The Canterbury Tales

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The Canterbury Tales Page 174

by Geoffrey Chaucer

  2935 boles bulls

  2938 werken… ful wo do harm to

  2941 Ne do no fors of attach no importance to

  2944 Up upon

  2945 conseille advise

  2949 techen direct

  2950 heele health prow benefit

  2951 tho those

  2952 by kinde by nature

  2953 I.e. both laxative and emetic

  2955 colerik dominated by the humour of choler complexioun temperament

  2956 Ware take care that

  2957 replet of filled with

  2958 leye a grote bet a groat (g.)

  2959 terciane tertian (reaching a climax every third day)

  2960 agu fever be youre bane be the death of you

  2961 digestives digestive medicines

  2963 lauriol spurge laurel centaure centaury fumetere fumitory

  2964 ellebor hellebore

  2965 katapuce caper spurge gaitris beryis ?buckthorn berries (n.)

  2966 herbe yve buck’s-horn plantain (n.) merye pleasant

  2968 fader kin father’s kindred

  2970 graunt merci of your loore thank you for your advice

  2975 moore of auctoritee of greater authority

  2976 so mote I thee as I may prosper

  2977 revers contrary

  2979 significaciouns signs

  2983 preeve experience

  2984 auctor writers

  2989 streit of herbergage short of accommodation

  2990 o one

  2991 ylogged lodged

  2992 mosten had to

  2993 departen part

  2995 And took his lodging as chance determined

  2996 That oon one

  2997 Fer a long way off

  2999 aventure chance

  3000 as in commune on an equal footing

  3002 mette dreamed

  3008 abraide woke suddenly

  3010 He turned over and paid no attention to this

  3011 vanitee foolishness

  3014 slawe slain

  3016 morwe-tide morning

  3018 donge dung

  3020 Have that cart stopped without delay

  3022 point detail

  3023 hewe complexion

  3026 in lodgings

  3028 After for

  3029 hostiler inn-keeper

  3030 is agon has left

  3034 lette delay

  3036 donge spread dung on

  3039 hardy bold

  3042 upright on his back

  3043 on against

  3044 kepe govern

  3047 out sterte rushed out

  3049 al newe recently

  3051 biwreyest reveal

  3052 wol out will become known

  3053 wlatsom loathsome

  3055 heled be to be concealed

  3059 hent seized pined tortured

  3060 engined tortured

  3061 biknewe confessed

  3062 anhanged hanged

  3063 to drede to be feared

  3066 gabbe nat do not lie

  3071 That stood very pleasantly by the side of a harbour

  3072 again the even-tide towards evening

  3074 Jolif cheerful

  3075 casten hem decided

  3076 that o man one man

  3078 Towards day he dreamed a wonderful dream

  3082 dreint drowned

  3084 viage journey lette postpone

  3088 agaste frighten

  3089 That I will put off carrying out my business affairs

  3091 japes delusions

  3093 maze delusion

  3094 shal shall be

  3096 forslewthen idle away tide time

  3097 it reweth me I am sorry

  3099 yseiled sailed

  3100 Noot I nat I don’t know

  3101 casuelly by chance botme bottom

  3106 leere learn

  3107–8 recchelees Of careless about

  3109 soore seriously

  3113 A lite er a little before

  3114 avisioun dream

  3115 expowned interpreted

  3116 kepe him guard himself

  3117 For against

  3118 And therefore he took little account

  3120–21 By God, I would give my shirt for you to have read his legend, as I have

  3123 writ (= writeth) writes

  3129 Whether he considered dreams foolishness

  3131 Wher whether

  3135 effect consequence

  3136 remes realms

  3138 Lyde Lydia

  3142 sholde lese was to lose

  3144 lorn lost

  3148 anon immediately

  3150 dwelle linger

  3154 telle of… no stoor set no store by

  3155 venimes poisons

  3156 deffye reject never a del not at all

  3157 stinte leave off

  3159 large grace great good fortune

  3162 It causes all my fear to vanish

  3163 siker sure

  3164 see n.

  3165 sentence meaning

  3168 ride mount (sexual sense)

  3170 solas pleasure

  3172 fley flew

  3175 corn grain of wheat

  3176 Real regal aferd afraid

  3177 fethered covered with outstretched wing-feathers (while copulating)

  3178 trad mounted (in a sexual sense) prime

  9 a.m. (g.)

  3180 rometh strolls

  3182 chukketh clucks

  3185 in his pasture feeding

  3186 his aventure what happened to him

  3188 highte is called

  3194 yronne run

  3196 kinde nature loore teaching

  3197 stevene voice

  3198 is clomben has climbed

  3200 worldes blis worldly happiness

  3204 fil befell

  3207 rethor rhetorician faire endite write well

  3209 notabilitee notable fact

  3211 also as

  3214 sentence subject

  3215 col-fox fox with black feet, ears and tail

  3216 woned lived

  3217 imaginacioun forncast premeditated scheming (n.)

