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The Canterbury Tales

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by Geoffrey Chaucer

  Barron, ‘England and the Low Countries’ Caroline Barron, ‘Introduction: England and the Low Countries 1327–1477’, in England and the Low Countries in the Late Middle Ages, ed. Caroline Barron and Nigel Saul (Stroud, 1995), pp. 1–28.

  Bartholomaeus Anglicus, On the Properties of Things On the Properties of Things: John Trevisa’s Translation of Bartholomaeus Anglicus De Proprietatibus Rerum, ed. M. C. Seymour et al., 3 vols.(Oxford, 1975–88).

  Baugh Albert C. Baugh, ed., Chaucer’s Major Poetry (New York, 1963).

  BD Geoffrey Chaucer, The Book of the Duchess.

  Bennett J. A. W. Bennett, Chaucer at Oxford and at Cambridge (Oxford, 1974).

  Benson and Andersson Larry D. Benson and Theodore M. Andersson, eds., The Literary Context of Chaucer’s Fabliaux: Texts and Translations (Indianapolis and New York, 1971).

  Bernard of Clairvaux, Opera Sancti Bernardi Opera, ed. J. Leclercq, C. H. Talbot and H. M. Rochais, 8 vols. (Rome, 1957–77).

  Bernard Silvestris, Cosmographia ed. Peter Dronke (Leiden, 1978).

  — tr. Winthrop Wetherbee (New York and London, 1973).

  Blair Claude Blair, European Armour circa 1066 to circa 1700 (London, 1958).

  Boccaccio, Opere Giovanni Boccaccio, Tutte le Opere, ed. Vittore Branca, 12 vols. (Milan, 1964–98): Filocolo in vol. I (1967), Filostrato and Teseida in vol. II (1964), Decameron in vol. IV (1976), De casibus illustrium virorum in vol. IX (1983), De mulieribus claris in vol. X (1967).

  — Filocolo, tr. D. Cheney and T. G. Bergin (New York and London, 1985).

  — The Book of Theseus, tr. Bernadette Marie McCoy (New York, 1974).

  — The Decameron, tr. G. H. McWilliam (Harmondsworth, 1972).

  — Concerning Famous Women, tr. G. A. Guarino (London, 1964).

  Boece Geoffrey Chaucer, Boece (Liber Boecii de Consolacione Philosophie).

  Bowden Muriel Bowden, A Commentary on the General Prologue to the Canterbury Tales, 2nd edn (New York and London, 1967).

  Boyde, Dante Philomythes Patrick Boyde, Dante Philomythes and Philosopher: Man in the Cosmos (Cambridge, 1981).

  Bracton on the Laws and Customs of England ed. George E. Woodbine, tr. Samuel E. Thorne, 4 vols. (Cambridge, MA, 1968–77).

  CA see Gower, CA.

  Carlin, Medieval Southwark Martha Carlin, Medieval Southwark (London, 1996).

  Carter, Rape John Marshall Carter, Rape in Medieval England: An Historical and Sociological Study (Lanham, MD, 1985).

  CCCM Corpus Christianorum Continuatio Medievalis.

  CCSL Corpus Christianorum Series Latina.

  ChauR Chaucer Review.

  Corpus Iuris Canonici ed. E. Friedberg, 2nd edn, 2 vols. (Leipzig, 1879–81; repr. 1959).

  CSEL Corpus Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum.

  CT Geoffrey Chaucer, Canterbury Tales.

  Curry Walter Clyde Curry, Chaucer and the Mediaeval Sciences, rev. edn (London, 1960).

  Daniell, Death and Burial Christopher Daniell, Death and Burial in Medieval England 1066–1550 (London and New York, 1997).

  Dante, Convivio Opere Minori II.1, ed. Cesare Vasoli and Domenico de Robertis (Milan and Naples, 1995).

  — The Banquet, tr. Christopher Ryan (Stanford, CA, 1989).

  Dante, Inferno/Purgatorio/Paradiso Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy, ed. and tr. Charles S. Singleton, 6 vols. (Princeton, NJ, 1970–75; corr. printing 1977).

  Decameron see Boccaccio, Opere.

  Deschamps, Miroir de Mariage Eustache Deschamps, Le Miroir de Mariage, in Oeuvres Complètes, vol. IX, ed. G. Raynaud, Société des Anciens Textes Français (Paris, 1894).

