revealed.

  My heart hurt just thinking about Bella leaving me. I don’t know how I would feel, but I knew it wasn’t gone be good. “So, what we had was a fucking lie? You were pretending with me?” I needed answers.

  “No. Yes. Sometimes.” She shook her head. “That’s not the point, Adonis. You were using me, and I was using you, but we both somehow ended up in love. And for what? All for you to make me your mistress and put my life in more danger. All for me to want you only to have you choose her. All for me to come in second best. This was all a mistake,” she mumbled.

  “Bella don’t question my love for you. Look at my fucking hand!” I shouted, raising my half stitched up bloody hand to her. “Do you know how this makes me look? Weak. The council is trying to figure out why a King can’t control his women. Wondering how much power and authority I have if I can’t control my own soon to be mistress.”

  “Wow,” she sighed. “I’m not a fucking dog that you feel the need to control, Adonis.”

  “Yea, well I’m King, Bella! I’m a man of power. It’s my fucking job to be in control!”

  “Not when it comes to love, Adonis,” she retorted, crying. “Not when it comes to love.” She wiped her eyes and turned to walk away.

  “Bella don’t leave-,”

  “I will never become your mistress. If I can’t be your one and only, then I won’t be anything at all to you,” she threw over her shoulder before she walked out of my room.

  “Bella!” I called after her, but she didn’t respond. “Bella!” Again, no reply. I didn’t even have time to reflect on the exchange with me and Bella before my mother and father barged in.

  “What the hell was that, Adonis? Are you not King of Droga?” he barked.

  “I am King, old man.”

  “Then why don’t you have your women under control. Your mother wouldn’t dare walk in on a meeting with the council. She knows it is forbidden and she knows her place. She wouldn’t have done that, and neither would Mena,” he pointed out.

  “I’m not in the mood to hear this shit. My fucking hand and head hurt,” I dismissed him and the conversation.

  “Son just help us understand why you would allow her to do that,” my mother sweetly spoke.

  “Because he’s in love with her.” I glanced up and saw my Aunt Madame in my doorway. “I gave you one job, nephew. One job only and you laughed at me. You said you wouldn’t fall in love with her.” I had forgotten that she warned me and I didn’t take heed to it.

  “Son, is this true? Do you love, Lady Bella?” My mother asked.

  I couldn’t lie to my parents. For one, I was too old for that shit. For two, they could see it all over my face. I’m sure I looked and acted like a nigga in love. “Yes. Yes, it’s true,” I admitted.

  “This is absurd! You can’t be in love with her. You can’t!” My father barked.

  “And why not, old man? Because she used to be a whore? Because she’s carrying my heir that’s meant for me and my Queen. Why can’t I be in love with her? I’m a fucking man before I’ am a King!” I rose my voice.

  “Son, you…you just can’t love her. In the end you will be left with so much pain. If I knew that you were going to fall for her I wouldn’t had never-,” his words trailed off as if he was unsure if he wanted to say his next words. “Ahem, I wouldn’t had never chose her to bed you and have your heir.”

  I had a feeling that wasn’t what he meant to say. He looked as if he wanted to tell me more, but he didn’t. “Well, it happened and with no respect, can y’all get the fuck out. I need to be alone.”

  “But, son-,”

  “LEAVE ME!” I roared, causing my mother to jump. Clutching her pearls, she turned to walk away. My father followed suit, but my Aunt stayed. “Aunt Madame please-,”

  “Please what? Leave you? Ha. As if you could ever put me out with ease.” She smiled, gliding across my room with such grace. “Do you know how I became a Madame?” she asked me.

  “A Madame. I thought your name was Madame.”

sp; She smiled and shook her head. “No. That was the name I was given after I had betrayed the King’s orders. To humiliate me, he made me become a Madame and legally changed my name to Madame,” she revealed to me.

  “Why he do some fuck shit like that?”

  “In the lack of better words, I was the one who did the fuck shit first.” I was appalled hearing my Aunt curse. She had never sworn in front of me before. “King Raza was his name. The man I was forced to marry at the tender age of eighteen. My brother, your father, said it would benefit Droga. So…I did it. I married him.” She shrugged her shoulders and then continued.

  “As the years went by, I learned to love him, but I was never in love with him. I always felt like something was missing in my life. Little did I know, someone was missing in my life. His name was Jofi. He was the King’s best friend just like Iman is to you. The day I first laid eyes on him, I fell so deep in love, I damn near broke my face.” She laughed.

  “I had an affair with Jofi and my King found out. Your father was willing to have them behead me, but Raza wouldn’t let that happen. Instead he made me choose. Between him and Jofi.”

  “You chose, Raza of course,” I assumed.

  “Would I be standing before you as a Madame if I did?” A brow raised.

  “But, Aunt how the hell you do some shit like that? You can’t go up against your King,” I spat.

  “I didn’t go up against my King, Adonis. I went up against my happiness. Jofi made me happy. When I was with him, nothing or no one else mattered so I chose love. And because of that, Jofi was exiled to work as a gold minor in Zlato and we were never to see each other again. My King had our marriage annulled and he went back to his own country. Now that he was gone, your father could punish me, and this was my punishment.”

  “Why did you tell me that, Aunt Madame? I can’t choose, Lady Bella over Mena.”

  “You can’t, or you won’t?”

  “I can’t.” I wanted to so bad in my heart, but my mind wouldn’t let me do that shit. It just wouldn’t.


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