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Summer Pleasures - The Capture

Page 3

by Anya Bast

  By the time he had the rabbit roasting a light rain fell. He untied her and brought her under the canopy. She sat beside the fire with her bound hands in her lap. Rue laid a blanket over her and tucked it around her.

  “Better?” he asked.

  She merely shrugged in reply. “Can I have some clothes?”

  “No. I like you much better without them.”

  She sighed.

  “Are you hungry?”

  She’d been watching the rabbit cook with a covetous gaze. He knew well she was half-starved. She affected a bored look. “I could eat.” She moved her hands in her lap and the manacles clanked. “Guess you’ll have to release me.”

  “Sure, and I should probably give you your dagger too, right? So you can spear the meat?”

  She glowered at him.

  He pulled the rabbit from the spit and sat down by her. Tearing a bit of meat from it, he set it to her mouth. Soft pink lips parted and small white teeth nipped. Her tongue brushed his finger and Rue’s cock stirred. She moaned and closed her eyes as she chewed. She probably had no idea what a seductive image she presented. Rue’s cock grew hard.

  Bit by bit, he fed her the meat and she took every morsel ravenously. “Do you not eat?” she asked.

  He put a morsel between his teeth and nudged the protruding piece against her lips. She bit it, her lips brushing his. He crushed his mouth to hers, tasting the rabbit and nibbling at her lips, which were even more tender and delicious.

  He pulled away, looking into her wide, somewhat stunned eyes. “I ate at the inn. You, however, did not eat enough. I saw that.”

  “How did you know I was following you?”

  He laughed and set the rabbit caress aside. “It’s not easy to track a tracker or hunt a hunter. Especially not one with special skills.”

  He laid her down on the soft, clean bedding that made up the floor of his shelter. Her pretty green eyes sported dark circles beneath them. Rue knew it would not be long before she slept, especially with a stomach full of warm rabbit.

  “What kind of special skills?” Her voice grew quiet. “Does it have to do with you being an Aviat?”

  “Yes. I saw you that day at Marken’s Lorddom, too, Lilane. You’re the woman who led the people in from Gadstone Village , are you not?”

  Her eyes drooped in fatigue. “Yes.”

  “I heard about that attack. I’m sorry. Did you lose anyone close to you?”

  She went silent for several moments before finally speaking. She closed her eyes all the way and snuggled into the bedding. “My parents and my fiancé, Dal.” Sorrow hung on every syllable.

  Rue scooped up some dirt and began smothering the fire. Guilt rocketed through him. She was in grief and he’d taken advantage of her. “I’m sorry. I did not know you were hard on the heels of such loss, especially a romantic loss. I never would’ve—”

  “I didn’t love Dal that way,” she murmured, near sleep. “He was my best friend, and I owed him much. I felt compelled to agree when he asked me to marry him, but it was not a love match, at least not that way.”

  Several more moments had Lilane breathing the breath of deep sleep.

  Rue covered the fire over. It was far too hot a night to keep it going. A light rain still fell, but the clouds had parted now and he could see by the moonlight that Lilane had kicked her blanket away. Moonlight swathed her delicious curves and Rue couldn’t help but go to his knees beside her.

  He wound a hand gently under her hair to the curve of her neck and pressed two fingers to her nape. No tell tale vibration met his touch and he knew for certain she was not Aviat, though he had reason to suspect the blood ran through her veins somewhere far down her hereditary line. He had not expected her to be full-blooded. Purebloods of his race were extremely rare to find. Hopefully, one day, such would not be the case.

  She sighed in her sleep at his touch and he bent over her, taking one nipple into his mouth and sucking on it. God, but she was sweet. He laved and sucked both her nipples to hard little points as she slept. She sighed and moaned softly, seductively as he did it. He could not keep his hands from her. It was simply impossible.

  With care not to wake her, he spread her legs and brushed his knuckles against her slick, swollen flesh. She whimpered and moved her hips in unconscious invitation for additional ministrations. He lay down between her legs and blew gently on her pussy, eliciting a low moan from her. He wondered what she dreamt now. Did she dream of him, or her dead fiancé? It didn’t matter. He had to taste her.