  Dissuasio Valerii ‘Dissuasio Valerii ad Ruffinum philosophum ne uxorem ducat’, Walter Map, De Nugis Curialium: Courtiers’ Trifles, ed. and tr. M. R. James, rev. C. N. L. Brooke and R. A. B. Mynors (Oxford, 1983; repr. with bibliographical note 1994), Dist. IV, c.3 (pp. 288–313).

  Distichs of Cato Disticha Catonis, in Minor Latin Poets, ed. J. Wight Duff and Arnold M. Duff (Cambridge, MA, and London, 1934; rev. edn 1935), pp. 585–621.

  Donaldson, Chaucer’s Poetry E. T. Donaldson, ed., Chaucer’s Poetry: An Anthology for the Modern Reader, 2nd edn (New York, 1975).

  Douai-Rheims The Holy Bible. Douay-Rheims Version (Baltimore, MD, 1899).

  Eade J. C. Eade, The Forgotten Sky. A Guide to Astrology in English Literature (Oxford, 1984).

  EETS e.s./o.s. Early English Text Society extra series/original series.

  Eisner, Kalendarium The Kalendarium of Nicholas of Lynn, ed. Sigmund Eisner, tr. Gary Mac Eoin and Sigmund Eisner (London, 1980).

  El Ellesmere (San Marino, CA, Huntington Library, MS EL 26 C 9).

  ELH ELH: A Journal of English Literary History.

  Ellesmere Essays The Ellesmere Chaucer: Essays in Interpretation, ed. Martin Stevens and Daniel Woodward (San Marino, CA, 1995).

  Elliott Ralph W. V. Elliott, Chaucer’s English (London, 1974).

  ELN English Language Notes.

  Farmer, Dictionary of Saints David Hugh Farmer, The Oxford Dictionary of Saints (Oxford, 1978).

  Filocolo see Boccaccio, Opere.

  Gawain Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, ed. J. A. Burrow (Harmondsworth, 1972).

  Geoffrey of Vinsauf, Poetria Nova Les arts poétiques du XIIeet du XIIIe siècle, ed. Edmond Faral (Paris, 1962), pp. 194–262.

  — Poetria Nova of Geoffrey of Vinsauf, tr. Margaret F. Nims (Toronto, 1967).

  Golden Legend Jacobus de Voragine, The Golden Legend, tr. William Granger Ryan, 2 vols. (Princeton, NJ, 1993).

  Gower, CA Confessio Amantis, in The English Works of John Gower, ed. G. C. Macaulay, 2 vols., EETS e.s. 81–2 (London, 1900–1901).

  Grant, Source Book Edward Grant, ed., A Source Book in Medieval Science (Cambridge, MA, 1974).

  Grierson, Coins Philip Grierson, The Coins of Medieval Europe (London, 1991).

  Grimm, Astronomical Lore Florence M. Grimm, Astronomical Lore in Chaucer (Lincoln, NE, 1919; repr. New York, 1970).

  Guido delle Colonne [de Columnis], History of the Destruction of Troy Historia Destructionis Troiae, ed. Nathaniel Edward Griffin (Cambridge, MA, 1936).

  — Historia Destructionis Troiae, tr. Mary Elizabeth Meek (Bloomington, IN, 1974).

  Habig, St Francis Marion Habig, ed., St Francis of Assisi: Writings and Early Biographies, 3rd edn (Chicago, 1973).

  Hanna, Pursuing History Ralph Hanna III, Pursuing History: Middle English Manuscripts and their Texts (Stanford, CA, 1996).

  Hanna and Lawler, Jankyn’s Book Jankyn’s Book of Wykked Wyves, ed. Ralph Hanna III and Traugott Lawler, vol. I (Athens, GA, and London, 1997).

  Harvey, Living and Dying Barbara Harvey, Living and Dying in England 1100–1540: The Monastic Experience (Oxford, 1993).

  Hassell James Woodrow Hassell, Jr, Middle French Proverbs, Sentences and Proverbial Phrases (Toronto, 1982).

  Havely, Chaucer’s Boccaccio N. R. Havely, Chaucer’s Boccaccio (Cambridge, 1980).

  Hervieux, Les fabulistes latins Léopold Hervieux, ed., Les fabulistes latins, 5 vols. (Paris, 1893–99; vols. 1–2 in a second edition).

  HF Geoffrey Chaucer, The House of Fame.

