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Page 11

by Vicki Green

  She stops mid bite and then sighs, laying her fork down on her plate. “I know and I have. I want to but I’m not sure I can do it that fast. I need to go through some stuff and at least pack up my things and some stuff that I really want to keep. I know she was horrible to you, Knox and you know I don’t condone her behavior at all but she was my mother and…” My appetite just left seeing how sad she is.

  He places his hand on hers and smiles. “Haven’t I always taken care of you?” She nods slowly, a tear falling down her sweet face. He reaches up and wipes it away and smiles. “And I always will. Now, we’ll wait a day or two to leave and I’ll help you. I really don’t want to leave you here to take care of everything by yourself and you know how much I’ve wanted you to move to Florida.” She smiles and leans over pecking him on his cheek. He removes his hand and picks up his glass of wine and looks at me. “You ok for a little delay in returning, Angel?” My appetite just came back, and my smile grows. “Good. Glad that’s settled. Let’s finish and get back so we can begin. I’m in the mood for some cleaning.” And, we did just that.

  I felt kind of weird, since it wasn’t my house or my family, but I helped as much as I could. While they actually went through things, I cleaned. I figured if he’s going to hire someone to try to sell the place I could make it as ready as possible, without painting and fixing it up, which God knows it needs desperately.

  By midnight, it was decided we’d better get some sleep since the funeral was at ten o’clock in the morning. Truthfully, I think Knox was overdone with all the bad memories. By the time I finished in the bathroom, brushing my teeth, removing my earrings and placing them back into the velvety box and getting on my sleep attire, I was beyond exhausted but then once I climbed into bed Knox was all over me. There is no foreplay, no getting ready for the huge size of his girth when he plunges into me hard and fast. This is about him trying to get all his feelings of this place out, and I’m ok with that. He needs this. There are no sounds other than the slapping of skin, the moans from our mouths and our panting as I squeeze the sheets in my hands, my fists clenching them tightly. It doesn’t take either of us long to reach our climaxes, our bodies shaking, sweating and I watch his face through the slits of my eyes when he cries out. The most beautiful thing I’ve ever witnessed. He collapses on top of me then quickly rolls over, pulling me with him until I’m snuggled closely as we try to catch our breaths.

  My face lifts with his hand beneath my chin and I see the look of worry on his face and in his eyes. “I’m so sorry, Angel. Did I hurt you? I don’t know what came over me but all I knew is I needed you. I never wanted to do anything but make love to you, not fuck you hard like that. I’m so sorry.” His thumb caresses my skin as his eyes plead with me.

  Leaning up I kiss his frowning mouth, then I look at him with the love I’m feeling. “You didn’t hurt me, darling. There’s no shame in how you were feeling and I will always be here for you.” My head lowers, and I kiss his chest over his heart and then look up again. “And… There’s nothing wrong with a good hard fuck. I enjoyed it.” His arm squeezes me then he pushes me over and lies in between my legs, his mouth covering mine in the process and his thumb begins stroking my clit that’s already aching for him again. His nearly fully erect cock rubs back and forth, sliding up and down where I want it to be and then finally moves inside me as a slow rhythm is achieved. My heart starts racing all over again, my body on fire as he makes slow and passionate love to me. I’ll take a hard fuck any time if afterwards he makes love to me. Oh, who am I kidding? I’ll take this man any time and in any way.

  § § § §

  I awake refreshed from our love fest last night, but then feel the emptiness when I don’t feel her in my arms. I look over to find her side of the bed made so I quickly get out of bed and into the bathroom to get myself ready for the day. When I get downstairs to the kitchen, I walk into the room with the girls chatting, drinking coffee and eating breakfast. I walk straight over to my girl, my hands grabbing her upper arms as I pull her up and kiss the hell outta her mouth. Tabbie soon starts coughing so I pull my mouth away and help Jade sit back down, then take the seat next to her, scooting it over as close to her as I can.

  I look over at Tabbie, who’s rolling her eyes at me. “It was bad enough last night, hearing all the sex noises but do you have to do that in front of me?” My eyes widen but then I give her my best smirk. “These walls aren’t very thick you know.” My eyes snap over to Jade, whose blushing beyond belief and I lower my head before I let out the laugh I’m holding. I have no shame.

