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The Canterbury Tales

Page 144

by Geoffrey Chaucer

  met p ppl of meete v and mete v (1)

  mete n food GP 136+; meal, dinner GP 127, ML 1014+; meat Sum 2244

  mete adj (see also meete) fit Kn 1631

  mete v (1) impers dream Mil 3684+; personal dream WB 577+; sg past mette; p ppl met

  mete v (2) (see also meete) meet Co 4374, CY 706

  mette sg past of meete v and mete v (1)

  mewe n (see also muwe) cage (properly, one where hawks are placed while moulting) Sq 643+

  middle n middle NP 3048+; waist Mch 1602

  might n power Kn 1856, Fri 1492+; capacity Rv 3879, Fri 1661, Pard 468+; ability GP 538+; al my/thy ~ all that I am/you are capable of Kn 1607+; do (o’s) ~ do all one can Kn 960+

  mighte 1/3 sg and pl past of mowe v

  mighten pl past of mowe v

  mightily adv vigorously ML 921, Mk 2327+; violently Mil 3475; completely Mk 2592

  mighty adj mighty, powerful Kn 1673+; strong Kn 1423, Mil 3497; great GP 108, Kn 2611; vigorous, able-bodied Mk 1951

  min poss adj and pron (used before vowel or h-) my, mine GP 782+

  minde n mind Kn 1402+; remembrance, memory ML 1127, Cl 849, Mch 2390+; have ~ on remember ML 908; be in ~ be remembered Fkl 878, Pri 653; have in ~ remember Sq 109, Fkl 1154+; forgete (o’s) ~ lose o’s memory ML 527

  minestral n minstrel Sq 78+

  ministre n servant Kn 1663+; officer, official NP 3043, SN 411+

  minstralcye n music Kn 2197+; musical ability Mcp 251; musical instrument(s) Mcp 113, 267; revelry, fun Co 4394

  miracle n miracle ML 477+; wonder Kn 2675; pleyes of miracles miracle-plays WB 558

  mirily adv (see also murily) merrily Sh 110; pleasantly, enjoy-ably WB 330; cheerfully Th 698; happily NP 3267; sweetly NP 3272+; appositely WB 1192

  mirour n mirror Kn 1399+

  mirthe n (see also murthe) happiness Mch 1739, CY 1287+; enjoyment, merriment, fun Rv 4005, ML 410+; entertainment GP 759+; pleasantness NP 3157; pleasure Mil 3654, Sh 318, 375; good time WB 399; do ~ entertain GP 766

  mirye adj (see also mery(e), mury(e)) pleasant Mel 964+; cheerful Mk 1924, NP 2968+; happy NP 3259; entertaining Pard 316, NP 3449+; humorous Rv 4128; sweet-sounding NP 2851+; make ~ enjoy o.s. CY 1195

  mirye adv (see also murye) happily Mch 2218+; pleasantly Mch 2326, NP 3071

  misaventure n misfortune ML 616+; with ~ bad luck to you Fri 1334

  mischaunce n (see also mes-chaunce): with ~ curse it Fri 1334; God yeve hem ~ God curse them Fkl 1374

  misdo v do wrong (to) Mel 1708, Mk 1922, Pars 85

  misdoer n wrongdoer, criminal Mel 1441+

  miseise n (see also misese) suffering, misery Pars 186+

  misericorde n mercy, pity, charity Sum 1910+

  misese n (see also miseise) suffering, distress Pars 177, 806

  misgo(n), misgoon p ppl gone the wrong way, gone astray Rv 4218+

  mishappe v be unfortunate, meet with misfortune (personal) Mel 1696, (impers) Kn 1646; miscarry CY 944

  missaye v (see also misseye) say something wrong, speak out of turn Mch 2391

  misse v miss, notice as absent Rv 4216; fail Mil 3679; ~ of fail to find Fri 1416; lack Sh 352

  misseye v (see also missaye) speak ill of, insult Pars 379; say something wrong Mcp 353

  mistake v refl do wrong, err Mel 1690, 1818

  mister n trade GP 613; plight Kn 1340; what ~ men what kind of men Kn 1710

  mitain, mitein n mitten, glove Pard 372, 373

  mite n mite, farthing Kn 1558+ mo n more GP 576+; others Cl 1039, Mch 2113; withoute ~alone SN 207

  mo adj more (in number) GP 808+; besides Kn 2430+; many another ~ many another besides Kn 2071+; othere ~ others besides Mil 3183+; no wight ~ no one else Mch 2157; times ~ at other times too Cl 449

  mo adv any more WB 864; more Sh 413

  moder n mother Mil 3795+

  moebles n pl (movable) property Mch 1314, SN 540

  moerdre n (see also mordre) murder Kn 1256

  moeve v move, incite, prompt Pars 128+; sway, trouble ML 1136; stir up Mel 1028+

  moevere n mover Kn 2987+

  moeving(e) n impulse Mel 1239, Pars 355+; agitation Pars 537; Firste ~ Primum Mobile (outermost moving sphere) ML 295 (see n.)

