594 domesman judge
595 mede reward worship honour
597 Actuum quarto Acts 4
598 Take kepe take note ad Philipenses secundo Philippians 2 heigh exalted worshipful honourable ynempned named
600 heighly solemnly deffended forbidden forswering perjury
601 deliten hem take pleasure gentrye mark of breeding
602 avisement reflection
603 adjuracioun exorcism conjuracioun conjuration, the invocation of spirits nigromanciens necromancers
605 divinailes divination sort casting of lots geomancye geomancy (n.) chirkinge creaking crakkinge creaking
607 suffreth allows for in order that
608 lesinges lies significacioun meaning evene Cristene fellow Christians
610 catel property peinten embellish with alle circumstaunces with full details
611 sustene back up
612 gladly customarily
613 losengerye flattery
614 hautein proud enhauncen his herte and his contenaunce become overbearing
615 wene of himself be think himself to be
617 Placebo I shall please (n.)
618 sustene support querele quarrel
619 Malisoun cursing bireveth… fro deprives of
621 over above eschewe refrain from as ferforth as far
622 unsowen unsew
623 unnethes with difficulty pleinly ben accorded be fully reconciled disclaundred slandered
624 mesel leper harlot rogue
625 rightwis sonde just dispensation suffrance permission meselrye leprosy maime maiming
626 holour lecher dronkelewe drunken
627 vileins wicked
628 by any wey at all costs reprevinge taunting quiken kindle
629 deslavee unbridled
630 bihoveth nat it is not fitting for
631 how that although uncovenable unfitting
634 Ad Colossenses tertio Colossians 3
636 tode toad
637 parting-felawes partners
639 ut Achitofel ad Absolonem as Achitofel (did) to Absalon (n.) again himself to his own disadvantage
640 livinge way of life anoye harm
641 grevous hostile specially in particular
642 outrely utterly
643 is aboute to maken is intent on making
644 maken semblant pretend
645 biwreying disclosure conseil secrets unnethe with difficulty restore repair
646 threteth threatens
647 idel frivolous naturel normal
649 jangling gossiping apert open
651 japeres buffoons japerye buffoonery gawdes tricks
652 conforten encourage travaillen labour vileins shameful knakkes tricks
654 mansuetude meekness debonairetee gentleness suffraunce forbearance
655 refreineth curbs moevinges impulses corage inclination
657 eschawfeth nat does not become inflamed
658 quik living tretable inclinable enformed of perfected by
660 outrages injuries
661 disconfiteth defeats venquisse conquer
662 grevances injuries
663 repreved taunted
664 algate in either case
665 catel property nas but was only
667 outrageous excessive travaillen labour haly dayes holy days
668 Heeragains in response to this despitous cruel
669 gerdoun reward pardurable everlasting
670 trespas offence amoeved incensed yerde rod scoure beat
676 parfourne the doctrine practise the teaching
677 accidie sloth troubleth disturbs thoghtful moody wrawe peevish
678 binimeth him takes away from him anoy of vexation at
680 anoy irritation wrawnesse peevishness unlust slothfulness
682 holden obliged heryinge praise adowringe worship
684 bisinesse activity
685 liflode sustenance purveaunce provision temporel worldly forsleweth is sluggish about forsluggeth neglects
686 hevinesse sluggishness bounde constrained
687 is anoyed is reluctant encombred hindered
688 hardnesse hardship penaunce distress delicat sensitive shendeth ruins
689 cacchen corage get the courage quiteth repays
690 Usage the exercise sinwes sinews
691 emprise enterprise
692 casteth reflects circumstaunces conditions chargeaunt burdensome
693 wanhope despair outrageous unrestrained wolde were willing
695 in against
696 douteth fears
698 recreant faint-hearted seyth ‘creant’ surrenders
700 bithinke him on recollect
702 regne kingdom
705 large generous
706 sompnolence somnolence sloggy slombringe sluggish slumber
707 by wey of resoun according to reason
708 morwe-tide morning covenable suitable almesse alms
710 rekketh of cares about how that although
711 ne doth no fors does not care
713 doon diligence do his utmost abaundone devote
714 yate gate sheten shoot at discovert in an exposed position
715 thurrok bilge jangles idle chatter trufles yarns
718 tarditas tardiness laterede dilatory
720 lachesse laziness forleten abandon stinten leave off governe control ne taken of him namoore kepe are no longer concerned about him contrarye difficulty anoy hardship
721 witingly knowingly breres briars governaunce control
722 freseth freezes
723 undevocioun lack of devotion blent blinded apalled lack-lustre
724 slough slow slombry sleepy
725 tristicia sadness
726 anoyed of irritated by
727 by wey of kinde in the course of nature
728 affeccioun movement of the spirit
730 enhaunceth elevates enforceth fortifies abateth weakens long-suffraunce long-suffering travailles labours
731 magnanimitee fortitude corage spirit bihoveth is necessary swolwe swallow
733 queintise cunning sleighte trickery
735 seuretee confidence sikernesse security ne douteth does not fear
736 magnificence stout-heartedness gerdoun reward
737 stablenesse steadfastness beringe behaviour cheere demeanour
739 Ad Thimotheum sexto (1) Timothy 6
740 confounded perplexed idel solas vain comfort
741 likerousnesse greed
742 purchacen acquire
743 ne stant nat does not consist in catel property science learning outrageous superfluous
744 withholde retain
747 dooth moore observance takes greater care
748 ad Ephesios quinto Ephesians 5
749 idolastre idolater mawmet idol
750 mawmettrie idolatry Exodi capitulo vicesimo Exodus 20
751 grave thing graven object
752 distreined oppressed tailages forced levies custumes customary services cariages taxes (g.) than hire duetee or resoun is than they owe or than is reasonable amercimentz fines
753 raunsoninge of exacting payment from bonde-men serfs
754 bireven take away from Augustinus de civitate libro nono Augustine, City of God, Book IX (n.)
