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The Lonely Artist

Page 10

by Autumn Skye

  “It's your call, but why would you want to do that? Why are we really here?”

  “To announce, or at least hint at our upcoming auction. We want to get them talking about it early on. To make it truly successful, it will have to be a long anticipated event.”

  “Ah, now I'm getting it,” I said, stepping out of the limo. “You’re going to create a buzz. Isn’t it kind of soon? We’re a long way from ready to hold the auction.”

  “Of course, you get it. That's why I hired you. To answer your question, it’s never too early to start a promotion,” she said.

  Someone had taken great pains to decorate the lawn. There were tombstones and a fog machine that send a gray mist wafting through the air. Carved pumpkins lined the steps that led to the porch.

  “Looks like Ryan caught the Halloween spirit,” she muttered. She didn't bother ringing the bell like she had the last time we'd come here. Instead, she opened the door and walked in with me at her side as if she lived there.

  The room was cramped with people in elaborate costumes who were dancing to loud music that was being filtered in through speakers I couldn't see.

  “I should find Ryan,” she said.

  I nodded and searched the crowd for him. A caterer passed by with a tray of drinks and she grabbed one without asking what it was.

  “Ready to earn your money?” she asked.

  “What do you need me to do?”

  “Start making rounds. Strike up conversations with the most important looking people you see. They'll either know you work for me, or they'll ask what you do. Find a way to mention the collection I'm planning to unveil soon. Then, of course, you'll add that it's a private auction, invitation only and walk away. They need to feel very lucky when they receive their invite. Can you do that?”

  “I guess I'll have to,” I replied. “I just hope you aren't counting on me alone for promotional purposes. I don't have a lot of experience in bullshitting.”

  “There's no better time than now to get some. Anyway, you're just planting the first seeds. When I'm ready to promote I'll hire a publicist for the real deal. Do your best and I'll see if I can come up with a way to reward you.”


  “I'll think of something,” she said slyly, sauntering away from me.

  Left alone, I instantly became the wallflower of the dance. My first instinct was to run to the nearest corner and stay there until Corrine came hunting for me. I wasn’t convinced that I was ready for this sink or swim method of job training, and hell, it might not even be my job for much longer. I forced myself not to slouch and appear anymore pathetically out of place than I already did. I stood straight, without trying to look too stiff, somewhat copying Corrine's own regal posture, attempting to exude confidence I didn't feel. I nearly jumped out of my skin and was glad I wasn't holding a drink when a hand touched my shoulder.

  “Excuse me, but aren't you Corrine McDowan's new girl?”

  I whirled around to face an extremely well put together woman, perhaps in her late forties. She wasn't wearing a costume and I was sure that I should recognize her, but I didn't, perhaps because I was too busy wondering exactly what she meant by calling me Corrine's girl.

  “I'm her assistant director at the gallery, yes,” I smiled.

  “That's wonderful. I was so sorry to hear about the ordeal Corrine went through with that sleazy character, Greyson. It's good to see she's getting her affairs in order. The poor thing has had such a hard time since her father passed.”

  The woman's voice sounded sincere and she'd given me an opening to do my job that evening. I hoped they'd all make it so easy. “I'm sorry, I'm Katrina Wells. Can I ask your name?”

  “Amanda Huffington,” she extended her hand, which I shook. “I'm an old colleague of Corrine's father. A lot of people were skeptical when Corrine took over the gallery, but I said if anyone can do it she can. I still believe that.”

  Then I remembered. Corrine had pointed out this woman at the cocktail party. She was an elite, very influential. I was careful and proud not to miss a beat. “In that case, you'll be excited to know that Corrine is planning a private auction in the very near future. Only a selected few will be invited, but I'm sure you're on the list.”

  “It's nice to see you're hard at work for her, but you don't need to be coy with me. If you need me to spread the word, just say so. I'd do anything for Corrine.”

  I sighed. “Oh, God, am I that bad at this?”

  “No, it's just a common ploy to build the hype. Everyone will know what you're doing, but that doesn't mean it won't work all the same. If you like, I can take over for you. I'll have everyone talking about nothing but Corrine's auction by the time they leave here tonight. It’s the least I can do for her.”

  “That'd be great,” I said, grateful.

  “Consider your work done,” she assured me. “You can take the rest of the night off and enjoy yourself.”

  Enjoy myself? That wasn't likely. I hated most of these people after seeing the way they treated Corrine at the cocktail party. Even more, I hated that she seemed to think she still needed them when she should be flipping them the middle finger and pursuing a business that didn't make her miserable. Yet, who was I to talk when here I was, standing in a room with the same people. I was starting to conclude that networking was a fancy name for kissing ass. Corrine and I were both misfits in this world, but we weren’t yet ready to admit it. That would make it too scary, too real, because we might have to do something about it.

  I saw Corrine standing next to Ryan on the opposite side of the room and made my way over to them. When I was by her side I spoke into her ear, more to be heard over the music than to be secretive. “Amanda Huffington is right now telling everyone about the auction. I'm going to call it mission accomplished.”

  “Wow, you got Amanda on it. You did earn your money, didn't you?”

