47 feste entertainment
48 wit intellectual capacity
52 vouchesauf agree
54 avis opinion
57 textuel learned
58 sentence content
61 word speech
62 for to doone a fit thing to do
64 space time
68 faire yow bifalle good luck to you
69 what yow list what pleases you
73 fructuous fruitful, edifying
Rubric Ier. 6° Jeremiah 6 (n.)
75 wole perisse will perish wole that wishes that perdurable everlasting
76 amonesteth admonishes
77 sentences teachings
80 covenable suitable
81 cleped called
82 wite know whennes why accions performances
83 spices sorts apertenen belong bihoven to are fitting for
84 pleininge bewailing
85 som a certain waimentinge lamentation pineth tortures
86 verray true
87 shrift confession
89 japere trifler gabbere idle talker eftsoone again
90 stinte cease
92 unnethe with difficulty charged weighed down
93 forlete renounce siker sure
94 in his laste at his death
97 but unless clene pure
102 solempne ritual commune public privee private
104 fame report destreineth constrains
106 shrive us confess
109 benignely patiently
110 again for wrathe anger
111 recchelesnesse carelessness
115 digne worthy
117 sikernesse security egre pungent
118 dome judgement
121 dooth him causes him to
122 norice nurse
124 sadly steadfastly
127 after according to
129 sad steadfast
130 poinaunt piercing
131 agilt offended against
136 Apocalips Apocalypse, Book of Revelation limes members
137 ben woxen have become thral enslaved hate object of hatred
138 spewing vomit
139 continuinge continuance
144 Though I wiste even if I knew
151 Take reward of have regard to
152 soore bitterly
153 heele health
154 unkindely ungratefully vileinsly vilely
156 Likneth compare groin snout
157 wroteth grubs about
162 sete throne
164 essoine excuse for non-appearance in court at the appointed time
166 sleighte cunning
167 corrupt corrupted mede bribery
170 moot biknowen must confess
171 harye drag
172 withoute-forth outside
177 misese suffering
178 o one
179 acquite himself make amends
180 at regard of in comparison with
182 defaute lack
185 destourben him to see prevent him from seeing
186 miseise misery
187 confusioun disgrace
188 knave commoner
190 heighnesse high rank fortroden of trampled by
191 hevedes heads abated degraded
193 oneden united
196 forther over in addition
197 smale fine-spun
198 strawed strewn covertures coverlets
201 everich each
202 whilom formerly flesshly in the flesh
206 solas comfort
207 delices luxuries after according to savoringe tasting
208 grintinge gnashing
209 nosethirles nostrils
211 wene believe
213 peineth tortures
214 wrecche kaitives miserable wretches
217 rewle rule
218 creat created nombred numbered
224 lorn lost
225 halwes saints
228 bithinke him recollect talent desire
229 science knowledge
230 waimente lament, wail
233 mortefied deprived of life astoned rendered lifeless
235 in charitee in a state of grace quiken come to life
239 reherce enumerate
243 abregge shorten
244 enlumine and lightne illuminate and enlighten
245 usen accustom
246 ne wole does not wish
248 J’ay tout perdu… labour I have completely wasted my time and my effort
250 fareth acts forleteth leaves off
251 bihight promised
254 moment (in medieval reckoning) the fortieth or fiftieth part of an hour rekeninge account
257 wakinges vigils
258 mowes grimaces repreves insults
259 nothing not at all
264 obeisaunt obedient
267 desordinaunce flouting of order aboghte paid for
269 bitraysed betrayed destreined tied up brast burst
270 daunte subdue
271 caitif wretched
273 forfeted sinned shendshipe disgrace
275 disordinaunces violations of order
276 bispet spat upon
278 biscorned scoffed at
279 seyn seen vileinsly shamefully
280 nothing hadde agilt had done no wrong
283 gerdone reward
284 soverein bountee supreme generosity
287 yeve given
290 soupe eat supper
291 regne kingdom biheteth promises
294 refreineth restrains talent desire apertly plainly
295 dwelleth lasts al be it never so lite however little it is
296 again against
298 shriven hem are confessed
299 bigileres deceivers
304 anguissous anxious pleinly fully
305 amende him of correct
306 at his power to the best of his ability
308 wherof availeth of what benefit is
309 relessedest forgave
310 sad firm
311 waik weak
312 servage bondage goodes benefits
314 sette his entente to set his heart on were would be corage inclination therof with them
315 debonairly gently
316 partie part
317 convenable appropriate
319 condiciouns circumstances
320 moot must forwrapped covered up avaunte him boast
321 whennes whence