755 Genesis nono Genesis 9
758 reven plunder
760 contubernial familiar
762 rede advise plit situation
764 degree rank skile is it is reasonable devoir duty despit humiliation
766 kouth known
767 pilen plunder
769 wombe stomach stinteth ceases
771 lough low served in his estaat treated according to his rank
772 byen buy
773 but if if… not
774 as ferforth as as far as lith lies confounde harass
775 mesure moderation
776 mesured measured out but if unless
777 marchandise trade goostly spiritual honeste honourable leveful law
ful deshoneste dishonourable
778 suffisaunt to himself self-sufficient
779 marchandises goods
781 simonye see g. ententif earnest seintuarye sanctuary, church cure care
782 do his diligence does his best ordred in religious orders irreguler see n.
783 cleped of named after temporel catel worldly wealth
784 simonials simoniacs procuringe solicitation
786 avauncen promote
787 honeste honourable bargaininge making deals
788 at regard of in comparison with
789 forleseth loses utterly digne worthy
790 patrimoine patrimony
791 lewed lay yeveres of chirches patrons of churches
792 han part of have a share in
793 hasardrye gambling as tables such as backgammon rafles a game of chance, played with three dice chidinges quarrels ravines thefts reneyinge denial
794 haunte indulge in
795 lesinges lies
796 bireve take away mede bribery
797 questemongeres jurymen
799 sleighte trickery by met or by mesure by (false) measuring
800 enditementz indictments
801 chirche-hawes churchyards
802 vileins shameful
803 reven take away
804 relevinge of remedy for largely taken broadly understood misericorde mercy
805 rescowinge rescuing evene Cristene fellow Christians
806 corage heart misese distress
809 amenused reduced
810 lene lend
811 resonable largesse moderate generosity bihoveth is necessary perdurables everlasting
812 noot (= ne woot) does not know forgoon lose
813 unmesurable immoderate fool-largesse prodigality
816 drovy dirty trouble muddy
817 aperteneth belongs
818 desordeinee inordinate
819 corrumped corrupted
820 wombe belly confusioun destruction savouren relish
821 usaunt to given to servage of bondage to hoord store
822 sepulture burial
823 wont accustomed travailled been labouring
824 wexeth al trouble becomes confused
825 mete food
826 humours bodily fluids (g.) destempred unbalanced
827 foryetelnesse forgetfulness
828 gete him procures for himself delicat rich
829 curiositee elaborateness apparaillen prepare
831 meritorye meritorious hele health
832 enforced strengthened
833 attemperaunce temperance the mene the golden mean eschueth shuns deshonestee dishonour suffisance sufficiency dooth no fors of does not bother about
834 deslavee unbridled outrage excess
835 sparinge abstemiousness
836 ny cosins close relations departe separate
837 peines punishments
838 staves sticks
839 dreinte drowned diluge flood thonder-leit lightning
840 avowtrye adultery
841 stank lake
842 lete leave taken him to devote himself to
843 bitokneth signifies
845 heste commandment alle manere every kind of
847 anoyeth is harmful to haunten indulge in obligeth binds perdurable everlasting
848 dreyeth dries up shent (= shendeth) destroys
849 dispenden spend
851 deliteth him moost takes most pleasure chaffare trade avantage profit
852 cacche incite vileinye wickedness
853 fool lecherous basilicok basilisk (n.)