  Ralph enters the kitchen as we’re cleaning up, informing us that there is a mob out front and that he pulled the SUV into the garage for a safer escape and that we should be leaving in twenty minutes.

  Jade walks into the bathroom as I finish brushing my hair. Her arms sliding around my waist as she gives me a sweet look into the mirror. “How you holding up? Anything I can do?” I turn in her arms, capturing her body and holding it close.

  “I’m actually not doing too badly right now, since you’re near me.” My mouth finds hers quickly, our tongues moving around each other’s and her moan is quiet compared to mine. When I pull away my eyes turn dark as I gaze into hers. “Anything you can do? Sadly, we don’t have time even for a quick fuck.” She bursts out laughing, calming me even further with the sound of her happiness.

  “Knox we need to…” Tabbie runs through the bathroom doorway, then stops abruptly and covers her eyes. “Oh, geez! Really? Now?”

  Jade and I both start laughing, but I relinquish my hold on her and walk past Tabbie into the bedroom, pick up my suit coat from the bed and put it on. “You know, if you’d learn to knock first those kind of things could be avoided,” I smirk.

  She turns to leave. “Yeah, well. Don’t worry. I’ve learned my lesson and will be knocking in the future especially when we get to your house.”

  My eyes snap to Jade. Her fingernail is in between her teeth as she nervously bites it. I must talk her into giving up her apartment and moving in with me, even more so now. I don’t think I can bear even one night without her.

  After getting settled in the car Ralph backs out of the garage, and I’m so relieved that the windows are darkened enough that the paparazzi can’t see us very well but that doesn’t stop them from snapping their cameras anyway. It doesn’t take us long to get to the funeral home, and I notice we have an entourage of vehicles that followed us. Once we park I remove my jacket, and as we step out of the car, I throw it over Jade’s head to help cover her from the offending flashes, and we make haste getting inside the building. It’s quite a small funeral parlor, but a ton of room since only the three of us are here. She had no friends. Hell, she barely left the house. Tabbie insisted on having an open casket but only for a few minutes, so she could say her goodbyes. Me? I waited out in the entryway until it was closed, but Jade went in there with her for moral support. She’s one of a kind, my girl. When the very quick service was over, I covered Jade with my jacket once more as we walked to the SUV and helped her inside. The mass of vehicles followed us again to the cemetery, but the police escort that Ralph called in prohibited them from entering to closely to the grave site.

  The minister said a few words, and then we watched as her casket was lowered into the ground, my arm was around Tabbie the entire time as she cried for the loss of her mother. “Ralph, please take Tabbie and Jade to the car. I’d like a few moments alone.” Ralph nodded, and Jade squeezed my arm and gave me a sad smile, then she put her arm around Tabbie, and they headed towards the SUV.

  I closed my eyes as all the unpleasant memories washed over me, one by one. All the anger, the torment, the pain and the loneliness sweeping through my body and mind completely overwhelming me until I opened my eyes and saw the casket sitting there, down deep in the uncovered ground. “I came here for Tabbie. Only Tabbie, not you. You’ve never really had me beaten, you know? I may not have been strong as a child, but I grew strong and despite your horri
ble beatings, your misguided insecurities, and your vulgar mouth, I became the man I am today, proud, caring, loving and successful. I hope you burn in hell.” I start to turn, but stop myself and look down one more time. “I wash myself of all the bad memories of you and leave them here to rot. No more will you pull me under. No more.” When I turn this time, Jade is standing a few feet away and the smile, the show of pride on her face bowls me over. We meet halfway, throwing ourselves into each other’s arms, and I feel the wetness of her tears against the side of my face. I look up at the sound of a horn honking and Ralph is standing next to the SUV that is suddenly crowded by paparazzi. Jade looks up at me, winks, then smile as she turns, taking my hand, we walk proudly to the car, no covering her head with my jacket this time and no hiding. We are united. We are one.

  Once we’re back at the house, Tabbie announces she’s heading to her room to pack and Jade and I walk into the kitchen. I pour myself a glass of Jack Daniel’s and a glass of wine for her. Bringing the bottle of Jack with me, I sit at the table and set her glass in front of her. She raises it and in my confusion, I follow her lead raising mine as well.