  Hg Hengwrt (Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, MS Peniarth 392D).

  Hodges, Chaucer and Costume Laura F. Hodges, Chaucer and Costume: The Secular Pilgrims in the General Prologue (Cambridge, 2000).

  Hornsby Joseph Allen Hornsby, Chaucer and the Law (Norman, OK, 1988).

  Hudson, Wycliffite Writings Selections from English Wycliffite Writings, ed. Anne Hudson (Cambridge, 1978).

  Hyland, Horse Ann Hyland, The Horse in the Middle Ages (Stroud, Glos., 1999).

  Innocent III, De Miseria Lotario dei Segni (Pope Innocent III), De Miseria Condicionis Humane, ed. and tr. Robert E. Lewis (Athens, GA, 1978; London, 1980).

  Jean de Meun, Testament Le Testament Maistre Jehan de Meun: Un caso letterario, ed. Silvia Buzzetti Gallarati (Alessandria, 1989).

  Jehan le Fèvre Les Lamentations de Matheolus et le Livre de Leesce de Jehan le F
èvre, de Ressons, ed. A. G. Van Hamel, 2 vols. (Paris, 1893–1905).

  JEGP Journal of English and Germanic Philology.

  Jerome, Against Jov. Jerome, Against Jovinian. Adversus Jovinianum, PL 23, cols. 211–338.

  — tr. W. H. Fremantle, A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church, ed. Henry Wace and Philip Schaff, vol. VI (New York, 1893; repr. Grand Rapids, MI, 1979), pp. 346–416.

  Jerome Biblical Commentary The Jerome Biblical Commentary, ed. Raymond E. Brown, Joseph A. Fitzmyer and Roland E. Murphy, 2 vols. in 1 (London, 1968).

  John of Salisbury, Policraticus Ioannis Saresberiensis episcopi Carnotensis Policratici: sive, De nugis curialium et vestigiis philosophorum libri VIII, ed. C. C. J. Webb, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1909).

  — Books I–IV, ed. K. S. B. Keats-Rohan, CCCM 108 (Turnhout, 1993).

  — tr. Joseph B. Pike, Frivolities of Courtiers and Footprints of Philos ophers [Books I–III, and selections from Books VII and VIII] (New York, 1972).

  — tr. John Dickinson, The Statesman’s Book of John of Salisbury [Books IV–VI, and selections from Books VII and VIII] (New York, 1963).

  Justinian, Codex Corpus Juris Civilis, 3 vols. (Dublin and Zürich, 1968–70), vol. II: Codex, ed. Paul Krüger.

  Justinian, Digest The Digest of Justinian, Latin text ed. Theodor Mommsen with the aid of Paul Krüger, English translation ed. Alan Watson, 4 vols. (Philadelphia, PA, 1985).

  Justinian, Novellae Corpus Juris Civilis, 3 vols. (Dublin and Zürich, 1968–70), vol. III: Novellae, ed. Rudolph Schöll and Wilhelm Kroll.

  Kane George Kane, ‘John M. Manly (1865–1940) and Edith Rickert (1871–1938)’, in Editing Chaucer: The Great Tradition, ed. Paul G. Ruggiers (Norman, OK, 1984), pp. 207–29.

  Kellogg, Chaucer, Langland Alfred L. Kellogg, Chaucer, Langland, Arthur: Essays in Middle English Literature (New Brunswick, NJ, 1972).

  Kelly, Love and Marriage Henry Ansgar Kelly, Love and Marriage in the Age of Chaucer (Ithaca, NY, 1975).

  Kolve and Olson Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales: Nine Tales and the General Prologue, ed. V. A. Kolve and Glending Olson (New York and London, 1989).

  LGW Geoffrey Chaucer, The Legend of Good Women.

  Life-Records Chaucer Life-Records, ed. Martin M. Crow and Clair C. Olson (Oxford, 1966).

  Li Fet des Romains Li Fet des Romains. Compilé ensemble de Saluste et de Suetoine et de Lucan, ed. L.-F. Flutre and K. Sneyders de Vogel, 2 vols. (Paris and Groningen, 1935–8).

  Lobel, ed., The City of London Mary D. Lobel, ed., The City of London from Prehistoric Times to c. 1520 (The British Atlas of Historic Towns, vol. III) (Oxford, 1989; corr. repr. 1991).

