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The Canterbury Tales

Page 138

by Geoffrey Chaucer

  drede n fear Kn 1396+; anxiety Sh 123+; doubt, uncertainty Kn 2450+; danger Mel 1327; have in ~ fear, venerate Mk 2162; that/it is no ~ there is no doubt ML 869, WB 63+; with-outen/out of ~ without doubt ML 29+

  drede v fear, be afraid of Mel 1176+; refl be afraid GP 660+; reverence Fkl 1312+; doubt Kn 1593, SN 324; pl imp dreed; sg past dradde, dredde; pl past subj dradden; p ppl drad

  dred(e)ful adj (see also dreedful) fearful, timorous Fkl 1309; frightening, terrible ML 937+

  dreed pl imp of drede v

  dreedful adj (see also dred(e)ful) fearful, timorous Kn 1479

  dreint p ppl of drenche v

  dreinte sg and pl past of drenche v

  dreme v dream NP 3012+, (impers) Th 787

  drenche v drown Mil 3521+; sink Pars 363+; sg and pl past dreinte; p ppl dreint

  drery adj sad, sorrowful Cl 514+

  dresse v place Cl 381; arrange, prepare GP 106, Mil 3635; dispose Cl 1049; turn, turn o’s attention to Sq 290+, refl Mil 3468+; guide Mel 1118; deal with, dispose of Mch 2361; refl place o.s., take up o’s position Kn 2594, Mil 3358; get ready ML 265+; go, make (o’s) way ML 416+

  dreye adj dry Kn 3024+

  drinke v drink GP 635+; sg past drank; pl past dronke(n); p ppl dronke(n), ydronke

  drive v drive Kn 1859+; go, rush, be impelled forward ML 947, Sum 1694; subject Rv 4110; ~ awey while away Pard 628; ~ forth hir weye make her way ML 875; ~ forth the world live on Sh 231; ~ a bargain conclude a bargain Fkl 1230; sg past droof; p ppl drive(n), ydriven

  droghte n drought GP 2+

  dronkelewe adj drunken, drunkard Sum 2043+

  dronke(n) pl past and p ppl of drinke v

  droof sg past of drive v

  droppe v drip, leak Rv 3895+; sprinkle Kn 2884

  dro(u)gh, drow sg past of drawe v

  duc n duke Kn 860+

  duetee n due, tax or rent owed to a lord or to the church Fri 1352+; with ~ as is due, with propriety Kn 3060; agains his ~ contrary to what is due to him Pars 407

  dulle v nullify Pars 233; distress, vex CY 1093+

  dure v continue, last ML 1078+; remain Kn 1236+

  dwelle v remain, stay, continue GP 512+; live Kn 2814+; reside Kn 2804

  ech adj and n each, every; each, every one GP 39+; upon ~ a side on every side WB 256

  echon(e), echoon pron each one, every one GP 820+

  eek adv and conj (see also eke) also, as well Kn 1967+; moreover, likewise WB 30

  eelde n (see also elde) age, old age Rv 3885

  eet sg past of ete v

  effect n effect Pars 607+; purpose Kn 2851+; fulfilment, realization CY 1261+; essentials, main point (of a story) Kn 2207+; gist, purport Kn 2259+; significance, consequence Kn 2989, NP 3134; essence Sq 322; sum total Fri 1451; pl feelings Kn 2228; to th’effect that to the end that Mel 1868; to th’effect to get to the point Kn 1189; this is th’effect this is the long and the short of it Kn 2366+; (as) in ~ in fact, actually GP 319+; in substance Cl 721

  eft adv afterwards, again Kn 1669+

  eftso(o)ne(s) adv immediately, without delay Mil 3489, Mk 2596+; again, a second time ML 909, WB 808+; next time CY 933

  egge v incite, instigate Mch 2135, Pars 968

  egre adj sharp, pungent Mel 1177, Pars 117; fierce Cl 1199

  eighe n (see also eye) eye Sum 2051, Fkl 1036

  eile v ail, be the matter (with) Kn 1081+; ~ at me have against me Th 785

  eir n air Kn 1246+

  eise n (see also ese) ease Sum 2101

  either pron (see also outher) each Kn 2553+

  eke adv and conj (see also eek) also, as well ML 59+; moreover, likewise GP 757+

  elde n (see also eelde) age, old age Kn 2447+

  elder comp adj older Pri 530+

  eldre n ancestor, predecessor WB 1118+

  elenge adj (see also alenge) wretched, miserable Sh 222

  elles, ellis adv else Kn 1151+; otherwise GP 375+; ~ God forbede God forbid that it should be otherwise CY 1046, 1064

