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The Billion Dollar Player: A Billionaire's Club Story

Page 7

by Mandy Baxter

  “Yeah?” Jase shook out his hair like a wet dog and reached for a towel. “They didn’t come up with ‘good-luck fuck’ on their own. I’m guessing you had something to do with that, too.”

  Carson cringed as he began to lather up his hair and body. “You’ve got to admit, you’ve been playing like a goddamned all-star since you started seeing her. Coincidence?”

  Jase didn’t know a single player who didn’t harbor a superstition or ten. Some guys wore the same socks—unwashed—for the entire season. Others didn’t shave. He’d played with a guy in college who never stepped out onto the field unless his girlfriend’s panties were tucked into his jock. And yeah, a lot of them boasted pregame sex rituals. Could Jase really be mad over his teammates’ shit talk? He’d gone after Avery in the first place with the single-minded purpose of getting her into bed to help end his unlucky streak. If the guys were calling her a good-luck fuck, he had no one to blame but himself.

  “I know it started out that way with her.” Jase paused and breathed in a lungful of steam. “But it’s different now.”

  Carson gave him a pointed look. “How so?”

  Jase snatched a towel from a hook on the opposite wall and slung it around his waist. “Avery’s not like any other woman. She’s tough. Funny. She wants a career and is just as ambitious as I am. She just needs someone to help her realize how amazing she is.”

  “Do you hear yourself?” Jase stopped midstep but didn’t bother to turn and face his so-called friend. “You’re playing like a hard-core bad ass, but it’s not because of some bullshit superstition. Do I think she has something to do with it? Yes. Because she’s changed you, man. For the better.”

  Jase’s spine stiffened. He didn’t feel any different. Could she have really made such a huge impact on his life in such a short time?

  “Your ass had better be at my party tomorrow tonight.” The sound of the shower turning off was preceded by the slap of Carson’s wet feet on the tile. “And you’d better bring her with you. No excuses.”

  “Yeah,” Jase replied as he headed back toward the locker room. He knew that things had changed between him and Avery in the past few weeks, but damn. It must’ve been major if Carson could see it, too. Talk about scary. “I’ll see you then.”


  “There’s something different about you.”

  Avery kept her eyes on her saucepan and the béchamel sauce she was trying not to burn. “There’s nothing different about me.” Kristie had no idea what she was talking about. “I’m the same person I’ve always been.”

  “No,” she said. “As a matter of fact, you’re not.”

  Avery had a feeling that she wasn’t going to like the direction this conversation was headed. “Okay, since you’re so perceptive, how exactly have I changed?”

  Kristie rolled her eyes as she whisked her white sauce. “You’ve got perma-grin. You’re skipping around like a Disney princess. And you haven’t burned, spilled, or broken anything in almost three weeks.”

  “That’s not true.”

  “Dude.” Kristie pointed her whisk at Avery for emphasis. “You aced your first attempt at hollandaise sauce this week without even batting a lash.”

  Was it really so hard to believe that she could get something right on her first try? “So?”

  Kristie’s blue eyes bulged. “Seriously? You know I love you, Ave, but you usually can’t get through a day without at least one klutzy moment. You’re like Cinderella post–glass slipper or something.”

  Avery laughed. Okay, so klutzy was her middle name. But she hadn’t noticed any sort of Cinderella transformations in the past couple of weeks. “You’re crazy. Maybe I’m just growing out of my awkward phase.”

  “Oh you totally have, and you have Jason Blackwell to thank for it.”


  “Don’t even try to argue with me, Avery. I’ve never seen you so head over heels for a guy before. You’re happy. Your confidence is soaring. And it’s awesome! Doesn’t hurt that he’s drop-dead gorgeous and rolling in money, either.”

  “I don’t care about his money,” Avery replied, low.

  “Oh, I know. Which is why it’s so obvious that you’re falling for him. You lurve him!”

  Avery’s jaw hung slack. Did she love him? They’d only been hanging out for a few weeks and he’d yet to take her on an actual date. So far, they’d spent most of their hours together naked. Great sex wasn’t enough of a foundation to build a successful relationship on, was it? “I don’t love him,” she said after a moment. Admitting she had feelings for Jase would only open her up for heartache later when he decided he was through with her. “At least, I don’t think I love him.”

