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by D'Elen McClain

  Unconsciously, they all moved toward Nicolas. He pulled Zenya close, but put his hand out and touched the others as they absorbed his calming energy.

  “Everyone is cranky and tired.” He turned hard eyes to Talya. “You will stay away from the vampire or I will take over your punishments and you will not like it.”

  “You think I like Zenya’s?” Their taciturn teenager always tried to have the last word.

  “Enough.” His power spiked and they each received a heavy jolt, and though it didn’t hurt, it held enough command that none of them would dare go against him.

  Talya looked down, a cloud of dark hair covering her face.

  Nicolas steered Zenya to the bedroom, glancing over his shoulder. “I leave my son in your care, Talya. My mate and I are going to bed.”

  Zenya laughed when the door closed behind them. “That’s cruel. Even Talya doesn’t deserve that punishment.” She sank her hands in the hair at his nape, weaving her fingers through the short wave.

  He pulled her closer. “Maybe not, but I want you, and Little Ivan always interferes with my plans.” He kissed her, melting her exhaustion, replacing it with a powerful need for her mate.


  It was after one in the morning when a loud knock hammered against Dmitri’s front door. He sensed the other vampire long before he heard the sound. This would be a study in diplomacy, but somehow the two needed to learn to work together. Dmitri was thankful Vorlyk mated a cat and not another vamp. He didn’t think he could take two bloodsuckers in his territory. He reminded himself Vorlyk somehow worked things out with Amy and Marcus. If they could control their territorial desire to kill another vampire, then so could Dmitri. Hell, at least he hoped so.

  He opened the door and bade the vampire enter.

  Vorlyk’s power was subdued slightly lower than their first meeting, but still oozed throughout the room.

  “How much control do you have over your power?” A fine tremor ran beneath Dmitri’s skin, and something needed to give or the effects of the alcohol would not have the desired outcome.

  “Sorry.” Vorlyk reined it in a little more. “When I’m nervous, I have less control. I know you’re aware I’ve been coming into my own. In your world, I’m considered weak, but I assure you, I’m gaining strength daily.”

  Dmitri internally winced. The fact Vorlyk admitted his flaw was unique and brought back Dmitri’s own painful memories. “You are holding a clan of wolves and cats together. I find nothing weak about it. You are unable to completely control your power because it increases so quickly. When it happened to me, I killed everyone in sight.”

  Vorlyk didn’t say anything for a few startled seconds, but then lightened the mood. “I have my moments.” His lips tipped into a slightly crooked grin.

  Vorlyk’s true age was difficult to determine. The vampire was turned when he was in his late teens or early twenties. But his vampire age was older than it first appeared, though not nearly as old as Dmitri. “Join me for my promised whiskey. I started without you a few hours ago, but could use another drink or two. We have a lot to discuss.”

  They sat in opposite chairs and both drank from crystal tumblers.

  Silence set the mood until Dmitri poured a second shot for both of them. “Please tell me about your clans needs, besides safety.” This was a nonviolent topic and one they needed to discuss.

  Vorlyk swirled the malty liquor. “Each woman in my clan was abused. My mate, and Esta, Nikka, Talya, and Sheeba have been with me since we escaped South America. Except for Talya, they are more stable than the rest.”

  “And Talya?”

  Disgust showed on Vorlyk’s face. “She’s eighteen. The male cats sexually abused her from an early age.”

  “A child?” Dmitri couldn’t keep the horror from his voice. Yes, he knew these things happened in every society, but that didn’t make it less abhorrent.

  Vorlyk’s entire face changed and a small grin, complete with fangs, appeared. “I was hoping you would feel that way. Nicolas told me that Talya already has a slight crush on you.”

  Dmitri vehemently shook his head. “She’s a baby. Nicolas can rest assured that I want nothing to do with her.” Dmitri thought about the first time he saw Anastasia at the age of sixteen. He was a different man then in a different lifestyle, but even so, they did little more than kiss and touch a bare arm or shoulder here or there. Their intimate touches always above clothes. Now, the thought of having sex with one so young was repugnant. He preferred older women who knew the ways of men.