  Rue ran his tongue over her folds, licking up her moisture. He flicked her swollen woman’s bud with the very tip of his tongue and she shuddered beneath him. He brought her to the very edge, but did not allow her release.

  He eased back and away from her, his brow sweating from the cruel self-torture of it. His cock ached to be thrust within her, but he wanted to tease her first, make her beg for him to take her on the morrow. It was anguish now, but the release would be so very sweet. It was good training for what he had planned for her.

  The best was to pair climax with sex acts women feared; in order for them to learn that it was enjoyable. That was one of the things he’d done long ago, in another life in Sudhra.

  Rue stood and looked down at her. She looked so innocent in her sleep, and seductive at the same time. She turned and brought her knees up to her chest, exposing the perfect curve of her ass to his view. A woman had not riled him this much in a long, long time.

  Another, more honorable man than he would release her, not seduce her body to the dark pleasures he had planned for her. He, however, was neither another man, nor honorable.

  His fists clenched as she moaned low in her sleep. No, he’d keep her. Lilane was his now.

  Chapter Three

  Lilane woke hot, wet between her thighs, and moaning. She looked down to find the morning sunlight glinting off the golden strands of Rue’s hair as he covered her nipple with his mouth, pulling on it with long, sensual strokes. His hands were on her hips and he rested between her spread legs. The head of his very large, very hard cock pressed her intimate flesh through his trews.

  He moved his hips, brushing against her in just the right way to make her gasp. The movement, calculated on his part, she felt sure, brought her to the farthest edge of the climax her body had flirted with since yesterday.

  She closed her eyes and clenched her hands in her manacles. “You’re killing me, Rue,” she said. “This is a merciless punishment you’ve devised.”

  He released her nipple, scooped her up in his arms and stood. “It’s not easy on me, either.”

  Lilane tried desperately to ignore how good his body felt against hers and how comforting his arms were around her. She tried to hate him, but couldn’t. “Then why do it?”

  He carried her into the woods and she noticed for the first time the rope tied to the manacles. “I have my reasons,” he answered simply. “Did you sleep well? It looked like you were.”

  She tensed, realizing she had slept well…very, very well. How could she have slept so well while in the care of her abductor—bound, no less? A part of her did acknowledge that on some level, despite everything, she felt safe with Rue. Had that been the reason?

  “I didn’t sleep a wink having you naked beside me,” he growled.

  He set her on her feet near a tree and pushed her against it gently. He ran his lips from her cheekbone to her chin, making her heart skip a beat.

  She closed her eyes and fought the rising arousal of her body…but it was impossible to stop a tidal wave.

  He nipped at her jaw line. “Your skin is so soft,” he rasped. “I want to kiss you all over. Can I?”

  “My body obeys your demands now, not my own,” she answered breathlessly. “I have no say in it.”

  She felt his lips against the skin of her throat. “Good,” he purred. “You can trust your body to me, Lilane. I’ll make sure it’s very happy.”

  “And what about my mind, Lord Rue? You’re keeping me a
gainst my will. If you set me free right now I’d run away from you, find my sword, then come back and lop off your head in your sleep.” The latter was a lie, but not the former. If she had the chance, she’d run far and hard away from this man, her enemy, who played her body like a Nordanese flute and made her face her darkest, most uncomfortable desires. “How will you keep my mind happy?”

  He bit the tender flesh where her throat and shoulder met and she shivered with pleasure. The bite was an act of dominance, she knew, of possession. It should have enraged her, made her lash out, kick him. Instead a new flood coursed between her thighs.

  “Hopefully, soon your mind will catch up to your body,” he said. “Your body knows this is a good thing, Lilane. Just give in to it.”

  “I don’t understand the power you wield over me,” she said softly.

  “And I don’t understand why you, in particular, make me want to wield it,” he answered. “I haven’t wanted to in a long time…not like this.”