  “Oh, I see,” Kristie said. “You’re just using him for sex, then?”

  “I’m not using him for sex.” Avery grabbed a spoon to taste her béchamel sauce. She had to admit, it was pretty damned perfect. A first. “Jase is amazing. He’s easygoing and so humble. You’d never know he was sitting on a billion-dollar nest egg if you hung out with him. He’s so driven, too. His career means so much to him. He gives a hundred and ten percent all the time and he’s one of the most ambitious people I’ve ever met.” He’s gentle … she thought. Sweet. His touch was like a salve that made everything better. God, she really was lost to him, wasn’t she?

  “Would it be so terrible if you did love him?” Kristie ventured.

  “Of course not.” Avery could think of a million things worse than loving Jase Blackwell. He was down to earth. Funny. Sexy as sin. And she had to admit that she enjoyed spending time with him. “It’s just that a relationship with him wouldn’t be as simple as just him and me. I think I’d feel like I was in constant competition with his team and his fans. The media, too. I don’t know if I could handle the added stress of sharing him.”

  Kristie smirked. “Sounds like you’ve put some thought into it. Are you saying you’re jealous of his adoring fans?”

  “No.” Avery looked away. “Okay, maybe a little. What if he’s not interested in anything other than a casual fling? I mean, we haven’t even seen each other outside of my apartment yet.”

  “It’s a little weird,” Kristie admitted. “But have you ever considered that he doesn’t like to go out? You’ve never had to fend off crowds of autograph hounds and groupies before. Maybe he just wants a little privacy?”

  “Could be.” Avery wasn’t convinced, though. “But he hasn’t even introduced me to any of his friends yet. Maybe he doesn’t want them to know he’s slumming with a waitress.”

  “Hey, Negative Nancy, I refuse to hear that kind of talk.” Kristie brandished her whisk like a weapon. “You might be waitressing to pay the bills, but it’s not who you are. And if Jase Blackwell is too closed-minded to see past what you do or where you live, then he doesn’t deserve you.”

  Avery gave Kristie a sad smile. “Thanks.” It shouldn’t have mattered what Jase thought about her, but it did. She wanted him to be proud to show her off to his friends or take her out. And it’s not like she expected him to drop loads of cash on a date. She’d be fine with burgers and a movie.

  “You know, he might be keeping a low profile because of the playoffs,” Kristie suggested. “The Cowboys have a good chance of going to the Super Bowl. That’s gotta be stressful. He might be one of those superstitious sports guys who have to follow a certain ritual during the season. His might be living like a hermit.”

  Avery laughed. “It would be a heck of a lot better than wearing dirty underwear for four months.”

  “All right everyone, please present a sample of your béchamel and begin to clean up your stations,” Chef Isaacs announced from the back of the classroom.

  Thank god. Despite the fact that she couldn’t wait to show off her béchamel, she was anxious for class to be over and call it a night. She wanted to check the score from tonight’s game. With any luck, the Cowboys had racked up another win and Jase would be in a good mood. She loved his playful side and a lighthearted Ja
se was a lot of fun. Tonight would be one of their last nights together for a while. If the Cowboys won tonight, their next game would be out of town and she had no idea when she’d see him again. The thought of being away from him for even a day soured her stomach. Maybe Kristie was right and Avery’s feelings for him ran deeper than she wanted to admit.

  Her phone vibrated in her back pocket and she peeked to the rear of the classroom to make sure Chef was occupied before she checked the text message. A smile lit her face when she read Jase’s name and she swiped her finger across the screen to read his text: Booyah! We won! One step closer to the Super Bowl, baby! Heading over to your place in an hour to celebrate. Can’t wait to see you. Preferably naked. Make sure you’re free tomorrow. Taking you to a party.

