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The Canterbury Tales

Page 135

by Geoffrey Chaucer

  brode pland weak sg of brood adj broad, wide Kn 2136+; arwes ~ arrows with broad heads Mk 2258

  brode adv broad, widely, spread out Mil 3315+; with eyes wide open CY 1420; plainly, frankly GP 739

  broght p ppl of bringe v brought

  broghte(n) past of bringe v brought

  broke v (see also brouke): broken harm mischief-making Mch 1425 (see n.)

  brond n firebrand, torch Kn 2338+

  brooch n (see also broche) brooch, ornament GP 160+

  brood adj broad, wide GP 471+; pl and weak sg brode

  broste pl past of breste v

  brosten p ppl of breste v

  brotel, brotil adj brittle, fragile Mch 1279+

  brouke v (see also broke) enjoy, keep Mch 2308+

  builde v (see also bilde) build WB 655+; sg past bulte

  bukke n male deer Th 756; blowe the bukkes horn go and twiddle o’s thumbs Mil 3387 (lit to idle away time blowing a goat’s horn, like a shepherd)

  bulle n papal bull, edict Cl 739+

  bulte sg past of builde v

  burdo(u)n n bass accompaniment GP 673 (?with a pun on meaning ‘staff’), Rv 4165

  burel n (see also borel): ~ folk laymen Sum 1872+; ~ man uneducated man, man of ‘homespun’ learning Fkl 716

  burgeis n citizen GP 369+

  burned p ppl burnished, shining Kn 1983+

  burthe n birth Mel 1567; roote of a ~ position of the heavens at the time of (o’s) birth (as a basis of calculation in astrology) ML 314 (see n.)

  bussh n thicket Kn 1517+; bush Mch 2155+; under the ~ in the woods Mk 2265

  busshel n bushel Sum 1746+; an eighte busshels the quantity of eight bushels Pard 771

  but adv only GP 120, ML 953+

  but quasi-prep (with negative) only, no more than WB 881; nis but is only Kn 2847, Rv 4047; nothing ~ for love only for love Kn 1754; noghte ~ ones only once Mk 2286; I nam ~ deed I am as good as dead Kn 1122+; I nere ~ lost I would be ruined Sh 185

  but conj but ML 215+; unless, if… not Kn 2245, Sh 193+; except WB 880+; that… not Mch 1665; but that except that NP 3283; that… not Mel 1621

  but if conj unless GP 656, ML 636+; that… not Mil 3300, Fkl 1611

  buxom adj submissive, obedient Mch 1287+

  by adv nearby, close at hand NP 3268; faste ~ near, close at hand Kn 1476, 1688

  by prep by GP 25+; in accordance with Pri 634; with respect to, concerning, as regards GP 244, Mil 3194, WB 229+; ~ the morwe in the morning GP 334; ~ wey of kinde according to nature Pri 650; ~ wey of reson on rational consideration ML 219; faste ~ close to GP 719+

  by and by advbl phr side by side Kn 1011; alongside Rv 4143

  by that conj by the time that CY 971+

  bye v (see also beye) buy Kn 2088, WB 287+; pay for ML 420, WB 167+; past boghte, boughte; p ppl boght, yboght

  caas n (1) (see also cas n (1)) law-suit, case GP 323; chance Pars 574; event, circumstance GP 585; case, situation, circumstances GP 655, 797, Kn 1780+; in no ~ in no circumstances Mel 1527

  caas n (2) (see also cas n (2)) quiver for arrows Kn 2358

  cacche v catch, seize Kn 1214, Rv 4105, Cl 674; take hold of Kn 1399; pull Pri 671; obtain, acquire, get GP 498; get (an idea, thought etc) WB 306, Pars 689+; feel, experience (a mood, desire etc) ML 186, Sum 2003, Cl 619, Mch 2134+; receive Mch 2357; incite Pars 852; ~ again (o’s) contenaunce recover o’s composure Cl 1110; ~ a sleep go to sleep Rv 4227; ~ whoso may catch as catch can, let him obtain it who can WB 76; sg and pl past caughte; p ppl caught

  caitif n (see also kaitif) captive, prisoner Mk 2079; wretch Kn 924, 1717, Pard 728; as adj enslaved Kn 1552; wretched Pars 271

  cake n a flat cake or loaf GP 668, Rv 4094+

  cam sg past of come v

  camuse adj turned-up, pug, snub (nose) Rv 3934, 3974

  cape v gaze, stare (= gape) Mil 3444+

  capoun n capon, chicken Sum 1839, Pard 856

  cappe n cap, hat, esp a small head covering worn under the hood GP 683, 685; sette (s.o’s) cappe make a fool of (s.o.) GP 586, Mil 3143