322 springinge origin
325 nothing not at all
329 eet ate
330 membres genitals
331 by as regards naddre adder
332 deffended forbidden
334 contract incurred erst before
335 perdurable everlasting if it nere were it not for binimeth takes away from culpe guilt
336 heynesse high rank
337 after according to
338 desobeisaunt disobedient norissinge nourishing
341 quenche be quenched refreided cooled malefice witchcraft
342 again against
343 penaunce suffering clothlees without clothes
344 kaitif wretched
345 woned lived ney almost
347 sikerly assuredly
348 everich each
350 wexeth grows
351 bely bellows
352 bithinketh him considers
353 waive reject flawmbe flame delit pleasure
354 kepe him guard himself
355 by concerning chace harass hente catch departe single out prise booty lust desire
356 departeth divides dede the act
357 actuel committed by one’s own act (as opposed to original sin)
358 outher either
359 amenuseth diminishes
360 charge burden but if so be unless descharge him rid himself lightly easily
361 skippeth passes
363 wawe wave drencheth sinks crevace crack thurrok bilge
364 dreint sunk
365 anoyouse harmful
366 biset fixed
367 weyeth… as muche is of as much weight
368 flitte vary
369 bireveth takes away
371 sith since covenable appropriate
372 suffiseth to is sufficient for
373 benignly graciously
374 heele health by thilke encheson for the same reason
375 useth has sexual intercourse with soverein supreme engendrure procreation entente purpose
376 blandise blandish
377 almesse alms apparaileth his mete prepares his food deliciously sumptuously likerousnesse gluttony
378 tale vanitees tells idle tales of vileinye shameful
379 biheteth promises lightnesse frivolousness misseyeth speaks ill of
380 ther when soothfastnesse truth
382 eschewe avoid refreine him restrain himself greve harm
384 anoyeth harms
386 almes-dede alms-giving Confiteor see n. complin compline (g.)
387 bihovely necessary chieftaines leaders renne in o lees run on one leash spring source
388 accidie laziness slewthe sloth
390 outrely completely
391 inobedience disobedience avauntinge boastfulness despit disdain elacioun self-esteem contumacye rebelliousness pertinacye obstinacy
392 for despit out of spite goostly spiritual
393 bountee good
395 Despitous contemptuous evene Cristen fellow Christians
396 demeth believes
399 as to regard of with reference to konninge intelligence beringe behaviour
400 Elacioun arrogance suffre endure
401 undernome of reproved for werreyeth attacks witingly knowingly
402 Contumax contumacious indignacioun arrogance
403 emprise enterprise surquidye over-ambition theras where waiten expect
405 temporel heynesse worldly rank
406 Janglinge chattering clappeth as a mille clacks like a mill
407 waiteth expects salewed greeted pax pax-board (n.) encensed censed offringe the Offertory
408 semblable similar agains his duetee contrary to what is due to him
411 levesel bunch of leaves (used as a tavern sign)
412 contenaunce behaviour outrageous extravagant
414 cowpable blameworthy derthe costliness his its straungenesse rarity degisynesse elaborateness inordinat excessive
415 costlewe expensive to desordinat excessive
417 embrawdinge embroidering degise fancy endentinge indentation barringe ornamenting with stripes owndinge ornamenting with waved lines palinge decoration with vertical stripes windinge twining (with thread or silk) bendinge decorating with stripes
418 pownsoninge punching chisel pointed blade dagginge ornamenting clothing with pointed edges sheris scissors
419 forth with together with
421 convenient suitable estaat rank beete relieve distemperance inclemency
422 disordinat inordinate kutted shortened sloppes loose tunics hanselins very short jackets
423 boce bulge hirnia hernia wrappinge folds
424 hindre part rear
425 degisinge fancy clothing departinge dividing flayn flayed
427 corrupt infected fir of Seint Antony skin disease (e.g. erysipelas) cancre spreading ulcer
429 in despit of honestetee in contempt of decency
430 debonaire meek atir fine clothing likerousnesse lecherousness
431 honestetee beauty uncovenable unfitting scantitee scantiness reprevable blameworthy
432 aornement adornment apertenen to are connected with delicat fine
433 to curious over-elaborate crouperes cruppers peitrels breast-plates
435 taken litel reward of have little concern for
437 notified made known meinee retinue
438 felonous cruel damageous harmful hardinesse arrogance
439 sustenen support
441 careine carrion
442 God yeve may God grant