  3218 brast broke

  3219 ther where

  3220 repaire resort

  3221 wortes greens

  3222 undren mid-morning (g.)

  3223 Waitinge watching for

  3224 gladly customarily homicides murderers

  3225 in await liggen lie in ambush

  3226 mordrour murderer

  3228 dissimulour dissembler

  3229 al outrely utterly

  3231 flaugh flew

  3234 forwoot has foreknowledge of

  3235 After according to

  3237 altercacioun wrangling

  3240 bulte it to the bren sift out the valid arguments

  3243 forewiting foreknowledge

  3244 Streineth constrains nedely necessarily

  3245 simple necessitee see n.

  3248 wroght created

  3249 witing knowledge

  3250 But except necessitee condicionel see n.

  3251 of with

  3253 conseil advice with sorwe more’s the pity

  3255 met dreamed

  3256 colde fatal

  3262 in my game in jest

  3266 devine imagine

  3267 sond sand

  3268 Lith lies

  3269 Again the sonne in the sun free noble

  3270 mirier more sweetly

  3271 sikerly for a certainty

  3276 Nothing ne liste him he had no desire at all

  3277 sterte sprang

  3280 contrarye enemy

  3281 erst before

  3282 gan him espye caught sight of him

  3287 wolde were to wish

  3288 youre conseil for t’espye to spy on your private affairs

  3291 stevene voice

  3293 feelinge skill

  3296 gentillesse kindness

  3299 for men speke of singinge since singi
ng has been mentioned

  3300 As I live (lit. as I may have the use of my two eyes)

  3303 of herte from the heart

  3305 so peine him make such an effort

  3306 moste winke had to shut

  3307 tiptoon tiptoes

  3308 smal thin

  3315 nice foolish

  3316 benefice ecclesiastical living

  3320 seinte charitee holy charity’s sake

  3321 countrefete imitate

  3323 espye detect

  3325 flatour flatterer

  3326 losengeour sycophant

  3332 cloos shut

  3334 stirte sprang atones at once

  3335 gargat throat hente seized

  3337 sewed pursued

  3338 eschewed evaded

  3339 fleigh flew

  3340 ne roghte nat did not take any notice

  3343 Sin that since

  3346 suffre allow

  3347 soverain supreme

  3349 shot an arrow soore bitterly

  3350 sentence wisdom loore skill

  3353 pleine lament

  3354 peine suffering

  3357 streite swerd drawn sword

  3360 clos yard

  3361 seyn seen

  3362 sovereinly pre-eminently shrighte shrieked

  3365 brend burned

  3367 wilfully voluntarily sterte leaped

  3375 sely poor

  3377 stirten rushed

  3378 syen saw

  3380 Weilaway alas

  3382 staves staffs

  3386 fered for frightened by berking barking

  3388 They ran so hard they thought their hearts would break

  3390 as as if quelle kill

  3391 flowen flew

  3394 meinee followers

  3398 bemes trumpets box box-wood

  3399 powped tooted

  3400 skriked shrieked howped whooped

  3408 Yit then

  3410 pestilence plague

  3412 Maugree youre heed in spite of all you can do abide remain

  3416 deliverly nimbly

  3417 fley flew

  3418 say saw

  3420 trespas wrong

  3423 entente intention

  3426 shrewe curse

  3430 Do me to singe cause me to sing

  3432 thee prosper

  3434 governaunce behaviour

  3435 jangleth chatters

  3436 recchelees careless

  3443 chaf chaff

  3448 breche breeches stoon ball, testicle

  3451 tredefoul hen-shagger, stud

  3453 The were nede you would need

  3455 braunes muscles

  3457 sparhauke sparrow-hawk

  3458 dyghen dye

  3459 brasile dye made from brazilwood grein of Portingale scarlet dye from Portugal

  3460 faire falle yow blessings on you

  1 ministre servant norice nurse

  2 clepe call

  3 delices pleasures

  4To avoid, and to oppress by means of her (Idleness’s) opposite

  5 leveful bisinesse legitimate activity

  6 doon al oure entente take great pains

  7 feend devil hente lay hold of

  8 slye subtle

  9 waiteth lies in wait biclappe trap suddenly

  11 lightly easily

  12 lappe sleeve

  13 hath him in honde has control of him

  14 oghte us we ought withstonde resist

  15 dradden nevere were not to be at all afraid

  19 hir holdeth in a lees confines herself

  21 othere swinke others produce by labour

  23 so such

  24 doon my feithful bisinesse made an honest effort

  25 After according to legende saint’s life

  26 passioun martyrdom

  27 wroght made

  30 list likes

  32 do m’endite enable me to write

  37 welle fount

  38 chees chose wone dwell

  40 nobledest ennobled so ferforth to such an extent

  41 Makere… of kinde Creator of nature

  43 blisful blessed sidis sides (of the body)