854 pich pitch shent injures
856 fourneis furnace
857 holours lechers do perform the act smatre beslobber
858 roser rose-bush make a contenaunce make as if
859 likerousnesse lechery
861 by discrecioun in moderation atemprely moderately
863 wombe stomach gripeth grasps reines loins
864 grimnesse horribleness totrede trample down
867 regne kingdom dewe due
868 bireve deprive maidenhede virginity
870 vileinyes wickednesses closure fence
871 wexe grow
873 longen belong
874 tho that those who whilom formerly
876 lorn destroyed stant vein is worthless
877 reve take away from
878 holour lover
880 douted was afraid preyed him of vileinye asked him to do wrong take given warde guardianship
882 matrimoine matrimony
883 digne worthy
885 unwar unwittingly harlotes lechers bordels brothels fool wommen prostitutes gonge latrine purgen evacuate
886 putours pimps puterye prostitution bawdes procurers
887 gladly customarily
888 kerveth atwo cuts in two
889 hir their
891 religious in a religious order entred into ordre in orders subdekne subdeacon dekne deacon hospitaliers Knights Hospitallers (n.)
892 agreggen increase
894 ordred folk people in orders titled dedicated meignee company liven of live off
895 misterye ministry Sathanas Satan, the devil
896 haunteth indulges in
897 Helie Eli sheweth appears
898 juge see n. free bole see n. liketh pleases
899 faren… by act towards
900 ne konne nat are incapable of apaid satisfied soden boiled
901 shrewes rascals
902 harlotrye lechery halwes saints
903 lemmanes mistresses malisoun curse court Cristien ecclesiastical court
904 reward regard
905 ne rekken of do not care about
906 Thobie Tobias
907 affinitee group of people related by marriage (n.) deled participated taken no kepe pay no attention
908 parentele kinship goostly spiritual delen have sexual intercourse godsibbes relations by baptism (g.)
911 mixne dunghill
912 maidenes virgins corrupt sexually experienced
913 langwissinge infirmity humours bodily fluids (g.) ranke luxuriant vertu retentif natural faculty to retain bodily effluents phisik medical science surfeet surfeit
914 vileins shameful kepen hem control themselves
915 desordeinee moevinges inordinate impulses talentes desires
916 eschawfinges inflammations widwehode widowhood
917 leefful lawful departed separated
918 wolde wished
919 halwen sanctify
921 point state o one
922 figured symbolized heved head algate at any rate by ordinaunce according to the principle of order
924 engendrure offspring conjoint to united with
925 bere him behave suffraunce forbearance
927 the maistrye the upper hand desray trouble
928 holden kept
931 decree canon law (n.) leve permission
932 attempree restrained array clothing setten hire entente to take care to queintise elaboration
933 purpre purple
936 mesurable restrained beringe behaviour
938 perfit perfect
939 engendrure procreation
940 eschewe avoid
941 merite of credit for lust wish
943 rekke nevere do not care
945 forgoon lost releved rescued
946 agilte should do wrong
947 contenaunce behaviour boiste jar
948 bihoveth is necessary
949 preisinge glory as… in egalitee on a par with
951 ese comfort
954 stikinge fastening leit flame
955 but he be unless he is
957 heigh lofty lete leave divines theologians
958 stant in consists in
959 coveiten desire
960 agreggeth increase
961 gentil or thral nobly-born or a serf ordred in religious orders
963 maiden virgin in manere of in the nature
964 chirche-hawe churchyard dedicat consecrated
965 halwed consecrated spille his kinde emits seminal fluid entredited interdicted
966 to terme of al his lif for the rest of his life
967 consentement consent
968 eggen incite parteners accomplices
970 unkinde ungrateful wexeth becomes
971 latter later eschew loath shriven him be confessed
972 forleten abandon al outrely completely departen divide shrift confession
973 excitinge urging
974 maugree hir heed in spite of all she could do afforced forced harneis details
975 suffred allowed
976 with alle circumstaunces with full details bordel-wommen prostitutes
977 latter more recent
978 conseil advice
979 after that according as engreggen burden ben avised of reflect on
984 agilt offended against
985 therof about this travailleth suffers
986 publican tax-collector heven lift
987 next nearest to
990 meene intermediary
991 but if maladye destourbe it unless sickness prevents it taken kepe pay any attention to sit (= sitteth) sits
992 trespased done wrong maken his accord be reconciled outrageous impudent
995 ne lette nat should not delay
996 biknowe confess
998 warisshe cure
999 unshewed undisclosed
1000 certein certainty drecchinge continuance
1003 purveyed prepared avised thought about
1005 drede fear countrewaite guard fle avoid
1006 parcel part departe divide
1007 never a deel not at all
1008 penitauncer assigner of penance curaat parish priest but if it like to thee unless it pleases you
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