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The Canterbury Tales

Page 162

by Geoffrey Chaucer

  566 of my purveiaunce by my foresightedness

  569 bobaunce boast

  570 purveiaunce provision

  573 sterte escape

  574 is al ydo everything is over

  575 bar him on honde maintained

  576 dame mother soutiltee trick

  577 mette dreamed

  578 upright on my back

  583 loore teaching

  587 beere bier

  588 I wept continually and put on a sorrowful expression

  589 mooten must usage customary

  591 purveyed of provided with make spouse

  592 smal little undertake warrant

  593 amorwe next morning

  594 With by maden sorwe mourned

  595 oon of tho one of them

  598 clene shapely

  599 unto his hoold into his possession

  600 winter years

  602 hadde… a coltes tooth had youthful desires

  603 Gat-tothed gap-toothed bicam suited

  604 preente print (n.)

  605 lusty lively

  606 wel bigoon in good spirits

  608 quoniam ‘what-for’ (vagina) (n.)

  609 Venerien a child of Venus

  610 Marcien dominated by the influence of Mars

  611 lust appetite for pleasure likerousnesse lasciviousness

  612 sturdy rebellious hardinesse boldness

  613 ascendent dominant sign of the zodiac (n.)

  615 inclinacioun natural disposition (as influenced by the planets at birth)

  616 By vertu of in consequence of

  618 chambre of Venus ‘love-chamber’ (vagina)

  619 Martes of Mars (n.)

  622 by no discrecioun in moderation

  624 Al were he whether he was

  625 I did not care, provided that he pleased me

  628 joly gallant hende handsome

  629 solempnitee festivity

  630 fee property

  632 repented me ful sore I repented bitterly

  633 suffre tolerate list pleasure

  634 list ear

  635 rente tore

  636 of the strook from the blow wex became

  637 leonesse lioness

  638 jangleresse nagger

  640 althogh he hadde it sworn although he had sworn the contrary

  642 And tell me about old Roman stories

  645 Only because he saw her with uncovered head

  648 someres game Midsummer revels (n.)

  649 witing knowledge

  653 roule aboute gad about

  655 salwes willows

  656 priketh spurs falwes fallow land

  657 halwes saints’ shrines

  658 galwes gallows

  659 hawe hawthorn berry

  663 mo more

  664 wood al outrely extremely angry

  665 I would not put up with him under any circumstances

  670 disport amusement

  672 lough laughed ful faste very heartily

  673 clerk scholar

  681 o one

  683 vacacioun spare time

  688 inpossible impossibility

  691 neverthemo at all

  695 write written

  696 mark race redresse make amends for

  697 children of Mercurye those born under the influence of the planet Mercury

  698 wirking behaviour contrarius opposed

  699 science knowledge

  700 riot debauchery dispence expenditure

  702 Each one loses influence in the sign of the zodiac where the other gains it most (n.)

  704 exaltat in the position of greatest influence (n.)

  708 Venus werkes sexual activity

  709 sit (= sitteth) sits writ (= writeth) writes

  711 to purpos to the point

  716 wrecchednesse misery

  719 expres explicitly

  721 Tho then heres hair

  722 lemman mistress kitte cut

  727 Nothing not at all

  730 sely poor as as if

  731 wipte wiped

  732 stinte ceases

  734 shrewednesse maliciousness

  736 liking pleasure

  742 legende story

  743 ouche jewelled ornament (n.)

  744 prively secretly

  746 sory grace misfortune

  750 even evening

  752 likerous amorous

  754 maner kind of

  756 algates continually han sorwe come to grief

  761 herte despitus recalcitrant spirit

  762 leeve dear

  763 Yif give

  765 Of latter date from more recent times

  767 And let her lover pleasure her all night

  768 upright on its back

  772 bithinke imagine

  775 habitacioun dwelling

  777 using accustomed

  778 hye high

  781 that that which

  783 cast of takes off

  784 but unless

  786 wene imagine

  787 pine distress

  788 fine cease

  790 plight plucked

  794 wood furious

  795 fest fist

  798 He was afraid and wanted to run away

  799 out of my swough I braide I recovered consciousness

  806 to wite to be blamed

  807 biseke beseech

  808 eftsoones a second time

  809 wreke avenged

  811 care sorrow

  812 fille acorded came to an agreement

  813 bridel bridle

  814 governaunce management

  816 anon-right tho right away

  818 maistrye skilfulness soverainetee supremacy

  820 Do as it pleases you, for the rest of your life

  821 estaat social standing

  822 debaat strife

  824 Inde India

  829 logh laughed

  830 so have I joye or blis on my hope of bliss

  832 gale make an outcry

  834 entremette him everemo constantly interfere

  836 matere (piece of) business

  837 Why do you talk about preambling

  838 paas (go at) walking-speed (n.)