  He nibbled on her neck until she was near boneless and completely breathless and then he stepped away. “Do you need to go to the bathroom?” he asked.

  She looked up at him, dazed. “Uh, yes.”

  He pointed at the bushes and swung the rope back and forth. “Go ahead.”

  She went into the bushes and when she came back, he crooked a finger at her. He led her through the trees to a small spring. Some toweling, a hunk of homemade soap, and a razor sat on a rock near the water. “Wade in,” he said.

  She stepped into the water, warmed by the long, hot summer days, and waded in deeper. Smooth, flat rock formed the bottom of the forest spring. The water lapped at the juncture of her thighs, licking at her clit.

  Rue pulled off his boots, then his shirt. Lilane fought not to stare at him and failed. His chest was lovely, though scarred by a long mark running parallel to the fresh one she’d made the eve before. Muscles corded his shoulders, arms, and stomach and a thin trail of hair slightly darker than what graced his head led past the waistband of his trews to his aroused sex. He dropped his trews, and she drank in the sight of his hard cock. Long and thick, with a broad plum-shaped head, it sprung from a nest of dark blond curls. It was bigger than Dal’s, bigger than she’d ever seen. Her pussy watered at the mere thought of it plumbing her depths. She knew then, for certain, that she’d lost her mind.

  He went still and she looked up from his cock to the self-satisfied grin on his face, and she blushed…hard. Had her mouth been open? Had she been drooling? Good Goddess, she had to get away from this man before she lost more than her body to him. She had a feeling she could lose herself completely to him and not bat an eyelash.

  Confidence showed on his face—though confidence didn’t seem to be a problem for this man—as he waded into the water, holding the other end of her makeshift leash. He picked up the soap and walked toward her, heat lighting his blue eyes.

  He yanked gently on her bonds and she walked to him. He lathered the soap and worked it over her shoulders and breasts with strong hands. His fingers worked the muscles of her back skillfully; releasing all the tension she’d been holding. She fought the groan of pleasure that rose in her throat.

  He gripped her around the middle and sat her on a flat rock at the edge of the spring. He washed her from her feet up and worked his lathered fingers around her pussy and anus. Sensations flooded her, drawing small sounds from her throat.

  Then he took up the razor. “Spread your thighs apart further,” he said.

  She glanced at the razor warily.

  “Lilane, I told you I would never hurt you and I meant it. Please, spread your thighs.”

  She did so and he set the razor to her intimate flesh.

  “Pity to shave off all these beautiful blond curls,” he murmured. “But I want you bare to my touch and gaze.”

  She marveled at how efficiently and quickly he shaved off the hair surrounding her clit and pussy. All the while, his powerful male hands worked on her flesh, careful not to nick her. The gentleness he displayed now seemed so at odds with the rough, dominant exterior of the man.

  “You seem like you’ve done this often,” she probed.

  “I have,” came his short answer, revealing nothing.

  He set the razor aside and lowered her into the water. His cock brushed her thigh and she felt how achingly rigid he was. With her manacled hands, she picked up the chunk of soap. “Allow me to wash you?”

  “I want your hands on me more than anything.”

  Lilane wet his shaft with a cupped hand; no simple feat with bound wrists and took the soap to him. Once she had him lathered, she set the chunk aside and rubbed his cock, drawing the foreskin back and stroking his length. It was so large she could not even close her hand around him. It didn’t seem to matter. He let his head drop back, and his Adam’s Apple moved as he groaned.

  A thrill went through her knowing that at this moment, it was she that held all the power and the control. “Like that, do you, love?” she echoed his words back to him.

  “It’s heaven,” he breathed.

  A pearl of his come beaded at the tip of his cock and her mouth watered to lick it away. She would not deny herself. “Then this should be ecstasy.” She went her knees in the water. It lapped at her chin as she licked the head of his shaft, causing him to jerk and groan again. She licked the bead away, loving the taste of him against her tongue and took him into the warm recesses of her mouth.

