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The Canterbury Tales

Page 140

by Geoffrey Chaucer

  fundement n foundation Sum 2103; arse, anus Pard 950

  furlong n furlong Rv 4166+; ~ way time required to walk one furlong (? minutes) Mil 3637+

  fy interj fie! shame! Kn 1773+

  ga v go (Northern form of go v) Rv 4037+; p ppl gane Rv 4077

  gabbe v tell lies NP 3066; blab, gossip Mil 3510

  gadre v gather Kn 1053+

  gail(l)ard adj gallant, gay, gaily dressed Mil 3336, Co 4367

  gail(l)er n gaoler Kn 1064+

  gaine v avail, help Kn 1176+; ~ agains be effective against Kn 1787

  gale v make an outcry WB 832, Fri 1336

  galping(e) pres ppl yawning Sq 350, 354

  galwes n pl gallows WB 658+

  game n game GP 853+; joke Kn 1806, Co 4354, Fri 1279+; contest Kn 2108+; fun, amusement Kn 2286, Fri 1275+; plan, scheme Mil 3405; game of love Mk 2288; someres ~ Midsummer revels WB 648; make ~ frolic Mil 3259; make ~ and glee provide entertainment Th 840; have a ~ amuse o.s. Mk 2550; it is no ~ it’s no laughing matter Sh 290; in (his) ~ in jest, jokingly Co 4355, Mk 1964+; make ernest of ~ take a joke seriously Mil 3186; for ernest ne for ~ on no account Cl 733; bitwix ernest and ~ half seriously and half playfully Mch 1594

  gan sg past of ginne v

  gane p ppl of ga v

  gardinward adv: (un)to the ~ toward the garden Mil 3572, Fkl 1505

  garnesoun, garnisoun n garrison Mel 1027; defence, protection Mel 1337+

  gat sg past of gete v

  gat-tothed adj having teeth set wide apart GP 468+

  gaude n (see also gawde) trick Pard 389

  gaure v stare, gaze Mil 3827+

  gawde n (see also gaude) trick Pars 651

  gay adj gay, light-hearted, lively Mil 3339, WB 508+; beautiful, handsome, fine GP 111, Mil 3254+; finely dressed GP 74+; melodious GP 296+; ~ gerl loose woman Mil 3769

  gay(e) adv richly, finely Mil 3689, CY 1017

  gea(u)nt n giant Th 807+

  geere n (see also gere) clothes, dress GP 365; utensils GP 352; possessions ML 800

  geeste n (see also geste) chronicle, story Mch 2284

  general adj universal Kn 2969, Pars 163, 388; general Fkl 945+; ~ reule rule without exceptions Mel 1231; in ~ in a body, without exception ML 417; in general terms Kn 2285, Mel 1233

  generally adv universally, without exception WB 1037; in general Mcp 328, Pars 371+

  gent adj shapely Mil 3234; noble Th 715

  gentil n member of the gentry or nobility Mil 3113, WB 1209+

  gentil adj noble, nobly born Kn 1753, WB 1153+; noble, knightly GP 72, WB 1170+; noble, kind (used ironically) GP 567+; refined, sensitive Kn 1043+; refined Mil 3360; excellent GP 718, Pard 304+; noble, well-bred Sq 195; gracious Cl 852

  gentil(l)esse n nobility of birth or rank WB 1109+; mark of nobility Mk 2254; nobility, largeness of soul, virtue WB 1134, Fkl 1524+; elegance, distinction Sq 426; graciousness Kn 920, Mil 3382+; kindness NP 3296, CY 1054; refined behaviour WB 260, Mch 1603; noble behaviour Mil 3179, Sq 483; for youre ~ out of courtesy WB 1211+; of his ~ out of kindness Fkl 1574; in al ~ in a manner suited to noble birth Cl 593

  gentilly adv courteously ML 1093+; considerately Kn 3104; generously Fkl 1608; honourably Fkl 674

  gentrye n nobility of birth WB 1152+; nobility WB 1146, Pars 461+; mark of breeding Pars 601

  gerdone v reward, repay Mel 1272+

  gerdo(u)n n (see also guerdoun) reward, recompense Cl 883+; for al gerdons ?as you hope to prosper Mel 1052

  gere n (see also geere) clothes, dress Kn 1016, Cl 372; armour Kn 2180; equipment Fkl 1276; things Rv 4016; behaviour, moods Kn 1372, 1531

  gerl n girl Mil 3769; youngster (of either sex) GP 664

  gerland n garland, wreath GP 666+

  gesse v guess, suppose, estimate GP 82+; suspect Fkl 1486; imagine ML 622; for to ~ in everyone’s estimation Kn 2593

  gest n guest Cl 338+; paying guest Mil 3188

  geste n (see also geeste) chronicle, story ML 1126, Mch 642+; ?alliterative verse Mel 933

