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Wyoming Undercover

Page 13

by Karen Whiddon

  A moment later it swung open. “Jack? What are you doing here?”

  “May I come in?”

  “Of course.” Sophia stepped back, motioning him inside. “What’s going on? Is everything all right?”

  “Yep. Everything’s just fine.” As soon as the door closed, he reached for her, yanking her up close without even pausing to think. She gasped and jerked away, glancing around wildly.

  “Are we alone?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She smiled. “Rachel and Phillip just left.” Unable to help himself, he grinned back at her. Again, something electric sparked between them, undeniable and strong. As she moved away, he had to wonder if she felt it, too.

  He glanced around the small living area, looking for a distraction, anything, to keep from reaching for her again.

  “Jack, you should see your face.” Then she laughed, the pure sensuality in the sound catching him low in the gut. “I’m so glad to see you. I’ve missed you.”

  Her words had his heart stuttering. “I’ve missed you, too,” he admitted, feeling as if he were treading on dangerous ground. “Your friend Rachel is nice but...”

  Again she chuckled. “I know what you mean.”

  Something in her manner suggested she had something on her mind. She flitted around the room like a butterfly, not landing in any one spot. All he wanted was for her to come close to him.

  Sad state of affairs when merely being in the same space with her—alone—had him full-on aroused. He couldn’t think, couldn’t move. He wanted her so badly he ached with it.

  “What’s wrong, Sophia?” he asked gently. “Is there something on your mind?”

  She flashed him a look of surprise, her lush lips curving into a smile. “There is. I’m just not sure how to go about saying it.”

  Charmed and intrigued, he waited.

  “Listen, I have a favor to ask you,” she murmured, stopping her pacing a few feet from him. Gazing up at him, hope warred with worry in her big eyes.

  His heart full, he looked down at her, riveted as she licked her top lip.

  “I’m sorry, I’m nervous,” she added. “This is not easy for me to say.”

  Damn. He went still. Had he completely misjudged? Was she about to cut him loose?

  “What is it?” he prodded gently. “Go ahead, you can do it. You know you can tell me anything.”

  “I can, can’t I?” She exhaled, color suffusing her face. “I’m just going to blurt it out. Okay?”

  He nodded.

  “Would you make love to me, just once? Right now?”

  Flabbergasted, he couldn’t reply. Actually, his body responded for him. Every cell, every fiber of his being, came amazingly, gloriously alive. Every thought in his mind disappeared into a blaze of arousal.

  While he battled for self-control and the right answer, unfortunately Sophia took his silence for refusal.

  “Never mind,” she mumbled, head down. “Clearly, I misjudged. Forget I said anything.”

  He realized there were no words adequate to relay everything he felt. So he went to her, slipped his hands up her arms and gently pulled her closer, letting her feel how much he wanted her. “Look at me,” he said.

  With a troubled expression, she raised her face to his. “I’m sorry...” she began.

  “Don’t be.” His voice came out harsher than he intended. And then, because he was helpless to speak, helpless to do anything but cover her mouth with his, he kissed her.

  Burning, the press of his mouth on hers demanding, his heart pounded as fiercely as his arousal. When she kissed him back, her reckless abandon nearly undid him. Openmouthed, her lips warm and moist, her tongue demanding as she hungrily drank him in. The wanton way she pressed her lush body into his made his head spin.

  “Slowly,” he rasped as he slid his hand down the curve of her hip, then inside the buttons of her dress, parting them so he could caress her silken belly. She shuddered under his touch.

  One move and they fell back onto the couch, bodies still entwined and, to his regret, still fully clothed. Wait. What the hell was he doing? Through a red haze of desire, he forced himself to stop. “Sophia, we need to discuss this...” he began.

  “I don’t want to talk,” she protested. “I don’t want to think. I want to feel. Something—anything—other than numb.” Then, as she gazed at him, her eyes filled with tears. She covered her face with her hands, her shoulders shaking.