  “Here’s to a new beginning. For you and for me.” We clink our glasses and as I take a gulp it comes right back up, spewing all over the table when she blurts, “Our life together at your apartment.” Her laughter and giggles are sweet to my ears until I jump at the next sound that fills my ears.

  “SURPRISE!” Tabbie jumps into the doorway, her arms spread wide with a huge smile on her face.

  I look at her, at Jade, back and forth until I’m a little dizzy, then finally landing on Jade again and stopping myself. “What’s going on?” My eyes squint at her as her beautiful face brightens and glows. “What have my two girls been up to behind my back?” Jade looks over at Tabbie, her smile growing even wider and then back at me. My cheek is wet after Tabbie runs over and kisses it, then sits down next to Jade, throwing her arm over Jade’s shoulder, Jade smiles at her and wraps her arm around Tabbie as well. “Ok, you all are scaring me a little here.”

  Their laughter fills the room that never really had very much of it when we lived here. Finally, Tabbie releases Jade and settles down. Jade reaches over and takes both of my hands. “Tabbie agreed to live in my apartment so I can move in with you. I think she and Amber will get along great and will become fast friends. It’s perfect!”

  My chair crashes to the floor when I stand quickly, picking her up in my arms as her legs sweep around my waist, her ankles locking, and I swing her around the room, her giggles quieted by my mouth over her luscious lips. I stop turning us, removing my mouth from hers hesitantly, but not letting her down as I look into her wide eyes. “My day went from happy to sad, to relief to feeling love and then to exhilarated in overwhelming happiness. I can’t even tell you what this means to me. I’m… I can’t…” She takes a hand from around my neck and presses a finger to my lips shutting up my blabbering.

  “I love you. You don’t have to say anything more. I can’t imagine one day or night without you ever again.” Her lips replace her finger and there is so much love in just this one kiss that it fills my heart completely.

  “Um! Sister over here?” We turn our heads together, our lips slowly leaving each other’s as we stare at Tabbie waving like a lunatic. “Well, at least being in my own apartment I won’t have to put up seeing you two lovebirds as much.” She rolls her eyes, stands and leaves the kitchen.

  We look back at each other and burst out laughing. I kiss her gorgeous lips, savoring a few minutes of alone time and then just look at her. “You’ve made me the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. You’ve ‘touched’ my heart like no other. I love you, my Angel.”


  We spent the rest of that evening making love. The next two days were filled with packing up everything Tabbie wanted to keep and now we’re sitting on the jet getting ready to takeoff. I’m squeezing the hell out of Knox’s hand as he and Tabbie carry on a conversation.

  “Great! I’ll call the movers tomorrow and schedule to have Jade’s things picked up and brought to our apartment the same day your things arrive.” My head turns to him, and I watch his lips move as he speaks. Our apartment. My heart starts beating even more wildly than it was from the fear of taking off, but this time it’s because I’m excited, so happy and extremely nervous. I’ve never lived with anyone before. No one. And I’ve only stayed the night with him a few times, yet I’ve become so comfortable so quickly. But what if I need some space, what if I need a place to think, what if…

  “Penny for your thoughts, sweetheart.” My eyes snap back into focus when I hear his voice. “You were in such deep thought. Are you ok? Is it your stomach again?”

  I cover our clasped hands with my other hand and smile. “I’m good. Just happy.” He leans over and kisses me then looks at me with such love in his eyes that my heart skips a beat.

  “Good. I want nothing but happiness for you. I can’t wait to have you all to myself.” He smiles as he winks and then looks back over at Tabbie, who’s giving us her evil eye for kissing in front of her again. When I turn my head to look out the window, I realize we’re in the air, noting that with the distraction, I didn’t even notice the takeoff.

  The flight wasn’t as hard on me this time, but the paparazzi was worse when we deplaned than it was in Pennsylvania.

  “So who’s the new whore, Knox?”

  “Eh, you’ll be gone tomorrow. Get everything you can today!”

  “Who’s the new flavor today, Knox?”

  “Prettiest one you’ve had yet.”