  Vorlyk interrupted Dmitri’s thoughts of Anastasia. “Talya is a handful, and it might be wise to warn your male bears away from her, too.”

  “I’ll do so. Is there anyone else we need to be wary of?”

  “Most of the females are timid, but please don’t let that take away from their strength. They’ve survived unspeakable horrors. The male wolves are protective. Besides Nicolas and Zenya, Esta and Aster have mated. McDonald’s wolf has chosen Sheeba, but they have not finalized their union. Sheeba is blind and it’s a tricky situation right now because she feels McDonald could do better by not having a disabled mate.”

  “I will order all hands off Sheeba as well as Talya.”

  “Thank you, that will help.” Vorlyk turned the conversation to another topic. “The Kodiak’s son is mated to a wolf?”

  “Yes, and it’s had interesting consequences. If bears and wolves, and cats and wolves can produce offspring, then bears and cats should be able to do the same. The male bears are definitely interested in your females.”

  Vorlyk laughed, a young carefree sound in contrast to the challenges his clan faced daily. “All males seem to be interested in my females. Thank God, Nicolas is strong. I leave those problems to him whenever I can. He has taught me a lot about beastkind politics. I think they are even more involved than vampires.”

  “Let’s hope they keep us out of it then. Have another drink.” Dmitri opened a second bottle.

  The two vampires spoke about the special needs of the women, defensive training, and what they thought the enemy cats were planning. At one point, Dmitri tried to explain the complex male/female issues with his bears. Their social structure, when it came to the division of men and women, was similar to the cats, though there was no physical abuse. Mandy, Honey’s wolf-mate, had changed the dynamics and now some female bears were learning self-defense tactics.

  Surprisingly, for the first time the two vampires were alone together, it went well. Both were thoroughly drunk when the sun rose and Vorlyk returned to his mate. Dmitri needed time to process what he’d learned and made his way upstairs to his bed with a lot on his mind.

  He sensed the intruder as soon as he entered the bedroom. If he weren’t completely wasted, it would have been when she entered his home.

  A young she-cat lay naked in his bed.

  Chapter Five

  Talya’s arm stretched above her head and Dmitri immediately felt pity for the loss of her other limb. Vorlyk had not mentioned the maiming.

  “You may come closer, vampire. I know it’s rude of me to enter your home unannounced, but I’d rather get our first union out of the way.” Her body undulated with feline grace.

  She didn’t talk or look like a child, but all Dmitri felt was revulsion. To be sexually used to the point she had no self-respect was heartbreaking. At least it would be if Dmitri had a heart. He knew there was no gentle way to deal with her, so he was brutally honest.

  “I do not bed children. I know of your history, but that doesn’t excuse your behavior. You will leave this house immediately and only return if accompanied by an adult.”

  She actually gave a low, throaty, very adult laugh. “Make me.”

  Dmitri flashed from the room to the porch of the cabin holding Nicolas and Zenya. Esta opened the door after his knock and then stood back so the vampire could enter and avoid more of the early morning sun. Dmitri did not see Nicolas or Zenya in the front room.

  Fighting the red haz
e closing in on him, he looked at the unfriendly she-cat and tried to keep his tone level. “One of your children is naked in my bed. I would like to avoid a war between our clans.”

  Wary regard turned to anger. “Talya?”

  “Introductions were not made, but I suspect it’s her. One arm, a child, and very persistent.”

  “I’ll wake Zenya.”

  The other cats and wolves slowly stirred. They lay on furniture or in a pile on the floor between the couch and two chairs. The ones on the floor were in their animal forms and it was quite odd to see wolves and cats comingling. Of course, it was strange at first when Mandy and Honey ran the property together in their beast forms, but in a short time, the sight became normal.

  Zenya walked out of the bedroom, irritation rolling off her in waves. “I’m sorry, Dmitri. I’ll take care of this.”

  He nodded. “Vorlyk explained the situation last night. Although I wasn’t prepared for her quick action, I understand what you’re up against.”