  45 the trine compas the three ‘worlds’ (heaven, earth and sea)

  46 out of relees without ceasing

  47 herien worship wemmelees undefiled

  48 dweltest remained

  54 benignitee graciousness

  55 frely generously

  56 leche healer

  58 flemed exiled galle bitterness

  59 Cananee Canaanite

  60 whelpes dogs crommes crumbs

  61 been yfalle have fallen

  63 bileve faith

  65 wit and space ability and opportunity

  66 I be quit I may be free from thennes from the place

  69 Theras where Osanne Hosanna

  71 lighte illuminate

  73 wighte weight

  74 lust pleasure

  75 refut refuge

  77 me dresse turn

  79 do no diligence take no pains

  80 subtilly artfully

  81 sentence content

  82From him who, in honour of the saint

  85 wolde I I would like

  86 Expowne explain

  89 honestee purity

  91 swote savour sweet smell

  95 conjoininge conjunction

  96 in figuringe symbolically

  98 lasting bisinesse constant activity

  100 Wantinge lack

  101 sapience wisdom thewes clere pure morals

  108 every weye in every direction

  109 goostly spiritually free gracious

  110 Sayen saw magnanimitee lofty-mindedness

  114 brenninge burning

  117 perseveringe perseverance

  119 declared explained highte was called

  121 kinde family

  125 drede reverence

  126 kepe hir maidenhede preserve her virginity

  131 corage heart

  132 sat ful faire sat very well on her

  133 yclad hire clothed herself haire hair-shirt

  134 organs rgan (n.)

  136 gye keep

  137 Unwemmed undefiled confounded led into perdition

  139 faste (= fastede) fasted

  140 bidding in hir orisons saying her prayers faste earnestly

  141 moste had to

  143 prively privately

  145 conseil secret and if

  146 fain gladly

  147 So that provided that biwreye reveal

  148 faste solemnly

  149 for no cas under no circumstances

  150 neveremo never

  151 at erst first

  153 wherso whether

  154 my body for to kepe to protect my person

  155 out of drede without doubt

  156 in vileinye in a shameful way

  157 sleen kill with the dede in the act

  159 clene chaste

  162 corrected disciplined

  168 sle kill

  169 anon-right at once

  170 yow list it pleases you

  171 So that provided that trowe on believe in

  173 stant (= standeth) is located

  174 povre poor

  178 nedes business entente purpose

  182 twinne depart

  186 buriels tombs (see n. to SN 172) lotinge lurking

  192 conseil intention hierde shepherd

  196 thral servant

  201 cleere shining

  205 say saw up hente raised up

  207 O one withoute mo alone

  208 Cristendom baptism

  211 rad read out

  212 Levestow (= levest thow) do you believe

  214 sother truer

  215 no wight no one may can

  216 Tho then niste did not know

  218 fint (= findeth) finds

  221 Corones crowns bar carried

  223 yaf that oon gave one

  224 make husband

229 lese lose swote sweet

  231 But unless vileinye shameful acts

  233 conseil advice

  234 boone request

  235 tho then

  241 blisful feste blessed feast

  242 coom came

  243 undernoom perceived

  245 faste intently

  252 kinde nature

  257 leve beloved

  259 knowen acknowledge

  261 soothnesse truth

  264 at erst for the first time

  265 wostow (= wost thow) do you know

  266 devise tell

  268 reneye renounce

  269 clene pure

  271 Preface see n.

  276 chambre marriage-chamber gan… weive gave up

  277 shrifte profession of faith

  278 bountee goodness shifte assign

  282 wist learned

  286 dombe dumb deve deaf

  287 leve renounce

  291 espye discern

  292 allye kinsman

  300 mowe may

  303 whider I shal where I shall go

  304 with right good cheere cheerfully

  306 Til to

  308 It seems to me that that would be an amazing thing to do

  310 dampned condemned

  311 And lives in hiding-places, always here and there

  312 putte forth his heed show himself

  313 brennen burn

  318 Algate entirely ybrend burned

  320 skilfully reasonably

  322 living oonly the only life

  324 ne drede thee noght do not doubt

  326 wroght created

  327 skilful rational

  329 souled endowed with a soul

  332 ther where wone exist

  338 sapiences kinds of intelligence

  339 engin imagination (n.)

  342 bisily earnestly

  343 come coming

  345 withholde kept in bondage

  346 doon… remissioun win pardon for

  347 cares colde suffering

  353 Parfit perfect

  355 say saw in time and space in due time

  356 boone request

  357 sped accomplished

  361 sergeantz city officers

  363 opposed interrogated

  366 Swap of strike off

  367 yow devise tell you about


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