  moiste adj moist GP 420+; supple GP 457; new Pard 315, Th 764

  moment n moment Kn 2584; (in medieval reckoning) the fortieth or fiftieth part of an hour Pars 254

  mone n lamentation Kn 1366+; plea ML 656

  monstre n monster Mch 2062+; prodigy Fkl 1344

  montai(g)ne n (see also mont-eine) mountain ML 24+

  montaunce n (see also mountaunce) amount Pard 863; value Mcp 255

  monteine n (see also mon-tai(g)ne) mountain Mk 2627

  mood n anger Kn 1760; frame of mind, mood Phys 126

  moore comp adj more GP 304, Kn 2429+; in addition WB 584; greater Kn 2824, Rv 3858, Cl 916+; the ~ part the majority Mch 1231+; quasi-n more Kn 2850+; bothe lasse and ~ both the greater and the less, (people) of all ranks Kn 1756, ML 959+; withoute ~ alone, without anything else Kn 2316+; withouten any ~ without more ado Kn 1541, Mch 1939

  moore comp adv more GP 219+

  mooreover adv moreover, in addition Mel 1066+; and yet ~ and that is not all Kn 2801

  moorne v (see also morne) grieve, sorrow Fkl 819; mourn Kn 2968, ML 621; long, yearn Mil 3706, Th 743; ~ after yearn for Mil 3704

  moost superl adj (see also meest) greatest GP 303, 798, Kn 895+; most Sq 361, Mel 1048, Pars 1039

  moost(e) superl adv (see also moste) mostly, chiefly GP 561+; most Kn 2203+; above all Kn 2407, Cl 932+

  moot 1/3 sg pres of mote v

  mo(o)te sg pres subj of mote v

  moote(n) pl pres of mote v

  moralitee n morality Sum 2046+; ethical wisdom Mk 2497; moral significance NP 3440; pl moral qualities Pars 463

  mordre n (see also moerdre) murder Pri 576+

  mordre v murder WB 801+

  mordrere, mordrour n murderer Cl 732+

  morne n morning; ~ milk morning milk GP 358+

  morne v (see also moorne) grieve WB 848

  morsel n mouthful, piece of food GP 128+; ~ breed mouthful of bread Mk 2434

  mortefye, mortifye v deprive of life Pars 233+; harden CY 1126, 1431 (see n.)

  morwe n morning GP 334+; next day Kn 1629+; by the ~ in the morning GP 334+

  morweninge n morning Kn 1062+

  morwe-tide n morning Mch 2225+

  most 2 sg pres of mote v

  moste superl adv (see also moost(e)) most Mel 1857

  moste sg past of mote v (also used as pres (pl mosten)) (1) as past: might Cl 550; had to GP 712, 847, Kn 1477+; (elliptically) had to go Sq 604; would have to Kn 3088, Sq 38, 280, Mk 2042; were bound to Mch 2102; (2) as pres: must Mil 3297, ML 282+; impers: us moste we must CY 946

  mote v (see also moste) may GP 232, 832, Mil 3114, 3675, Rv 3918+; must GP 732, 735, 738, 742, Kn 885+; (elliptically) must go ML 294; 1/3 sg pres moot; 2 sg pres most; pl pres mote(n), moote(n); sg pres subj mo(o)te; sg past moste; pl past mosten

  moththes n pl moths WB 560+

  motif n proposition Mch 1491; impression ML 628

  mountaunce n (see also mon-taunce) value Kn 1570

  mowe v can GP 169, 230, Kn 2449+; may GP 246, Rv 3886, Sum 1722+; be able to Mel 1466; have the power WB 1097, Sum 2175+; be as be may be it as it may Mil 3783+; (al) that ye/he may as best you/he can Rv 4033, Phys 159; 1/3 sg pres may; 2 sg pres mayst; pl pres mowe(n), may; 1 pl pres mow; 2 sg pres subj mowe; 1/3 sg past mighte; 2 sg past mightest; pl past mighte(n)

  mowle v grow mouldy Rv 3870, ML 32

  muche adj great GP 494, WB 1079+; much Kn 1808+; many NP 2770; ~ thing many a thing Fri 1273; quasi-n much GP 211+