  Zenya gave him a tight smile and marched out the door, followed by Esta.

  Dmitri wasn’t sure what to do. The alcohol had all but worn off and the pulses of anger he constantly fought were thudding against his brain. Glancing at the sleepy cats and wolves, he felt out of place and looked away. His head whipped back around, his hair partially covering his eyes, when one of the cats rolled over and shifted to human. His nostrils flared as he pinpointed the musky scent of blood thrumming through her veins, causing an instantaneous tightening of his groin.

  Fuck. His entire world did a backflip, and just looking at her caused a calming effect to settle over him that even The Kodiak couldn’t equal. She was gloriously naked and if he didn’t know better, he would think he was looking at a slightly older version of Anastasia. This woman’s beauty punched him in the gut. He couldn’t take his eyes away from the delicious pink blush creeping up her breasts then flowing across her cheeks. It reminded him even more of his first love.

  A low growl from one of the wolves made Dmitri jerk his eyes away and break the spell this female cast over him. He couldn’t get out of the house quickly enough. First, the dream of his lost love, then a naked child in his bed, and now this. He flashed into The Kodiak’s empty living room and threw himself onto one of the large chairs.

  He replayed the scene of the lovely cat over again in his mind. Just the thought of her soothed the beast he hid. Who the hell was she?



  Zenya stormed into Dmitri’s house and headed straight up the stairs. The ornery teenager was nowhere in sight. The she-cat was lucky because in Zenya’s current mood, she wanted to beat Talya black and blue. Though she would never do it, the thought actually settled her distraught nerves.

  Zenya turned her weary eyes to Esta. “What are we going to do? She’s not getting better. She needs therapy and how do we get that for an unpredictable young woman who turns into a mountain lion?”

  Esta, always pragmatic, offered advice. “We need to find her first. Have you thought that letting her mate might be the answer?”

  Zenya sighed, allowing more of her anger to dissolve. “She’s too young and even if we tried, none of the males have shown a sign that they’ve bonded with her. Wanting sex yes, mating no.”

  Esta, like always, faced the problem head on. “Maybe the vampire is the solution. They don’t mate like we do. They have some control and do not have the animal influence when choosing their life companion.”

  “Did you see the look on Dmitri’s face? The man was terrified and I don’t blame him.” Zenya started walking from the room. “Come on, we need to find her and think of a suitable punishment. A feral cage for the next three years is sounding good right now.”

  They circled the house following Talya’s scent from the back where she’d snuck in and out through a window. They were unfamiliar with the area, and saw several bears on patrol who stayed at a respectful distance, assuring they remained on the property. The sun was fully up and it was impossible not to admire Dmitri’s territory even with the tumult of uneasy thoughts about their teenage hellion. Just the smell of fresh air, small game to hunt, and open space filled Zenya with a longing so strong she wanted to cry. She tried to be optimistic, but having their own territory and home seemed more like a dream.

  Approaching a small lake, they heard crying long before they saw Talya.

  “Tears won’t get you out of trouble. We’re here in this territory at Dmitri’s forbearance,” Zenya said when they were closer.

  Talya turned around, her eyes red and swollen. The pain in her gaze smashed into Zenya. They’d all suffered, but Talya’s agony cried out for patience and understanding.

  Talya’s voice trembled, the words shooting straight into Zenya’s heart. “With one arm, no one will ever love me.”

  Zenya cast piteous eyes at Esta in silent communication and they sat down on either side of the wayward teenager.

  Zenya placed her hand on Talya’s shoulder. “There is someone who will love you. I know it doesn’t seem that way now, but he is out there waiting. The two of you will know instantly with no question that he is your mate and you belong to him. Sex with every pretty face is not the answer.”

  Talya sniffled. “But I need the vampire to want me.”

  Zenya continued soothing the broken feline. “Need is not the same as love, Talya. You need someone to love you and value the beautiful girl on the inside and the outside.”

  Talya’s sobs intensified. “They will never get past the part of me that’s missing on the outside.” Anger hardened her next words. “I just want to die. Things would be better without me. The pack works, but I am always a burden. I can’t seem to help myself and I don’t know why.”