  get n (see also jet) contrivance CY 1277

  gete v obtain for (s.o.) Pri 479+; beget ML 715+; get, acquire, obtain GP 704, Mil 3465+, refl GP 291, 703, Mil 3620, ML 647+; 3 sg pres get, geteth; sg past gat; p ppl gete(n), ygeten

  gif conj if (Northern form) Rv 4181+

  gilt n offence, sin, wrongdoing Kn 1765, Mch 2268, Mel 1825+; guilt ML 637+; in the ~ in the wrong WB 387; as in my ~ through any fault of mine Fkl 757

  gilt(e)lees adj guiltless, innocent ML 643+; adv unjustly Kn 1312, ML 674+

  gin n contrivance, device Sq 128+

  gingle v jingle GP 170+

  ginne v begin CY 1192+. Used as a weak auxiliary with an infinitive, as equivalent of a simple present or past tense: e.g. ginneth gon goes Rv 4064; gan preye prayed GP 301; gan to sike sighed Kn 1540; gonnen to smite struck Kn 1658; sg past gan; pl past gonne(n)

  gipoun n padded tunic worn under a coat of chain-mail GP 75; surcoat, tunic worn over plate-armour Kn 2120 (see n.)

  girdel n belt GP 358+; wel his ~ underpighte padded out his belt well, filled his belly ML 789

  gise n manner, way Kn 1208+; custom, practice Kn 993, Rv 4126+; fashion Kn 2125; in his ~ in his own fashion ML 790; at his owene ~ as he pleased/pleases GP 663, Kn 1789

  gite n gown, mantle Rv 3954, WB 559

  giterne n gittern, a lute-like instrument Mil 3333 (see n.) +

  glad adj glad, cheerful, happy GP 811+; upon thy glade day in your prosperity ML 426

  glade v gladden, cheer, comfort Kn 2837, Cl 1107+; make blissful Cl 822; entertain, please CY 598; refl rejoice, be glad Sq 609

  gladly adv gladly, with pleasure GP 308+; willingly Sq 224; habitually, customarily NP 3224, Pars 612, 887; be ~ wise like to be wise Sq 376

  gle(e)de n live coal, ember Kn 1997+; fire Mil 3379, ML 111+

  glide v glide Kn 1575+; rise Sq 373+; flow Fkl 1415; go Th 904; sg past glood; p ppl gliden

  glorifye v glorify Pars 1037; refl take pride in Pars 405, 757

  glose n gloss, explanatory comment Sum 1792+; withouten ~ plainly, without word-spinning Sq 166

  glose v gloss, interpret ML 1180, WB 26+; use euphemisms Mch 2351; beguile Mk 2140; blandish, cajole, use fine words WB 509, Mcp 34, Pars 45

  glotonye n gluttony Pars 482+

  gnawe v gnaw Mk 2448; champ Kn 2507; sg past gnow

  go v (see also ga) go GP 377+, refl Mil 3434; walk Kn 968+; live WB 269, Mk 1933; come WB 931; play, sound Pard 331, NP 2852; ~ (un)to proceed with CY 899, Mcp 237; proceed to Pars 603; ~ biforn come first ML 704; anticipate (prayers) Pri 478, SN 56; so moot(e) I (ride or) ~ as I live Mil 3114, Sum 1942, Fkl 777; goon is many a yere, go sithenmany yeres many years ago ML 132, Kn 1521; goon sithen many a day long ago Sq 536; goon with childe pregnant, big with child ML 720; hadde ygo unto had devoted himself to GP 286; pl imp go(o)th; sg past yede; p ppl go, go(o)n, ygo(n)

  godsibb n (see also gossib) relation by baptism, child of o’s godparent or parent of o’s godchild Pars 908+

  gon p ppl of go v

  gonne(n) pl past of ginne v

  good n property, wealth GP 581+; good, benefit, blessing WB 231+; profit Fri 1453

  good(e) man n phr (see also goodman) good man, excellent man GP 477+; master of the house, householder Sum 1768, Sh 29+

  goodlich, goodly adj good, excellent NP 2820; courteous, kind Mel 1731+; pleasant NP 2779; handsome Sq 623

  goodly adv excellently Mel 1780; courteously, kindly Mel 1875; gladly GP 803; well Mel 1230; as a man may ~ as he possibly can Mel 1670; as ~ as as well as Mch 1935

  goodman n (see also good(e) man) master of the house, householder Pard 361

  goodnesse n goodness ML 158+; good Mel 1692+; turne to ~ be beneficial to Pars 470; youre ~ your excellency Mel 1744

  goon p ppl of go v

  goore n gore, inset panel in a skirt (to make it flare out) Mil 3237; coat, gown Th 789

