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The Red Moon: Moon Rising

Page 4

by J. M. Lyons

  mom this is Jon. Jon this is my mom Louise, people call her Lu." I

  said, turning my attention to a very flustered Jon. I knew that he

  hated to be put on the spot; but for a moment there I felt a funny

  feeling in the pit of my stomach, that I couldn't explain.

  "Alright folks dinner is served." Lily said, suddenly stepping

  into the dining room. "Great, I'm starving." I said, as I hurried over

  to the table. "You're always starving." Tucker said, ducking as I

  swung my arm to hit him. We all sat at the table, quite at first.

  Mom didn't stop looking at me and Jon. Finally Lily got up. "I'd like

  to give a toast to the graduate this evening, on a job well done and

  finally no more school. Well, yet at least." She said with a chuckle,

  hold her glass of juice in the air. "Here, here." Everyone replied,

  hold their own glasses.

  "This was great Lily, thanks; and thank you Mr. Dawson for

  inviting me the food was delicious." Jon said, slowly wiping the

  corners of his lips. "Yeah, Lily this was great." I followed. "I'm so

  stuffed I don't think I can eat another bite." Mom said, pushing her

  chair as she leaned back from the table. "Hey now, we're not done

  just yet we still got some dessert left." Lily said, as she got up and began to clear the table. Everyone stood up and headed to the

  living room again. Jon and I helped Lily clear the table. "No, no;

  you guys go ahead and hang out, I got this." Lily insisted. "Nope I

  think I'd rather help you." I said, looking over at Jon who just

  smiled and continued to clear the table.

  "Isn't this nice Mia, to have Jon here and your mom? This

  must be some night for you huh?" Lily said so gently. "Yeah I

  guess." I murmured. "I am glad that Jon's here though." I said as I

  looked at the corner of the kitchen to see if he was coming. "But

  really; my mom. Lily I don't even know her or James for that

  matter." I said, as I helped her cut the cake. "Ah, don't let it bother

  you too much. It's ok; at least she's here now; right." She said,

  placing each piece of cake onto a plate. "Jon can you take this out

  please." She said as she passed Jon plates of desserts. "Sure, no

  problem." He said with a smile, accepting his new duty as a

  server. Lily followed shortly after; I stood there for a bit, trying to

  swallow my pride and my need to just rip into my mother. Jon

  hurried back around the corner before I could move.

  "Are you alright?" Jon said, now standing right beside me.

  "Yeah, I guess. It's just kind of weird you know." I said fidgeting

  with my plate. We both headed back into the living room; where everyone was in full conversations about mom's travels and her

  job with James. At first it was just annoying; I never joined in any

  of the conversation. Jon put his hand on my shoulder softly

  pressing his fingers together. I was almost sure that he knew what

  I was thinking because of how quiet I was. I know he did; but

  finally I had enough pretending.

  "So, mom what really brings you back to Hillside?" I said,

  staring at her with the same burrowing stare that she gave to me

  earlier. "Um, well I just wanted to see you; to see you both." She

  said, trying to sound like she wasn't taken back at the question;

  even if I knew that she was, just by the look on her face. "So after

  all these years you appear out of nowhere and expect me to what;

  to accept you with open arms?" I demanded, as I rolled my eyes. I

  could feel the blood boiling again.

  "Well..." She began, but I quickly cut her off. "You left me, you

  left Tucker and you left dad. You never even sent me a postcard

  to tell me where you were. Do you know that I've spent countless

  days wondering what in the hell I did to make you leave. Do you

  know how hard it was for me being the only girl in this house? Did

  you think about that? Did you know that when grandma died I

  died? Did you think of what you're leaving did to any of us?" I said starting to feel the tears building in my eyes. This time I didn't care

  if they fell; I didn't even care if my makeup ran down my face.

  Jon quickly took hold of my hand and pulled it back toward

  him; I think trying to calm me, but it was too late. "You know I'm

  glad dads with Lily now; she's a hundred times a better mom than

  you would have ever been." I said, with a sharp quiver in my

  voice; hoping that it was sharp enough to actually cut her. "Mia."

  Lily said, as she stood up next to me. "Mia, that's enough." She

  continued. "Mia really." Tucker said, glaring at me. Dad didn't say

  a single word; I think he wanted to hear what she would say too.

  "Mia, I'm sorry that you suffered so much. I was just hoping

  that we could start a new relationship, but I guess I was wrong."

  She said, as tears were beginning to form in her own eyes. "Yeah

  mother, I guess you were wrong." I snapped back. "Come on

  James, I think I may have overstayed my welcome." She said

  standing up. "I'd like to thank you for the wonderful dinner and

  gracious hospitality Lily and of course you too David." She said, as

  she turned for the door, hiding her falling tears.