  He held her while she wept, unsure what, if anything, he could do or say to make her feel better.

  When her sobs finally diminished, she scrubbed angrily at her eyes with the backs of her hands and twisted out of his embrace. Jumping to her feet, she stalked to the window, peering outside. “I’m a terrible person.” When she turned to face him, he saw regret and anger in her expressive face. “I’m not like that, I swear.”

  Not sure what she meant, he waited.

  “I was brought up to remain pure until I married,” she said. “I swear, I’m not a fallen woman. I’ve never done anything like this before.”

  He froze, unable to believe his ears. “‘Anything like this’?” Taking a deep, shaky breath, he went to her and gently pushed her hair away from her face. “Sophia, do you mean you’ve never made love to a man?”

  Though her face flamed with color, she didn’t look away. “Yes. I mean, no. I’m a virgin.”

  A kind of primitive joy exploded inside him, shocking him. While he’d never considered himself a caveman, the idea of being her first humbled and aroused him. “I see. I consider you wanting to make love with me a high honor, Sophia.”

  Her eyes widened, letting him see the depth of her hurt. “Then why don’t you want me?”

  While he knew he needed to be careful, the way she looked at him, so sadly resigned with her heart in her eyes, he had no choice but to give her the truth.

  “Oh, I want you all right,” he said grimly. “With every fiber of my being, I want to show you what lovemaking feels like.”

  Still, he saw she didn’t understand.

  “But if that’s the case, why won’t you?”

  How to answer? She deserved nothing less than the truth. “Because you mean too much to me—”

  The words had barely left his lips when the front door crashed open. Two burly men rushed in, stopping in front of Jack and Sophia.

  “Jack Moreno,” the first one barked, “by order of the Anointed One, you’re coming with us.”

  Ezekiel. How had he known? Or had he? One look at Sophia’s terrified face and Jack knew he wouldn’t resist. Not now anyway.

  “Lead the way, gentlemen,” he said, refusing to be alarmed when they fell into place on either side of him. Flashing Sophia what he hoped looked like a reassuring smile, he left her house, waiting patiently when one of the men carefully put the door back into place.

  * * *

  Sophia thought she might go mad with no one to talk to. She just knew Ezekiel coming for Jack had something to do with her. Thankful they hadn’t been caught in a compromising position, she checked the front door for damage and tried to calm her frazzled nerves.

  Was Jack all right? What would Ezekiel do to him? How had he known? Technically, she figured no one outside would know or care if Jack simply disappeared. And here inside COE, no one ever remarked on a member’s sudden disappearance. They never knew if the missing person had simply decided to leave or if something more sinister had happened.

  Sinister. What an odd word to apply to the Anointed One. Yet once she’d thought it, she found she couldn’t call it back. Ever since her sudden engagement—and Jack’s appearance, if she were to be totally honest—she felt like her blinders had been ripped off.

  The instant Rachel came through the front door, Sophia filled her in, trying—and failing—to rein in her rising hysteria.
Talking in short, furious bursts, she couldn’t stop pacing.

  “Whoa.” Rachel held up her hand. “Slow down. First off, why exactly do you immediately assume Jack’s in trouble? He’s doing vital work at school. Maybe Ezekiel just wanted an update?”

  “So he sent two huge guys crashing through our door?” Sophia pointed to where the wood had splintered in the frame. “They didn’t knock or anything. Just busted their way in.”

  Now Rachel frowned. “In here? You and Jack were alone inside our house?”

  “Yes. We were alone a lot at work, too. How is this any different?” Except even she knew it was.

  “Come on.” Rachel knew her too well. “Tell me. What could Jack have possibly done that could get him in trouble?”

  Sophia’s face colored. “I had just asked him to make love to me.”

  Her words made Rachel gasp. “You didn’t.”

  “I did.” Sophia swallowed hard. “But nothing actually happened.”

  “Because they knocked in the door?”

  “No.” Ashamed, Sophia grimaced. “I got cold feet. I started crying. Jack was comforting me when those men showed up.”

