Ringlingville USA
Page 29
57. Display ad in Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch, September 9, 1893.
58. Route Book of Ringling Brothers, Season of 1893 (Buffalo, NY: Courier, 1893).
59. Ibid., pp. 44, 50, 54.
60. Ringling Bros. Daily Ledger, 1893, Pfening collection.
61. John D. Buenker, The History of Wisconsin, vol. 4, The Progressive Era, 1893–1914 (Madison: State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1998), p. 10.
62. Route Book of Ringling Brothers, Season of 1893, p. 62.
63. Ringling Bros. Daily Ledger, 1893.
64. Route Book of Ringling Brothers, Season of 1893, p. 76.
65. Farewell dinner menu, “Farewell Dinner: Tendered to the Employees of Ringling Bros. World’s Greatest Shows. Havanna, Illinois, October 10, 1993. By E. C. Haley,” CWM Library.
66. Ringling Bros. Daily Ledger, 1893. Data complied by Fred Pfening III.
67. Alf T. Ringling, Beneath White Tents: Route Book of Ringling Brothers, 1894 Season, p. 144.
68. Ibid.
69. Ibid., p. 155.
70. Ringling Bros. Daily Ledgers, 1894, Pfening collection. Data compiled by Fred Pfening III.
71. Data from 1891, 1892, 1893, and 1894 Ringling Bros. daily ledgers, Pfening collection. Income includes matinee and evening performances, concert, sideshow, reserved seats, and privileges. Data compiled by Fred Pfening III.
72. Ringling Bros. Daily Ledgers, 1894.
73. Sauk County (Wisconsin) Democrat, November 22, 1894.
Chapter 5
1. Alf T. Ringling, With the Circus: A Route Book of Ringling Bros. World’s Greatest Shows, Seasons of 1895 and 1896 (St. Louis: Great Western Printing, 1896), p. 131.
2. Ibid., pp. 128–129.
3. The Route Book of Ringling Bros. Shows: 1882–1914, p. 83.
4. Alf T. Ringling, With the Circus, p. 129.
5. Ibid., p. 129.
6. Chicago InterOcean, April 28, 1895.
7. Ringling Brothers Receipt Book, 1895, Pfening collection.
8. Alf T. Ringling, With the Circus, p. 131.
9. Ringling Brothers Receipt Book, 1895. Data compiled by Fred Pfening III.
10. Alf T. Ringling, With the Circus, p. 137.
11. Quoted in Alf T. Ringling, With the Circus, p. 137.
12. Ringling Brothers Receipt Book, 1895. Data compiled by Fred Pfening III.
13. Quoted in Alf T. Ringling, With the Circus, p. 33.
14. Chicago InterOcean, May 2, 1896.
15. Alf T. Ringling, With the Circus, p. 33.
16. George L. Chindahl, “The W. B. Reynolds Circus,” White Tops, July–August 1950, pp. 7–8, 18.
17. Alf T. Ringling, With the Circus, p. 71.
18. The Route Book of Ringling Bros. Shows, 1882–1914, p. 91.
19. Alf T. Ringling, With the Circus, pp. 29–30.
20. Ringling Receipt Book, 1896, Pfening collection. Data compiled by Fred Pfening III.
21. Berlin (Wisconsin) Journal, July 16, 1896.
22. Chang Reynolds, “The Ringling Elephants 1888–1967,” Bandwagon, September–October 1968, pp. 3–12.
23. Ringling Receipt Book, 1895, 1896, and 1897, Pfening collection.
24. Ibid.
25. The Circus Annual: A Route Book of Ringling Brothers World’s Greatest Shows, Season of 1897 (Buffalo, NY: Courier, 1897), p. 107.
26. Ibid.
27. Janesville (Wisconsin) Daily Gazette, July 16, 1897.
28. The Circus Annual: A Route Book of Ringling Brothers World’s Greatest Shows, Season of 1897, p. 103.
29. Ibid., pp. 121, 133.
30. Ringling Receipt Book, 1897, Pfening collection. Data compiled by Fred Pfening III.
31. Henry Casson, “A Ringling Item,” Circus Scrap Book 8 (October 1930): 50.
32. Baraboo (Wisconsin) Republic, Wednesday, April 6, 1898.
33. Route Book of Ringling Bros. Shows: 1882–1914, p. 103.
34. Ibid., p. 97.
35. Red Wagon: Route Book of The Ringing Bros. World’s Greatest Show, Season 1898 (Chicago: Central Printing and Engraving, 1898), p. 37.