  “Good choice. I think this one’s a keeper!”

  “Hey, Jade! Good catch! Try and keep ahold of this one! Wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to him.”

  My eyes snapped over to the man who made the last remark. However, I can’t make him out clearly with all the flashes going off and the crowd of people, but I keep trying to look as I’m ushered into the limo. As we begin to pull away the man steps out in front of everyone. My hand clasps over my mouth, so I don’t expel everything that’s in my stomach. Knox looks over at me then out the back window, returning his eyes to mine as his arm tightens around me and his show of concern is understandable.

  “Angel? Who is that? Do you recognize him? A name?”

  My eyes close as flashbacks run through my eyes. Newspaper, death threats, yelling, crying, despair… Rape. When I open them, my head is in Knox’s lap, my breathing erratic and muffled sounds of talking.

  “Breathe slow, Jade. RAPLH PULL OVER! It’s ok, Angel. Just take slow, deep breaths. I’ve got you, you’re safe.” The sound of Knox’s voice becomes clearer as I start to take slower breaths, but my stomach is still queasy. My body jerks as the car stops abruptly. I look up at the Knox, whose face is full of worry, and his hand is stroking my head as he looks into my eyes. My chin won’t stop quivering as tears leak from the corners of my eyes.

  “Home,” I choke out.

  “Are you sure? Maybe we should wait a few more minutes. You were starting to hyperventilate,” he asks as he presses his fingers against my wet cheek. All I can do is nod. “Ralph, get us home quickly.” My eyes look over at Ralph, who nods and then turns. My body jerks again from the sudden movement of the car. I close my eyes and pray that my past nightmare isn’t resurfacing, not now, not ever. “We’re on our way home, love. Just hang on for me.” I close my eyes again and just try to concentrate on his fingers running through my hair, his warm body pressing against me, the movement of the car and the sound of his loving voice.

  “What?” I jump as I’m lifted into Knox’s arms.

  “Shhh. Go back to sleep, sweetheart. I’ve got you.”

  Laying my head back down onto his chest my eyes close as I listen to the soothing sound of his heartbeat.

  “I don’t give a shit! Just do it!” There’s a pause and I hear him pacing the floor. “Fuck!”

  My eyes open slowly and see him walking back and forth in front of the coffee ta
ble. I notice I’m lying on the couch, so I move to a sitting position and rub the sleep from my eyes. “Knox?” He stops abruptly turns, then walks quickly over to me, kneeling down in front of me, his hand gently stroking my cheek and such concern in his eyes. “What’s going on? Who was that?”

  “Hey, everything’s fine. Nothing for you to worry your pretty head about. I’m taking care of it. How are you feeling? Better?” I take a deep breath, swallowing hard and he turns a bit, reaches for a bottled water and untwists the cap, handing the drink to me. I chug almost half the bottle before I remove it from my lips.

  “Knox, be honest with me. Please, don’t keep anything from me. I… I couldn’t take that. I have to know.” My eyes search his, and I can tell he’s struggling whether to confess to me or not what’s going on. Finally, he lets out a sigh, shaking his head slightly. “You found out his name, that newspaper reporter. Didn’t you? You know.”

  He lowers his head, his eyes closing as he takes some deep breaths, but when he opens them again all I see is love, no pity. “Yes. Peter Newman. I know.”

  His hand falls from my face as I stand. He doesn’t move as I walk over to the front window and peek through the blinds. “He covered everything when I was raped. He’s a cruel and heartless son of a bitch. A friend of my parents. They couldn’t continue to have their names soiled so they hired him to help drag my name in the mud for them. I asked for sex. There was no rape. The miscarriage. It was a welcome relief for my family, he wrote.” I turn around to face him and see the wetness in his eyes and a look of shock. “I ran, fast. My family had already disowned me. I couldn’t show my face anywhere without being ridiculed. My life was over there. I only had one friend my entire life and I hadn’t seen him since he moved away when I was very young, so I had no one to help me.” I look back out through the blinds again as my past catches up to me. “I lived in the streets. Found food in restaurant garbage cans and slept in alleys. I swore no man would ever have me again, ever. Finally, after several weeks I found the strip club, they took pity on me and hired me.”


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