  "It was my pleasure Louise, thank you for coming." Lily replied

  sadly. "Yeah, that was great." Dad said, as he walked them to the

  door. "Tucker I'm sorry if I hurt you too, and Mia I hope one day you'll forgive me." She said, letting me see her tears fall from her

  eyes. "One day mother, maybe you'll understand why I feel the

  way I do." I snapped, as I quickly turned and burrowed my head

  into Jon’ shoulders letting my tears fall freely.

  "Mia, you had to go there, didn't you." Tucker said, with a

  whole lot of attitude; as he headed for the front door. "Remember

  she left you too Tucker, and she didn't even show up for your

  graduation, but yet she's here for mine." I snapped, as the tears

  streamed down my face. "Well at least she was here, to me that is

  all that should matter." He said, slamming the screen door behind

  him. I wiped the tears away from my eyes as Jon softly stroked my

  hair. "It's alright Mia. You feel better now; you sure got a lot of

  things off your chest." He said softly. "I don't know; I feel so

  confused and so angry right now, I can't even explain it." I replied

  looking at him, as the tears kept on falling.

  "Mia. We'll talk tomorrow, but for now I think you should go

  clear your head." Dad said, not in an angry way, but more of an

  understanding tone of voice. I heard the sound of Tucker's truck

  starting, then it pealed out of the driveway. "I don't think that I'll be

  going to Jim's party tonight. Tucker just left, and I know that you

  need to be there so maybe you should head out too before it gets too late." I said, slowly backing away from Jon.

  "Tell you what, why don't you go get a jacket and we can go

  together, I'll even bring you home after." Jon said, with his soft

  smile. "Is that ok, Mr. Dawson." Jon said, looking over at dad for

  his permission. "Yeah, I think she needs to get away for a bit." He

  replied, as he started to help Lily collect the plates that laid around

  the living room. "Mia, try to have fun with your friends, it'll
help you

  feel better." Lily said, as she took the plates into the kitchen. I

  quickly went over to the hooks beside the staircase and got my jacket. Then Jon and I headed out the door.


  "Thanks for being here tonight, and I'm so sorry that it turned into something so ugly." I said, continuing to wipe tears away from my cheeks; as Jon drove down the road in his mom's new truck. "I loved seeing you again, the happy you, and the angry you too." He said, caressing my hair as it blew around the truck due to the wind. I kept my eyes facing out the window, staring at the woods as we passed trees and shrubs that surrounded the entire town. I didn't want him to see me cry.

  "Listen I know that you're angry with your mom but there will

  come a time when you'll have to let that all go. I think that's what

  Tucker was trying to say too." He said, as he drove down the dark

  road. "I'm not trying to say that I would have handled it any better;

  but I think you did need to say some of the things that you said. I

  don't think that you were wrong for say any of it. I did think that

  there could have been a better place and time for it, though." He

  said softly. "I guess, you could be right; but I just couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't just sit there and not say anything; I mean

  when do I ever pretend to feel something I'm not." I said, as I

  closed my eyes and let the cold wind hit my face, drying whatever

  tears I had left.

  We got to the party a little after eight thirty, and it was already

  in full swing. We passed Tuckers truck that was parked just before

  the gravel road. I got out of Jon's truck, took a deep breath and

  stretched a little to let in the cold night air. We headed up the

  walkway that was covered in gravel; it was littered with beer

  bottles and plastic cups. "Looks like we're just in time." Jon

  teased, as we reached the top of the stairs.

  He held open the front door as I slowly walked into the house,

  wiping my face to make sure that there were no more tears. The

  living room was filled to the rim with people dancing, drinking, and

  yelling at each other; most likely because they probably couldn't

  even hear themselves talk. The ceiling was filled with balloons and

  streamers swirling around the ceiling fan that rotated slowly. I

  couldn't believe that guys set this up; the streamers were kind of

  pretty too. I saw Tucker talking to Kris next to the fire place.

  He dated Kris for a little while in high school, but for reasons

  beyond me they didn't last. Although, I thought they had a chance. She was very athletic just as he was; but they never really

  clicked I guess. I did think that she wasn't all that pretty though.

  She had shoulder length black hair, that she always wore pulled

  back into a tight ponytail, and she was brown skinned like us. She

  had dark brown eyes, and very puffy lips. She always dressed like

  she was going out for a run in her tight running pants and

  oversized sweaters.

  He just pretended that he didn't even see me, and I was fine

  with that. We reached the hall leading into the kitchen and just

  then, out of the bathroom stumbled Nadia. "Mia, you finally made

  it." She said, with every word slurring out of her mouth; she

  reeked of liquor. "Nadia, are you ok?" I asked trying my best to

  hold her up, but she was already far gone. "Me; I'm fine." She

  answered still slurring her every word.

  "Can you help me get her to the kitchen; I think she could use

  some water?" I asked Jon as he put one of her arms over his

  shoulder. "Move it guys we're coming through." He said, as we

  pushed past the people crowding the hall. Even the hall was filled

  with balloons and streamers. Although the house was filled to the

  max, I couldn't get over that it some good decorations, well for

  guys at least. When we got into the kitchen there were Steve and Jim

  standing around the huge keg of beer. The kitchen was huge. It

  was very big, very modern and very open. There was a huge

  island in the middle of the room with a counter top stove and small

  sink. By the looks of it, I' m not sure if Jim's parent even cooks

  here. "Can you make me a cup of water?" I asked as Jon pulled a

  chair out. We put Naida down but she refused to drink the water.