  Machaut, Guillaume, La Prise d’Alexandrie ed. L. de Mas Latrie (Geneva, 1877).

  Macrobius, Commentary on the Dream of Scipio

  — Commentarii in Somnium Scipionis, ed. J. Willis (Berlin, 1970).

  — Commentary on the Dream of Scipio, tr. William Harris Stahl (New York and London, 1952).

  MÆ Medium Ævum.

  Magoun Francis P. Magoun, Jr, A Chaucer Gazetteer (Stockholm, 1961).

  Manly, New Light John Matthews Manly, Some New Light on Chaucer (London, 1926).

  Manly and Rickert John M. Manly and Edith Rickert, eds., The Text of the Canterbury Tales Studied on the Basis of All Known Manuscripts, 8 vols. (Chicago and London, 1940).

  Mann, Estates Satire Jill Mann, Chaucer and Medieval Estates Satire (Cambridge, 1973).

  Mann, Feminizing Chaucer Jill Mann, Feminizing Chaucer (Cambridge, 2002).

  Mann, ‘Parents and Children’ Jill Mann, ‘Parents and Children in the “Canterbury Tales”’, in Literature in Fourteenth-Century England, ed. Piero Boitani and Anna Torti (Tü bingen and Cambridge, 1983), pp. 165–83.

  Mann, ‘Chance and Destiny’ Jill Mann, ‘Chance and Destiny in Troilus and Criseyde and the Knight’s Tale’, in The Cambridge Companion to Chaucer, ed. Piero Boitani and Jill Mann, 2nd edn (Cambridge, 2003), pp. 93–111.

  Marie de France, Fables The Fables of Marie de France, tr. Mary Lou Martin, with Karl Warnke’s edition of the French text (Birmingham, AL, 1984).

  Martin of Braga Martini Episcopi Bracarensis Opera Omnia, ed. Claude W. Barlow (New Haven, CT, 1950).

  Matheolus, Lamentations see Jehan le Fèvre.

  MED Middle English Dictionary, ed. H. Kurath, S. M. Kuhn and Robert E. Lewis (Ann Arbor, MI, 1954–2001).

  MedHum Medievalia et Humanistica.

  Miller Robert P. Miller, ed., Chaucer: Sources and Backgrounds (New York, 1977).

  MLN Modern Language Notes.

  MLR Modern Language Review.

  MP Modern Philology.

  Mustanoja Tauno F. Mustanoja, A Middle English Syntax, Part I (Helsinki, 1960).

  New Grove Dictionary The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, ed. Stanley Sadie, 2nd edn (New York, 2001).

  Nicholas of Lynn see Eisner.

  NM Neuphilologische Mitteilungen.

  North, Chaucer’s Universe J. D. North, Chaucer’s Universe (Oxford, 1988).

  Novellino, ed. Consoli The Novellino or One Hundred Ancient Tales, ed. and tr. Joseph P. Consoli (New York and London, 1997).

  NQ Notes and Queries.

  OED The Oxford English Dictionary… edited by James A. H. Murray, Henry Bradley, W. A. Craigie, and C. T. Onions, 16 vols. (Oxford, 1933); 2nd edn prepared by J. A. Simpson and E. S. C. Weiner, 20 vols. (Oxford, 1989).

  Oxford Companion to Classical Literature The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature, ed. M. C. Howatson, 2nd edn (Oxford, 1989).

  Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church, ed. F. L. Cross, 3rd edn ed. E. A. Livingstone (Oxford, 1997).

  Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs3Oxford Dictionary of English Proverbs, 3rd edn, rev. F. P. Wilson (Oxford, 1970).

  Page, Voices and Instruments Christopher Page, Voices and Instruments of the Middle Ages (London, 1987).

  Pamphilus Pamphilus: Prolegomena zum Pamphilus (de amore) und kritische Textausgabe, ed. Franz G. Becker, (Ratingen, Kastellaun and Düsseldorf, 1972).

  — tr. Alison Goddard Elliott, Seven Medieval Latin Comedies (New York and London, 1984), pp. 1–25.

  Patch, Goddess Fortuna Howard R. Patch, The Goddess Fortuna in Medieval Literature (Cambridge, MA, 1927; repr. London, 1967).

  PBA Proceedings of the British Academy.

  Pearsall, Life Derek Pearsall, The Life of Geoffrey Chaucer: A Critical Biography (Oxford, 1992).


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