The Canterbury Tales

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The Canterbury Tales Page 173

by Geoffrey Chaucer

2111 wight a person

  2114 bountee prowess

  2115 reawme realm

  2116 lette prevent

  2118 boundes boundary marks

  2120 highte was called

  2124 Envenimed poisoned

  2129 Be as be may however it may be

  2131 blaked blackened

  2134 Because he scorned to die from any poison

  2135 starf died

  2136 throwe space of time

  2137 of prees dangerous

  2138 be war is aware

  2140 list to glose wants to beguile

  2141 waiteth watches for a chance

  2146 unnethe hardly

  2148 ladde carried

  2149 His chief residence was at Babylon

  2152 leet do gelde had castrated

  2153 thral slave

  2154 othere others

  2156 expowned interpreted

  2157 Wheras although Chaldeye Chaldea, Babylonia

  2158 fin outcome sowned tended

  2159 leet make had made

  2160 cubites cubits (a measure of length, about eighteen inches) brede breadth

  2162 loute bow have in drede venerate

  2163 fourneis furnace flambes flames

  2164 brend burned

  2167 elat haughty

  2168 wende believed

  2169 bireve deprive

  2170 dignitee rank

  2172 hey grass theroute out of doors

  2175 wax grew heres hair

  2177 relessed released a certein a certain number of

  2178 wit (human) intelligence

  2179 evere his lif all his life

  2180 trespace transgress

  2181 beere bier

  2184 regne kingdom

  2185 be war take warning

  2186 array finery

  2187 idolastre idolater

  2188 assured him made him confident

  2194 Gooth bringeth forth go and bring out

  2196 birafte took away

  2198 Of for with us lafte bequeathed to us

  2200 Ay dronken drank continually laste (= lastede) lasted

  2203 say saw armlees without an arm

  2204 quook trembled siked soore sighed deeply

  2205 agaste frightened

  2211 rente revenue

  2212 nothing God ne dradde did not fear God at all

  2213 wreche vengeance

  2214 him birefte took away from him

  2217 eet ate

  2218 knew acknowledged

  2222 figure (human) shape

  2228 Dronke drank

  2229 heriest worship

  2230 yshapen ordained pine punishment

  2233 weyest noght at al are of no weight

  2236 slawe slain

  2237 degree position

  2240 sikernesse security

  2243 moore and lesse great and small

  2244 what whatever

  2245 Mishap misfortune

  2246 sooth true commune widely known

  2249 keene brave

  2250 hardinesse courage

  2251 linage lineage gentilesse mark of nobility

  2254 of hir shap with respect to her figure amended surpassed

  2256 Office of wommen female employments

  2258 brode broad

  2259 hente seized

  2261 to-rente torn to pieces

  2262 welde deal with

  2265 under the bussh in the woods

  2266 verray might main strength

  2267 wight strong

  2269 kepte protected

  2270 She scorned to be bound to any man

  2273 taried kept waiting

  2275 swiche fantasies the same kind of inclinations

  2276 knit in-feere joined together

  2278 lief beloved

  2281 plein entente whole purpose

  2283 espye observe

  2285 doon his fantasye fulfil his desire

  2286 A second time, and only once, without doubt

  2287 at thilke cast on that occasion

  2288 game game of love

  2290 suffre allow

  2294 oother cas other circumstances pleyde had enjoyment

  2296 lettrure learning

  2298 worshipful honourable

  2299 large with mesure generous in moderation

  2300 penible strenuous

  2305 perree jewellery

  2306 lafte noght did not neglect

  2308–9 entende To devote herself to liking pleasure

  2312 doughty brave

  2314 th’Orient the East

  2315 Appertenant belonging

  2316 hem them

  2317 hir foomen their enemies

  2320 Again against

  2324 ytake captured

  2326 writ (= writeth) writes

  2327 mightily vigorously

  2328 propre own

  2331 that grace fond had the good luck

  2332 werreye make war

  2337 corageus courageous

  2338 Ermin Armenian

  2339 Surryen Syrian

  2341 slen slay

  2342 meinee army

  2347 see n.

  2348 may no while endure may not last for long

  2353 shoop determined

  2356 hente seized

  2357 fettred put in fetters

  2358 wan conquered

  2360 chaar chariot perree jewels

  2362 lad led

  2366 charged weighed down

  2369 gaureth stare

  2370 helmed helmeted starke stoures fierce battles

  2372 vitremite ?a woman’s cap (n.)