  capul n horse Rv 4088, 4105, Sum 2150+

  care n sorrow, grief Kn 2352, ML 514+; distress, hardship, misfortune Kn 1489, Sh 264, Th 759+; trouble Mcp 54, CY 769; pl cares colde suffering, anguish Fkl 1305, SN 347

  care v grieve, be sad, sorrow Cl 1212; care, worry about WB 329, refl Mil 3298

  careine n (see also caroine) decaying corpse, carrion Pars 441; gangrenous flesh Mk 2624

  carf sg past of kerve v cut Mk 2457+; carved GP 100+

  cariage n a technical term for a lord’s right to his tenant’s cart and horses for transportation; upon ~ in the way of carriage-service Fri 1570; any tax or rent Pars 752

  carl n man, fellow GP 545, Mil 3469, Fri 1568; knave, rascal Pard 717

  caroine n (see also careine) corpse Kn 2013

  cart(e) n cart Kn 2022; war-chariot Kn 2041

  carye v carry GP 130+

  cas n (1) (see also caas n (1)) case, situation Kn 1411, Fkl 1430+; event, incident Rv 3855, Cl 316+; chance, accident GP 844; cause, reason Mcp 308; case, matter Kn 2971, Mel 1156; law-suit, case ML 36, Phys 163; in/for no ~ under no circumstances WB 665, SN 149; in oother ~ in other circumstances Mk 2294; as in this ~ in this situation ML 305+; par ~ by chance Pard 885; upon ~ by chance Mil 3661; to dyen in the ~ though death were the result Cl 859; sette ~ put the case, assume for the sake of argument Mel 1491+

  cas n (2) (see also caas n (2)) quiver for arrows Kn 2080, 2896

  cast n (fig sense of ‘throw’) plot, contrivance Kn 2468, Mil 3605; at thilke ~ on that occasion Mk 2287

  caste v cast, throw Mil 3712, Co 4386 (dice), WB 729+; place, put Mk 2714, CY 939+; leap Mil 3330; reckon, calculate Sh 216; estimate Kn 2172; deliberate, reflect Kn 2854, ML 212+; perceive CY 1414; decide on Pard 880, Mk 2701; determine (on), plan ML 406+; ~ up lift WB 1249; ~ of take off WB 783; refl decide Mel 1858, NP 3075; ~ to apply o.s. to Mel 1591, CY 738; 3 sg contr pres cast

  catel n property, possessions, wealth, capital GP 373+; livestock GP 540

  caughte sg and pl past of cacche v

  ceint n belt, sash GP 329, Mil 3235

  celle n monk’s cell Mk 1972; a subordinate monastery GP 172; brain-cell (each ‘cell’ being the seat of a particular faculty); ~ fantastik part of the brain controlling ideas and the imagination Kn 1376

  centre n the fixed centre of a circle Sq 22; pl table of ‘centres’ (concerned with the angular relationship of a planet to the centre of its sphere or its eccentric) Fkl 1277 (see n.)

  ceptre n sceptre Mk 2144, 2373

  certain, certein adj certain GP 252a+; a certain quantity of, some Kn 2967, ML 242, Sh 404; fixed, settled GP 815, Kn 2293+; sure, unfaltering Fkl 866

  certain, certein adv certainly, surely Mil 3495, Pri 576+

  certein n a certain number of Mil 3193, Sh 334+; a certain quantity of CY 776, 1024; certainty Pars 1000

  certes adv certainly, surely, indeed Kn 875+

  cesse v cease Cl 154, Sq 257+; grow quiet, calm ML 1066

  cetewale n zedoary (a spice) Mil 3207, Th 761

  chaar n (see also char) chariot Kn 2138+

  chace v harass, afflict Sq 457, Pars 355+; ~ out drive out, expel Sum 1916+; ~ forth pursue (narrative) Cl 341, 393; chaced from deprived of ML 366

  chaffare n chaffer, trade, dealing Co 4389, Sh 340+; goods, merchandise ML 138+, WB 521

  chaier n litter, sedan chair Mk 2613; professor’s chair Fri 1518

  chalange, chalenge v challenge, dispute WB 1200; claim Fkl 1324

  chamb(e)rere n maid, chambermaid WB 300, Cl 819+

  chambre n private room, bedroom ML 721, Cl 263, 324, Mch 1922+; marriage-chamber SN 276; fig abode ML 167; the department of a great household concerned with the lord’s or lady’s private affairs Kn 1427, 1440; ~ of Venus vagina WB 618

  champio(u)n n champion Fri 1662, Pars 698+; athlete GP 239

  chano(u)n n canon, clergyman living under canon rule CY 573+

  chapitre n chapter of a book NP 3065+; chapter, assembly
of members of a religious house Sum 1945; ecclesiastical court Fri 1361

