Tessa and the Warden

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Tessa and the Warden Page 3

by Veatch, Elizabeth A.

  “Not today, my little pet. We will save your taste testing for another day. But never fear you will get your turn. For now lean over the back of the chair and hold on.” His hand skillfully rubbing along his cock giving it just enough pressure to make sure he was ready. Placing his free hand at the base of her back he moved her into position.

  She felt both his hands on her hips as with one forceful thrust he impaled her to the hilt of his cock.

  “Oh Fuck. Fuck me. Fuck me hard fuck me fast.” He quickened his pace as she gripped the back of the tantra chair and held on. The feel of his balls bouncing against her was sending her over the edge. The leather of the chair was rubbing her sensitive nipples causing her to try to raise off the chair but he held her in place.

  “Place your hand on your clit. I want to feel your pussy tighten around my cock as I come inside of you.” Suddenly she felt a sharp sting to her ass. “I said play with your clit.” The tone of his voice along with the slap on her ass caused a gush of fluid to flow to her pussy as he continued to fuck her.

  She forced her hand between herself and the chair and proceeded to obey him. Pulling the hood of her clit back, she touched the extremely sensitive area feeling another slap to her ass at the same time sent her over the edge.

  Suddenly she felt herself flying through the air as if she was floating. She had never had an orgasm like this. Slowly coming back down she heard him groan as he emptied himself inside her. Slowing his pace as he shoved himself once, twice then collapsed against her back.

  They stayed that way for a minute, her leaning over the chair with him lying against her back. He kissed the back of her neck, leaning to her ear. “Now maybe you won’t need to go against my orders. Your pleasure is only for me. Remember that.” Pulling himself out he gathered his clothes and walked to the door. “You may use the shower and throw away those hideous underwear.” With that he opened the door and walked out.

  Chapter Five

  Lying back on her cot she felt like she was in heaven. The shower had almost been orgasmic itself. With the massaging head and scented soaps. After her shower she had dressed in the silky underwear he had provided and the new uniform.

  Walking back to her cell she wondered if the other inmates could see something different about her. Trying to hide the fact that every step caused a little pain to shoot from between her legs reminding her that she had been thoroughly fucked.

  “Tessa, where you been all afternoon.”

  She walked over to sit in her usual spot against the cell so she could be heard by Jessica without everyone else on the cell block entering their conversations. Not that she would ever tell even her friend what was really going on. She had three more days and she was going to enjoy every one of them.

  “Oh you know, paperwork.”

  “Wow they must be having you sign away your first born as often as you are there. Although I wouldn’t mind being closed up with that hunky warden myself.”

  “Yeah, it’s not a hardship.” Smiling to herself. Well it is hard.

  “I got some good news today.” She could tell Jessica was practically bursting to tell her.

  “Well don’t hold back. Spit it out.”

  “I’m getting out early for good behavior.” She practically squealed.

  Reaching around the wall through the bars they grabbed hands and did the best hug they could.

  “Oh My God that is awesome news. I’m so happy for you!” She truly was happy for her friend. If anyone deserved it was Jessica. She just hoped she wouldn’t get messed up with the same low-life boyfriend again. “When? When are you getting out?”

  “In two weeks!”

  “Wow. That is great.”

  “Yeah, but I can honestly say I’m not looking forward to all the paperwork. You seem to be gone all the time. Did you get it all done?”

  “No, I think I will have to spend a couple more days doing it.” As in doing IT. She hoped her friend got the same option as her. She actually got a little wet between her legs picturing her friend on the tantra chair with the Warden.

  “On the bright side I don’t think I have ever been in this good of shape.” They had started a workout regimen a few months back and Jessica was religious with it. Tessa was a little envious of how toned she was.

  They were interrupted by the dinner bell. Getting to their feet they moved to stand by their cell doors. As soon as the doors were opened they hurried to give each other a quick real hug.

  They talked while eating. Each had plans for when they got out. And it didn’t include ever coming back to this place.

  After their hour in the yard they returned to their cells. Each excited about the future. Jessica in two weeks, Tessa was more excited for tomorrow to get here. Just thinking about what might happen was a turn on.

  She was having trouble sleeping. Tossing and turning in her little cot. Her mind racing in excitement. She finally closed her eyes and fell into a deep restful sleep.

  She woke to the sound of her cell door opening. Her heart racing. No one was allowed to enter the cells of others. Even the guards had to go in pairs to prevent any hanky panky between inmates and guards but Tessa had heard that didn’t always stop it. The thought of a threesome wasn’t totally out of the question for her.

  She kept her eyes closed and tried to peak through her lashes to see who was there but couldn’t see anything. As the person got closer there was a familiar smell and her heart began beating even faster. She wasn’t afraid anymore. Definitely excited though.

  What was he doing in here? Was he taking her somewhere?

  Suddenly there was a hand placed over her mouth and she opened her eyes to stare into his. His eyes didn’t give anything away. She watched as he motioned for her to be quiet and she shook her head yes.

  Smiling he held up some of the scarves she had seen hanging from the bed in his secret room. He took each of her arms and placed them above her head tying them together with the scarves. He took another scarf, tied one end to the scarves wrapped around her wrists, and then attached it to the cot.

