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The Canterbury Tales

Page 151

by Geoffrey Chaucer

undo v open, unfasten (a door or window) Mil 3727, 3765

  undren n sometime in the morning later than 9 a.m. (the particular time indicated varied in the course of the Middle Ages); probably ‘mid-morning’ (around 10.30) Cl 260+

  unhappy adj unlucky, unfortunate ML 306, CY 1084

  unitee n unity Mch 1334+

  unkinde adj unnatural ML 88; ungrateful Pard 903, Pars 970

  unkindely adv unnaturally Pard 485; ungratefully Pars 154

  unknowe(n) adj unknown GP 126+

  unkonninge n stupidity Mel 1876; lack of skill Pars 1082

  unkouth adj curious, strange, unusual (in good sense) Kn 2496, Sq 284

  unleveful adj unlawful Pars 593, 777

  unlik adj unlike Cl 156+

  unmesurable adj immeasurable, immense ML 934; immoderate, inordinate Pars 813+

  unnethe(s) adv with difficulty, hardly, scarcely Mil 3121, ML 1050+

  unreste n unrest, disquiet WB 1104; disturbance, vexation Fri 1495, Cl 719

  unsavory adj distasteful Pars 510, 723

  unsely adj unfortunate Rv 4210; miserable SN 468

  unto prep unto, to GP 71+; until Kn 2412+

  unto(o)ld p ppl uncounted, innumerable Mil 3780; untold Pars 1010

  untressed p ppl unplaited, loose Kn 2289+

  untrewe adj faithless, false Cl 995+

  untrouthe n falsehood, treachery ML 687; unfaithfulness Mch 2241

  unwar adj unexpected ML 427, Mk 2764

  unwar adv unwittingly Pars 885; unexpectedly Fkl 1356

  unwemmed p ppl spotless, unde-filed ML 924+

  unwiting pres ppl not knowing CY 1320; ~ of unknown to Fkl 936

  unyolden p ppl without having surrendered Kn 2642, 2724

  up adv (see also uppe) up GP 681+; open (outwards) Mil 3801

  up prep: ~ peine of on pain of (death) Kn 1707+; ~ peril of I swear by (my life, soul, etc) Sum 2271, Mch 2371+

  uppe adv (see also up) open (outwards) Sq 615

  upright(e) adj upright Kn 1387+; upright, straight Mil 3264; stretched full length, flat on o’s back Rv 4194+; upwards, pointing upwards Kn 2008, Mil 3444, Sum 2266

  up-so-doun, up-so-down adv upside down Kn 1377+

  urinal n glass vessel employed to receive urine Pard 305+

  usage n custom Sum 2278+; rules, practice GP 110; experience Kn 2448; the exercise Pars 690; as is/was ~ as is/was customary ML 998+; have in ~ be accustomed (to) Pri 506; in ~ in use Pri 527; of ~ from habit Pard 899+

  usa(u)nt adj accustomed, given (to) Rv 3940, Pars 821

  use v use WB 137+; practise ML 44, Fkl 1293, Pard 428+; exercise Pars 669; indulge in Mch 1678; accustom Pars 245; have sexual intercourse with Pars 375; enjoy Kn 2385

  us self, us selve(n) refl pron ourselves WB 812, Cl 108+

  usure n usury Fri 1309+

  vanitee n vanity, emptiness, foolishness NP 2922+; folly Mil 3835, Sum 2208+; idle tale Pars 378

  varia(u)nce n difference, change Pars 427; variation Cl 710

  vein adj vain, worthless Kn 2240+; deluded, empty Kn 1094

  veine n vein CY 1241; (in plants) sap-vessel GP 3

  venerye n hunting GP 166, Kn 2308

  venge v avenge Mel 1371+; refl take revenge Mel 1280+

  venim n venom, poison Kn 2751+

  venimus adj venomous, poisonous Mk 2105+

  venquisse, venquisshe v vanquish, conquer ML 291, Mel 1090+

  vernage n a strong and sweet kind of white Italian wine Mch 1807, Sh 71

  verrailiche, verraily adv truly, really, without a doubt Kn 1174+; indeed ML 927

  verray adj real, true GP 72+; very WB 888, Fri 1393+; downright Mel 921; ~ fool fool that you are Kn 1606

  vers n line Pri 522; verse Mel 1107+

  vertu(e) n GP 4, power Kn 2249, 2749, Sq 146+; ability, powers Kn 1436+; virtue GP 307, ML 164+; by ~ of in consequence of WB 616+; make ~ of necessitee to make the best of what is unavoidable Kn 3042; to bear cheerfully what is unavoidable Sq 593; expulsif ~ ‘the natural faculty of expelling… from the body… toxic and superfluous matter’ (MED) Kn 2749; retentif ~ ‘the natural faculty to retain and control bodily effluents’ (MED) Pars 913; natural ~ see n. to Kn 2743–56; naturel ~ natural ability Pars 452

  vessel n vessel WB 100+; vessels, plate Mk 2148+

  vestiment n robe Kn 2948, Sq 59

  viage n journey GP 723+; voyage ML 259+; expedition GP 77; enterprise, undertaking ML 259, Fri 1569, Sh 371

  vice n vice ML 323+; fault, defect WB 282+; deformity WB 955

  vigilie n watch kept on the eve of a funeral or religious festival GP 377, WB 556 (see n.)