  839 lettest hinder disport amusement

  840 woltow so will you do so

  844 bishrewe curse

  846 But if I if I do not

  848 morne grieve

  852 fare as behave like

  856 here listen

  858 which that whom

  859 faierye fairy creatures

  860 joly beautiful

  861 mede meadow

  866 limitours friars who begged within territorial limits (see n. to GP 209)

  867 serchen scour

  868 sonne-beem sunbeam

  869 boures bedrooms

  870 burghes towns

  871 Villages, barns, cattle-sheds, dairies

  873 For where an elf used to walk

  875 At noon-time and morning

  876 thinges prayers

  877 in his limitacioun on his begging rounds

  878 saufly safely

  880 incubus demon which has sex with women in their sleep (n.)

  881 but only

  883 lusty bacheler lively young knight

  884 river hawking

  887 maugree hir hed in spite of all she could do

  888 rafte ravished

  889 oppressioun rape

  890 pursuite petition

  891 dampned condemned

  895 of grace for mercy

  898 spille put to death

  901 One day when she saw an appropriate moment

  902 yet still array situation

  903 suretee assurance

  906 Be war be wary iren iron (of an axe-blade)

  907 anon immediately

  909 seche seek lere learn

  910 suffisant satisfactory

  911 And I will have some security (bail) before you go

  912 Thy body for to yelden that you will deli
ver yourself in person

  913 siketh sighs

  915 chees him for to wende chose to depart

  917 purveye provide

  918 wendeth forth his weye sets out

  920 finde grace have good fortune

  922 coost region

  924 acording in-feere agreeing with each other

  926 jolynesse gallantry

  927 riche array finery lust pleasure

  928 widwe widowed

  929 esed soothed

  931 He gooth ful ny the sothe he gets very near to the truth

  933 bisinesse attentiveness

  934 ylimed snared (as birds are trapped with bird-lime)

  936 as us lest as it pleases us

  937 repreve… of reprove for

  938 nothing nice not at all foolish

  940 If anyone rubs us on a sore spot

  941 kike kick for because

  942 Assay make trial

  944 wol be holden want to be considered as

  946 secree discreet

  948 biwreye disclose

  949 rake-stele rake-handle

  950 Pardee by God hele conceal

  951 wol ye heere do you want to hear

  952 smale trivial

  956 sotilly cleverly

  957 So that… nobody knew of it

  960 disfigure disfigurement

  961 for al this world to winne even to gain the whole world

  962 vileinye wickedness

  964 for for fear of

  965 dide would die

  966 conseil secret

  967 swal so soore swelled so painfully

  968 That necessarily some word would have to slip from her

  970 maris marsh

  972 bitore bittern (a marsh-bird, which makes a booming sound in the breeding-season) bombleth booms