  “You’ll have to remain very quiet here. If you don’t… I still have one I can use for that pretty little mouth of yours.” He whispered.

  She smiled, not meaning to. Her inner goddess wide awake and screaming for more. She wiggled her hips as he pulled down her pants, taking her silky panties with them.

  “Hold still.” It was a warning he was giving her.

  She took a deep breath and before she could react, his mouth sealed over her cunt. Sucking in her clit, he flicked his tongue repeatedly over her erect nub.

  “Oh. Jesus!” She mumbled, sucking in her bottom lip to help with the urge to moan.

  She could feel the strength and demand of his tongue on her pussy. Lapping at her juices as if he were dehydrated and in need of her sweetness. It made everything outside the walls of her cell, cease to exist.

  Tessa was beginning to pant. The feeling he was giving her too much to hold back what was screaming inside to let out.

  The pending orgasm had her feeling as if she were about to spontaneously combust. Her pussy tightened, rippling with the need to come.

  He thrust a finger inside of her. Using the pad of his talented finger, he messaged her g spot. Taking her right where she needed to be.

  She had to fight not to scream out when her orgasm hit her. Her body twitched and turned. His tongue not stopping his assault. She couldn’t take it. It was too much.

  “Stop. It is too sensitive. Please.”

  “Stop talking.”

  She bit down on her lip as he continued circling her clit with his tongue, probing her vagina with his finger.

  She took a deep breath as the second orgasm tore its way free from her body. She turned her head, attempting to bury her mouth in her shoulder. She squeezed her eyes shut.

  The feeling of him moving up her body made her want to open her eyes, and at the same time, she couldn’t compel them to listen to her command.

  His breath wa
s warm on her ear as he began whispering to her. “Now, I don’t suppose you will need to wake up and touch yourself tonight. Lesson number two, your orgasm’s belong to me. No one else. Not even yourself. Nod your head if you understand.”

  It took Tessa a moment, but she nodded her head in complete understanding.

  “Good girl. Tomorrow.” He whispered.

  She felt the shift of the bed, the absence of his weight, and then heard the opening and closing of the cell door. There was no doubt he was gone.

  She curled into the pillow and thought about what he had just said to her. She didn’t mind that all of her pleasure belonged to him. The struggle inside of her was, she would be leaving soon and he wouldn’t be around.

  She closed her eyes. The cell door opening again made a smile appear on her lips. She didn’t move. The force of a hand coming down over mouth was different than before.

  She opened her eyes to see one of the guards there. “You’re going to be nice and quiet. Just like when the warden was in here. You can either give me what I want, or I will expose the little game that you two have going on. And when I say expose, I mean really expose. I’m talking news, newspapers, the whole shebang. Mr. Warden won’t have a pot to piss in when I’m done.”

  Tessa struggled against the woman’s hand.

  “Sorry, I’m just not that into girls. Especially stupid ugly bitches like yourself.” Tess watched as the guard drew her hand up, and then it was lights out.

  Chapter Six

  “Tessa.” Tessa woke to the soothing calm voice of the warden. She batted her eyes open, feeling a sharp pain to her brow.

  “What happened?” Her own voice was quiet, but it shot a streak of pain through her head.

  “You don’t remember?” She could see his eyes searching her.

  “Bits and pieces.” She whispered.

  “Guard Johnson was attempting to take advantage of you. She hit you, knocking you out. She didn’t get the opportunity to carry out her plan. I’m sorry I didn’t get there before she hit you.”

  “How did she know?” Tessa was angered. She wanted to know how it was that one of the guards knew about their arrangement. Had the warden told her? Did more guards know about them? Then of course, did he do this with all the women about to be discharged?

  “Johnson followed me. It was my mistake. I didn’t know she was on to us. She has been here for many years. When they brought me in, she had made a pass at me. I turned her down. Since then she has been after my job.”

  Tessa’s eyes grew. “And now she has it.”

  He chuckled quietly. “No. I make sure that I have insurance policies on all of my guards.”

  “Oh.” But then if Tessa hadn’t agreed to this arrangement, what kind of insurance did he have on her? “So what do you have on me?”

  “Nothing. I don’t keep things on the inmates. Only on the guards.”

  “So what if I told about our arrangement?”

  “You won’t. I know you. You are loyal. You didn’t even turn in your boyfriend. I also know that you didn’t need to rob that store. Your family left you a great deal of money.”

  Tessa jerked from the immediately rush of tension through her body. “So is that what this is about then. My money. Were you hoping to get some of it?”

  “No. I don’t need your money. What I do need is you.” His mouth came down on hers. She fought it as long as she could before her mouth betrayed her and gave in to his kiss.

  Tessa winced as another pain throbbed in her head. The warden pulled back from her, wrinkling his brow.

  “Don’t move.” He moved through the door and that was when Tessa noticed she was in his private chambers. Why had he brought her here? Why didn’t he just take her to the infirmary?

  She moved, sitting up. She lay back against the headboard.

  The warden returned quickly, carrying a bottle of Motrin and a glass of water.