  "No; I don't want that, I want; I want. I want to lie down. I don't feel

  very good Mia. I think the room is moving around and around and

  around." She said, nearly toppling off the chair.

  "Jim, is there a room I can put her in?" I asked, motioning

  toward Jon to help me lift her. "Don't worry; we got this Mia."

  Steve said, putting down his cup. "Here watch." He said, as he

  picked her up and propped her over his shoulder and headed

  down the hall into the family room, where luckily no one was in it.

  I could tell Jim's mom designed this room. It was very

  vintage, just as she was; everything in the room was brown from

  the old furniture, to the old end tables; but they were all in perfect

  condition. The old book shelf held many, many old books, with

  shredded corners and water damaged cover's. Steve plopped her

  down on the brown plush couch, and threw a pillow off the double seater at her. "Here use this." He said, laughing very hard. He

  walked toward the open door still laughing with every step that he


  "Somebody's drunk and she couldn't handle her shit." He

  teased shutting the door behind him. "Mia is that you?" She said,

  reaching out her hand. I grabbed her arm before it hit the ground.

  "Yes Nadia it's me. You need to rest, your drunk out of your mind

  right now." I said positioning her head on the small pillow. "Your so

  pretty Mia, so much prettier that I am." She said, as she tangled

  her fingers in my hair.

  "Nadia you need to rest; we can talk about it the morning." I

  said; as I sat on the floor trying to untangle her fingers, that she

  twisted into the strands of my hair. The door suddenly opened,

  and Jon quietly stepped in. "Ha ha ha, she's pretty wasted huh?"

  He laughed, as he shut the door behind him. "Yeah, she is." I

  replied, just as I finally got my hair out of her fingers. I put my

  jacket over her legs, in hopes that it would keep her warm.

  "Is she asleep?" He asked standing near the window. "Um,

  yeah at least I think she is." I said, with a slight chuckle. "Well then

  come on let's go for a walk; Steve lit the fire in back yard." He said

  pointing out the window. "Um; sure alright." I said, as I got off the floor and followed Jon's lead. The crowded hall was bustling with

  people going in and out of the kitchen; the smell of sweat and

  alcohol were very prominent. I cringed my nose at the smell. We

  went out the back door where there was less traffic.

  It was a clear night; so many stars filled the dark sky. The

  crescent moon was dim, but it didn't matter much; Steve lit a

  massive fire and by the looks of things there was a whole lot more

  wood that needed to be burnt. The chill of the night air felt nice as

  I left the over crowded house. The porch creaked as I stepped

  over the floorboards, then down the stairs. We walked across the

  gravel road that surrounded Jim's entire house toward the fire.<
br />
  The warmth of the fire made me forget that I didn't have a

  jacket. Jon picked up two huge logs, turning them up right to

  make stools to sit on. I sat down quickly, rubbing my hands

  together to absorb more warmth from the fire, as the chill chipped

  at my fingers. "Cold?" He asked, as he put his jacket over my

  almost bare shoulders. "Yeah, kind of." I replied softly, staring at

  the ground.

  I couldn't help but think of everything that happened

  today. All the feelings I felt for my mom. All the nerves that was

  stirring in my stomach right now, with Jon so close to me. Jon and I used to come here a lot to hang out with Jim. But, I guess I

  never took the time to really appreciate how lovely this place

  actually was. It really was lovely.

  The house was surrounded by tall old trees, and brush. You

  would be afraid if you've never been here before; it had a very

  spooky feel to it. It was kind of like being in a scary movie scene.

  But I guess I could say that about all the homes in this area. Their

  property ended at the lake; the lake was filled from the waterfall's

  just up the way from his house; not to mention the lake, was just

  yards away from their back porch.

  The glare of the moon shone dimly off the lakes ripples. A

  slight but cold breeze blew down from the mountains. A few

  people stood around the fire for a bit; but they all disappeared

  back into the house, I thought; soon it Jon and I were all that was

  left sitting there, quiet and alone. He didn't say a single word. He

  just sat there, pushing the gravel around with his feet, waiting for

  me to talk I guess.

  The light of the fire caught his eyes just right, making it glow,

  it also made his lips look even fuller. He was perfect. Soon my

  mind was no longer on my mom but, instead on this beautiful

  person sitting next to me. "So, thanks again for the flowers. I really liked them." I said softly, trying to settle my nerves. "I knew

  you would." He replied quickly.

  I stood up and slowly walked over towards the lake, where

  the wind blew a little more, lifting my hair up and swirling it around.

  I stared at the moon's reflection a little before I turned my gaze

  upward toward the sky. I felt this weird feeling pumping in my body


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