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Heart's Flame: Paranormal Romance

Page 5

by Ann Gimpel

  “No.” He turned away. Keira supposed he wanted to rearrange himself, so his erection wouldn’t be so obvious.

  She opened the door. Renn fluttered in. The Fairy flashed a triumphant smile and mouthed, “Close the door.”

  Mildly confused, after all, there wasn’t a soul in the hallway, Keira tugged it shut and latched it for good measure. “There.”

  Renn nodded. “Good. These upper rooms are shielded. The high echelon Weres insisted on it, so no one could listen in on their conversations with their women—or each other.”

  Understanding dawned. So that was why a conference room was situated near the end of the hall. She’d wondered how come it wasn’t located downstairs. Keira met her friend’s gaze. “You went to a lot of trouble to find me. Did you have an, um, productive night?”

  Renn’s multi-colored eyes flashed, more amber than green at the moment, and she grinned. “Did I ever. Five hundred New Dollars.”

  “Wow!” Keira’s mouth dropped open. “He paid you for two nights. Are you coming back?”

  The Fairy shook her head. “Nope. Don’t have to.”

  “Gee, I didn’t know Simon was such a soft touch. Anyway—” she glanced over her shoulder at Barrett “—what’s up?”

  “Just thought I should let you know I was leaving. And I wanted to say hello to Barrett. I knew he was here because I listened in when Simon talked to him on the phone. Hey there, handsome—” she flew to his shoulder and sat on it “—you’re ignoring me.”

  Keira felt something akin to a flash of jealousy. It didn’t make any sense, but she didn’t want Barrett to be another of Renn’s many conquests. She opened her mouth to ask if they’d been lovers, but shut it with a snap. It wasn’t any of her business.

  “Not really.” Barrett turned so he faced Renn. “I just wasn’t expecting to see you.” He smiled fondly at the Fairy.

  Keira’s heart squeezed painfully.

  I’m a hooker, she reminded herself curtly. No emotions. They just get in the way. Once Renn leaves, I’ll fuck his brains out, and that will be the end of it. I’ll probably never see him again, except in his shop.

  “Guess you two know each other.” She tried to look mildly curious. Even ginned up a weak smile. What she wanted to do was rip Renn away from Barrett and send her packing. Keira took a deep breath to settle her emotions. What the hell was wrong with her? Renn was almost her only friend. If she alienated the Fairy, she’d be truly alone.

  Renn, seemingly oblivious to Keira’s distress, smiled back from her perch on Barrett’s shoulder. “Of course we know one another. My people buy most of their supplies from him.”

  Renn was the purchasing manager for the Fairy den located just outside the ruins of Seattle. Once the humans were mostly gone, the Fairy folk picked up the banner and kept the electronics going. Cellular networks and the Internet were their main focus, but they maintained the hydroelectric plants too, mixing in a good bit of magic to keep them operating.

  Knowing they were business associates didn’t make Keira feel any better. Obviously there’d been ample opportunity for the Fairy to get to know Barrett in a way Keira would kill for. “Of course,” she managed.

  Renn bent and whispered something in Barrett’s ear. It brought color to his face, and made him even more profanely gorgeous. “Time to be on my way. ’Bye all. See you soon.” She kissed Barrett’s cheek, fluttered to Keira and did the same. “The door?” She gestured toward it with one wing.

  “You could use magic,” Keira suggested, suddenly unwilling to help her friend with anything.

  Renn tilted her head to one side. Her ancient gaze bored into Keira. “You have nothing to worry about. Remember, we’re friends. I’ve dealt with a raft of crap from the Fairy Council on account of it. Now, open the door.” Compulsion rang beneath her words.

  Invisible strands pulled Keira toward the door. She shook herself. “You don’t have to force me.”

  “Good.” Renn’s musical laughter filled the room.

  Keira felt a mild electric shock as Renn’s spell dispersed. She pulled the door open. “I’m sorry,” she murmured as the Fairy flew past. “I have no idea what got into me.”

  “Well, I do.” Renn hovered in the middle of the hallway and laughed again. This time it held a raucous edge. “I even know what you’d like to get into you. If you know what I mean. Try not to worry. Everything will work out.”