  goost n soul, spirit Kn 2768, Mil 3646+; damned soul, ghost GP 205, Mk 1934+; Holy Ghost Pri 470+

  goostly adj spiri
tual Pars 392+

  goot n goat GP 688+

  go(o)th pl imp of go v

  gossib n (see also godsibb) intimate friend WB 243+

  gourde n bottle, flask Mcp 82, 91

  governa(u)nce n government Pard 600+; control, authority ML 287, Cl 23+; management WB 814+; controlling policy or plan Kn 1313, Fkl 866; care Phys 73, Mel 1270, NP 2865; self-control Fkl 786; demeanour, behaviour GP 281, Mch 1603+; conduct Cl 994; control, regulation Sq 311; have ~ of rule over Mk 2060; in ~ under his control Sum 1894

  governe v rule, control, hold sway over Kn 1303, WB 1237+; administer, manage Cl 322, Sh 244; refl act, behave Mel 1002+; governeth yow of regulate Sh 261

  governinge vbl n control GP 599; pl authority Phys 75

  governour n ruler, governor Kn 861+; leader GP 813; official, administrator Mk 1940; keeper Fkl 1031

  grace n (see also gras n (2)) grace Kn 2400, 3069, Mil 3560+; favour GP 88, 573, Kn 1120+; mercy, pardon Kn 1828, ML 647+; good fortune Kn 1245, Pard 783, NP 3159+; pl thanks Mel 1804; of ~ as a favour Sq 161; for his ~ by his grace Sh 166; of youre ~ graciously, kindly Kn 3080; don a ~ grant a favour Kn 1874; aventure or ~ chance or good fortune Fkl 1508; harde ~ ill luck CY 665; sory ~ misfortune WB 746; with harde/sory ~ bad luck to him/you Sum 2228, Pard 717, 876; sauf/save your ~ with respect Mel 1070+

  gracious adj gracious Mel 1821; attractive, alluring Mil 3693; beautiful Cl 613

  grain n (see also grein): in ~ fast dyed Th 727

  grant merci (French) phr (see also graunt merci) many thanks CY 1380

  gras n (1) grass Rv 3868+; plant WB 774, Sq 153

  gras n (2) (see also grace) grace Th 831

  graunge n monastery’s farm Mil 3668, Sh 66

  graunte v grant GP 786, Kn 1620+; allow Mel 988+; consent WB 1013, ML 1093+; agree GP 810+; admit WB 85, Mel 1261; appoint Cl 179+; ~ dayes of allow time for Fkl 1575

  graunt merci (French) phr (see also grant merci) many thanks Fri 1403+

  grave v bury WB 496+; engrave, carve Mil 3796, Fkl 830+; p ppl (y)grave

  grece n (see also gresse) grease, fat GP 135+

  gree n (1) degree Mch 1375; victory Kn 2733

  gre(e) n (2) good will, favour; receive in ~ look favourably on ML 259; accept willingly Cl 1151

  gre(e)t adj great GP 84+; large GP 559+; thick Kn 1076; coarse Mch 1422; abundant Phys 37; pl and weak sg grete; comp gretter; superl gretteste

  grein n (see also grain) grain GP 596+; seed Pri 662+; cardamom Mil 3690; scarlet dye NP 3459; dye in ~ fast dye Sq 511

  greithe v prepare Mk 2594; refl get ready Rv 4309

  gresse n (see also grece) oil, fat Phys 60

  grete pl and weak sg of greet adj grete v greet ML 1051+; sg past grette

  gretter comp adj greater Kn 863+; larger GP 197

  gretteste superl adj greatest GP 120+; largest Mel 1050

  greva(u)nce n injury, harm Mel 1486, Pars 662+; grievance Mk 2513; sorrow Fkl 941+

  greve n thicket Kn 1641; bush Kn 1495, 1507

  greve v harm, injure, hurt ML 352, WB 1205+; anger, displease, vex Sum 2181, Pri 448+; refl be angry Rv 3859+; take offence Rv 3910+; noght greveth us we do not begrudge Kn 917

  grevous adj grievous Kn 1010+; serious Pars 449; difficult Pars 529; hostile Pars 641

  grevously adv grievously Mel 1001+; gravely Pars 914; strenuously Pars 667

  grief n trouble Sum 2174+; injury, grievance Mel 1545

  grinde v grind Kn 2549, Rv 4032+; 3 sg contr pres grint; sg past grinte; p ppl grounden, ygrounde

  grisly adj horrible, dreadful, terrible Kn 1363+; frightful Pars 177, 223

  grope v grope Rv 4217+; question, examine, probe GP 644, Sum 1817; ~ after search for CY 679

  grote n groat, silver coin worth four pennies Sum 1964+

  ground n ground Kn 2427+; texture, material GP 453

  grucche v murmur, grumble (at) Kn 3045+; ~ of/again(s) be dissatisfied at, grumble at Kn 3062, Pars 500+