  974 Biwrey betray soun sound

  975 namo nobody else

  977 hool healed

  979 abide wait

  980 out it moot it must come out

  982 leere learn about

  983 specially in particular

  984 come therby come by it

  986 goost spirit

  987 sojourne stay

  989 it happed him he chanced

  990 care sorrow under by, beside

  993 drow ful yerne went eagerly

  996 niste did not know

  998 Save except that wif woman

  999 wight creature devise imagine

  1000 Again… gan rise stood up to meet

  1001 heerforth in this direction lith lies

  1003 Paraventure perhaps

  1004 muchel thing many things

  1005 leeve dear

  1006 but if that unless

  1008 If you could give me guidance, I would repay you handsomely

  1009 Plight me thy trouthe pledge me your faith

  1010 requere ask of

  1014 me… avaunte boast

  1015 stonde therby make it good

  1017 Lat let

  1018 Who wears a head-cloth or a hairnet

  1019 seye nay of contradict

  1021 rowned whispered pistel message

  1024 holde kept hight promised

  1028 justise judge

  1030 bode ordered

  1036 that so that

  1037 generally universally, without exception

  1038 sovereintee mastery

  1040 maistrye dominance

  1041 mooste greatest

  1045 han to have

  1046 stirte jumped

  1049 departe breaks up right justice

  1056 kept saved

  1057 fey faith

  1059 biheste promise

  1060 as chees choose

  1061 good property

  1062 shrewe curse

  1064 nolde would not wish oore ore

  1065 grave buried lith lies

  1066 But if thy wif I were anything other than to be your wife

  1067 dampnacioun ruin

  1068 nacioun family

  1069 disparaged disgraced by a misalliance

  1071 nedes moste of necessity had to

  1074 do no cure take no pains

  1075 array splendour

  1079 nas but hevinesse was nothing but gloom

  1080 prively privately on morwe next morning

  1081 as like

  1085 walweth thrashes about

  1086 everemo all the time

  1090 daungerous hard to please

  1093 unright wrong

  1094 fare behave

  1095 hadde who had

  1100 loothly ugly

  1101 kinde family

  1102 winde twist

  1103 So wolde God would to God (that) breste break

  1105 no wonder is it is not surprising

  1108 bere yow behave

  1109 for since gentilesse nobility

  1110 richesse wealth

  1114 Privately and in public, and always strives the most

  1117 wol wishes

  1119 heritage inheritance

  1120 parage lineage

  1121 for nothing not at all

  1124 degree condition

  1126 sentence maxim

  1127 rim rhyme, verse

  1129 Prowesse excellence

  1132 maime destroy

  1136 fine cease

  1137 To carry out the excellent practice of nobility

  1138 vileinye shameful action

  1141 shette shut thenne thence

  1142 lie blaze brenne burn

  1143 As as if

  1144 It will still maintain its natural function

  1145 Up peril of my lif as I live

  1147 Is not linked to wealth

  1148 doon hir operacioun perform their function

  1149 Alwey in all circumstances in his kinde according to its nature

  1152 wol han pris of wants to be esteemed for

  1153 boren born

  1155 nil is unwilling

  1158 vileins base cherl serf

  1159 renomee renown

  1161 straunge external

  1163 verray true

  1164 It was in no way bequeathed to us with our rank

  1169 expres explicitly drede doubt

  1172 rude uncultivated

  1176 weive shun

  1177 theras whereas repreve reproach

  1179 wilful voluntary chees chose

  1183 honeste honourable

  1185 halt him paid of considers himself satisfied with

  1186 al hadde he nat even if he did not have

  1188 might power

  1189 noght hath has nothing

  1190 knave commoner

  1192 mirily appositely

  1196 bringere out of release from bisinesse anxiety

  1197 amendere increaser sapience wisdom

  1199 alenge wretched

  1200 chalenge dispute

  1203 spectacle lens, eye-glass

  1205 sin that I noght yow greve since I do you no harm

  1207 of elde for old age

  1208 auctoritee written authority

  1209 gentils nobles

  1212 auctours authors

  1214 cokewold cuckold

  1215 also mote I thee as I may prosper

  1216 wardeins guardians

  1217 delit pleasure

  1224 take youre aventure accept the risk repair flocking of people

  1227 wheither which of the two

  1228 aviseth him reflects soore siketh sighs deeply

  1231 governaunce control

  1232 plesaunce pleasure

  1234 do no fors do not care

  1235 suffiseth satisfies

  1236 gete of yow maistrye won mastery over you

  1237 as me lest as it pleases me

  1239 wrothe angry

  1242 sterven wood die insane

  1243 also as

  1245 but I be if I am not sene see

  1249 Cast up lift up curtin curtain

  1252 hente took

  1254 a-rewe in a row<
br />
  1260 overbide outlive

  1261 shorte shorten

  1263 of dispence in expenditure

  1264 pestilence plague

  1265 limitour see n. to GP 209

  1266 maner louring cheere kind of scowling expression

  1267 Somnour see n. to GP 623

  1270 yeve give

  1272 scole-matere questions for scholastic debate

  1273 muche thing many a thing

  1275 game fun

  1276 lete auctoritees leave learned quotations

  1277 scoles of clergye schools of higher learning (i.e. the universities)

  1279 game joke

  1282 ivel apaid displeased

  1283 rennere runner

  1284 mandementz writs

  1285 ybet beaten

  1286 hende polite

  1291 Whatso him list whatever pleases him

  1292 quiten pay back grot bit

  1297 And I shall tell him what he does, you bet

  1300 leeve dear

  1303 dide execucioun executed sentences

  1305 wicchecraft witchcraft bawderye pimping

  1306 diffamacioun defamation, slander avoutrye adultery

  1307 chirche reves church robberies

  1308 lakke of sacramentz failure to receive the sacraments

  1311 singen squeal hent caught

  1312 titheres tithe-payers yshent punished

  1313 persone parson pleine make a complaint

  1314 No pecuniary penalty could elude him

  1316 pitously pitifully

  1317 er before hook curved end of a bishop’s staff

  1320 doon… correccioun inflict punishment

  1322 boy rascal

  1323 espiaille body of spies

  1324 wher that him mighte availle where his profit might lie

  1325 spare have mercy on

  1326 techen… to direct to

  1327 theigh though

  1328 harlotrye wickedness

  1329 correccioun authority

  1331 shullen shall terme of alle hir lives all their lives long

  1332 stives brothels

  1333 cure control

  1334 Peace, bad luck to you

  1336 gale protests

  1339 baudes pimps

  1340 lure see n. to WB 415

  1341 secree secrets

  1342 come of newe recently created

  1343 approwours agents

  1345 wan acquired

  1346 lewed man layman

  1347 somne summon Cristes curs excommunication


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