36. Ringling Receipt Book, 1898, Pfening collection.
37. Red Wagon: Route Book of The Ringing Bros. World’s Greatest Show, Season 1898, p. 37.
38. Ibid.
39. Ibid., p. 39.
40. Ibid., p. 45.
41. Ibid., p. 47.
42. Ibid., p. 58.
43. Ibid., p. 59.
44. Ibid., p. 45.
45. Ibid., p. 75.
46. The Route Book of Ringling Bros. Shows: 1882–1914, p. 102.
47. For more information, see Fred Dahlinger Jr. and Stuart Thayer, “The Ringling Cottage Cages,” Bandwagon, November–December 1998.
48. Baraboo, Wisconsin, Register of Deeds Office, October 24, 1898, bk. 73, p. 627.
49. Sauk County (Wisconsin) Democrat, October 6, 1898, and October 12, 1898.
50. Martindale Mercantile Agency to Strobridge Litho Company, August 19, 1899, Pfening collection.
51. Red Wagon: Route Book of The Ringing Bros. World’s Greatest Show, Season 1899 (Chicago: Central Printing and Engraving, 1899), p. 3.
52. Ibid.
Chapter 6
1. Route Book: Ringling Bros.’ World’s Greatest Shows, Season 1900.
2. Kingwood College Library, “American Cultural History, 1900–1909,” http://kclibrary.nhmccd.edu/decade00.html.
3. Ibid.
4. Baraboo (Wisconsin) Evening News, January 3, 1900.
5. Hagenbeck’s (Hamburg, Germany) to Ringling Brothers, January 14, 1900, Pfening collection.
6. Otto was likely well aware of the problems involved in caring for a walrus. They require a very specialized diet of heavy cream and clams on ground herring—not readily available to a circus on tour. Richard J. Reynolds III, correspondence with the author, December 4, 2002.
7. E. D. Colvin (Hagenbeck’s U.S. agent) to Otto Ringling, February 6, 1900, Pfening collection.
8. Route Book, Ringling Bros. World’s Greatest Shows, Season 1900, p. 9.
9. Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch, May 26, 1900.
10. Route Book, Ringling Bros. World’s Greatest Shows, Season 1900, p. 8.
11. Ibid.
12. Richland (Wisconsin) Rustic, July 1900.
13. Appleton (Wisconsin) Crescent, July 28, 1900.
14. Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch, June 4, 1900.
15. Chicago Tribune, April 14, 1901.
16. Alf T. Ringling, The Circus Annual: A Route Book of Ringling Brothers, Season 1901 (Chicago: Central Printing and Engraving, 1901), p. 33.
17. Ibid., p. 48.
18. Ibid., p. 51.
19. Ibid., p. 54.
20. Ibid., p. 63.
21. Ibid., pp. 69–73.
22. Ibid., pp. 81–82.
23. Quoted in Alf T. Ringling, The Circus Annual: A Route Book of Ringling Brothers, Season 1901, p. 81.
24. Sauk County (Wisconsin) Democrat, November 7, 1901.
Chapter 7
1. Canton (Ohio) News Democrat, May 1, 1902.
2. Fred Dahlinger Jr., correspondence with the author, May 1, 2001.
3. The Circus: A Route Book of Ringling Bros.’ World’s Greatest Shows, Season 1902 (Chicago: Central Printing and Engraving, 1902), p. 15.
4. Baraboo (Wisconsin) Republic, April 30, 1902.
5. The Circus: A Route Book of Ringling Bros.’ World’s Greatest Shows, Season 1902, p. 17.
6. Ibid.
7. Ibid., p. 21.
8. Ibid., p. 23.
9. Ibid., p. 25.
10. Ibid.
11. Dahlinger, correspondence with the author, May 1, 2001.
12. The Circus: A Route Book of Ringling Bros.’ World’s Greatest Shows, Season 1902, p. 17.
13. Fred Dahlinger Jr., “The History of the Golden Age of Chivalry,” Bandwagon, March–April 1997, pp. 24–31.
14. Hagenbeck’s to Ringling Brothers, August 5, 1902; Hagenbeck’s agent, C. L. Williams, to Ringling Brothers, November 12, 1902, Pfen
ing collection.
15. Mammoth spectacles were not a new idea in the circus world. The Barnum show put on “Nero and the Destruction of Rome” in 1890–1891. In 1893 Forepaugh presented “1776.” John Robinson did “Solomon and Sheba” in the 1890s and early 1900s. Fred Pfening III, correspondence with the author, December 1, 2002.
16. The Circus Annual: A Route Book of Ringling Brothers’ World’s Greatest Shows, Season 1903, p. 57.
17. Ibid.
18. Canton (Ohio) News-Democrat, May 14, 1903.
19. The Circus Annual: A Route Book of Ringling Brothers’ World’s Greatest Shows, Season 1903, p. 64.
20. Ibid.
21. Ibid., p. 65.
22. Ibid.
23. Canton (Ohio) News-Democrat, May 22, 1903.
24. The Circus Annual: A Route Book of Ringling Brothers’ World’s Greatest Shows, Season 1903, p. 66.
25. Detroit Free Press, June 20, 1903.
26. The Circus Annual: A Route Book of Ringling Brothers’ World’s Greatest Shows, Season 1903, p. 68.
27. “Thirty Years Ago Today,” Baraboo (Wisconsin) News Republic, December 20, 1933.