  “Do you think...?” Glancing around wildly, Rachel moved closer and lowered her voice to a whisper. “Is there a chance someone is listening in on us?”

  Sophia’s heart skipped a beat. “It’s conceivable,” she allowed. “I’m beginning to think anything is possible. Ever since Ezekiel claimed me...” She couldn’t finish.

  “He’s keeping an eye on you,” Rachel finished for her. She moved closer, so she could whisper directly into Sophia’s ear. “That means they might know about my brochure. And about everything we’ve discussed here.”

  And everything she and Jack had talked about, like leaving. Sophia winced. “Let’s go for a walk,” she said, using a normal tone of voice.

  Once outside, the two women looked at each other. “Do you think we’re being paranoid?” Rachel ventured.

  “I don’t know. How else would they have known Jack was there with me?”

  “Good point.” Rachel kept looking over her shoulder as if she expected to be followed.

  “Stop,” Sophia hissed. “You’re being way too obvious. Act normal, act casual. For all we know, they could be watching us.”

  At her words, Rachel winced. “I hadn’t thought of that.” She started to swivel her head to look around again, but caught herself. “You’re right. This is crazy.”

  “I hate that everything has changed.” Sophia didn’t bother to keep the sadness from her voice. “Before this, I was happy. I still had a future. I believed in our lifestyle and our leader. I never felt fear—not for me or for anyone I knew.”

  Rachel stared straight ahead as they walked. “And now?”

  “None of that applies.”

  * * *

  Alert and on edge, Jack took care to keep his posture relaxed and his expression friendly. As he and his escorts walked toward where the higher-ups lived, they passed Thomas’s home. The next one, which was by far the largest, had to be Ezekiel’s.

  So the Supreme Leader of the COE really did want to see him. Part of him had suspected Thomas was behind this, but apparently not. If Ezekiel had taken issue with him, there could really only be one reason. Sophia.

  At the gate, one of his escorts punched in a code. The ornate black metal slid open soundlessly.

  “After you,” the taller man said, gesturing for Jack to precede him.

  Once inside the courtyard, the gate closed behind them. Jack took care to check out his surroundings, looking not only for a way to escape should it come to that, but places he could take shelter if need be. Sometimes his old military training came in handy.

  Inside the house, he was escorted down a long, tiled hall. At the end there were two massive, mahogany doors with pewter handles. “This is where we leave you,” the tall man said, then rapped sharply on the wood.

  “Show him in,” a querulous voice ordered. “And then go.”

  The door swung open to reveal a room that reminded Jack of photos he’d seen of the president’s Oval Office. Certainly the massive desk and the curtained windows suggested their design had been borrowed from the White House. Intentionally, he supposed. Of course, Ezekiel would view being the holy leader of a cult on a par with the President of the United States.

  The two men, having done their duty, quickly backed out of the room, closing the door behind them.

  Jack faced the desk. The elderly man seated behind it didn’t greet him or rise. Fine. Jack decided to take the initiative.

  “Good evening, sir,” he said, moving forward with his hand outstretched. “I’m Jack Moreno.”

  Ezekiel’s eyes narrowed. He made no move to take Jack’s hand. “I know who you are. Tell me, why do you think you can move in on my woman?”

  So this was about Sophia.

  Not bothering to pretend he had no idea what the older man meant, Jack shook his head. “We’re friends. Nothing more.”

  “You must consider me to be an idiot, Mr. Moreno. Let me reassure you. I may be old, but I’m not stupid.”

  Since he wasn’t sure how to respond to that, Jack didn’t.

  After a moment Ezekiel continued. “I see you sniffing around her, and you have to know she’s been claimed. Not by anyone, either, but by me. She is aware what a great honor that is. I’m thinking you do not.”

  “Actually, I—”

  “Be quiet,” Ezekiel cut him off. “From now on, you are to have nothing to do with my fiancée. You will no longer work at the medical clinic at all. You work full-time with the school. Do you understand?”