  vileins adj base WB 1158, Mcp 183; offensive, rude Fri 1268; wicked Pars 556, 627; shameful Pars 631+; surly, ungracious Mel 1503

  vileinsly adv meanly, vilely Pars 154; shamefully Pars 279

  vileinye n discourtesy GP 70, Pard 740; boorishness, coarseness, lack of manners GP 726+; disgrace, shame Kn 2729, Mch 2310+; injury Rv 4191, Mel 1357+; shameful act, wickedness WB 962+; wrong Mch 1791+; servitude, degradation Pars 142; do ~ to dishonour Kn 942, Fkl 1404; seye/speke ~ of speak ill of WB 34, 53; in ~ in a shameful way SN 156, Pars 857

  vinolent adj bibulous WB 467; wine-filled Sum 1931

  violence n violence Fri 1431+; act of violence Pars 802; force, strength CY 908

  visage n face GP 109+; make good ~ put up a good front Sh 230

  vitaille n food, provisions GP 248+; produce, fruits of the earth Cl 59

  vitaille v stock with food Mil 3627+

  voide v evacuate, clear out Kn 2751; clear Mch 1815; vacate, leave clear Cl 806; send away, dismiss Cl 910, CY 1136; remove Sq 188, Fkl 1150+

  vois n voice GP 688+; opinion, report ML 155, 169; expression of approval Mch 1592; rumour, report Cl 629; with o ~ unanimously Mel 1765+

  voluper n cap Mil 3241; nightcap Rv 4303

  vouchesauf v vouchsafe, grant, agree GP 807+; condescend, be so good as to ML 1083, Mch 2341+

  waar adj (see also war) aware Mel 1389

  wade v wade Sum 2084; go Mk 2494; ~ out of move away from, escape from Mch 1684

  waik adj weak Kn 887+

  wail(l)e v wail Kn 931+

  waimentinge n lamentation, wailing Kn 902+

  waite v lie in wait ML 582, SN 9+; watch, observe ML 593, Cl 708, Sq 88+; look, see WB 517; watch for Mil 3302, Fkl 1263+; take precautions, be watchful GP 571, Mil 3295+; watch for a chance to Kn 1222, Mk 2141; expect ML 246, Pars 403+; expect the time (when) Mch 2096; await Kn 929; ~ after look for, expect GP 525, ML 467+; ~ on watch out for Fri 1376

  waive v (see also weive) reject, refuse Pars 353

  wake v stay awake Mil 3354+; keep watch Fri 1654, Sum 1847+; stir up, rouse ML 1187; awake Kn 1393, Mch 2397+; sg past wook

  wakinge vbl n period of wakeful-ness ML 22; watching, vigil Pars 257+

  wal n wall Kn 1060+

  walwe v roll about, thrash about Rv 4278, WB 1085+; roll, surge Mil 3616

  wan adj dark Kn 2456; pale Mil 3828; livid, leaden-coloured CY 728

  wan sg past of winne v

  wanhope n despair Kn 1249+

  wante v need Mel 1026; be lacking Mel 1048, Mcp 338+; him wanted/wanteth he lacked/lacks Mel 1046, 1080

  wanting(e) vbl n lack Kn 2665+

  wantown(e) adj jovial (with pun on ‘wanton’) GP 208; wanton, lascivious, playful Cl 236, Mch 1846

  wantownenesse n affectation, conscious charm GP 264; wantonness ML 31

  war adj (see also waar) prudent GP 309, Sh 365; aware Mil 3735, CY 1079+; in the know Mil 3604; cautious, wary SN 13; be ~ take note, notice GP 157, Kn 896+; be ~ (from/of) be wary, beware (of) Kn 1218+; be ~ (by) take warning (from) WB 180, Fri 1656+; take care Phys 97

  warante v (see also warente) warrant Mil 3791

  ward n guardianship, keeping Phys 201, Pars 880

  wardein n warden Rv 3999+; guardian WB 1216

  ware n wares, merchandise ML 140+

  ware v beware of, guard against Sum 1903+; refl GP 662+; look out, make way Th 699