  A party? A ribbon of hope unfurled in Avery’s chest. Maybe Jase wasn’t embarrassed to be seen with her after all. She smiled as she fired off a quick response: Congrats! I’ll see you in an hour. Maybe without my clothes. ;)

  Chef Isaacs approached her station and Avery quickly tucked her phone into her back pocket before dipping a spoon into her béchamel, anxious for him to taste. She’d aced tonight’s assignment and tomorrow night she had an honest to god date with Jason Blackwell.

  Could her life get any better?

  Chapter Nine

  Avery fidgeted in the passenger seat of Jase’s Maserati as a riot of butterflies swirled in her stomach. She’d worked plenty of the Cowboys’ team functions over the past few months, but she’d never attended one as a guest. Tonight’s was another private party and thankfully, Peyton’s catering service wasn’t providing the food. Which meant no familiar faces, no prying eyes and whispering lips for her to worry about. Unless some of the players or their dates recognized her from previous parties, Avery could maintain a modicum of anonymity. She wouldn’t have to make excuses for what she did or where she came from. At least, she hoped.

  “So … the division championship game is in Miami?” Beside her, Jase was a picture of calm while Avery was so nervous she’d resorted to the most ridiculous small talk ever. “Have you been there before?”

  Jase’s affectionate smile was enough to turn her bones to mush. “Several times. Like, every time we play them. Avery, relax. It’s just a party. You’re about to vibrate right out of your seat.”

  She stilled her bouncing knees as heat rose to her cheeks. “I know.”

  “Then why do you look like you’re about to lose your lunch?”

  Avery shrugged. “It’s just … I mean …” Gah. Spit it out already! “What if someone recognizes me from the events I worked?”

  “So what if they do?”

  She cleared her throat, forced the words from her mouth. “Won’t you be embarrassed if your teammates find out that you’re dating the hired help?”

  Jase’s expression darkened and Avery’s heart plunged into her stomach. He put on his blinker and checked traffic before crossing over into the far right lane. At the first turnout he could find, Jase pulled off the road and brought the car to a complete stop. He threw the car into park and turned in his seat, facing her fully. “Jesus, Avery. Do you really think that I’m that shallow? That I’d be ashamed to be seen with you because you’re a fucking waitress?”

  “Come on, Jase. You have to admit, I’m not exactly the type of girl a guy like you goes for. And I assumed that we spent so much time at my place because you were worried about being seen with me.” She’d never voiced her insecurities before and cringed at Jase’s pained expression.

  “Wow. I had no idea that you thought so little of me.”

  “What? No. Jase—”

  His eyes burned with hurt and anger, making Avery wish she could take back everything she’d said. Damn it. Why did she always have to let her self-doubt get the best of her? Jase’s nostrils flared and he settled back into his seat with enough force to cause it to groan in protest. She’d never seen him angry before, but her careless comment had obviously triggered one of his hot-button issues.

  “You know, Avery, there is nothing worse than someone making assumptions about the type of person you are. I’ve been called a snob, accused of using my money to advance my career, and yeah, of even being a shallow, insensitive dick. But you know more about me than most people. Like the fact that my childhood home makes your apartment look like the fucking Plaza. If I was embarrassed to be seen with you do you think I would’ve even asked you to come with me tonight?” His voice grew louder with each word.

  “No.” Avery averted her gaze, his hurt slicing through her. “I know you’re not that sort of guy.” She was letting her own stupid insecurities get the better of her. “I’m sorry, Jase.”

  He reached out and guided her chin up so she had no choice but to look at him. His expression softened and he said, “Avery, you’re beautiful. Funny. Intelligent. And don’t tell my mom I said this, but you cook the best food I’ve ever eaten. How could I not want to show you off to my friends? My teammates? Hell, the entire state. I haven’t taken you anywhere because I’m a selfish son of a bitch and I haven’t wanted to share your attention with anyone else. That’s all. So can we please get back on the road before all of the good snacks are gone?”

  A reluctant smile tugged at Avery’s mouth. Emotion swelled in her chest at Jase’s admission. His compliment about her cooking alone was enough to endear him to her. Falling in love with Jase Blackwell didn’t seem so far-fetched anymore. “I think at a fancy party, they’re considered hors d’oeuvres.”