28. Dahlinger, correspondence with the author, May 1, 2001.
29. Baraboo (Wisconsin) Evening News, November 4, 1903.
30. Richard J. Reynolds III, correspondence with the author, December 17, 2002.
Chapter 8
1. Duluth (Minnesota) Herald, January 14, 1905.
2. Columbus (Ohio) Post Press, May 1, 1904.
3. Newark (Ohio) American Tribune, April 21, 1904, and April 23, 1904. According to Richard Reynolds III, the huge spectacles mounted by both the Ringling and Barnum & Bailey shows required removing part of the grandstand on the side of the tent opposite the center ring, where they would install a stage with overhead canopy, scenic backdrop, and other features necessary for an elaborate production. Reynolds, correspondence with the author, December 17, 2002.
4. Columbus (Ohio) Post Press, May 1, 1904.
5. Newark (Ohio) American Tribune, May 5, 1904.
6. Chicago Evening Post, March 29, 1904.
7. Ibid.
8. Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch, May 1, 1904.
9. Duluth (Minnesota) Herald, July 2, 1904.
10. Sauk County (Wisconsin) Democrat, September 1, 1904, and January 12, 1905.
11. Duluth (Minnesota) Herald, January 14, 1905.
12. Ibid.
13. Article of Agreement between Barnum and Bailey Shows and Ringling Brothers Shows, November 1, 1904, CWM.
14. Al Ringling to Henry Ringling, March 1905, Pfening collection.
15. Otto Ringling to Henry Ringling, March 13, 1905, Pfening collection.
16. Ibid.
17. Otto Ringling to Henry Ringling, March 20, 1905, Pfening collection.
18. Otto Ringling to Henry Ringling, March 25, 1905, Pfening collection.
19. Bank of Baraboo Loans, Discount Register A, January 5, 1880, to April 7, 1906, CWM.
20. Canton (Ohio) Morning News, May 5, 1905.
21. Sauk County (Wisconsin) Democrat, September 22, 1905.
22. Fred Pfening III, correspondence with the author, December 1, 2002.
Chapter 9
1. Show World, November 9, 1907, p. 20.
2. Agreement, Barnum & Bailey Show and Ringling Brothers Show, December 2, 1905, CWM.
3. Appleton (Wisconsin) Crescent, August 18, 1906.
4. Ringling Brothers Receipts Ledger Summary, 1906, Pfening collection.
5. Legal agreement between Ruth Louisa Bailey and Ringling Brothers, June 5, 1906, Milner Library collection, Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois.
6. Appleton (Wisconsin) Crescent, August 28, 1906.
7. Newark (Ohio) American Tribune, April 21, 1906.
8. Candy Stand Book, Ringling Bros. Show, Season of 1906, Frank Parson, CWM.
9. Van Wert (Ohio) Times Democrat, June 29, 1906.
10. Candy Stand Book, p. 150.
11. Ibid., p. 178.
12. Baraboo (Wisconsin) News, November 28, 1906.
13. Duluth (Minnesota) Evening Herald, July 10, 1906.
14. Ibid.
15. Duluth (Minnesota) Evening Herald, July 11, 1906.
16. Baraboo (Wisconsin) News, November 28, 1906.
17. Ibid.
18. Ibid.
19. Ringling Brothers Receipts Ledger Summary, 1906, Pfening collection.
20. Baraboo (Wisconsin) News, November 7, 1906.
21. Baraboo (Wisconsin) Republic, November 6, 1907.
22. Allen Paschen, interview by the author, Baraboo, Wisconsin, January 2, 2002.
23. The purchase took place in stages, with the October date culminating the deal.
24. Otto Ringling to Ringling Brothers, October 26, 1907, Pfening collection.
25. Baraboo (Wisconsin) Republic, October 30, 1907.
26. Billboard, 1907, p. 22.
27. Glenn Shirley, Pawnee Bill: A Biography of Major Gordon W. Lillie (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1958), pp. 162–163, 180.
28. Show World, November 9, 1907, p. 20.
29. Otto Ringling to Ringling Brothers, October 26, 1907, Pfening collection.
30. Otto was probably referring to elephants that were a part of Forepaugh-Sells show, as Barnum & Bailey had no African elephants. Richard J. Reynolds III, correspondence with the author, December 14, 2002.
31. By this time some circuses were having difficulties mounting a parade on city streets clogged with automobile, truck, and streetcar traffic. Barnum & Bailey had already eliminated parades by the time of the Ringling purchase.