  “Of course. As soon as I saw her I knew she was the one I needed to be talking to,” I fibbed. Corrine was, after all, the one who'd told me to fake it until I made it. I figured she'd be amused and impressed by my amazing bullshit skills.

  “Awesome job,” she said.

  “So, tell me, Katrina, how do you like working for Corrine so far?” Ryan broke in.

  “It can be challenging, but I love it.”

  “She says amazing things about you. It sounds like the two of you are a good match.”

  I looked at her quizzically.

  “He means work wise.”

  “Or otherwise,” Ryan added with a sly look.

  “You see, you're not the only one who has a friend who doesn't know how to butt out,” she said to me, giving Ryan a disapproving eye.

  “I'm only saying you two are good for each other. Take that however you like. Katrina is the type to keep you grounded. I can tell.”

  “By grounded, you mean keeping here in Fort Worth?”

  “That's what I'm hoping for,” he nodded.

  “Don't worry, Ryan, I'm not going to run,” Corrine laughed.

  “Well, if you do, be smart and take this beautiful young woman along for the ride,” he said, giving me a nod.

  “You're the second person tonight to suggest that,” Corrine said.

  “We should have lunch and talk. I have a lot of ideas on what we should do for the auction. Plus, I miss you, kid. We've haven't spent more than ten minutes with each other since you've been home.”

  “I'll call you tomorrow. Katrina and I weren't intending to stay long tonight. Mind if I give her a tour of the house before we leave?”

  “Sure, but it's just a shack compared to yours. I hope she doesn't expect much.”

  “Katrina likes to read. I thought I'd show her your library. You have a wonderful collection of old classics.” Her eyes turned to me and she added, “First addition copies. I think one is even autographed by Harold Robbins himself.”

  “Wow, really?”

  “Yes, I didn't know Robbins personally, but I once had a friend of a friend,�
� he said. “You're a fan of his work?”

  “A huge fan.”

  “Then, by all means, let Corrine show you the way. I'll get back to taking care of my guests.”

  “Come with me,” she said when he'd walked away, the expression on her face, as always, promising more than I bargained for and then some. It was a look I was growing accustomed to and I wondered if that shouldn't scare me.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Corrine took me down the hall and to a closed door at the end on the right. She turned the knob and I gasped as we entered. Collection didn't seem a grand enough word to describe the horde of hard paperbacks, thousands of them filling the shelves that lined every wall of the spacious room.

  “Wow, I could live here, in this room.”

  “I don't remember Ryan saying he was in the market for a roommate, but I might be, eventually, if you play your cards right,” Corrine said smoothly.

  “Maybe if I never leave this room he won't know I'm here,” I said, then froze. “Wait, what did you mean by that last part?”

  “Only that my library is bigger than his. What did you think I meant?” she asked with exaggerated innocence.

  I didn't reply, not sure if she was serious or not. We'd never talked about future plans together, or even bothered to define our relationship, which was nagging me more and more. I couldn't tell if she was dropping hints or thoughtlessly joking, but I took a moment to consider the possibility of living with Corrine McDowan, hidden away from the world inside her mansion that seemed more of a prison to me. I wasn't sure if I was ready for that. On one hand, I was a homebody, so the idea of living with my lover behind a gated wall wasn't entirely unappealing. It even sounded romantic. On the other hand, living a life that required self-exile wasn't the same thing as preferring to forget about the outside world and just be with the woman I’d I’d fallen in love with.

  “I'm rarely all that sure of what you mean, Corrine. You keep me on my toes,” I said, my eyes fixated on the shelves.

  “I really didn't bring you here to see the books, you know,” she said.

  “You didn't?”

  “No.” She held out her arms to me and I quickly walked into them against my better judgment.

  “Corrine, I don't think we should,” I said as her lips traced my neck. “I mean really, you want to make out at a party like teenagers?”

  “I'm pretty sure I can change your mind if you give me half a chance and yes, I do.”

  “I don't usually do this,” I said, backing up until I was sitting on the edge of the mahogany desk placed in the middle of the room.

  “Do what?”

  “Sex in public places.”

  “Behind a closed door isn't exactly public, Kat.”

  “It's risky. You didn't even lock the door,” I whispered, though my voice wouldn’t have carried over the loud music coming from the party.

  “I like risky. It makes it more exciting. Aren't you excited?” Her words were muffled, her head buried in the cleavage of my gown.

  Aroused was more the word she was looking for. My fingers curled in her hair, an act of admission. Ripples of lust were throbbing between my legs and I knew I'd have let her take me anywhere she liked. Rather than waste time denying it, I spread my legs and wrapped them around her waist, moaning as her hands made their way slowly up my dress and her fingers found their way inside my wet panties. I undid the lace that held the top of my dress together and cupped one of my tits in my hand, offering it to her as her finger slid into me.

  “Oh, God,” I gasped as her mouth turned my nipples into hard pebbles.

  “I can't get enough of you,” she panted. “You're so beautiful. I love watching you come. I love knowing I did that to you. Will you come for me, baby?”