  chapman n merchant, trader GP 397+

  chapmanhede, -hode n business, trade ML 143, Sh 238

  char n (see also chaar) chariot Mk 2610

  charge n burden, harm, trouble Kn 2287, Mel 1216+; duty, responsibility, charge Cl 163, Phys 95; importance, significance Sq 359; charge, order Cl 193; yeve in ~ order Sh 432; yeve/take ~ (of) be concerned (about) Kn 1284, WB 321; no ~ no matter CY 749; be in (o’s) ~ be in o’s power GP 733

  charge v order, direct, charge ML 802, Sum 1992+; refl burden o.s. Pars 360; charged laden, weighed down Fri 1539, Mch 2211+

  chargea(u)nt adj burdensome, troublesome Mel 1243, Pars 692

  charitable adj loving, kind-hearted GP 143; charitable Sum 1795+; devout Sum 1940

  charitee n charity Pars 519+; out of ~ lacking brotherly love GP 452, Kn 1623+; in ~ in a state of grace Pars 235; par ~ for charity Th 891; for seinte ~ for holy charity Kn 1721+

  charme n spell, magic charm Kn 1927+

  chartre n charter, deed conveying property Mil 3327, Mch 2173

  chaunce n chance, unexpected event Kn 1752, ML 1045; luck ML 125; number thrown at dice Pard 653 (see n.); good ~ good luck Fkl 679+; for no maner ~ in no way, under no circumstances SN 527; par ~ by chance Pard 606; as it happened GP 475

  chaunge v change, alter, vary GP 348, Kn 1538+; exchange Pard 724

  chaunte v sing Kn 2202, Mil 3367, Mch 1850

  cheere n face, countenance ML 396, Cl 238+; expression, look GP 857, Kn 913+; appearance GP 728+; gesture Cl 535; behaviour GP 139, 728, Cl 241+; demeanour Cl 778+; mood, frame of mind Cl 7+; good humour, happiness, joy Kn 2683, Cl 1112; kindness, hospitality ML 1002+; make ~ assume, display an expression (of sorrow, humility, etc) Mil 3618, Cl 678, Mel 1187; (intransitive) enjoy o.s., be in a good mood Sh 327, 426, (transitive) entertain, treat hospitably GP 747, Rv 4132+; make wantown ~ to act wantonly Mch 1846

  chees sg imp and sg past of chese v

  cherice, cherisse v cherish, treat affectionately Mch 1388, Sq 353, Fkl 1554; foster, favour Mk 2520

  cherl n serf, bondsman Kn 2459, Pars 761, (fig) Pars 763; churl, boor, ignoramus Mil 3169, Rv 3917+; man, fellow Pard 750

  chese v choose Kn 1595, Mil 3181+; sg imp chees; pl imp cheseth; 3 sg pres subj chese; sg past chees; p ppl chosen

  cheste n (see also chiste) trunk, box, strongbox WB 44b+; coffin WB 502+

  chevis(s)a(u)nce n borrowing or lending money at interest; raising funds GP 282+; make a ~ raise a loan Sh 329

  chide v scold, nag WB 223+; chide, rebuke Sum 1893, Mel 1707; complain, grumble Rv 3999+; (of birds) screech Sq 649; 3 sg contr pres chit; past chidde

  chieftain (see also chivetein) n leader, head Pars 387

  chiertee n love, affection WB 396, Fkl 881, Sh 336

  child n young man, youth Mil 3325, Mk 2151, 2155; term for a young knight Th 817, 830; of a ~ from childhood Cl 834

  chinche n niggard, miser Mel 1603, 1619

  chirking vbl n creaking, grating noise Kn 2004, Pars 605

  chiste n (see also cheste) strongbox WB 317

  chit 3 sg contr pres of chide v chivachee, chivachye n cavalry expedition GP 85; feat of horsemanship Mcp 50

  chivalry(e) n the nobility (i.e. knights and their superiors) ML 235; cavalry, company of knights Kn 878, Mk 2681; knighthood Kn 982+; chivalry, chivalrousness, gallant deeds, valour Kn 865, 2106; bere the flour of ~ be the best of knights Th 902

  chivetein n (see also chieftain) leader Kn 2555

  circumstaunce n circumstance, aspect of a situation Pars 960; pl manifestations Kn 1932; details Kn 2788; conditions Pars 692; with every ~ in full detail ML 152; with every ~, with alle circumstaunces with every formality, with careful attention to propriety Kn 2263, ML 317; with every care Cl 584; with full details Pars 610+

  clad p ppl of clothe v

  cladde sg past of clothe v

  cladden pl past of clothe v

  clamb sg past of climbe v

  clappe v clap Fkl 1203; knock Fri 1581, 1584; clack, talk noisily Cl 1200, NP 2781, Pars 406; ~ to shut, bang to Mil 3740, Mch 2159; ~ again close up Sum 1699