32. Otto Ringling to Ringling Brothers, October 26, 1907, Pfening collection.
33. Baraboo (Wisconsin) Republic, December 25, 1907.
Chapter 10
1. Racine (Wisconsin) Daily Times, July 31, 1908.
2. Van Wert (Ohio) Daily Times, July 26, 1908.
3. Duluth (Minnesota) Herald, June 13, 1908.
4. Show World, December 21, 1907, p. 140.
5. Racine (Wisconsin) Daily Times, July 31, 1908.
6. Duluth (Minnesota) Herald, June 25, 1908.
7. Fred Dahlinger Jr., correspondence with the author, November 13, 2002.
8. Otto Ringling to Charles Ringling, October 28, 1908, Pfening collection.
9. Ibid.
10. “With the White Tops,” Show World, March 28, 1908, p. 16.
11. H. L. S., Letter, Boys’ World, June 20, 1908.
12. “With the White Tops: Free Zoo at Baraboo, Wis.,” Show World, February 1, 1908, p. 8.
13. “One hundred fifty years of Masonry in Baraboo: Program of Celebration,” CWM.
14. Allen Paschen, interview by the author, Baraboo, Wisconsin, March 5, 2001.
15. John Ringling to the Ringling Brothers, winter 1908, Pfening collection.
16. John L. Sullivan to the Ringling Brothers, October 31, 1908, Milner Library collection, Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois.
17. Reynolds, correspondence with the author, December 17, 2002.
18. Shirley, Pawnee Bill, p. 197.
19. Ibid., pp. 162–163, 197–198.
20. “With the White Tops,” Show World, December 28, 1908.
21. Reynolds, correspondence with the author, December 18, 2002.
22. “With the White Tops,” Show World, January 15, 1910, p. 17.
23. Ibid.
24. Ibid., October 16, 1909, p. 22
25. Ibid., January 15, 1910, p. 17.
26. By the 1910 season the Ringling Brothers’ train comprised three advertising cars, twenty-six stock-cars, forty flatcars, and fifteen passenger cars. Havirland list, Circuses on Tour, Season 1910, CWM.
27. Baraboo (Wisconsin) News, October 7, 1909.
28. Baraboo (Wisconsin) News, November 4, 1909.
29. The Ringlings bought their first railcars used and later purchased new ones from Barney and Smith of Dayton, Ohio; “Ringling Bros. Circus Car Shops,” CWM.
Chapter 11
p; 1. Show World, August 6, 1910, p. 1.
2. Havirland list, Circuses on Tour, Season 1910, CWM.
3. “With the White Tops,” Show World, January 15, 1910, p. 17.
4. John M. Staudenmaier, “Henry Ford,” in The Oxford Companion to United States History, ed. Paul Boyer (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001), p. 275.
5. Timothy E. Scheurer, “Irving Berlin (1888–1989),” in The Oxford Companion to United States History, ed. Paul Boyer (New York: Oxford University Press, 2001), p. 70.
6. Havirland list, Circuses on Tour, Season 1910.
7. Ringling Brothers to E. Allen Frost, January 7, 1910, Pfening collection.
8. Otto Ringling to Al Ringling, February 21, 1910, CWM.
9. Fred Pfening III, correspondence with the author, December 1, 2002.
10. “With the White Tops,” Show World, July 2, 1910.
11. Janesville (Wisconsin) Daily Gazette, August 13, 1910.
12. 1910 reviews file, Decatur (Illinois) newspaper, August 7, 1910, CWM.
13. Janesville (Wisconsin) Daily Gazette, August 13, 1910.
14. 1910 reviews file, Decatur (Illinois) newspaper, August 7, 1910, CWM.
15. Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch, May 19, 1910.
16. Richard J. Reynolds III, correspondence with the author, December 22, 2002.
17. Internal memorandum, Circus World Museum, December 23, 1998.
18. Sauk County (Wisconsin) Democrat, October 13, 1910.
19. Baraboo (Wisconsin) Weekly News, November 14, 1912.
20. Jan and Duane Neuman, interview with the author, Baraboo, Wisconsin, December 10, 2001.
21. Sauk County, Wisconsin, Register of Deeds, vol. 94, p. 366.
22. Sauk County (Wisconsin) Democrat, February 2, 1911.
23. Chicago Sunday Record-Herald, April 16, 1911.
24. Otto Ringling to his brothers, January 18, 1910. Copy from original owned by Sally Clayton Jones, CWM.
25. Purchase agreement for Forepaugh-Sells drafted November 1911, Pfening collection.
26. County Court of Sauk County, Wisconsin, Estate of Otto Ringling, Summary of Inventory with Appraised Values. March 31, 1911.
27. Baraboo (Wisconsin) Weekly News, May 29, 1913.
28. Release, dated June 23, 1913, and signed by the three nieces. Copy from original owned by Sally Clayton Jones, CWM.