Fire Angel
Page 42
“Here he comes,” Ev whispered.
The door opened, and light flooded the place. It was a good thing they’d opted to stay behind the empty vats.
“Alexis, honey, I’m home,” Frank called.
His voice reminded Jake of Desi in I Love Lucy. His mother used to watch the reruns of that when he was a kid.
“Did you miss me?” he asked, walking toward them.
“I’m afraid she had to leave,” Ev said. “The lady found it a little cold in here.” He stood, his head above the vat. “Frank Arthur, you’re under arrest for arson and criminally negligent homicide. You have the right—”
“Save your breath, Everett. You’ve got nothing on me. I know you don’t have any proof, and if Alexis left here alive, judging by the shape she was in, she’s probably a blithering idiot by now. Besides, according to you, she’s already dead. Now, since your men are all roasting in Lavigne, let me make this easy for you.” He pulled out Alexis’s gun. “Won’t it be interesting when they trace the call that detonated the bomb earlier to her phone and find the gun that killed you was hers, too? You’re using a shot gun, and I’ve seen your range scores. You suck old man, while I’m a sharp shooter.”
He’d stepped behind the garbage bin when he’d started talking and Jake edged his way from vat to vat, hoping to flank him.
“None of my men were in the tannery. We figured out what you were up to. They’ll be here shortly. Even if you do manage to kill me, you’re done. I just want to know one thing. I can see where you had all kinds of imagined grievances against Leroy, Jethro, Duffy, maybe even Maxine, but why kill Slaney?”
“Because that sniveling snot purposely killed my dog. He had the nerve to joke about it. People have been taking things away from me my whole life. First, it was my brother Mack—you do know about him I suppose. Mom and Dad doted on him and forgot all about me. When he died, did she turn to me? No, she said it was my fault, that I was sick, and had me locked up for four years—four long years. Do you know what they do to children in those places? Eventually, they let me out and things were good. My step-father moved us here and taught me how to hunt and trap. Killing animals, learning to stuff them, and burning the leavings eased the emptiness in me. He loved me. He understood me, even if that bitch of a mother didn’t. Then, I found Alexis, but Jake McKenzie took her away from me. She was coming around, but he stepped in and defended her and she looked down her nose at me.”
“You’re delusional.” Jake stood ten feet behind him. “Alexis was never yours. You can’t hold onto the things you love—your wife, your daughter, even your own mother,” he goaded. “Why even tonight, you couldn’t hang on to a woman you’d tied to a chair. It’s over, Frank. Even if we can’t make a single charge against you stick as Fire Angel, we’ve got you on kidnapping. Alexis is fine,” he lied. “She’s writing out her statement as we speak.”
“No,” he screamed, so angry he shook. “You won’t win, not again. She’s mine.” He fired, winging Jake who hadn’t anticipated the shot.
Ev let a blast go with the shotgun.
Frank dropped like a rock.
“I thought you wanted him alive,” Jake said, covering his bleeding shoulder with his hand.
“I guess I’m a better shot than he expected.” Ev shrugged. “I wanted to know why he did it. I do. He’s a sociopath. The last thing Alexis needs is to relive this. Besides, he fired on you. I couldn’t let him take a second shot.”
He pulled out his phone and dialed.
“Pierre,” he said. “It’s over. Send the coroner’s wagon here. Jake’s been shot, but I figure his brother can patch him up.”
“We’re almost there,” Pierre answered.
“Good. Jake needs a ride.”
Alexis opened her eyes to a room flooded with sunlight. Jake sat in the lounger beside the bed. Had she imagined it? Had the horrible events she recalled so vividly all been a dream? She leaned forward and touched Jake, her fingers so tender the slight pressure hurt. His arm was in a sling.
Her touch awakened him, and he sat up.
He smiled. “Am I ever happy to see those cat’s eyes open again. Are you warm enough? David says the frost bite on your toes and fingers is minor. They’ll be sore for another day or two, but they’ll be fine.” He stood and sat on the side of the bed, cradling her to him with his good arm.
“So it wasn’t a nightmare?” she asked. “Frank is the Fire Angel and kidnapped me?”
“It was real, too real. When I found you unconscious in that place, your body so cold ... I almost died. You are one tough cookie, Alexis Pruett Michaels.”
“What about Frank? Where is he?” she asked, the thought he might come after her again causing the acid in her stomach to bubble.
“He’s dead. Ev shot him after Frank wounded me. Don’t worry. It’s just a scratch.” He kissed the top of her head. “You did it. None of us would ever have considered him to be the Fire Angel. You saved this town.”
“He was going to burn the church. Uncle Nick is preaching on the twenty-seventh. That was the last act of his revenge, although there were a couple of others he wanted to kill, too.”
She leaned into his shoulder and before she could stop herself, tears of relief, fear, and every emotion imaginable flowed out of her. So many people could’ve died, including Jake. He didn’t speak. He just held her as if he knew this was the catharsis she needed.
When the emotional storm had passed, he moved her slightly away and handed her a tissue.
“You know, I’ve cried more in the past week or so than I’ve cried in twenty years. I must look awful.”
“You’re beautiful and I love you. I have since I was sixteen years old. I’m wondering if instead of going back now that the case is over, would you consider sticking around until after the New Year? We could get to know one another and maybe you—”
Alexis swallowed his words by pressing her mouth over his. He took command of the kiss, and by the time he released her, they were both breathless.
He smiled. “I take it that’s a yes?”
“It is.” She sobered. “When I was alone in the dark, I was terrified, but deep down inside, I knew we would somehow be together again. I’ll never forget what Uncle Nick did to me, but it can’t define my life, nor can what Frank has done. When I left California, all I had was a talent and a job. You once said we made a good team. If you’re willing to take me on, I think we would too.”
Jake grinned. “If that’s a proposal, I accept. I’m not sure if you mean a personal or a professional partnership, but either one or both is fine by me.”
“Both sound wonderful. I’ve never proposed to a man before. How did I do?” she asked, chewing her lower lip as the heat crept up her cheeks. She wasn’t going to run away this time.
“You were perfect.”
Alexis smiled. The Fire Angel was gone and all the monsters had been laid to rest. Who said you couldn’t go home again? She was home, right where she belonged, in the arms of the man she’d always loved.
The End