  “Never say that.” Esta’s voice was harsh. “Every one of us is the future of our clan and that includes you. We’ve come too far to give up. We need you as a fighter. We must protect the babies. Do not be a coward.”

  Talya’s lips quivered. “You’re right, and, like always, I think and do everything wrong.”

  “Talya, look at me.” Zenya’s voice held a newfound steel that was emerging more frequently since her mating.

  The young cat turned her head and met Zenya’s eyes. Longing for love and understanding poured from her soul.

  “If you find a mate or your mate finds you, I will not stop you from being happy. But you cannot have sex with just anyone until you are twenty-one and old enough to make your own decisions.”

  Talya looked shocked. “You would truly allow me to mate?”


  “With the vampire?”

  Zenya rolled her eyes. “Argh, you drive me crazy. No, the vampire is off limits. He is not your mate and you make our presence here precarious. Stay away from Dmitri.”

  “But he’s gorgeous. His eyes are such an unusual color, a soft light brown, and his long hair… I want that hair falling across my naked breasts. I want his scratchy beard rubbing over my skin.”

  Zenya sighed, shaking her head at the sexual images she didn’t want to think about.

  Esta spoke before she could. “I didn’t notice any appeal to the vampire.”

  Talya gave the women a startled look. “You lie.”

  Their laughter blended, lightening the mood. Two were mated, but they were still women and Dmitri was mouthwateringly attractive.

  Talya’s tears dried and her smile turned mischievous. “I researched animal mating habits before we left Marcus’s territory.”

  “Why would you do that?” Zenya gave her an inquisitive look, not having a clue what difference it would make.

  “I had questions and getting answers isn’t easy in this clan. I did find some interesting facts, though.”

  Now it was Esta’s turn to sigh and she rolled her eyes. “Do we want to know?”

  Talya’s voice took on a more mature quality. “I think we need to know.” She didn’t wait for either woman to ask her to continue. “In the wild, when animals are threatene
d, and especially when many of their pack mates are killed, they breed early. It was discovered when herds of elephants were culled. They left the babies and teenagers alone, thinking it was cruel to kill them all. The teen elephants began mating long before their normal time. The park rangers stopped culling the herds and began systematically killing every elephant in a family. When scientists looked at the behavior among other species, they discovered the same trend. Look at Emily and Mandy or even the sudden occurrence of mating between all of beastkind. Many never found mates for hundreds of years, but now that we’re threatened, greater numbers are finding life mates.”

  Zenya was truly stunned. “When did you become so smart?”

  “I’ve always been smart, but my sex drive fights with my brains.” She gave the two women a wicked smile. “I really like the vampire.”

  Zenya shook her head in consternation. “You are getting punished, you know that, right?”

  “Yes, I’m always punished.”

  Zenya couldn’t help another burst of laughter. “I wish it stopped you from your antics.”

  “Give me something that exhausts me. I need the help,” Talya said in a defeated voice.

  “Not a problem.”

  Chapter Six

  Dmitri was finally able to go home and lay down in his unoccupied bed. The smell from the young she-cat turned his stomach, but thoughts of the unknown female allowed him to mostly ignore the odor. Where stark images of Anastasia normally traveled through his mind at the edges of sleep, a green-eyed look-a-like had him tossing and turning. The instant peace that ensued when he looked at the female cat left his mind in a mish-mashed quandary. He yearned for something he’d only ever had once before, but at the same time he knew what the ultimate price would inevitably be.

  If he touched her, she would somehow die and then Dmitri would see that all humanity died with her.

  It was best to stay away.


  Hours later, laughter from downstairs woke Dmitri, though he wouldn’t call the painful hours spent fighting his thoughts sleeping. He got up, completely removing the sheets and covers from his bed. He tossed them on the floor so one of the she-bears would change the linens and rid his bed of Talya’s scent. His head pounded even worse than the day before and the simmering red haze seemed closer to the surface. After a long shower, he entered the great room.


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