  Feeling confused—and wondering what Renn had whispered into Barrett’s ear—Keira shut the door and spun the lock. When she turned, Barrett was staring at her, a speculative look in his ice-blue eyes. Because it made her uncomfortable, she retreated behind small talk.

  “Nice you and Renn know one another. She’s been one of my only friends—”

  He shook his head. “You don’t have to do that.”

  “Do what?” She turned her best provocative smile on him. “Let’s get back to where we were.” She hooked her fingers under her top and started to pull it over her head.

  He was by her side, hands on her shoulders, before she got it north of her breasts. “Maybe we could just talk for a bit. You know, get to know one another.”

  “Why would you want to do that?” She didn’t like the sound of her laugh. It was hollow and brittle. Besides, she didn’t want to get to know Barrett. Not really. It would only hurt that much more after he left. “It’s not like we don’t know one another. After all, I’ve dropped by your shop occasionally.”

  He smiled at her. “It’s been more than occasionally.”

  Keira’s face heated. Damn. All those times she thought she’d traveled incognito, he’d noticed just the same.

  She shoved a hand between them and patted the bulge in his pants. Had Renn gotten him even more excited? Keira winced at the jealousy rolling through her. “Looks like you’re ready. How about it?” She smiled and tried to rub up against him, but his hands held her in place. She ran her tongue over her lips and was rewarded by a sharp intake of breath. His cock jumped against her hand.

  It didn’t matter if he was hot and ready because of her or the Fairy. She had a job to do and, by the goddess, she was going to get it done. Keira rubbed her thighs together. She wanted him. Nothing she could do would distance her from that. Maybe once she’d had him, the ache inside her would subside. It was hard to think with him so close. That musky, spicy scent wafted around them. She sucked it in and closed her fingers around his cock, moving the other hand to work on his zipper.

  His breathing quickened. Color stained his face. She felt him weaken. He wanted her. And for a lot more than talking. Sure enough, the hands on her shoulders drew her close. He lowered his mouth to hers, his lips hard and demanding. Flutters began deep in her belly. She kissed him back with abandon, loving the taste of him in her mouth.

  Keira couldn’t wait to get rid of the clothes standing between them. Crushed between their bodies, her fingers undid the buttons of his shirt. Once she’d gotten them all, she drew away for long enough to tug off his jacket and the shirt beneath. Her breath caught in her throat as the hard-muscled lines of his body emerged. Broad shoulders, flat stomach, powerful arms. A few hairs swirled around his copper-colored nipples. He was so beautiful, it was almost hard to look at him. Weres didn’t have that kind of beauty—or grace. She knew. She’d seen enough of them.

  Fear mingled with her arousal, sharpening it, adding a forbidden edge. She tipped her head upward and met his gaze. “You’re not Were. You can’t be—”

  He laid a finger over her lips, “Ssht. You didn’t want to talk. And now we’ve started, I don’t want to, either.”

  He smiled at her, his teeth very white against the chiseled, clean-shaven planes of his face. His expression could’ve lit up the world. She felt as if she was drowning in his eyes. He undid the fastenings of his jeans, shoved them down his slim hips, and stepped out of them. “Now you.”

  He pulled her top over her head. “I’ll be damned,” he swore softly. His gaze never left her body. “You’re so lovely.�
� His settled his mouth over a breast, nipping and sucking.

  Heat ratcheted through her. She’d never been this hot before. Never thought she’d die if she didn’t have a man inside her. She pushed the elastic waistband of her skirt downward. The jersey fabric puddled on the floor. She was naked beneath but for her lacy, black thong. And it could be pushed aside. Because she couldn’t stand not to touch him, Keira ran her fingertips over his cock. Hot, heavy, and thick with promise, it settled into her touch as though it had been born there.

  “Just a minute.” She spun away from him and opened a bedside drawer, extracting a magic-imbued cylinder. Expandable to fit any cock, they functioned like old-fashioned condoms to prevent pregnancy and cross-species disease transmission. Keira closed the distance between them and slipped it over him while she could still think.

