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Revolution (The Revelation Series Book 4)

Page 12

by Randi Cooley Wilson

  He lets out a rough exhale at the contact, and after a few moments, I pull away, meeting his gaze again. “I can’t take it back, but if you allow me, I’ll spend forever declaring my love and loyalty to you, your family and your race,” I say with sincerity.

  Shadows of agony blanket his striking eyes as a haunted expression falls across his face. It’s filled with hurt, hardness, and then, a soft tenderness he hasn’t shown me in what feels like forever. Out of habit, he picks up a strand of my hair and begins to twirl it through his fingers. “There are some things you can’t take back, siren.”

  My heart sinks and I go to move but Asher closes the gap between us and drops his forehead to mine before cupping my face, allowing us to float to that place that belongs to only us. Where darkness and light have no meaning, because they don’t exist.

  “I’m sorry,” I speak softly.

  “You’re forgiven, siren.”

  “Wh-What?” I ask, unsure if I’d heard him correctly.

  “I forgive you.”

  Overcome with relief and happiness, I grab his wrists and squeeze my stinging eyes shut.

  “Thank you, Ash.”

  “Don’t ever fucking disappear from me again, siren. We’re a team, yeah? This…us…we only work as a unit. Trust in me. I’ve got you. I’ll protect you, always.”

  “I promise, no more running,” I vow honestly.

  At my words, Asher exhales. “Thank fuck.”

  Not wanting any more secrets hanging between us, I take a breath and decide to tell him what Morgana whispered before she died. “Wait, there’s something I need to tell you-”

  “Sorry for the interruption.” Keegan’s voice cuts me off.

  “What is it, Keegan?” Asher asks, irritated at his brother’s presence.

  “Michael has returned,” Keegan replies, ending the moment.


  My heart is beating so fast that, for a moment, I think it might jump out of my chest. Asher and I bolt out of Marcus’ study and into the open living room where everyone is watching the powerful archangel.

  Michael’s standing by the glass doors leading to the outside balcony. My breath hitches in anticipation as the warrior of Heaven turns to face me. Sad jade eyes lock onto mine.

  “Where is she?” I question with a strong tone.

  “Libby is recovering, somewhere out of harm's way.” His voice is quiet and solemn.

  Not intimidated by the ethereal being’s presence, I move closer.

  “Why didn’t you bring her here?” I ask, my tone more demanding than anything.

  Michael’s eyes meet Uriel’s before returning his focus to me. “It’s not secure.”

  “This is a house full of protectors. How could she not be safe here?” I interrogate.

  “Eve, Libby’s ordeal was…difficult, and violent, to say the least. She requires time to heal both physically and mentally before I can take you to her.” His voice is gentle but firm.

  Fear and nausea roll through me. “I want to see her. To see she…that she’s alright.”

  “Baby girl.” Marcus’ voice breaks through my tunnel vision. “It doesn’t sound like she is okay. Elizabeth needs time to get whole again, so she can see you. Do you understand?”

  “That doesn’t sound like her. What happened?” I ask Michael, not really wanting to know.

  Michael swallows hard. His normally lively eyes look lifeless. All the light in them has vanished, leaving empty jade jewels. “Libby’s requested time to restore her health. Please allow her that, and respect her wishes, as she did yours when you asked the same of her.”

  I allow his words to sink in. It’s true. When I had a difficult time accepting that Michael and she were my biological parents, she granted me space to come to terms with the revelation, at my request. “Alright, but only a short time. Then I want to see her.” I sigh.

  “Your dad and I.” Uriel stops and clears his throat when I shoot a sharp look his way. “Michael and I will watch over Libby. When she’s ready, you’ll be the first person we bring to her side. Uncle Urie won’t let you down, kid.”

  “Uncle Urie?” Michael repeats, throwing the other divine being a questioning look.

  Uriel shrugs. “Yep. Apparently, her favorite uncle too.” He winks at me.

  I roll my eyes and ignore the archangel. “Promise me that she’s safe.”

  Michael’s gaze meets mine. “Eve, your mother is out of harm's way.”

  “As soon as she is ready, I would like to see her,” I repeat the demand.

  “Of course.” Michael’s focus shifts to Asher and back to me before he stumbles through his next words. “My apologies. Uriel and I are being called back.”