  2374 hire costes for to quite to pay for her keep

  2379 subtiltee cunning

  2380 bitraysed betrayed

  2382 rente revenue

  2383 feeld ground

  2384 limerod twig smeared with birdlime (to trap birds) glede live coal

  2385 brew brewed cursednesse wickedness

  2386 wikked nest see n. nede disaster

  2387–8 took ay hede Of was always concerned for

  2389 corrupt for mede corrupted by bribery

  2390 brike plight

  2393 wroghtestow ful wo you brought much affliction on

  2394 liges subjects

  2397 gye guide

  2400 delit pleasure

  2401 infortune misfortune acounte tell of

  2402 estat rank clombe were had climbed

  2406 noot I I do not know

  2407 langour suffering

  2415 Dampned condemned

  2417 suggestioun charge

  2418 gan upon him rise rose against him

  2421 unnethe hardly

  2424 mete food wont was was accustomed

  2425 shette shut

  2428 doon him dien cause him to die

  2430 fillen fell

  2433 potage soup

  2434 morsel breed mouthful of bread

  2438 me were levere would be more agreeable to me

  2440 barm lap

  2443 say saw

  2446 wite blame for

  2447 wende thought

  2448 gnow gnawed

  2452 ete inow eat your fill

  2455 starf died

  2457 carf cut

  2461 devise describe

  2462 faille lack

  2464 feend devil lith lies

  2467 Septemtrioun North

  2469 brouded embroidered

  2471 More voluptuous, more splendid in finery

  2473 The garment that he had worn for one day

  2476 Tibre (the river) Tiber him liste pleye he wanted to amuse himself

  2477 lustes desires

  2479 brende burned delicacye pleasure

  2483 array state

  2486 of… tolde esteemed

  2490 domesman judge

  2492 noon oother wo he made he expressed no other sorrow

  2494 wade go

  2495 maister teacher

  2496 letterure literacy

  2498 but if

  2500 konning wise souple docile

  2502 uncouple unleash itself

  2504 drede fear

  2507 nede necessarily

  2511 hadde… of acustumance was in the habit of

  2512 agains in the presence of

  2513 grevance grievance

  2516 Chees chose

  2517 tormentise method of execution

  2520 cherice foster

  2522 nice foolish

  2525 sete seat trice pluck

  2526 weneth expects

  2528 defaute wickedness

  2529 hath him dight went

  2530 there where wende han been allied thought he had friends

  2531 faste hard

  2533 misgyed misled

  2534 calle shout

  2535 rombled made a rumbling noise

  2538 He almost lost his mind for fear

  2540 mighte noght bitide was impossible

  2543 foond found

  2546 girden of cut off

  2548 despit insult for his defame to disgrace him

  2549 koude no bettre reed knew no better remedy

  2550 Of at hadde a game amused herself

  2552 regnes mo more kingdoms

  2555 pompous vainglorious

  2556 which whom ay always

  2557 likerously amorously

  2558 of off er that he wiste before he knew

  2560 For lesinge for fear of losing

  2561 reneye his lawe abjure his religion

  2564 trespace transgress

  2567 tak kepe take note

  2569 berne barn

  2571 upright on his back

  2572 of smoot struck off

  2573 stal stole away

  2579 which that what

  2582 in on

  2583 enhaunced elevated

  2584 attaine reach

  2586 balance pair of scales

  2590 Weninge believing abate destroy

  2591 for that because

  2592 Of by

  2594 greithe his chaar his chariot be prepared

  2595 despitously angrily

  2596 wolde eftsoone would go without delay

  2597 wreke his ire vent his anger

  2598 of… let hindered in

  2599 manace threat soore severely

  2601 carf cut boot gnawed

  2602 inportable unendurable

  2603 wreche vengeance

  2606 smert pain

  2607 apparaillen his hoost his army be got ready

  2608 war aware

  2610 soore severely char chariot

  2611 totar tore to pieces

  2612 go walk

  2613 chaier sedan chair

  2614 forbrused severely bruised

  2618 meinee household kepte looked after

  2619 Wheither so whether

  2622 knew acknowledged

  2624 wlatsom loathsome careine gangrenous flesh

  2627 starf died in on

  2628 homicide murderer

  2630 gerdon reward

  2632 hath discrecioun has reached the age of adult reasoning

  2635 wan conquered

  2636 sende to send

  2637 leide adoun destroyed

  2642 fredom magnanimity flour peak, pinnacle

  2644 aswage subdue

  2645 hye entente high purpose

  2646 leonin lion-like

  2647 pris praise

  2652 what sholde I moore devise why should I say more

  2653 write were to write

  2656 Philippes sone of Macidoine son of Philip of Macedon

  2661 sis six (highest possible throw in dice) aas one (lowest possible throw in dice; hence an emblem of bad luck)