  “If they’re bite-sized, they’re snacks. Period. So, are we good?”

  “Yes.” He caressed the line of her jaw with his thumb and Avery leaned in to the contact, letting her eyes drift shut. “We’re good.”


  “Damn, Blackwell. I need a good-luck charm like yours. She’s so tiny, I bet I could carry her around in my jock.”

  Jase’s jaw was clenched to the point that he was pretty sure he’d taken the enamel off of his molars. Malcolm Willis was one bullshit comment away from getting coldcocked.

  “Maybe if I got her on her back, I could have a killer post-season, too.”

  If it wouldn’t mean suspension, he’d beat the son of a bitch to a bloody pulp right in the middle of Carson’s living room. Hell, if he could be guaranteed that he’d only be fined, Jase would pay upward of a hundred grand just to lay him out.

  “Hell, I might even get to start Sunday’s game if I could get a blow job out of her.”

  Jase took a step forward and Carson put a hand on his chest, urging him back. “Down, boy. The last thing you need tonight is to get into it with anyone on the team. He’s just jealous that you’re kicking ass on the field and he’s trying to rile you into doing something stupid. Don’t let him play you like that.”

  Jase tore his gaze from the younger man and focused on his friend’s face. His chest heaved with labored breaths and his muscles ached with unspent adrenaline. He should have said something. Told the cocky little bastard to shut his mouth. But anger clogged his throat and Jase couldn’t force the words out no matter how hard he tried. Instead, he let Willis insult Avery behind her back while he stood there and took it like some sort of pussy. And the worst part of it was, before he’d truly gotten to know Avery, he’d considered her as nothing more than a means to an end. The lucky piece of ass he’d needed to get his game tight. Christ. He was just as big of an asshole as Willis, wasn’t he?

  “Don’t even think about it,” Carson said as though sensing Jase’s thoughts. “You are not allowed to get down on yourself for being the bigger man.”

  “Yeah?” The word burned his mouth like acid. He sure as hell didn’t feel like the bigger man. “Give me one decent reason why being the bigger man is a good thing right now.”

  “Because if you start shit at my house, Gena will have your ass in a sling for starters.”

  Gena, Carson’s wife, was a notorious ball buster and one of Jase’s favorite people. She kept Carson in line off the field and he was head over he
els in love with her. Likewise, she ran a pretty tight ship and shenanigans of any kind were off-limits when you went to a party she was hosting. Jase knew better than to test her. “Willis oughta thank Gena for the fact that he’s not picking his sorry ass up off the floor, then.”

  “So true,” Carson said with a laugh. “Man, I’m sorry I even said anything about Avery. If I’d had any idea how you really felt about her or that some of the guys would take it so far—”

  “I know,” Jase replied. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “If it’s any consolation, your girl looks like she’s doing just fine.”

  Jase followed Carson’s gaze to where Avery was standing with a group of wives. He caught her eye and she flashed him a dazzling smile that made his heart clench and his gut curl up into a knot. Her expression shone like the sun, the happiness radiating from her. “I really wanted Gena to like her.” As the queen bee of the group of Cowboys wives, Gena’s approval meant that no one would give Avery an ounce of shit. Ever. Not to mention the fact that if the two women hit it off, Jase wouldn’t have to worry so much about Avery feeling as though she didn’t fit in. Truth be told, he couldn’t give a shit what anyone else thought about her. The only opinion that mattered was his.

  “Hey, are you taking her to Miami?”

  Jase hadn’t thought about it. She had school and work. But damn, having her there to support him during the championship would be awesome. “I don’t know.” His eyes were still glued to where she stood. He couldn’t wait to get her home and into bed. “I hadn’t really thought about it.”

  “Between you and me, I think you should take her.” Carson put an arm around Jase’s shoulder. “Because if you don’t, I doubt you’ll be able to focus enough to tie your shoes, let alone catch a pass.”

  “Are you saying I’m not a professional?” Jase ribbed.

  “Not at all,” Carson replied. “But if the way you’re looking at her right now is any indicator, you’ll play that much better if you know she’s waiting for you at the end of the day.”


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