  “Yes, Lilane. That’s so good,” he groaned.

  She’d done this only a couple of times to Dal and was in unfamiliar territory with this far more experienced man, but she did her best to lave over his length and draw him to the back of her throat. His hands clenched gently in her hair.

  She wanted to please him. She wanted so much to make his iron-hard control snap. She wanted to have power over him for just a little while. Taking him as far back into her mouth as possible, she drew on him and used her tongue to tease him.

  He groaned and moved his pelvis forward and then halted, as though he tried very hard not push himself down her throat. “Yes, Lilane. Your mouth is so sweet, so soft. You’re driving me crazy.”

  Her pussy was swollen and throbbing with the knowledge of how much she could please him with her lips, teeth and tongue. Just pleasuring him this way alone had her near the brink of climax. She moaned around his cock, and then brought his length past her tonsils and down her throat. His body tensed as she worked it in and out.

  He shouted as he came. She swallowed his ejaculate down greedily, wanting even more from him.

  Hands gripped her shoulders, and then lifted her out of the water. He laid her face down on the soft grass. Their breath came in fast pants.

  He slipped his hand under her, resting his forearm on her pelvis and lifting up so her buttocks were elevated. She felt completely exposed and vulnerable to him in this position…again, and she liked it.

  He drew a finger from the small of her back to her anus and circled it. She closed her eyes at the riot of sensation that ripped through her body.

  “You deserve a reward for that fine suckling, Lilane,” he murmured. He coated her nether hole with her juices and she felt the press of his finger against it. “Has a man ever loved you here?”

  She shook her head.

  He slid his fingertip within her and she gasped. The sensation was strange, yet very erotic.

  “Are you all right, Lilane? Remember that you can say no and I’ll stop.”

  Her chest was heaving from her intense arousal. Goddess help her, she didn’t want him to stop. “I remember.”

  “You have such a beautiful body. I want to explore every single inch of it.” His voice sounded awed and full of emotion. The way someone might speak of an exceptional sunrise. He slid his finger in a little further. From beneath, he massaged her clit with skillful fingers, wringing a moan from her. “Do you like that, Lilane?”


  “Good. That’s for later.” He withdrew his hands from h
er sex and flipped her over. He kissed her long and deep as he played with her breasts, then moved down and slipped two fingers into her slick, hungry passage. He worked her slow at first, then faster and faster, until she keened.

  Lilane’s hips came off the ground as she came apart on the hardest, longest climax of her life. Spasms of pleasure racked her body and she moaned out her satisfaction brokenly.

  The orgasm left her weak, boneless. He brushed a gentle kiss across her forehead. “My beauty,” he whispered.

  Rue carried her back to camp and laid her on the bedding. He smoothed the hair away from her forehead. She was ready for sleep now…again.

  She snuggled into the blankets and looked up at him with drowsy eyes. “If you’re on an important mission from Marken, why do you dally here with me?”

  He fished an apple out from his pack and offered it to her. She shook her head. She needed answers, not food. “There are troops passing to the south of us, Lilane. It is true I have a schedule to keep, but I must stay here until they pass by. This area is swarming with Sudhraian and Nordanese soldiers alike, so I rest here until tomorrow morning and leave then. “

  “What will you do with me on the morrow?”

  He bit into his apple and smiled a slow, lazy, confident smile. “Ah, you go where I go, my sweet, little Lilane. You’re mine. Do I need to remind you of that?”

  “We’re going to Sudhra?” She tried to keep the edge of fear from her voice and failed.

  “Yes, but you have my word that you’ll be safe with me, Lilane. No one will touch you in a way you don’t desire. If they do, they’ll answer to the edge of my sword.” Steel threaded his voice. She believed him.

  Her eyelids drooped and she yawned. “You perplex me, Rue. Why do I feel safe enough to sleep in your presence when I haven’t slept a wink in days on end?”

  “Maybe because you know I won’t hurt you or let another harm you. You’re safe with me. You’re a captive, yes, at least for a little while, but you’re safe. Sleep.”


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