  warente v (see also warante)
safeguard Pard 338

  warice, warisshe v recover Mel 982; cure Fkl 856+; save Pard 906

  warmnesse n heat Mch 2221; warmth Mel 1185

  warne v warn, caution Mil 3583+; notify, tell ML 1184, Cl 642+; summon, invite Mel 1462

  warnestore v fortify Mel 1297+

  wasshe v wash ML 356+; sg past wessh(e); p ppl wasshe(n)

  wast n waste WB 500+

  waste v waste, squander Co 4416+; destroy Kn 3020+; wear out Kn 3023; pass away ML 20; ~ awey die away Sum 2235

  wawe n wave Kn 1958+

  wax sg and pl past of wexe v

  way n (see also wey(e)) way Kn 1413+; the righte ~ the direct route Kn 2739+; the nexte ~ the quickest way Kn 1413; a mile ~ (by) the time taken to walk a mile (20 minutes or so) Sh 276; a furlong ~ time required to walk one furlong, (? minutes) Mil 3637+; go (o’s) ~ leave, go away ML 373; at the leeste ~ at least Fkl 1417; a twenty devel ~ devil take it Rv 4257

  wedde n dat pledge; to ~ as pledge, as security Kn 1218, Sh 423

  wede n clothing Kn 1006; dress, garment Cl 863

  weder n weather Sum 2253+; storm ML 873

  weel adv (see also wel, wele) well Kn 926+

  weep sg imp and sg past of wepe v

  weet adj wet Kn 1280, Rv 4107+; pl and weak sg wete

  weex sg past of wexe v

  weilaway, weilawey interj alas! Kn 938+; so ~ alas ML 370+

  weive v (see also waive) shun, avoid WB 1176; give up, abandon Mel 1066+; reject Mel 1208, Mcp 178+; ~ fro(m) cast aside, forsake, deviate from Mch 1483+; remove ML 308

  wel adv (see also weel, wele) well GP 29+; fully GP 24, Mil 3637, Sq 383; in detail Mil 3784; (with adjectives) much GP 256+; very GP 614, Mil 3701+; be ~ be in a good position ML 308+; ~ smellinge beautifully scented Kn 1961; ~ ny very nearly Kn 1330+; ~ unnethe(s) hardly Fkl 736, Mk 2421; ~ was him he was satisfied, happy Kn 2109, NP 2876+

  welde v govern, control WB 271, Mk 2010+; manipulate, deal with Mk 2262; have the use of Sum 1947; sg past welded, welte

  wele n wealth, riches ML 122+; welfare, prosperity, happiness Kn 1272+; splendour Kn 895; been in hir ~ are in their element Kn 2673

  wele adv (see also weel, wel) well Kn 2231

  weleful adj fortunate, prosperous Mel 1317; blessed, joy-giving ML 451

  welked p ppl withered, faded WB 277, Pard 738

  welkne n dat sky Cl 1124, Mk 2731

  welle n well Kn 1533+; source Kn 3037, ML 323+; spring Cl 48, Th 915+; fount Pri 656+

  wel neigh, wel ny adv very nearly, almost Kn 1330+

  welte sg past of welde v

  wenche n girl, lass Mil 3254, Rv 3973+; serving-maid Mil 3631+; whore Fri 1355+; mistress WB 393+

  wende v go, travel GP 16+; move Kn 2965; depart Kn 999, ML 265+; pass away Kn 3025; refl go Kn 2270+; leave, set out WB 915; ~ (o’s) weye depart, set out WB 918, Mch 1945+; p ppl went

  wene v think, suppose, believe, imagine Kn 1269+; reckon Kn 1804; expect Mil 3813, Rv 4320, Mch 1280+

  went p ppl of wende v

  wepe v weep GP 144+; sg imp weep; sg past weep, wepte; pl past wepen, wepten; p ppl wept, wopen

  wepne n weapon Kn 1591+

  werche v (see also werke v (1), wirche) work Mil 3664+; operate, function Kn 2759; make SN 545; perform CY 1155; do good works Sum 2114

  were v wear GP 75+; sg past wered; p ppl wered

  were 1/3 sg past subj of be v

  were(n) pl past of be v

  werk n work Mil 3311+; deed(s), practice GP 479, ML 928+; workmanship Th 864; behaviour Fkl 1106; activity Mcp 241; pl works, deeds Mil 3308+

  werke v (1) (see also werche, wirche) do GP 779+; act GP 497, Mil 3527+; make, fashion, construct Kn 1913+; create Kn 3099+; work CY 604; operate Pars 726; proceed Mil 3131; practise Mil 3308+; labour Mch 1965; cause Kn 2072, 2624; contrive ML 619, Mch 1692; perform Fkl 733, CY 359+; commit ML 856; sg past wro(u)ghte; p ppl (y)wroght