443 benisoun blessing malisoun curse but unless
444 cleped invited rebuked repelled
445 bakemetes pies dissh-metes food cooked in dishes wilde fir artificial flames castelled with papir decorated with paper towers (n.) abusioun perversion
446 curiositee elaborateness delices of luxurye self-indulgent pleasures
448 especes species sourden of arise from imagined, avised, and forncast plotted, planned, and premeditated of usage from habit
449 freletee frailty unavised without premeditation
451 stonden… in consist in
452 delivernesse agility gentrice nobility of birth franchise being free-born
453 wit intelligence engin inventiveness vertu naturel natural ability
454 preisinges praises
455 science knowledge
458 heele health enchesoun cause
459 coveiteth desires again against sorier more wretched
460 hardinesse boldness
461 gentrye nobility binimeth takes away
462 apparailleth furnishes corage heart
463 cherl bondsman
464 eschewinge avoidance servage bondage contenaunce behaviour
465 large by mesure generous in moderation
467 covenable fit debonairetee kindness
468 flies insects
470 goodes blessings turned him to goodnesse been beneficial to him
471 kaitif captive
473 brotel brittle
477 holdeth of himself no pris ne deintee sets no store or value by himself as in regard of with respect to
479 naught worth worth nothing
480 rekketh nat does not care
481 atempree moderate biknoweth acknowledges bountee virtue amenuseth diminishes
482 chese choose conseil advice
483 stonde… to submit to award judgement
484 wele prosperity
485 platly directly
487 werreyeth attacks grace good fortune yeve given
489 bountees virtues divers different
490 wel unnethe hardly
491 kindely natural kinde nature
493 bakbitinge slander
494 digne worthy
495 shrewed entente wicked purpose
498 fifte fifth ay continually after in proportion to
499 grucchinge grumbling murmuracioun murmuring
500 pine suffering catel property shrewes wicked people
501 ordinaunce decree
502 enointe anointed heved head
503 murmure grumbling of hire owene catel with their own property
504 weep wept
505 bereth him on hond accuses him of
506 leveful lawful
507 verray despit pure resentment
508 lewed folk uneducated people
511 al do he never so wel however well he does
512 waiteth lies in wait
514 wante be lacking
517 wilne wish
518 amonestinge admonishment anoyes troubles
520 catel property
525 bountee good
526 chacen afflict pursuen persecute
529 grevous difficult perfourne put into action confounded destroyed
530 disconfited defeated
532 paas see n. largely fully
533 finde him a matere of find a reason for
534 lightly easily wrooth angry
536 fervent hot yquiked kindled
537 eschawfinge heating moevinge agitation trouble disturbed
539 jalousye of zeal for
540 debonairetee mildness Irascimini et nolite peccare Be ye angry, and sin not
541 avisement reflection
543 avised deliberate cast biforn premeditated
544 wasteth destroys
545 put (= putteth) puts binimeth takes away
546 forneis furnace eschawfed heated
548 gleedes embers quike kindle brimstoon sulphur everemo always
549 but if unlessr />
550 matere cause norice nurse kepere guardian
551 a manere tree a kind of tree
552 Estre day Easter Sunday
554 shrewes villains
555 toonges tongs
556 cheeste quarreling reprevinges reproaches
557 anoyeth… to harms
558 outrageous excessive
559 of Crist towards Christ halwes saints
560 debonaire humble
561 alday continually reveth him deprives him of
564 in diverse wise in different ways
565 homicide a murderer
567 conseil advice areisen levy custumes customary services taillages taxes
568 abregginge reduction shepe wages
571 justice judge dampneth condemns coupable guilty kepinge preservation
572 in his defendaunt in self-defence
574 caas or aventure chance or accident shete shoots
575 overlieth lies on
576 outher either secree places private parts
577 unkindely unnatural shedeth hire nature emit their seminal fluid
579 approcheth to assembles with (sexually) is perissed perishes leseth loses
580 arretteth upon attributes to hasardours gamblers
582 unreverently irreverently auter altar releessed forgiven
583 attry venomous amonested admonished forleten renounce
584 hokerly scornfully unstedefastnesse frailty
585 compleccioun temperament (g.) corageous spirited, ardent
586 delivere release biknoweth confesses
589 in alle manere in any way
592 rule yow after be guided by quarto capitulo chapter 4 swere… in doom take an oath in court
593 unleveful unlawful
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