  elleswher(e) adv elsewhere Kn 2113+

  elvissh adj elvish, magical CY 751+; remote, otherworldly Th 703

  embassadour n ambassador Pard 603+

  embrace v (see also enbrace) embrace Sum 1803+; grasp Mel 1215+; have a hold on Cl 412; bring it about Mcp 160

  empeire v impair, damage Mch 2198; make (things) worse Mel 1019

  empoisone v poison Kn 2460+

  emprente v (see also enprente) imprint Mch 2117+; impress, fix Cl 1193

  emprise n enterprise, task, exploit Kn 2540+; adventur-ousness Mk 2667

  empte v empty CY 741+

  enbrace v (see also embrace) embrace Th 701

  encens n incense Kn 2277+

  encense v burn or offer incense SN 395+; cense Pars 407

  encheso(u)n n cause, reason Sq 456+; by ~ of because of Mel 1593

  encline v incline, be inclined ML 1082+; bow Mel 1501, Mk 1902+; ~ the eres to lend an ear to Mel 1180

  encombre v hinder Pars 687; bog down GP 508; burden, trouble Kn 1718

  encrees n increase, growth GP 275+

  encresce, encres(s)e v increase, grow Kn 1338+; develop, advance Mel 1276; be encressed improve Cl 408, be worth more Sh 81

  ende n end GP 15+; outcome, upshot WB 1070+; fate Kn 1844, 1869; solution ML 266; resolution Cl 188; aim, purpose Kn 2259+; this is the ~ this is the long and short of it ML 145+; atte ~ in the end WB 404; word and ~ from beginning to end Mk 2721

  endelong prep along, from end to end of Kn 2678+

  endite v write, compose GP 95+; draft, draw up GP 325; accuse, indict Mk 2668

  endure v last, continue Kn 3014, ML 231+; stay, remain Kn 1185+; endure, bear Kn 1091+

  enforce v fortify, strengthen Mel 958, Pars 730+; grow stronger Mel 1165; refl try Mel 1047+

  enforme v inform Cl 738+

  engendre v engender, beget, bring forth GP 4, 421, Kn 1375, WB 465+; procreate Mk 1958; be produced, arise Mel 1392, NP 2923

  engendrure n procreation WB 128+; offspring Pars 562+

  engin n imagination SN 339 (see n.) +; inventiveness Pars 453; contrivance Sq 184

  enhaunce v raise, elevate, advance Kn 1434+

  enjoine v enjoin, impose (on) Mel 1749+

  enlumine v enlighten Pars 244; make illustrious Cl 33

  enointe v anoint GP 199+; p ppl enoint

  enprente v (see also emprente) imprint, fix Mch 2178

  enquere v ask, enquire (for) Mil 3166+

  ensample n (see also exemple) example GP 496+; exemplary anecdote, illustration Kn 2039+

  enspire v (see also inspire) inspire, impart knowledge to CY 1470

  entencioun n intention Cl 703+; meaning CY 1443

  entende v intend Mch 1791; strive WB 1114+; ~ unto strive after WB 275; ~ to pay attention to, devote o.s. to Fri 1478+; attend Mch 1900

  entente n intention, purpose, reason Kn 1000+; meaning Sq 4004; heart, (state of) mind, spirit ML 867, Fkl 1178+; in ~ to with the intention of Pars 800+; to the ~ that in order that Mel 1868, CY 1306; seye (o’s) ~ speak (o’s) mind Sum 1733; in hool ~ wholeheartedly, without reservations Cl 861; in good/with glad ~ with good will, kindly, cheerfully Kn 958+; as to commune ~ as far as the general meaning is concerned Sq 107; doon (o’s) ~ take pains SN 6+; sette (o’s) ~ (on) set o’s heart on, be completely devoted to Fri 1374+; pay attention (to), take care (to) Pars 314, 932

  ententif adj eager Mch 1288+; diligent, earnest Mel 1015+

  entierly adv entirely, wholly Pars 675+

  entisinge vbl n enticement, temptation Pars 353+

  entraille n entrails, bowels Cl 1188, Pri 573

  entremet(t)e v refl intervene, interfere WB 834+

  envenime v poison WB 474+

  er adv before, formerly Mil 3789+

  er prep before Rv 4170+; ~ this before now Kn 1683+; ~ that before the expiration of Sum 1692

  er (that) conj before GP 36+

  erc(h)edekene n archdeacon, ‘the chief administrative officer of an archbishop or bishop, who presided over the ecclesiastical court of the d
iocese’ (MED) GP 655+