  werke v (2) ache Rv 4030

  werker(e) n doer Sum 1937, Mk 2386

  werking(e) n (see also wirk-ing(e)) work Mel 1596, CY 622+; action Mel 1400; deed Mcp 210, Pars 82; performance Pars 240

  werre n war GP 47+; attack Kn 1287; fight Kn 2100; conflict, strife WB 390, Fkl 757

  werreye v make war (on) Kn 1484+; attack Pars 401+

  werse comp adj (see also wors(e)) worse Mil 3174

  wers(e) comp adv (see also wors(e)) worse Mil 3733+

  wery adj weary Rv 4107+; tiring worse Mil 3643

  wesele n weasel Mil 3234+

  wessh(e) sg past of wasshe v

  wete pl and weak sg of weet adj wet Kn 1280+; as n moisture CY 1187

  wether n sheep, ram Mil 3249, 3542

  wex n (bees)wax GP 675+

  wexe v increase, grow Kn 2078, WB 28+; become, grow, be Kn 1362, 3024, Mel 1475+; (of moon) wax Kn 2078+; sg past wax, we(e)x; pl past wax; p ppl woxe(n), ywoxen

  wey adv: do ~ take away Mil 3287; lay aside SN 487

  wey(e) n (see also way) way GP 34+; hye ~ high-road Kn 897; the righte ~ the direct route Cl 273; the nexte ~ the quickest way Kn 2365+; bi the ~ along the road GP 780+; en route GP 467; go (o’s) ~ proceed Kn 2560; leave, go away Mil 3133+; every ~ in every direction SN 108; by any ~ at all costs Pars 628; a furlong ~ a little while (time taken to walk a furlong) Rv 4199+; at the leeste ~ at least Kn 1121+; a (twenty) devel ~ in the devil’s name Mil 3134+; by ~ of in terms of, in the course of, according to Kn 1291, ML 219+; go out of the ~ retire from the public eye Sh 234; noon oother weyes in no other way Pard 412

  weye v weigh GP 455+; be of weight Mk 2233, Pars 367; value, estimate Kn 1781

  whan (that) conj when GP 1+

  what adj what, which GP 40, Kn 2945+; what kind of Mcp 247; whatever, whichever Cl 165+

  what advand conj why GP 184, Kn 1380, ML 56+; in what way, how Kn 1307+; ~… ~, ~ for… and (for) partly with… partly with Kn 1453, Rv 3967+

  what interj what! WB 167+

  what how interj (call to attract attention) hello! Mil 3437+

  whatso pron whatever GP 522+

  wheither pron and conj which (of two) WB 1227+; whichever (of two) Kn 1856+; whether GP 570+; (introducing direct question, not to be translated) Sum 2069

  whelp(e) n puppy GP 257; cub Kn 2627; dog Sq 491, NP 2932+

  whennes adv and conj whence Cl 588+

  wher conj (2) contr of wheither whether Kn 1101+; (introducing direct question, not to be translated) Kn 1125, Mk 1929

  wher(e) adv and conj (1) where Kn 897+; wherever Kn 2252, Pard 748+; whereas CY 727

  wher(e)as rel adv and conj where Kn 1113, ML 647+; when Mel 1544; in which Mel 1331; whereas Mel 1253; although Mk 2157

  whereso adv and conj (see also wherso conj (1)) wherever Mk 2638

  wherfore adv wherefore, because of which Kn 2541+; for which Kn 1568; on what account ML 1049; on any account Phys 216

  wherof adv from what, whence WB 72, Pars 450; at which CY 1035; of what CY 1148; for what Mcp 339, Pars 308

  wherso adv and conj (1) (see also whereso) wherever Rv 4238, Sq 118, Mcp 361

  wherso conj (2) whether ML 294+

  wherto interrog adv why, for what purpose Mel 1612+

  wherwith interrog and rel adv with what WB 131; with which Pars 468; (with ellipsis of antecedent object) that with which, the means with which GP 302, Sum 1718

  whete n wheat Rv 3988+

  which interrog and rel adj and pron which GP 4, Kn 2686+; of what kind GP 40; whichever GP 796; who(m) WB 537+; what Mch 2421; what a WB 39; ~ a what a Kn 2675+

  whider adv whither, where Cl 588+

  whil conj while GP 35+

  while n while Kn 1437+; time Mil 3299+; quite (s.o’s) ~ pay (s.o.) back ML 584; allas the ~, so weilawey the ~ alas the day ML 370, Cl 251

  whiles conj (see also whils) while Fkl 1118, Pard 439+; in the mene-~ meanwhile ML 668

  whilom adv formerly, at one time, once upon a time GP 795+; as adj former Mk 2076


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