  “Take these.” She watched him take three into his hand and give them to her. He didn’t have to tell her twice. Her head was pounding at this point, she could only imagine what she must look like.

  She swallowed the pills quickly, closing her eyes, wanting the throb to go away.

  “Stay here and sleep. You won’t be disturbed.” He stood to leave.

  “Wait. Stay with me until I fall asleep.” She looked up at him, hoping and praying he would.

  “Slide over.” He breathed.

  Tessa smiled as she made room for him.

  “Can I ask you something?” This was it. It was now or never.

  “Yes.” He took a deep breath. Tessa wondered if he knew what she was curious about.

  “Do you do this with all of us?”

  “Do what?”

  “Don’t be coy. You know what.”

  “Don’t be a smart ass. No. I do not do this with everyone.”

  “Then why me?”

  “Because I can.”

  Tessa laid there for a moment. His words cutting through her like a knife.

  “So you used your position to get what you wanted from me?”

  “Yes and no. I know you are innocent. You should have never have been found guilty. I also know what you have planned when you get out of here. That is why you are here.”

  “Why? Why am I here?”

  “Because you need to learn vengeance will only get you back in here. You need to let go of your past and move on. You don’t have anything to worry about. You are free in a few days and you can get your life back. Don’t waste it.”

  “Did you really think by bringing me in here, fucking my brains out a few times would keep from that? You have a lot to learn. I don’t want vengeance against Jo. I want it against the DA. He knew I didn’t know what was going on in there. He didn’t care.”

  “That is something that you will never have. What’s done is done. But you should know, I positioned to have your record sealed. It will be as soon as you leave here.”

  “How did you manage that? I had a team of lawyers and they couldn’t even manage that.”

  “They don’t have the pull I do. Now go to sleep.”

  “I can’t sleep. Are you a Dom?”

  She felt his body tense.

  “What would you know about a Dom?”

  “I know that Dom’s like to have control. They need it. It is just how they are built. Same goes for a Sub.”

  “Are you a sub?” He nipped at her ear lobe.

  “No. I can play a game, I can even call you Sir. But long term…no.”

  “No, I am not a Dom as in the BDSM lifestyle. I do like control and I do require it. However, those that I choose to be intimate with, must be able to give control over to me. So in the bedroom and out of the bedroom I am dominate.”

  “That makes absolutely no sense to me.”

  “It makes perfect sense to me. Now go to sleep.”

  “I’m not sleepy I said.”

  “Then I guess we should find something else to do with that mouth of yours.”

  “Please do.” Tessa immediately became aroused just at his promise.

  “Turn over.”

  Tessa turned, placing her back flat on the mattress. She found she loved laying on this mattress. It was nothing compared to what she had at home but it was a huge improvement over the cot she slept on in her cell.

  Tessa watched as the warden stood and began making light work of stripping down. She licked her lips as he pulled his shirt free, dropping it to the floor. Her eyes roamed over his sculpted chest.

  My inner goddess was drooling as she looked over the best pieces of male specimen she had ever laid her eyes on. His chest was smooth except for the little circle of hair that surrounded each nipple and then of course the sweet little line of hair that lead from his navel down to the sweetest part of him.

  “Tessa. You are molesting me with your eyes.”

  She could hear his smirk. Her only response was that of nodding her head, and licking her lips again.

  He chuckled as he moved down
to his pants. The minute the belt was open, the button was free, his pants and boxers were sliding down and she never felt hungrier than at this moment.

  She watched him climb onto the bed with her. Her pussy clenched and her mouth water as he straddled over her. His massive cock just a mere inch from her mouth. She reached from him with her hands.

  “No. Only your mouth.”

  She smiled looking up at him. She leaned forward, taking her tongue and gliding it softly over his tip. Teasing him. Taking the drop of precum that presented itself to her. She relished in his flavor on her tongue. But she needed more.

  Quickly she raised her head, taking him into her mouth. Sucking with a desire, no need to have more of his flavor. To have more of him. She sucked down until she felt the natural reaction of her gag reflex.

  Taking a deep breath, she slowly slid him further. Then sucked her way back to his tip.

  “Jesus, Tessa. You’re going to kill me.”

  She began bobbing her head, up and down, twirling her tongue around him, tasting him. She heard him moan as his fingers slipped into her hair, guiding her head.

  He growled a manly growl, and then thrust deeply into her throat. Tears fell from her eyes as she gagged, but she didn’t care. She stared up at his tangled face. She felt the spurt of his man juice coating the back of her throat. She swallowed, knowing the constriction of her throat would finish milking his release.

  He slowly pulled himself from her mouth, looking down at her. “Jesus woman.” He breathed, then collapsed down beside her.

  Tessa made little circles in the sweat on his chest. Her inner self rejoicing. Yes. I did this to him.

  Chapter Seven

  Tessa woke to the warden staring at her. A smile graced her lips as she watched his lips turn up as well.

  “Tell me about when you were a child.”

  Her body stiffened. “There isn’t much to tell.”

  “There has to be something.”

  She turned her head away from him. She didn’t want to talk about her childhood. She didn’t want him to know what it was like for her. Most of all, she didn’t want to see the look of pity in his eyes when he learned the truth.


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