  He pulled her hard against him, ran kisses up her neck, and then maneuvered her toward the bed. “I don’t know about you,” he growled, his voice raspy with passion, “but I can’t wait. It’s been a very long time.”

  It had only been a few hours for her. After all, she got laid all night, most nights, but that wasn’t what her body was telling her. It said the sex she’d had before was nothing compared with what was about to happen here in this room with this man. She felt the bed against the back of her legs and fell onto it. Barrett settled next to her and teased her sex with knowing fingers. She arched into his touch, and he kissed her with an urgency that flooded her with lust. Even her fingertips and toes yearned for him to be closer, to touch her more, and kiss her again. She snaked a hand between them and curved it around his cock.

  Keira pushed her hips upward and slammed her pussy against his hand. A climax was close, very close. Just a little more rubbing and she’d be there. His cock felt near to bursting in her hand. He pulled away from their kiss, breath hot against her neck.

  “Now?” He quirked a brow.

  She was so hot, she couldn’t talk, so she just nodded and pulled him on top of her, feeling him probe for entrance. The heat of him, the silkiness of his body under her fingers nearly undid her. She thought she might come before he even got inside. She wriggled and he slid home. To draw him closer still, she closed her legs around his hips and her arms around his shoulders. Keira thrust against him, her hips bucking, but he didn’t move.

  “Be still,” he gasped. “Or this will be over before we’ve even begun.”

  She understood and stilled her body.

  He’s a customer, she reminded herself. My first duty is what he needs.

  Keira needed to come so badly, it was all she could think of. Every muscle was tense. Her nipples ached. Her clit was on fire.

  He kissed her, plunging his tongue deep into her mouth. His cock jerked inside her. Once and then again. The tiniest of motions, it drove her mad. He rolled his pubes over hers and then back again. A warm glow started in her belly. He understood her need. For once, a john actually cared about something beyond his own gratification.

  She rocked into the movement. The climax spooled not far from the surface burst forth. Spasms shook her. Even though house rules said the girls were supposed to be quiet so they wouldn’t disturb the patrons’ pleasure, she couldn’t muffle her delight. Locking the sound in her throat didn’t work.

  He strung kisses up her neck and settled his lips over hers again. She was still coming when he drew himself out and drove his cock home. He did it again. And again. His breath seared her where it touched her. He pulled away from her mouth and supported his upper body on his arms. She tightened her hold on his hips, and he moved faster.

  Keira understood he was as spellbound by lust as she. Usually, she wanted to hustle her johns along to get rid of them. But this time she wanted Barrett to stay inside her as long as he could. She felt another climax seed itself from her previous one. He grew harder inside her, and his breath came in ragged pants. She pulled him down so she could feel all of his body against her. Her nails dug into his shoulders, but he didn’t seem to notice—or mind.

  He moved faster and faster. Keira lost herself in the wonder of his body straining against hers. What she wouldn’t give to have a man like this truly love her. Head thrown back in ecstasy, he shuddered within her. She held him close and gasped as his tremors shot her over the edge one more time. Colors swirled before her. She could’ve reached out and touched the stars. Keira came back into herself with him murmuring to her in ancient Gaelic, the language of the Daoine Sidhe. She didn’t speak it, but recognized it well enough.

  She pushed away from his warmth. Alarm spread through her. A sick feeling displaced the heat in her belly. There’d been lots of clues, and she’d ignored them all because she wanted him in her bed.

  “You’re not what you seem. I—” Words strangled in her throat, refusing to emerge.

  What am I going to do?

  Passion warred with reason. If she didn’t sound the alarm and the Weres caught her, punishment would be swift. She could play the stupid card, or the ensorcellment one, but still…

  She glanced at the bracelet on her upper arm, almost as if she expected her thoughts to set it off and shock her. It wasn’t like she could lie outright. One of the few spells Weres had at their ready disposal was the truth spell. She had no doubt they’d use it if Barrett’s deception came to light.