  “Wait,” I screech. “About that favor.” I hold the angel’s gaze, pleading for him not to make me say more. I’d asked him to confirm the name of the traitor. I need proof before I turn Asher’s world upside-down.

  “It’s my next priority,” he assures with a firm dip of his chin.

  “Thank you,” I exhale.

  “Mr. St. Michael, now that Libby has been extracted, timelines will surely be changed and the dark army’s efforts increased,” Michael states. “While I appreciate Marcus’ and the Manhattan clan’s hospitality and offer of safe haven, I’d prefer Eve’s protection in an area where alliances are strong, and other supernatural worlds and creatures are available for assistance. New York is a breeding ground for demon activity and my sources tell me the Declan clan is close. It’s probably best to return to one of your family compounds.”

  “Agreed,” Asher concurs. “We’ll leave for England this evening.”

  “Eve, I understand your behavior has been less than gracious under the London clan’s protection. Regardless of your headstrong manners, I expect you to abide by their guardianship. If Libby’s abduction has taught us anything, it’s the dark army will show no mercy if they capture you. Do you understand?” Michael scolds.

  “I’ll stay with the London clan, under their protection.” My voice is weak as Michael lifts a questioning brow. “And I’ll consult Asher before I do anything in the future,” I grit out.

  “By the grace, it’s about fucking time,” McKenna spits out.

  “I’m going to hold you to that, siren,” Asher whispers from behind me.

  Michael releases a heavy sigh. “Uriel and I will be in touch when we can. In the meantime, I suggest you all prepare for war.”


  The jovial sprites open the double glass doors, allowing my entrance into the grand foyer gardens of the Emerald castle, in the Kingdom of the Fae. Stopping only for a moment to bask in the tranquility of the waterfalls and flora, I refocus and quickly make my way through the labyrinth of green hued, glass corridors.

  I exhale a sigh of relief when I come to the arched doorway of the exquisite domed study belonging to Lady Finella. My hands run over the intricate flowers covering the heavy oak doors before I push them open. As I enter, I scan the vast space in search of the regal queen.

  Oddly, the room is empty and my shoulders sag in disappointment. The French doors to her veranda are open and a warm, flower-scented breeze floats through, washing over me. Inhaling, I brush my fingers over the white flowers climbing on the walls. Basking in the perfume they too are giving off. It’s intoxicating. Every time I enter this kingdom, I’m immediately calm and peaceful.

  “I love the smell of honeysuckle and lavender.” Sorceress Lunette’s voice startles me.

  Slapping my hand over my heart, I spin around and stare at Nassa’s aunt. The older woman’s steel grey eyes twinkle in delight at the sight of me. Lunette’s bluish-purple, bell-sleeved, medieval dress hangs delicately on her slender body. Watching me, she continues to play with her long, blonde braid. Her gemstone ringed fingers run the length of it.

  “Holy crap, Lunette. You scared the shit out of me,” I accuse.

  She watches me for a few seconds in curiosity before she speaks.

  “My apologies, dear. Didn’t I announ
ce my presence?” A playful tone edges her voice.

  My brows knit together. “Um, no.”

  Her lips twitch as a smile threatens to break through. “Huh.”

  Crap. I’d forgotten how bat-shit crazy she is. “What are you doing here?”

  She appears distracted as her gaze shifts outside the veranda. Her attention is on the sky.

  “What are you doing here, dear?” she responds. “Where are your handsome gargoyles?”

  “At a council meeting. I was hoping to see Lady Finella. And you?” I challenge and turn toward the land in search of what she might be looking at, but I don’t see anything.

  “Do you ever wonder why you don’t hear birds chirping in this realm?” she asks, moving toward the balcony, admiring the scenery. “It would seem like a common sound in a land full of beautiful plant-life, warm sunshine, and bountiful water. Don’t you think, dear?”

  Um. Wow. “I hadn’t given it much thought.” I force a stiff smile.

  “No?” she asks, surprised. “Apparently, dear, you aren’t one for details. Nor would it appear that you study your surroundings all that well. Unless, of course, you’re surrounded by that delicious piece of protector specimen.” The quirky woman playfully points a purple polished finger at me. “Speaking of details, how is that piercing, dear?”