  ere n ear WB 636+; pl eres, eris

  ers n arse Mil 3734+

  erst adv before GP 776, NP 3281+; adv and conj ~ er before Sum 2220+; conj ~ than before Kn 1566; adv phr at ~ for the first time Cl 985+

  eschawfe v heat Pars 537, 546; inflame, become inflamed Pars 657, 916

  eschew, eschu adj averse, loath Mch 1812, Pars 971

  eschewe, eschue v avoid, shun, refrain from Kn 3043, Mel 1172+

  ese n (see also eise) ease, comfort Kn 969+; prosperity NP 2772; hospitality Rv 4119; pleasure Mch 1643; relief Mch 2115; doon ~ entertain, amuse GP 768; help Cl 664+; comfort Mch 1981; in youre ~ within your means Sh 291

  ese v entertain, accommodate GP 29, Kn 2194; console Kn 2670; soothe WB 929

  esement n compensation Rv 4179+

  esily adv easily Pars 1041; comfortably GP 469, Cl 423, Sq 115; softly Mil 3764; ~ a pas slowly, in a leisurely way Sq 388

  espace n (see also space) time, opportunity Mel 1029

  espece n (see also spece) species, particular kind Pars 448

  especial adj (see also special) special Pars 893; intimate Mel 1166; condescende in ~ get down to detail Mel 1234

  espiaille n spying Mel 1319; body of spies Fri 1323

  espirituel adj spiritual Pars 79+

  espye n spy, look-out Pard 755, Mel 1026

  espye v catch sight of, see, notice Kn 1112+; observe, watch Cl 235, Mk 2068+; discover, find out (of, about) Kn 1420, ML 324+; detect Sh 184, NP 3323+; seek to discover ML 180, Mch 1257+; search out Th 799

  est n east ML 297+

  est adv in or to the east, eastwards ML 949+; ~ and west in all directions Pard 396

  esta(a)t n (see also staat) state, condition Kn 2196, Cl 610, Mch 1283, Sh 232, Pars 681+; station, rank GP 522, Kn 926, 956, Mk 2169+; social standing WB 821+; status Mch 1322; condition in life Mil 3229; social class, profession GP 716; term of office Sum 2018; aspect (astr) Mch 1969; in greet ~ in excellent condition GP 203; save his ~ preserve his standing Rv 3949; have his ~, be served in his ~ be treated according to his rank Cl 958, Pars 771; kepe royal ~ maintain regal splendour Sq 26

  estatlich, estatly adj dignified GP 140+

  estres n pl interior, recesses Kn 1971, Rv 4295

  esy adj easy Pars 1042; comfortable Mch 1264; lenient, kind GP 223; moderate GP 441, Mel 1500, 1856; ~ fir slow fire CY 768

  ete v eat Kn 947+; ~ almesse live on charity Mel 1567; sg past eet; p ppl ete(n)

  eterne adj eternal, everlasting Kn 1109+

  Evangile, Evaungelie n Gospel ML 666, Mel 1079

  evene adj straight Mil 3316; equal Kn 2588, Mel 1482; impartial, just Kn 1864; medium GP 83; calm, untroubled Cl 811; ~ Cristen(e) n fellow Christian(s) Pars 395+

  evene adv evenly, equally Kn 2593, Sum 2249; calmly, coolly Kn 1523; exactly Fkl 1069, CY 1200; just ML 1143; ~ joinant immediately adjoining Kn 1060

  evere adv ever GP 732, Kn 1212+; perpetually Mk 2436; always, continually GP 50, Mil 3444+; ~ in oon always alike, continually Rv 3880+; whan that ~ whenever WB 45; wher that ~ wherever CY 733+; al that ~ whatever Fkl 1256+

  everemo, everemoore adv evermore, forever Kn 1229+; constantly, always Rv 3961, NP 2815+; at all times GP 67; every time CY 957; all the time, continually WB 834+; for ~ forever Kn 1032+; always ML 760+; ~ in oon all the time Mch 2086

  everich pron, adj and n everyone ML 531+; each, each one GP 371, Kn 1186+; ~ a every GP 733

  everycho(o)n pron every one, one and all GP 31+

  everyde(e)l n and adv (see also deel) everything Fkl 1288+; entirely, completely Kn 1825, Mch 1508+; in full Rv 4315+; in every respect GP 368, WB 162

  exaltacioun n the position of a planet in the zodiac where it was thought to exert its greatest influence WB 702+

  excellent adj excellent, outstanding ML 150+

  excercise v exercise CY 750+; put to good use Kn 1436; refl discipline o.s. Pars 689