  clarioun n clarion (a slender-tubed trumpet with clear, shrill notes) Kn 2511, 2600

  clarree n clary, a drink made of wine, spiced and sweetened with honey Kn 1471, Mch 1807, 1843

  clatere v clatter, clash Kn 2359; chatter, jabber Mel 1069

  clatering(e) vbl n clattering Kn 2492+; clanging Sum 1865

  clause n: in a ~ briefly, in short GP 715, Kn 1763, Mch 1430+

  clawe v claw Sum 1731; scratch (an itch) Co 4326; ~ (s.o.) on the galle rub (s.o.) on a sore spot WB 940

  cleer adj (see also cler) clear, bright Kn 1683+; bright, gleaming Pri 681; shining Kn 1062, SN 201; beautiful Th 858

  cleere adv (see also clere) clearly, distinctly GP 170; loudly Mch 1720

  cleernesse n radiance, splendour SN 111, 403, Pars 222

  clene adj clean GP 504+; pure, innocent Kn 2326, WB 97, Mch 1264+; unmixed ML 1183; elegant, shapely WB 598; empty, cleared Fkl 995

  clene adv cleanly GP 133; handsomely, neatly GP 367; completely ML 1106, Sq 626, CY 625+

  clennesse n purity, uprightness GP 506+; chastity SN 160+

  clepe v call, shout Mil 3432+; say GP 643; call, name GP 376, Kn 2730, Rv 3990+; call, summon WB 147, Sq 331+; ~ again call back, revoke Mcp 354

  cler adj (see also cleer) clear; bright, glittering Cl 779; pure Pard 914+; glorious ML 451; pl and weak sg clere

  clere adv (see also cleere) brightly Kn 2331, ML 11, SN 254; distinctly, resonantly Mch 1845, Pri 655

  clerk n member of the clergy, cleric Pard 391; parish clerk WB 548; an educated person, scholar GP 480, Mil 3457+; man of letters, writer Cl 32, Mel 1107+; university student GP 285, Mil 3143, Rv 4018, Fkl 1105+

  cley n clay CY 807, 812

  cliket n latch-key Mch 2046+

  climbe v climb Mil 3625+; sg past clamb; pl past clomben; p ppl clombe(n)

  clinke v ring Pard 664; ~ yow so mery a belle sound so lively a note, provide such entertainment for you ML 1186

  clippe v cut, clip (hair) Mil 3326+

  cloist(e)rer n monk GP 259, Mk 1939; canon Mil 3661

  clombe(n) p ppl of climbe v

  clomben pl past of climbe v

  cloos p ppl closed, shut NP 3332, Mcp 37; closed up Mel 1621; secret Mel 1146, CY 1369

  clo(o)th n cloth, piece of cloth GP 447, Kn 2158+; garment, piece of clothing Kn 899+; hanging, tapestry Kn 2277, 2281; pl bedclothes Kn 1616

  clothe v clothe, dress Sh 12+; sg past cladde; pl past cladden; p ppl (y)clad

  clout n rag Pard 348; shred, piece Mch 1953

  clum interj hush! mum! Mil 3638+

  cofre n coffer, chest GP 298, ML 26+

  cokes pl of cook n

  cokewold n cuckold Mil 3152+

  cokkes bones phr a euphemistic substitution for ‘Goddes bones’ Mcp 9, Pars 29

  cokkow n cuckoo Kn 1810; (with reference to the cuckoo as a symbol of cuckoldry) Kn 1930, Mcp 243

  col-blak adj black as coal Kn 2142+

  cold adj (see also coold) cold Kn 1575+; fatal NP 3256; referring to cold as the dominant quality of Saturn Kn 2443 (see n.); cares colde suffering, anguish Fkl 1305, SN 347

  colde v turn, grow cold ML 879, Fkl 1023

  cole n coal Kn 2692+; charcoal CY 809+; bechen ~ piece of charcoal made from beech-wood CY 1160+

  colera, colere n choler, bile (one of the four ‘humours’) NP 2928, 2946

  colerik adj (of persons) dominated by the humour of choler NP 2955; irascible, choleric GP 587; (of signs of the zodiac) having the characteristics of choler (hot and dry) Sq 51

  colour n colour Kn 1038, NP 2868+; complexion Kn 2168, NP 3458+; specious reason, pretext WB 399; false appearance Sq 511; colours (of rethorik) rhetorical figures, stylistic embellishments Cl 16, Sq 39, Fkl 726

  colpons n pl separate pieces Kn 2867; hanks, clusters GP 679

  colt n colt Mil 3263+; have a col-tes tooth to have yout
hful desires WB 602, Rv 3888


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