  Ignoring her airiness, I make my way outside and stand next to her, leaning my hip against the stone railing and folding my arms. “Do you have a point, Sorceress Lunette?”

  “They eat fairies.”


  “The birds. They eat the fairies. It would be unsafe. They are predators and a danger to the sprites within the land. Lady Finella banished them centuries ago.” She sighs sadly.

  I turn and place both hands on the top of the granite banister. “I suppose then, it makes sense. If they’re a threat, to remove them from the kingdom,” I offer.

  Lunette is quiet for a moment. “You take me at my word. Another flaw.”

  My brows elevate. “Excuse me?”

  “Perhaps the birds were not a threat at all, but instead, dear, a scapegoat. A means of controlling the land and the beings within its borders. What if it were possible to work with the birds and live in peace?” she questions in a rare lucid moment.

  “If that were the case, then I’m sure Lady Finella would have thoughtfully considered that course of action,” I defend.

  “One would hope.” She inhales the fragrant air. “You adore this realm?”

  My eyes scan the vast land covered in beautiful flowers and flittering fairies. “I do.”

  “Did you know lavender helps calm one’s mind and body almost instantly?” she queries. “It’s such a soothing scent.” Her eyes slide to mine thoughtfully.

  “I didn’t.”

  After a moment, she continues. “If you and the dark prince ever need a little something, the smell of pumpkin serves as an aphrodisiac.” She winks and releases a light laugh.

  “Good to know,” I mumble. My god. This woman has no sense of personal space.

  “Jasmine,” the eccentric sorceress interrupts my thoughts.


  “The fragrance that you smell coming off the lovely, white climbing flowers in the study is jasmine, dear. Their perfume keeps depressive thoughts at bay,” she continues.

  I remain quiet, not knowing where this conversation is going. With Lunette, does one ever really know where it’s going? Quietly, I start to piece together what she’s implying.

  “Are you trying to tell me the scents in this land alter my moods? That I feel calm because of the lavender and happy from the jasmine?” I question.

  A frail hand pats mine gently. “Well, duh. Plus, that wicked little duchess of sprites, Ainsley, doses the tea and herbed finger sandwiches with datura. When ingested, it causes euphoria. It’s why the sprites are always giggling. She seeps it into the soil as well.”

  My mouth drops and I turn to Lunette. “They’re drugging me, the fairies, and the plants?”

  Lunette’s face morphs into one of shock. “Wait, who’s drugging you, dear?”

  And there goes the lucidity. Wow. “Never mind,” I whisper and move into the study.

  “Well, I must be off. I can see that Lady Finella is not here, so my presence in her realm is uncalled for today,” Lunette sing-songs. “As always, it’s lovely spending some time with you, dear. Please tell Nassa I say hello and the Sorceresses of the Black Circle miss her terribly.”

  “Um, okay.” What the hell?

  Lunette leans in to embrace me. Just as she pulls me tighter to her, her lips hover over my ear. “Not all is what it seems, dear. Be mindful of who you are trusting. Our worlds are full of deceit. One side will rise to power. The other will fall to fate. Choose allies wisely, because losing, daughter of Heaven, is not an option.”

  The sorceress pulls away and cups my cheeks, gently turning my head to the open French doors. I notice Noir, Nassa’s black crow, sitting on the railing of the veranda, watching us. The bird caws and tips its head to the sky. Dark grey, angry clouds roll in quickly, covering the once crystal blue and sunlight filled sky, engulfing us in darkness.

  “Seek an appointment with Priestess Arabella at once,” Lunette urges.

  I turn back and look into her eyes. For the first time since I’ve met the sorceress, they’re clear and pointed.

  “Be off now,” she orders as we both vanish.

  11 Full Circle

  NERVOUSLY, I PACE BACK AND FORTH, wearing a path in the medieval accent rug. The inside of my cheek is raw from the assault my teeth have imposed on it. Where the hell are they? They should have been back from the council meeting hours ago. I exhale my agitation and continue to walk back and forth with quick steps while wringing my hands.