  He rolled off her onto one side and propped his head on an elbow. Latching his hand around her wrist, he murmured, “You didn’t want to talk before. We must talk now. Once we’re done, if you feel you have to alert your masters, all I ask is you give me a few minutes’ head start.” He smiled lazily. Fine lines crinkled around his eyes. “Before I say anything else, though. Thank you. You’re beautiful, and that was one of the most intense experiences in my life. No matter how things turn out, I’ll never forget you.”

  His gaze snared hers. She tried, but couldn’t look away. In a distant corner of her mind, Keira wondered if he’d lured her with his magic. And then she just didn’t care. The attraction that had grown roots, watching him from the sidelines in his shop, flared to bright, painful life.

  It was stupid, ill-advised, but she was falling in love, and there wasn’t a thing in the world she could do to alter her headlong fall. More to keep herself busy than anything else, she stripped the sheath off him and trotted it to a nearby wastebasket, feeling his eyes follow her every movement.

  “Come back here.” His words were soft, but compulsion flavored them.

  Because it was either do that, or leave and turn him in to the Weres, Keira tossed herself back atop the bed, her mind a riot of contradictions.

  Chapter Six

  Barrett lay looking at Keira, drinking in her beauty. Blonde hair splayed across her body. Her skin was rosy from coming, and her silver eyes gleamed warmly. He wanted the moment to last forever, but knew it was impossible. In a corner of his mind, he cursed Caelin for not getting her away from the Weres when she was young. It would’ve made things so much easier. Then he remembered the war. It had begun when Keira was only a baby and lasted over ten years. Caelin had other things on his mind: like ensuring the survival of the Daoine Sidhe. It wasn’t surprising he’d shoved something he relegated to vision status aside, given everything else that had intervened.


  She smiled wanly at him, but fear rode just beneath the surface. There was caring in that smile. He was certain of it. She hadn’t shown up in his store all those times just to window shop.

  He eyed the silver bracelet around her upper arm. Reaching out a tendril of magic, he tested it. “It’s how they control you, isn’t it?” He gestured toward the accoutrement, which looked like a piece of jewelry.

  She nodded. “It’s also how they find me.” Sadness filled her eyes. “I suppose it’s the only reason they let those like me leave at all. They know they can track us whenever they want.”

  “Have you ever tried to remove it?”

  She laughed. It held a bitter, hopeless edge. “Sure. It damn near killed me.”

  Barrett blew out a breath. He’d assumed as much. Maybe Caelin would have a spell to neutralize whatever the Were shaman had woven into the metal. He hoped so. The bracelet complicated things. And made Keira’s full power much more dangerous for her. Magic would rush through her, be perverted by the metal, and probably kill her on the spot.

  He clenched his jaw in frustration. Anger bit deep, making his guts burn. Damn Caelin. Forgetting about Keira had nearly signed her death sentence.

  “You still haven’t told me anything.” Gaze never leaving him, she got up, went to the carafe, and drank from it. A few drops of rum ran down her chin. She returned to the bed, but instead of snuggling back into his arms, she sat on the edge.

  “True. I haven’t. Let’s begin with this. I may not be what I claimed to be to get in here, but you’re not what you think you are, either.”


  “It’s a very long story. One you’ll be tempted to dismiss as fantasy.”

  Her full mouth twisted in irritation. “Try me.”

  She reached a hand toward him. He grasped it, shocked by how much physical contact with her warmed him. He’d just had the best sex of his long life, but it was far more than that. Barrett felt drawn to Keira. He wanted to shield her, protect her, care for her.

  No. Don’t go there. His inner voice was stern. I have a job to do. That’s all. I cannot fall in love. She will be my queen. Danu will decide if she is to wed. And when and to whom.

  He wasn’t sure how to begin. Nor was he as certain the room was adequately shielded as Renn seemed to believe when she’d whispered in his ear. There wasn’t any help for that. It wasn’t as if he could pick a different environment and start over.

  “…and so, someone would have intervened long since, except Caelin decided the whole thing was nothing more than a bizarre hallucination.”

  She looked so sad, he hurried on. “I’m sure he would’ve at least checked to see if your mother was pregnant, but the war was brewing even then. It broke out in earnest not long after your birth.”


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