  muche adv much GP 132, Kn 1116+; greatly Mel 992+

  muchel adj great Kn 870+; much Kn 1359+; many Mel 1654+; ~ thing many things WB 1004; as n much Mch 1241; for as ~ as forasmuch as Sh 33+; in so ~ to that extent Mel 1454; in as ~ as as far as Mel 1670

  muchel adv greatly GP 258+; much Kn 2850+

/>   mullok n rubbish CY 938, 940; rubbish-heap Rv 3873

  multiplye v multiply, increase WB 28, Pard 365+; increase gold and silver by transmutation of baser metals (alch) CY 669+

  murily adv (see also mirily) sweetly Pri 553; cheerfully Sh 301

  murmur(e) n grumbling, complaint Kn 2459, WB 406, Cl 628+

  murmure v grumble Pars 507; murmur Sq 204

  murthe n (see also mirthe) enjoyment, merriment Cl 1123

  mury(e) adj (see also mery(e), mirye) pleasant GP 764, Sum 1774+; cheerful, jovial GP 757+; happy Kn 1386, Mch 1348+; glad Kn 2562, ML 615; beautiful, fine Kn 1499; sweet-sounding GP 235, Mil 3218, Th 834+; entertaining Cl 9, 15, NP 2817; enjoyable Rv 4230, WB 42; make ~ entertain GP 802; ~ men followers Th 839

  murye adv (see also mirye) happily, merrily Mil 3575+

  muwe n (see also mewe) coop (for fattening poultry) GP 349

  na adj (see also no) no (Northern form) Rv 4026+

  nacio(u)n n nation GP 53, ML 268+; family WB 1068

  nadde contr of ne hadde

  naddre n (see also neddre) adder, snake Pars 331

  naile v nail Cl 29+; fetter Cl 1184; fasten (spear-heads) with nails Kn 2503

  naked adj naked Kn 1956+; weak SN 486

  nam contr of ne am

  nameliche, namely adv especially, in particular Kn 1268+

  namo n and adj no more GP 101+; no one else Kn 1589+; no others GP 544

  namoore n, adj and adv no more GP 98+

  nan adj (see also non, noon) no (Northern form) Rv 4185, 4187

  narwe adj narrow GP 625+; small, cramped NP 2822

  narwe adv closely Mil 3224; tightly Sum 1803; closely, carefully Mch 1988

  nas contr of ne was

  nat adv not GP 246+

  n’at contr of ne at

  nathelees adv nevertheless GP 35+

  nativitee n birth Sq 45+

  natural adj (see also nature(e)l): ~ vertu see n. to Kn 2743–57

  nature n nature GP 11+; sperm, sexual fluid Pars 577

  nature(e)l adj (see also natural) natural WB 1144+; magik ~ natural or ‘white’ magic, ‘that which did not involve recourse to the agency of personal spirits’ (OED), ‘the knowledge of hidden natural forces (e.g. magnetism, stellar influence), and the art of using these in calculating future events, curing disease, etc’ (MED) GP 416+; day ~ a 24-hour day Sq 116

  naught n nothing GP 756+

  naught adv not Kn 2068+

  nave n hub Sum 2266+

  nay adv nay, no Kn 1126+; it is na ~ it cannot be denied Rv 4183+

  ne adv not GP 70+

  ne conj nor GP 179+; ne… ne neither… nor Mil 3110

  nece n female relative, kinswoman WB 383+

  necessaries n pl necessities ML 711, 871

  necessitee n necessity Kn 3042; simple ~, ~ condicionel see n. to NP 3246–50

  neddre n (see also naddre) adder, snake Mch 1786

  nede n (see also neede) need, necessity Kn 2505+; business Mil 3632+; exigency, difficulty, trouble Mch 1631, Mel 1674+; disaster Mk 2386; ~ is there is need, it is necessary Kn 2505+; thee/yow were nede you would need Sh 109, NP 3453; it is no ~ there is no need Cl 461; ~ has na peere necessity has no fellow Rv 4026; he has his nedes sped he has got what he wanted Rv 4205

  nede adv necessarily Cl 531+

  nede v be necessary GP 462+; need Pars 700; him neded he needed Rv 4020+; ther nedeth it is necessary Kn 1746+; what nedeth (it) why is it necessary Sq 298+; what nedeth thee why do you need to (do WB 316