  After I awoke from my realm jump, I was so freaked out by the darkening skies in the Kingdom of the Fae, that I tried to go back, unsuccessfully. It’s almost as if the land put up a block to prevent me from returning. I’m trying to keep my promise to Asher not to run off somewhere, but it’s becoming more difficult with each minute he’s not here.

  “Lass, if ye need somethin’ ta occupy yer hands, I have extra knittin’ needles.”

  I turn to face the short, plump, older woman, draped on the sofa like a cat. Her frail hands nimbly interweave the loops of yarn over the large metal needles before placing them on her lap and pulling out two more needles from her gray haired bun.

  Looking up, Fiona smiles warmly at me. “‘Tis why I have da bun.”

  At the sight of the loving caretaker of La Gargouille Manor and the London clan, I’m reminded of how much I adore her. We came back to Wiltshire, England two nights ago. Under the weight of her stare, I decide to pretend like nothing’s wrong, I’m not in the mood for a lecture from the maternal shape-shifting panther.

  “If ye’re thinkin’ o’ lying ta me lass, I’d rethink.” The alpha of the Pishyakan clowder pins me with her yellow-green cat eyes, twinkling with amusement. Damn. She pats the cushion next to her, instructing me to sit down.

  I plop on the couch dramatically. “I’d forgotten you read female minds.”

  Fiona releases a boisterous laugh. “Dat, and ye’re fergettin’ dat I have a daughter, Galena ‘tis like ye. Ye both wear yer hearts on yer sleeves. Just like me Barclay.” She smiles fondly, remembering her mate who is no longer with her.

  My fingers run over the trail of wool she’s woven together. “What are you making?”

  Picking up the needles, her hands begin to skillfully work the yarn again, hooking the fiber and bringing it forward. “A rug, I suppose, if ye keep wearin’ down dat der carpet.”

  I laugh at Fiona’s sharp tongue and drop my head to her shoulder.

  “Are Gage and Nassa still in Paris?” I inquire.

  “Aye. I think da lad has a wee bit o’ crush on da witch,” she whispers conspiratorially.

  “Me too,” I agree, hypnotized by her knitting movements.

  “Who has a crush on
who?” Asher asks from the doorway, causing me to bolt up into a standing position. “My girl behaving, Fi?” He smirks wickedly at me.

  “She hasn’t stabbed me, if dat ‘tis what ye’re askin’,” she teases.

  My gaze drops to hers. “Is this family going to ever let me live that down?”

  “Most likely no, lass.” Fiona winks.

  Asher makes his way to me and collects me in his arms. Pulling me closer, he drops his nose to my neck and inhales. “Fuck, I missed you, siren.”

  Fiona clears her throat. “Watch ye language, lad,” she warns.

  I jerk back. “Something’s happened. We need to go see Priestess Arabella immediately.”

  Asher’s brows knit together and he groans. “Siren, I just got back. All I want to do is shower and then take you to the chamber and—” His thought is cut off by Fiona.

  “If ye don’t want yer mouth ta get washed wit me bar o’ soap, I suggest ye don’t finish dat der statement, lad,” the panther scolds from the couch.

  “Yes, ma’am.” He sighs and winks at me naughtily. Interlacing our fingers, Asher pulls me back onto the couch and drops a quick peck on Fiona’s cheek. “I like my scarf, Fi.”

  She lovingly pats his cheek, her eyes full of adoration. “’Tis sweet of ye ta say dat, but ‘tis not fer ye. ‘Tis for Callan.” He pouts as Fiona turns her attention back her interweaving.

  Sitting back on the couch, Asher turns his attention to me. “Alright, siren, talk to me.”

  He sits quietly while I recount my realm jump to the Kingdom of the Fae and visit with Lunette. Once I’m done, he gives me a thoughtful look. “Okay, I’ll talk to Keegan and Callan and we’ll request an appointment as soon as we can with the priestess.”

  “What about the fae realm?” I ask.

  “I’m not sure. Maybe when Nassa returns, she can reach out to Lunette for more clarity.”

  I nod. “Okay, that sounds like a good idea.”

  “Are ye hungry, lad? I have supper waitin’ fer ye,” Fiona questions, her accent heavy.

  Asher stands and pulls me to my feet. “Thanks, Fi,” he replies as his eyes roam my body. “But there’s only one thing I want to eat right now.” His voice is laced with desire.


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