  grucching(e) vbl n grumbling, murmuring WB 406+

  gruf adv headlong, face downward Kn 949+

  guerdoun n (see also gerdo(u)n) reward, recompense Sum 1878

  gye v lead, guide Mch 1429, Mk 2397; rule, govern Kn 1950, Cl 75+; protect, keep Kn 2786, SN 136+

  habergeoun n (see also hau-bergeo(u)n) mail-coat GP 76

  habit n clothing WB 342+; bodily condition Kn 1378

  habounde v abound Mch 1286+

  habunda(u)nce n abundance, plenty Sum 1723+

  habunda(u)nt adj abundant Cl 59+

  haf sg past of heve v

  haire n (see also heire) hair-shirt SN 133

  hait interj (see also heit) gee up! come on! Fri 1543

  halden p ppl of holde v (Northern form)

  half n side Mil 3481; behalf; a Goddes ~ in God’s name WB 50

  haliday n (see also haly day) holy day, feast day (including Sunday) Mil 3309+

  halke n corner, cranny Fkl 1121; hiding-place SN 311

  hals n neck ML 73+

  halt 3 sg pres of holde v

  halwe n saint ML 1060+; shrine of a saint GP 14+

  halwe v sanctify, hallow Pars 919; consecrate SN 551+

  haly day n (see also haliday) holy day, feast day Pars 667

  han inf and pl pres of have v

  hange v (see also honge) hang Mil 3565+; sg past he(e)ng; pl past henge, honge(d); p ppl hanged

  hap n chance Mch 2057+; luck Mk 2738+

  happe v happen, come about GP 585+; impers happen, befall Kn 1189, Fri 1401+

  happy adj fortunate Mel 1558+

  hardily adv confidently, boldly Rv 4009, Mch 2273; certainly, indeed GP 156+

  hardinesse n bravery, courage Kn 1948+; boldness, confidence WB 612, Cl 93, Mel 1318+; arrogance Pars 438

  hardnesse n hardness, callousness Pars 486; hardship Pars 686

  hardy adj bold, stout-hearted, brave GP 405+; rash Cl 1180

  harlot n rogue GP 647, Rv 4268+; lecher Pars 885; fellow, servant Sum 1754

  harlotrye n sexual immorality, lechery GP 561, Mch 2262+; wickedness Fri 1328; dirty story Mil 3145+

  harm n harm, injury Mil 3830+; sickness GP 423, ML 479; sorrow, pain Kn 2229, ML 99+; a pity GP 385+

  harnais, harneis n (suit of) armour Kn 1006+; harness Mil 3762+; fittings, ornaments Kn 2896; details Pars 974; equipment WB 136

  harrow interj help! Mil 3286+; alas! Pard 288

  harwe v plunder, harrow (hell) Mil 3512, Sum 2107

  harye v drag Kn 2726, Pars 171

  hasard n dice-playing Pard 465+

  hasardour n gambler, gamester Pard 596+

  hasardrye n gambling Pard 590+

  haste v hurry on Phys 159; hasten Mel 1054, refl Kn 2052+

  hastif adj hasty, speedy Cl 349+; sudden Pars 541; urgent Mil 3545; eager, impetuous Mch 1805

  hastifnesse n hastiness, impetuosity Mel 1133+

  hastilich(e), hastily adv speedily, quickly Kn 1714, ML 1047+; soon, without delay Cl 140, Mch 1411, 2122, Sh 109+; eagerly, willingly Kn 1514, Pars 675; hastily, rashly Mel 1341+; suddenly CY 1282

  hate n hatred Kn 1671+; object of hatred Pars 137

  haubergeo(u)n n (see also habergeoun) mail-coat Kn 2119+

  hauberk n coat of mail Kn 2431+; plate-armour (covering the chest) Th 863

  haunt n haunt, territory GP 252b, Th 811; have an ~ of be expert in GP 447

  haunte v haunt, visit Pars 885; practise, indulge in Co 4392+

  hautein adj proud Pars 614; loud Pard 330

  have v have GP 224+; keep Cl 201, Pard 725; preserve Kn 2714; hold Kn 1448, Fkl 700, Mel 1195, Mk 2588+; take CY 1187; refl behave Mel 1575; inf han, have; 1 sg pres have; 2 sg pres hast; 3 sg pres hath (has Northern form Rv 4027); pl pres have, han; sg imp have; pl imp haveth; 3 sg pres subj have; 1/3 sg past had, hade, hadde; 2 sg past haddest; pl past hadden; p ppl (y)had

  hawe n haw, hawthorn berry WB 659; ~-bake baked haws, i.e. meagre fare ML 95

  he 3 pers sg masc pron he GP 44+; ~… ~ this one… that one Kn 2519+


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