  nedeful adj needy ML 112+; needful Mel 1643

  nedelees adv needlessly Cl 455+

  nedely adv of necessity, necessarily WB 968+

  nedes adv of necessity, necessarily Kn 1169+

  neede n (see also nede n) need, necessity GP 304

  neer adv (see also ner) near GP 839+; nearer Kn 968, CY 721+

  neigh adv (see also ney, ny) near Kn 1489+; closely GP 588; nearly GP 732+; wel ~ very nearly, almost Sq 431+

  nempne v name ML 507+

  ner adv (see also neer) near, nearer Rv 4304+; take him so ~ placed him in a position of such intimacy Kn 1439; fer ne ~ neither later nor sooner Kn 1850

  nere contr of ne were; ~ min extorcioun were it not for my extortion Fri 1439

  nether adj lower; ~ eye anus, arse-hole Mil 3852; ~ purs balls, testicles WB 44b

  nevene n name CY 821; speak of CY 1473

  nevere adv never, at no time GP 70+; not, not at all SN 15; ~ so ever so GP 734+; ~ no(o)n none Cl 1033+

  neveremo adv nevermore Kn 1346+; never WB 1099, Mch 1676+

  neverthemo, never the moore adv (emphatically) neither Mch 2089; (not) at all WB 691+

  newe adj new, fresh GP 457+; modern GP 176; unfamiliar, unusual ML 138; of ~ recently Fri 1342+; for the first time CY 1042

  newe adv newly, freshly GP 365+; recently Mil 3221+; ~ to beginne to be created for the first time GP 428; al ~ all over again Sh 378; ay ~ over and over again, continually Mch 2204; alwey ~ and ~ again and again Pard 929

  newefangel adj fond of novelty Sq 618, Mcp 193

  next adj next, following Kn 2367+; nearest ML 398, Mch 2201, Pri 624; nearest to Pars 987; the nexte way the quickest way Kn 1413+

  next adv next Pri 450+

  ney adv (see also neigh, ny) almost Pars 345

  nice adj foolish, silly Rv 3855, ML 1088+; ludicrous Rv 3855; scrupulous GP 398

  nicetee n stupidity, folly Rv 4046, SN 463+; do his ~ have his fun WB 412

  nigard n niggard, miser WB 333+

  night n night GP 10+; at quarter ~ a quarter of the way through the night Mil 3516; as pl nights Sum 1885, NP 2873

  nil(le) contr of ne wil(le)

  n’in contr of ne in

  nis contr of ne is

  niste contr of ne wiste

  no adj (see also na) no GP 48+

  noble n a gold coin, worth 6s 8d ( of £1) Mil 3256+ (see Grierson, Coins p. 156)

  noblesse n nobility, excellence ML 185+; honour WB 1167, Cl 468+

  nobleye n honour, splendour Cl 828, Sq 77; nobility, nobles SN 449

  noght n nothing GP 768+

  noght adv not GP 107+; ~ but for only because WB 645

  noise n noise Kn 2492+; quar-rel(ling) Mel 1485+

  nolde contr of ne wolde

  nombre n number GP 716+

  non adj (see also nan, noon) (used before vowel or h-) no Kn 1787+

  non adv (see also noon): or ~ or not Fkl 778

  nones, nonis n: for the ~for the purpose, for/on the occasion GP 379, Kn 879, Mil 3126+; as a rhyming tag meaning little more than ‘indeed’ GP 523+

  nonne n nun GP 118+

  noon pron none GP 524+

  noon adj (see also nan, non) no WB 269+

  noon adv (see also non) no Sq 387; or ~ or not Sum 2069+

  noot contr of ne woot

  norice n nurse WB 299+

  norice, noriss(h)e v nurse, nourish Pars 509, 613; nourish, foment Mel 1014; foster, cherish Mel 1445+; bring up, rear, educate Rv 3948, Cl 399, Mel 1511

  noriss(h)inge vbl n rowth Kn 3017; nourishing, nourishment GP 437+; upbringing Cl 1040

  nosethirles n pl nostrils GP 557+

  notable adj well-known, historically attested Mch 2241, Pri 685+

  note n note, tune GP 235, Mil 3217, Pri 521+

  nothing pron nothing Kn 2016+; for ~ not at all WB 1121

  nothing adv not at all, in no respect Kn 1519, ML 575+; ~ but only Kn 1754, Mch 1926+

  notifye v proclaim ML 256; make known Pars 430+

  now adv now GP 573+; ~ and ~ from time to time Sq 430; as ~ just now Sq 652

  nowher adv nowhere GP 251+

  ny adj near, close Mil 3392+; immediate Mel 1395

  ny adv (see also neigh, ney) near WB 931+; nearly, closely Mel 1545; almost Mch 1775+; wel ~ very nearly, almost Kn 1330+


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