  It wasn't as if I could have stopped myself. I was in the full throes of ecstasy by then, on fire with unadulterated, aching need. I'd have done anything she asked, and I knew she liked having that control over me, but I was so powerless in my own desire that I gladly gave it to her, coming in a rush as her fingers moved in and out of me.

  “God damn it,” I hissed at her after the last wave tore through me and she stepped back to adjust her costume.

  “Not the reaction I'd expect,” she said with her brow raised in surprise.

  “I can't believe you just did that.”

  “You mean we just did that. It takes two and you got the better end of the deal.”

  “One minute you're worrying about being a laughing stock and the next you're taking chances like that. Anyone could have walked in here and caught us.”

  “If you're so worried, you might want to cover your tits before they do,” she grinned.

  “Damn it! Do you have a serious bone in your body, Corrine?”

  “I could care less about being a laughing stock. I worry about the gallery's reputation, not mine. No one cares who I fuck, or who I love.”

  “Love?” My eyes widened. She'd never used that word before and now she looked caught off guard.

  “My love life, I mean. Oh, they enjoy gabbing about it, but they don't care. It just makes for good gossip.”

  “Like you and Sharise? You never really told me about her.”

  “I loved her, but loving me will land you in the tabloids. She couldn’t handle that. I’m not sure you can, either. I became an embarrassment to her,” she said in a strained voice. I was bringing up unpleasant memories for her.

  “I'm sorry. I'm not angry or anything.”

  “Why would you be? You clearly enjoyed every minute of our time together this evening.”

  “I guess I don't like the way you bring out this side in me sometimes.”

  “You mean the side with all the delicious carnal urges you can't resist?”

  “All right, if that's how you choose to put it,” I said with a surrendering smile.

  “I rather like that side of you.”

  “Still, I can't seem to resist you, and that gives you a certain power over me.”

  “If it makes you feel better, you have power over me, too. This is the longest relationship I’ve been in since Sharise.”

  “I’m not sure what to make of that. We haven’t been seeing each other all that long.”

  “It’s simple. I used to play the field and now I don’t. I’m a changed woman, thanks to you.”

  “Yes, but what are we? What am I to you?”

  She cast her eyes downward to mull over her answer before looking me in the eyes. “All I can say is that I don't think I'd be here right now without you. I'd have gone back to Europe by now, spending empty days partying with people I don't even know, people who would take advantage of my generosity until the booze ran out and the yacht stopped sailing. I don't want to do that anymore. I don't want to go anywhere without you. You keep me here, Kat. Is that enough for now?”

  I nodded. “It is if you promise you'll never just disappear like that again.”

  “Maybe someday we'll both disappear together. I think Ryan and Shelia are right. That could be nice.”

  “Yeah, it does sound nice.”

  “Maybe soon we can take a vacation. We'll go anywhere you choose,” she said.

  “What about the auction. It’s not a good time to take a break.”

  “Let me worry about that. I have an idea.”

  “Okay, I trust you.” I whispered, not wanting to pressure her. I couldn't even say what it was that I wanted from her. I supposed I was looking for a key that would open that part of her she kept from everyone, including me. Every time she dangled it before me, she pulled it out of reach just as I grabbed for it. Regardless of what she said, she always seemed to have a skittish air about her. She always looked ready to bolt away, but I needed to trust the one I loved and there was no longer any doubt that I did love her.

  Chapter Fourteen


  “Do you mind if I drop you off at your place? I’d like to get started on that idea I have early in the morning,” I explained
to her when we'd made our exit from the party and gotten into the limo.

  She shot me a look of disappointment. “If you want to cancel our plans tonight that's fine. I understand,” she said in a tone very much conveying that she did not understand at all.

  “It's nothing to do with you. I have some things to take care of,” I assured her.

  “At least you didn't say you needed your space,” she shrugged.

  “Kat, really-

  “No, I’m sorry. Of course, I don’t mind if you have business to take care of.”

  “It’s actually a surprise I’m working on.”

  “Oh, no, not another one of your surprises,” she laughed.

  “I bet you’ll like this one. I hope so, anyway, because it’s useless without you.”

  “Another sex toy?”

  “No and keep your voice down. You’ll embarrass the driver.”

  “He’s a limo chauffeur. He’s heard and probably seen worse.”

  “Now you sound like me.”

  “Well, I’ve always wanted to fool around in one of these things.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “No. Well, a little, but not tonight. You need your rest for whatever it is you have planned for tomorrow. I wouldn’t want to ruin my own surprise.”

  “Thank you for being so understanding. It’s worth the wait, I promise.”

  The hardest part was watching her climb out of the limo when we came to a stop in front of her apartment. She gave me a quick kiss before opening the door and I had a sudden urge to grab her arm and pull her back. It wasn't that I looked forward to going home and sleeping alone in a bed that now seemed too big. Before I'd met her, I'd rarely slept alone, but the women who'd lain next to me never meant anything to me and none of them could come close to replacing Kat. It was going to be a long lonely night and I'd brought it on myself. I could only hope I knew what the hell I was doing, but my mind was already forming a plan, one that might make us both happy, and I knew where to start.


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