  2662 weep wept

  2663 compleine bewail

  2664 franchise magnanimity

  2665 demeine control

  2667 corage spirit emprise adventurousness

  2668 endite indict

  2670 of… wite blame for

  2674 th’Occident the West

  2675 tretee negotiation

  2678 weex became

  2680 Again against fader thin in lawe your father-in-law

  2682 biginneth dawe dawns

  2683 knighthod prowess slawe slain

  2686 spedde prospered

  2689 fleigh ran away

  2691 of smoot struck off him himself

  2694 fin end

  2695 repaireth returns

  2696 lauriat crowned with laurel hye exalted

  2697 on a time one day

  2698 estat social position

  2699 prively secretly

  2701 caste determined on

  2702 boidekins daggers devise tell

  2705 hente seized

  2706 foon foes

  2707 stiked stabbed

  2709 gronte groaned

  2712 estatly honestee a dignified decorum

  2713 soore smerte hurt severely

  2715 For in order that privetee private parts

  2716 of-dying dying

  2721 word and ende from beginning to end

  2723 sitthe afterwards

  2724 No man ne truste let no one trust

  2725 But watch her suspiciously all the time

  2727 whilom formerly

  2728 him dradde was afraid

  2730 brent burned

  2731 welkne sky shadde fell

  2732 slow extinguished

  2733 But he still did not have the good fortune to be on his guard

  2734 galwes gallows

  2735 stente forbear from

  2737 wende believed

  2738 hap luck

  2740 swevene dream mette dreamed

  2743 him thoughte it seemed to him

  2744 wessh washed

  2745 towaille towel

  2746 wax increased

  2748 heigh sentence great wisdom

  2754 stremes rays

  2755 anhanged hanged

  2757 plat bluntly

  2758 Phanye Phania

  2764 unwar strook an unexpected stroke

  2765 faille let them down

  2768 That what iwys for certain

  2769 hevinesse sorrow

  2768 That what iwys for certain

  2769 hevinesse sorrow

  2771 disese distress

  2774 solas pleasure

  2776 wexeth fortunat becomes prosperous

  2778 gladsom cheerful

  2781 clappeth loude talks loudly

  2783 noot nat do not know

  2785 compleine lament

  2786 als also

  2789 anoyeth irritates

  2791 desport amusement

  2794 nere clinking were it not for the jingling

  2796 dide died

  2798 slough mire

  2799 hadde… be would have been

  2801 audience hearing

  2802 Noght helpeth it it’s no use

  2803 substaunce capacity

  2805 somwhat of something about

  2806 lust desire

  2808 rude rough

  2811 glade gladden

  2812 jade hack

  2813 foul wretched

  2814 rekke nat a bene do not give a bean

  2815 Looke see

  2817 But I be if I am not

  2818 attamed begun

  2821 stape advanced

  2822 whilom once narwe cramped

  2827 catel property rente income

  2829 foond supported

  2831 kyn cows

  2832 bour bedroom

  2833 sklendre scanty

  2834 poinaunt pungent never a deel not a bit

  2835 deintee delicious

  2836 cote cottage

  2837 Repleccioun surfeit

  2838 Attempree moderate physik medicine

  2839 suffisaunce contentment

  2840 Gout did not prevent her from dancing

  2841 shente nat did not injure

  2844 foond no lak found no fault

  2845 Seind grilled ey egg

  2846 a maner deye a kind of dairywoman

  2847 yeerd enclosure

  2848 stikkes palings

  2849 heet who was called

  2850 nas his peer there was none equal to him

  2851 murier sweeter-sounding orgon organ (n.)

  2853 sikerer more reliable logge coop

  2854 orlogge clock

  2856 equinoxial celestial equator (n.)

  2858 amended improved on

  2860 batailled crenellated

  2861 bile bill jeet jet

  2862 asure lapis lazuli toon toes

  2864 burned shining

  2865 governaunce care

  2866 plesaunce pleasure

  2867 paramours mistresses

  2868 wonder wonderfully

  2869 hewed coloured

  2870 damoisele lady

  2871 debonaire gentle

  2872 And an entertaining companion, and behaved so elegantly

  2874 hath… in hoold possesses

  2875 loken locked lith limb

  2876 therwith for that reason

  2878 gan to springe rose

  2879 In sweet harmony, ‘My love has gone away’

  2882 in a daweninge one day at dawn

  2886 gan gronen groaned

  2887 drecched soore deeply troubled

  2889 agast afraid

  2893 agrief amiss

  2894 me mette I dreamed meschief affliction

  2895 afright frightened

  2896 God… my swevene recche aright may God interpret my dream for the good

  2899 say saw

  2900–2901 maad areest Upon seized

  2904 remenaunt rest

  2906 Yet still

  2908 Avoy shame hertelees cowardly

  2912 whatso whatever

  2914 hardy brave fre generous

  2915 secree discreet nigard miser

  2916 tool weapon

  2917 avauntour boaster

  2919 aferd afraid

  2921 Alas! And are you capable of being frightened by dreams

  2923 engendren of arise from replexions surfeits of food

  2924 fume bodily ‘exhalation’ complexions mixtures of humours (n.)

  2925 humours bodily fluids (n.)

  2928 rede colera red choler

  2930 arwes arrows lemes flames

  2932 contek warfare whelpes dogs


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