  A warning? He was getting off with a simple warning? Aware the wisest answer would be to agree, Jack slowly nodded.

  “I don’t believe that you do.” The smile on the old man’s wizened face sent a chill down Jack’s spine. “I want to make sure you understand the consequences if you disobey my direct order. You will be punished and put to death. Slowly and agonizingly. Are we clear?”

  Damn. Jack knew he needed to remember the reason he was there. He had one chance to locate the Bartletts’ son. “Clear as day,” he said cheerfully. “Rest assured, you will have my full cooperation.”

  The double doors opened and his two escorts stepped inside. Damned if Jack had seen Ezekiel give any sort of signal, but he must have.

  Once they reached the outer gate, his two escorts waved him through. Once he’d gone, the gate closed, leaving him alone.

  Jack didn’t go directly home. Not yet. He needed to get himself under control. Anger had begun simmering inside him as he considered what had just occurred. If Ezekiel really believed Jack could now so easily abandon Sophia to marriage with him, he had another thought coming.

  Pulse pounding, he realized he now had two objectives for inside the cult. Not only did he need to locate and prove that one of the children in Rachel’s class had not only come from outside but was the Bartletts’ missing son, he now needed to convince Sophia to flee with him. He’d get her away from this place or die trying.

  Chapter 11

  Though Jack had come to enjoy his walks, he couldn’t take the chance of running into Sophia, so he went straight to the compound’s border. A quick climb over the fence and he disappeared into the trees. The same spot where Sophia had gone after the cookout.

  Thinking of her made his chest ache. He had no doubt she was pretty freaked out right now. That’s how people like Ezekiel regained control, through fear and bullying. More than anything he wished he had a way to contact her without anyone knowing, but the only way he could do that here would be through Rachel.

  The next morning when he walked to the school, a pale and jumpy Rachel let him in.

  “Is Sophia all right?” he asked, trying to keep from sounding too alar

  She jumped. “Yes,” she said, then leaned in close so she could whisper in his ear. “She and I think we’re being spied upon. So be careful what you say or do.”

  He wasn’t surprised, just annoyed that he hadn’t thought of that possibility sooner. Slowly he nodded.

  “Today I’ve received permission to have you meet with three of the more troubled children,” she told him out loud, her voice clear and professional. “You’ll have one hour with each and you’re free to split them up however you prefer. Just make sure that you allow time for lunch and for recess.”

  Recess. At least, contrary to his previous belief, the kids got to play outside. Sure, it was in a large, inner courtyard, but they were under the sun and in the fresh air.

  Since he’d already met with Benjamin, he decided he’d talk to him last. Maybe if the kid saw him talking to some of his classmates, he’d open up a little. Ha, Jack amended. Maybe he’d actually speak.

  Once the class was assembled and every child at his or her desk, he asked Rachel who the other two were. She quietly pointed out a little blond boy and a sullen, red-haired girl. “Theodore and Samantha.”

  He decided he’d take Theodore first. In light of what Rachel had said about possible listening devices, he asked her if it would be all right to talk with the boy outside.

  Understanding flashed across her face as she pretended to consider his request. “I don’t see why not,” she finally said. “There’s no way to leave the courtyard without one of the guardians letting you back in.”

  Again, he realized how much this school resembled a prison for children.

  When he called Theodore’s name, the boy jumped up so quickly he knocked over his chair. After hurriedly picking it up, he ran over to Jack, barely skidding to a stop before barreling into him.

  “Walk, Theodore,” Rachel admonished. “You know we don’t run.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Let’s go outside and get some fresh air,” Jack said in a friendly voice. The boy nodded his head so violently Jack nearly winced.

  Once outside, Theodore took off as soon as Jack told him it was okay to get some exercise. Running, running, running, as if trying to escape the inescapable. Jack let him go, even though it was cutting into his allotted time. Eventually the boy would run out of steam. Maybe once he’d burned some energy, he’d be more willing to talk.


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