  excite v incite, urge, prompt Sum 1716, CY 744, Pars 973

  excusacioun n justification, excuse Pars 164, 680

  excuse v exonerate, exculpate ML 1059, Mch 2269+; excuse GP 651+; refl excuse o.s. WB 391+; be excused from Pars 1042; have me excused (of) forgive me (for) Sq 7+

  execucioun n execution; putte to ~ carry into effect, enforce Mel 1853; doon ~ carry out an action Cl 522, Mcp 287; execute (a sentence) Fri 1303

  exemple n (see also ensample) example GP 568

  exercise n exercise NP 2839; training Cl 1156

  experience n experience Kn 2445+; demonstration, proof Cl 788

  expert adj experienced WB 174+; trained CY 1251; ~ of learned in GP 577

  expounde, expowne v explain, interpret Pri 535, Mk 2156+; translate Pri 526

  expres adv explicitly, clearly WB 27+; ~ again(s) directly opposed to Phys 182, Pars 587+

  expresse v express Pri 476, Pars 1039; relate, describe Mch 2362, Mel 950+; declare Phys 170; utter Pri 485

  ey n egg NP 2845, CY 806

  eye n (see also eighe) eye GP 10+; nether ~ anus, arse-hole Mil 3852; at ~ with o’s own eyes Kn 3016+; to the eye Cl 1168+; pl eyen

  fable n story, legend, fiction Sum 1760+

  face n ‘one of the three parts of ten degrees into which each sign of the zodiac was divided’ (MED) Sq 50 (see n.), Fkl 1288

  fader n father GP 100+; ancestor Cl 61; (inflectionless gen) father’s GP 781+; ~ kin father’s kin/family Rv 4038+

  fadme n fathom, measure of length roughly equivalent to six feet Kn 2916+

  faierye n (see also fairye) fairyland Mch 2227+; fairy WB 872; fairy creatures WB 859, Mch 2039; magic, enchantment Mch 1743

  faille n: withoute(n) ~ without fail, doubtless Kn 1644, 1854; actually, truly CY 1163

  fail(l)e v fail Kn 1610, 2798, Mch 1632+; fall short Sh 415; lack Mk 2462; prove unsuccessful Pars 719; ~ of fail in WB 430, CY 671+; run out of Sh 248; fail to keep Sh 275; ~ yow my thankes be lacking in gratitude to you Sh 188

  fain adj (see also fawe) glad, happy, pleased Kn 2437+; eager Mch 2017+

  fain adv (see also fein) gladly GP 766, Kn 1257+

  fainte v (see also feinte) enfeeble ML 926

  fair adj (see also feir) fair, fine, beautiful, lovely GP 154+; as n beauty Sq 518

  faire adv beautifully, elegantly GP 273+; finely, well GP 94, 124, Mil 3289+; neatly Kn 2594, Mil 3210+; courteously, kindly WB 222+; gently Kn 2697, WB 803+; carefully Mil 3568; becomingly, properly Sum 2286, NP 2872; exactly, right Kn 984, NP 3267; fairly Kn 2659; ~ and wel conscientiously GP 539; well Mil 3743; carefully CY 1113; fairly and squarely Rv 4069, 4226; willingly Kn 1826; cheerfully Rv 4062; ~ (bi)falle you God bless you NP 3460+

  fairnesse n beauty Kn 1098+; gentleness GP 519

  fairye n (see also faierye) fairyland Mch 2234+; magic contrivance, illusion Sq 201

  falding n type of coarse woollen cloth GP 391, Mil 3212 (see Hodges, Chaucer and Costume, pp. 155–60)

  falle v fall GP 128+; be born Cl 990; befall, happen (to), come about GP 324, 585, Kn 1668, Mil 3733+; become WB 812; allow Sq 570; ~ in stray into Mel 1134; ~ to begin to Mil 3273; suit ML 149; ~ unto belong, be appropriate to Cl 259; ~ in office get employment Kn 1418; ~ of (s.o’s) acord come to an agreement with (s.o.) Fkl 741; as it wolde ~ as chance determined NP 2995; yfallen in occurring in Pard 496; sg past fil, fel; pl past fille(n); 3 sg past subj fille; p ppl falle(n), yfalle(n)

  false v falsify, alter Mil 3175; ~ (o’s) trouthe break o’s word Sq 627

  falshede n falseness, deceitfulness, treachery CY 979+

  fame n reputation Kn 3055, Cl 940, Phys 111+; rumour, report, news ML 995, Cl 940+; bringe in ~ bring into repute Mil 3148

  famulier adj intimate, at home GP 215, Sh 31; of o’s own household, domestic Mch 1784


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